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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-03-16 10:02 作者:高斋CATTI 点击:



1. 碳排放峰值 the peak in carbon emissions

2. 《巴黎协定》the 2030 Paris Agreement

3. 二氧化碳排放 carbon dioxide emissions

4. 非化石能源占一次能源消费比重 the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption

5. 市场导向的绿色技术创新体系 a market-based system for green technology innovation

6. 发展绿色金融  develop green finance

7. 壮大节能环保产业 spur the development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries

8. 清洁能源产业 clean energy industries

9. 推进能源生产和消费革命 promote a revolution in energy production and consumption

10. 构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系 build an energy sector that is clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient

11. 碳排放交易 carbon emission trading

12. 碳足迹 carbon footprint

13. 温室气体减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions

14. 甲骨文 oracle bone script

15. 金文 Chinese bronze inscriptions

16. 楷书 regular script

17. 草书 cursive writing style

18. 行书 running hand

19. 形声构字 pictophonetic characters

20. 会意字 associative compounds

21. 象形字 pictographs

22. 形声字 pictophonetic characters

23. 指事字 self-explanatory characters

24. 简体字  simplified Chinese characters

25. 繁体字  traditional Chinese characters

26. 普通话  Mandarin Chinese

27. 中国书法  Chinese calligraphy

28. 世界反兴奋剂机构  The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

29. 夏季和冬季青年奥运会 the Youth Olympic Games (summer and winter) 

30. 夏季和冬季残奥会 the Paralympic Games (summer and winter)

31. 大型赛事组织机构  a major event organization

32. 俄罗斯的奥林匹克运动员 Olympic athletes from Russia

33. 国际奥委会会旗 the Olympic flag

34. 国际奥林匹克会歌 the Olympic Anthem

35. 禁赛 match ban

36. 药检 doping tests

37. 公平竞争 fair play

38. 操控实验室数据 manipulate laboratory data

39. 廉洁体育 clean sport

40. 雾 fog

41. 霾 haze

42. 相对湿度 the relative humidity

43. 能见度 visibility

44. 灰霾 dust haze

45. 雾霾天气 smog

46. 眼和咽喉部刺激 eyes and throat irritation

47. 咳嗽 cough

48. 呼吸困难 breathing difficulties

49. 鼻塞 a stuffy nose

50. 流鼻涕 a runny nose

51. 皮疹 skin rash

52. 上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory tract infections

53. 哮喘 asthma

54. 结膜炎 pink eye

55. 支气管炎 bronchitis

56. 儿童、老人、孕妇等敏感人群 vulnerable groups including children, the elderly and pregnant women

57. 心肺疾病患者 those suffering from heart and lung diseases

58. 户外作业的人员 outdoor workers

59. 轻度霾天气 mild smog

60. 减少外出  cut time spent outdoor

61. 中度霾天气  moderate smog

62. 避免外出  avoid going outdoor

63. 重度霾天气时  heavy smog

64. 留在室内 stay indoor

65. 佩戴有呼吸阀的防护口罩 wear protective masks equipped with respirators

66. 具有防霾功能的口罩 smog-proof masks

67. 空气质量指数 air quality index

68. 沙尘天气  sand and dust weather

69. 颗粒物质  particulate matter

70. 建筑扬尘  construction dust

71. 道路扬尘  road dust

72. 汽车排放  vehicle exhaust emissions

73. 初级学习  elementary stage

74. 中级学习  intermediate stage

75. 高级学习  advanced stage

76. 语言表达能力  language expression

77. 语用能力  pragmatic ability

78. 语言知识  linguistic knowledge

79. 语言使用策略  language use strategies

80. 语言能力量表  language proficiency scale

81. 农村土地承包  rural land contracting

82. 家庭联产承包责任制  the household contract responsibility system

83. 农地流转 rural land transfer

84. 宏观政策要稳、微观政策要活 keep macroeconomic policies stable and microeconomic policies flexible

85. 稳中求进工作总基调 the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability

86. 保持战略定力  maintain strategic focus

87. 高质量发展  high-quality development

88. 南水北调工程  the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

89. 水质监测  water quality monitoring

90. 受水区  water-receiving areas

91. 水资源保障  water resources preservation

92. 年度词  a word of the year

93. 流行词  a buzzword

94. 社交媒体词汇 social media vocabularies

95. 表情包  emoji packs

96. 稳字当头  make ensuring stability a top priority

97. 国家文化公园  national culture parks

98. 文化遗产 cultural heritage

99. 革命文化  revolutionary culture

100. 坚定文化自信  build stronger cultural confidence


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