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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-22 14:26 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


1.  联合国教科文组织UNESCO

2. 招生就业 student admissions and employment

3. 教育优先发展战略 education-first strategy

4. 学前教育、义务教育和高中阶段教育 pre-primary, compulsory and senior secondary education

5. 九年义务教育 a system of nine-year compulsory education

6. 文盲  illiterate

7. 乡镇寄宿制学校boarding schools in towns

8. 城乡义务教育urban and rural compulsory education

9. 教育智库 education think tanks 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

10. 大众教育 mass education

11. 精英教育 selective education / elite education

12. 应试教育examination-oriented education

13. 教育体制改革reform of the educational system

14. 均衡发展促进机制the mechanisms for promoting more balanced development

15. 考试招生制度examination and enrollment system

16. 毛入学率 a gross enrollment rate

17. 重点群体key target group 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

18. 交换生 exchange students

19. 农村义务教育薄弱学校badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education

20. 世界一流大学world-class universities

21. 特色学院 specialised colleges

22. 一流学科 world-class discipline

23. 扩大高校和科研院所自主权 gave greater autonomy to colleges and research institutes

24. 课程学分 academic credits

25. 学校家庭困难学生 students from financially-challenged families/students from families in financial difficulty

26. 国际教育日 International Day of Education

27. 优质教育,素质教育 quality education

28. 双语教育 bilingual education 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

29. 研学旅游 study tours

30. 全民终身学习机会 lifelong learning opportunities for all

31. 职业教育 vocational education

32. 中等职业教育secondary vocational education

33. 职业技能培训 vocational training

34. 奖助学金覆盖面 the coverage of scholarships and grants

35. 提高补助标准 raise the level of financial assistance

36. 普通高等院校 regular institutions of higher learning

37. 学历证书 academic credential 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

38. 特殊教育学校 special education schools

39. 技术技能人才technicians and skilled workers

40. 辍学school dropout

41. 更加公平更有质量的教育 more equitable and higher quality education

42. 城乡义务教育一体化发展integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education

43. “大班额” oversized class  公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

44. “互联网+教育” Internet Plus Education model

45. 优质资源共享 quality resource sharing

46. 义务教育教师工资待遇 pay packages of teachers working in compulsory education

47. 义务教育学生“两免一补”政策 compulsory education that waive tuition and miscellaneous fees, supply free textbooks, and grant living allowances for boarders from financially disadvantaged families

48. 《中国教育现代化2030》The Modernizing Chinese Education 2030 Initiative 

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