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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋翻硕 发布时间:2019-07-15 10:49 作者:高斋翻硕 点击:


1. 绿色发展 green development

2. 世界防治荒漠化和干旱日 The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

3. 沙漠化 desertification

4. 植树造林 forestation

5. 三北防护林工程 Three-North Shelter Forestation Project

6. 稀土 rare earths

7. 国家发展改革委员会The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)产业结构industrial structure

8. 科技创新 scientific and technological innovation

9. 稀土行业rare-earths industry

10. 战略资源strategic resources

11. 厕所革命 toilet revolution

12. 文化和旅游部the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

13. 旅游厕所tourist toilets

14. 乡村振兴战略rural revitalization strategy

15. 旅游行业tourism industry

16. 同车不同温different temperatures on the same train

17. 中央空调 central air conditioning

18. 集中供暖 central heating

19. 柜式空调 cabinet air conditioner

20. 壁挂式空调 wall mount air conditioner

21. 禁毒drug/narcotics control

22. 国家禁毒委员会China National Narcotics Control Commission

23. 国际禁毒日International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

24. 缉毒警 anti-narcotics police

25. 毒品走私 drug trafficking

26. 制毒 drug production

27. 毒品 drug/narcotic [nɑːˈkɒtɪk]

28. 吸毒 drug abuse

29. 吸毒过量 drug overdose

30. 毒贩 drug dealer

31. 鸦片 opium  /'əʊpɪəm/

32. 海洛因 heroin  /'herəʊɪn/

33. 吗啡 morphia /'mɔrfɪə/

34. 安非他明 amphetamine /æm'fetəmiːn/

35. 摇头丸 MDMA

36. 可卡因 cocaine /kə(ʊ)'keɪn/

37. 大麻 marijuana  /,mærə'wɑnə/

38. 冰毒 methamphetamine /,mɛθæm'fɛtəmin/

39. 沪伦通 Shanghai-London Stock Connect

40. 沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

41. 深港通 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect

42. 资本市场 capital market

43. 机构投资者 institutional investors

44. 熊猫债券 Panda bonds (境外和多边金融机构等在华发行的人民币债券)

45. 海外市场 overseas market

46. 中国存托凭证China Depositary Receipts,CDRs

47. 全球存托凭证Global Depositary Receipts,GDRs

48. 中英经济财金对话the seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue

49. 沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

50. 深港通Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect

51. 地震预警earthquake early warning

52. 成都高新减灾研究所Institute of Care-life, Chengdu

53. 震前预测earthquake prediction

54. 地下云图网监测站underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring

55. 地震预警 earthquake early warning

56. 浅源地震 shallow earthquake

57. 破坏性地震 destructive earthquake

58. 震中 epicenter

59. 地震波 seismic wave

60. 地震预报 earthquake prediction

61. 震级 earthquake magnitude

62. 余震 aftershock

63. 地震次生灾害 seismic secondary disaster

64. 干垃圾dry garbage

65. 湿垃圾(厨余垃圾)wet garbage (kitchen waste)

66. 可回收垃圾recyclable waste

67. 有害垃圾 hazardous waste

68. 餐饮配送food delivery

69. 一次性餐具disposable cutlery

70. 一次性拖鞋disposable slippers

71. 回收材料recycled material

72. 电子快递单digital orders

73. 上门代收垃圾服务garbage pick-up service

74. 环保材料environment-friendly material

75. 上门代收垃圾服务garbage pick-up service

76. 快递单 waybill

77. 包裹 package/parcel

78. 快递员 deliveryman/courier

79. 货到付款(到付) cash on delivery

80. 保价 parcel insurance, value insurance

81. 长征 Long March

82. 新中国成立70周年the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

83. 再走长征路retrace the route of the Long March

84. 长征精神Long March spirit

85. 中国特色社会主义伟大事业the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics

86. 文化和自然遗产 cultural and natural heritage

87. 非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage

88. 文物古迹cultural relics and historic sites

89. 文化和自然遗产日the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day

90. 主场城市the host city

91. 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

92. 中央宣传部the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee

93. 《习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习纲要》An outline for the study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

94. 中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics

95. 四个自信(中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信)

confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics

97. 上海证券交易所科创板的英文名为Shanghai Stock Exchange Market STAR

98. STAR则是从Sci-Tech innovAtion boaRd中各取了一个字母,STAR一词本身有“星星、明星、主演”之意,该缩写寓意着未来科创板如一颗冉冉升起的新星。

99. 主板mainboard

100. 中小板SME board

101. 创业板(growth enterprise market, GEM)

102. 中国证监会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)

103. 新一代信息技术new generation information technology

104. 高端装备advanced equipment

105. 新材料new materials

106. 新能源new energy

107. 节能环保energy conservation and environmental protection

108. 生物医药 biomedicine

109. 高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业high-tech and strategic emerging sectors

110. 科创板试点注册制registration-based IPO mechanism

111. 股票发行条件IPO qualifications

112. 全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系comprehensive and specific framework of rules for information disclosure

113. 上市审核IPO screening

114. 股票发行注册IPO registration

115. 事前事中事后全过程监管end-to-end supervision

116. 沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

117. 跨境资金流动 cross-border capital flow

118. 绩优股 blue chip

119. 成长股 growth stock

120. 交易所交易基金 Exchange Traded Fund, ETF

121. 期货 futures

122. 退市 delisting

123. 上市公司 listed companies

124. 外资 foreign capital

125. 中国绿化基金会China Green Foundation

126. 青少年自然教育公益计划environmental protection education

127. 大熊猫生态栖息地的保护protection of giant pandas' habitats

128. 新青年创新推广计划promotion plan for new youth innovation

129. 中国大熊猫国际形象特别款(special edition of global representative of China's giant pandas

130. “有熊猫UPanda”艺术交流世界行UPanda art exchange activities

131. 国际大师赛International Masters Tournaments

132. 电子竞技e-sports

133. 中国大熊猫国际形象设计全球招募大赛China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition

134. 品牌形象大使 brand ambassador

135. 品牌代言人 brand spokesperson

136. 文化交流 cultural exchange

137. 熊猫债券 panda bond(境外和多边金融机构等在华发行的人民币债券)

138. 熊猫外交 panda diplomacy

139. 慢性病 Chronic diseases

140. 失能及部分失能老人disabled and semi-disabled seniors

141. “健康中国2030(Healthy China 2030)

142. 国家卫健委the National Health Commission

143. 安宁疗护hospice care/end-of-life care

144. 居家看护 in-home care

145. 社区养老 community-based elderly care

146. 慢性病 chronic diseases

147. 心理健康 mental health

148. 重大疾病 serious diseases

149. 深圳市城市管理和综合执法局副局长deputy director of Shenzhen Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau

150. 流浪狗 stray dogs

151. 宠物管理 pet management

152. 遛狗员 dog walkers

153. 宠物医院 pet hospital

154. 兽医 veterinary [ˈvetərəneri]

155. 绿色发展 green development

156. 尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

157. 潮汐车道 reversible lanes

158. 拼车专用车道 carpool lanes/high-occupancy vehicle lanes

159. 新能源汽车new energy vehicles,NEVs

160. 能耗低low energy consumption

161. 污染物排放少(low pollutant emission

162. 插电式混合动力汽车plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV

163. 纯电动汽车battery electric vehicles ,简称BEV

164. 燃料电池汽车fuel-cell electric vehicles

165. 免费通行 toll-free passage

166. 收费公路 toll road

167. 高速公路省界收费站 expressway toll gates on provincial borders

168. 应急车道 emergency lane

169. 电子收费 electronic toll collection ETC

170. 电子识别设备electronic readers

171. 应答器transponders

172. 扣款账户declining-balance account

173. 通过积分collecting points

174. 打折offering discounts

175. 返利cash refund

176. 空调制造商 air-conditioner manufacturer

177. 格力电器Gree Electric

178. 国家市场监管总局the State Administration for Market Regulation

179. 监督 supervision

180. 调查核实 probe and verification

181. 公平竞争 fair competition

182. 能效 energy efficiency

183. 检验报告 inspection report

184. 不合格 substandard

185. 民族品牌 national brand

186. 不合格产品defective product

187. 教育部 the education ministry

188. 签证申请visa applications

189. 国家留学基金管理委员会According to the China Scholarship Council

190. 公派赴美留学的人员government-funded students and scholars

191. 外交部The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

192. 中国驻美国使领馆 Chinese embassy in the United States

193. 旅游目的地 travel destination

194. 出境游 outbound tourism

195. 旅游警示 travel alert

196. 出入境盘查 entry-and-exit interrogations

197. 企业并购merger

198. 协议转让transfer

199. 联合重组joint reorganization

200. 乳制品 dairy product

201. 母婴用品 maternal and child supplies

202. 婴幼儿用品行业 industries related to infants and children

203. 二孩经济 second-child economy

204. 生态环境质量 environmental quality

205. 生态安全 ecological security

206. 生态足迹 ecological footprint

207. 美丽中国Beautiful China

208. 社区养老 community-based elderly care

209. 社区家庭服务业community-based service industries

210. 养老the elderly care

211. 托幼childcare

212. 家政household services

213. 增值税the value-added tax

214. 生育政策childbirth policy

215. 人口发展战略the population development strategy

216. 老龄事业和产业old-age programs and industries

217. 居家养老home-based elderly care

218. 养老保险endowment insurance


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