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文章来源:未知 发布时间:2021-10-28 15:28 作者:admin 点击:


最近,政府为了稳定房地产市场,采取了很多措施。比如深圳、广州、西安等城市纷纷出指导价,二手房贷款均按指导价执行!这些措施也让不少人局促不安,经济学人上有写相关的,标题是China’s bid to stabilise its property market is causing jitters。但是我看这篇没什么可写的,今天公众号“高斋外刊双语精读”就选一段1月25日的文章给大家做个精读吧。

经济学人原文:Similar splits are common around the world, with prices high in large cities and low in small towns. But the degree of the divergence in China, multiplied by the sheer size and growth of its market, means that understanding property is essential if you want to get to grips with what is happening in the economy. Every year China starts building about 15m new homesmore than quintuple the amount in America and Europe combined.




第一句:Similar splits are common around the world, with prices high in large cities and low in small towns.


1. Similar splits:因为上一段说的是“大城市买房需要摇号,小城市房子卖不出去”这一两极分化现象,所以这里使用了similar。

大城市房价高企,还需摇号,经济学人上是这么说的:entrants must be registered as residents of the booming cities, which places them on the right side of China’s wealth gap. 参加摇号的人必须落户这些蓬勃发展的城市,有这样的户口就站到了中国贫富差距鸿沟有利的那一边。

Demand for new homes in good locations is so high, and supply so limited, that several cities use lotteries to allocate them, some with odds as low as one in 60. When his number was chosen, John Chen, an engineer in Shanghai, had two minutes to decide whether to drop 9.6m yuan ($1.5m) on a house. “It emptied my bank account. But I did not hesitate,” he says. Yang Yang, a 38-year-old businessman in Hangzhou, lost out in three draws before finally winning one last spring. “It was even more nerve-racking than my university entrance exams,” he jokes.


小城市房价低迷,供应过剩,经济学人上也有描述:By contrast, large swathes of the country have the opposite problem: overbuilt apartment blocks, sputtering economies and few people buying property. Hegang, a town near the border with Russia, briefly found itself in the spotlight after homes there were advertised for just 20,000 yuanless than the cost of a square metre in Shanghai. It was an extreme example of the glut of empty homes in many small towns. 相比之下,中国大部分地区面临相反的情况:公寓楼建造过量,经济发展乏力,买房者寥寥无几。毗邻俄罗斯的小城鹤岗曾一度引起人们的关注,此前那里有房屋挂牌价仅两万元一套,还不到上海一平米的价格。这是许多小城市空置房过剩的一个极端例子。

2. 一词多义split有很多意思,总结如下:

A. 作动词,表示分割,作及物动词,如财产分割split the fortune

B. 作动词,表示分离、分开、分手、离婚,是不及物动词,如经济学人中这句:In 2014, about 3.6m couples split up—more than double the number a decade earlier. 2014年,约有360万对夫妻离婚,较十年前翻了一倍多。

C. 作动词,表示分裂、分成,是不及物动词,经常和into搭配,如高斋外刊精读翻译班中这句:Bestselling books predicted dystopian outcomes in which society split into a wealthy, robot-owning plutocracy and an unemployed underclass, and repressive governments would be needed to rein in social discontent. 畅销书预言了废托邦的结局——社会分裂为拥有机器人的富豪统治者和失业的下层社会,需要政府镇压来控制住社会不满。但机器人并没有抢走所有的工作。

还比如纽约时报上这句:After it arrived in lunar orbit over the weekend, Chang’e-5 split into two. While the lander headed for the surface, the other half remained in orbit.嫦娥五号在上周末到达月球轨道后分一分为二。当着陆器飞向月球表面时,飞船的另一半仍在轨道上运行。

D. 作名词,表示不同、分歧、差异。如a split between what is thought and what is felt. 所想到的和感受到的之间的不同。

E. 还有个常见的合成词split-second,表示瞬间的,在19年考研英语真题中见过:Human drivers sometimes must make split-second decisions. 人类驾驶员有时必须在瞬间做出决定。

F. 作形容词,表示分开的,比如我们常说的“头发分叉”就是split ends,如《怦然心动》中这句:


3. 长难句分析:with表具体情况,with可以引出对前面的补充说明,引出具体情况,如金融时报这句:Chinese consumers' insatiable appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable, with just 2 percent of the Chinese population responsible for one-third of the world's luxury items. 中国消费者对奢侈品和服务有着狂热的购买欲,仅2%的中国人口就包揽了全世界三分之一的奢侈品。

Similar splits are common around the world, with prices high in large cities and low in small towns中with就引出前面的一个具体情况、具体体现。



第二句:But the degree of the divergence in China, multiplied by the sheer size and growth of its market, means that understanding property is essential if you want to get to grips with what is happening in the economy.


1. 长难句分析:主干是the degree of the divergence in China means that,其中that后面是means的宾语从句。multiplied by the sheer size and growth of its market是the degree of the divergence in China的状语。its指China’s,its market具体指中国房市。宾语从句后面的主干是understanding property is essential,其中if you want to get to grips with what is happening in the economy是understanding property is essential的状语。

2. divergence:这个单词的动词是diverge,可以表示分叉,如罗伯特·弗罗斯特的哲理诗《未选择的路》中第四节:

Two roads diverged in a wood

and I took the one less traveled by.

And that has made all the difference.




diverge还可以表示差异、不同,经常搭配diverge from,表示与……不同,与……有偏差,外刊精读翻译班中见过的这句华尔街日报:Adapted from the bestselling 2005 Lisa See novel, the film diverges from the book, adding the modernized cast of characters. 该片改编自邝丽莎(LisaSee)2005年的畅销小说,与原书不同的是加入了现代角色。

形容词是divergent美[daɪ'vɜrdʒənt],表示分歧的,背道而弛的,截然不同的,如金融时报中这句:比如外刊精读翻译班中这句:I could paint two divergent A.I. futures, one deeply humanistic, and one soullessly utilitarian. 我可以描绘出两种截然不同的人工智能时代:一种带有强烈的人文主义色彩,一种则充满冷酷无情的功利主义。


3. 指代具体化翻译:the divergence in China指的就是上一句提到的“大城市房价高企,小城镇房价低迷”,所以可以具体化翻译为房价两极分化。

4. 一词多义:sheer有几种意思,总结如下:

A. 作形容词,可以放在名词前,常用来强调事物的大小、程度或数量如:We were impressed by the sheer size of the cathedral. 大教堂的宏大规模给我们留下了深刻的印象。

还比如《经济学人》中这句:Some observers argue that the sheer number of retailers means that the supermarket wars may not be won by either of the online titans. 一些观察家认为,零售商数量庞大,这意味着可能任何一家互联网巨头都不会赢得这场超市大战。

B. 作形容词,用于强调,表示完全的,纯粹的,十足的,可与utter进行同义替换,如:The concert was sheer delight. 这场音乐会是一次十足的享受。还比如an act of sheer bravado纯属逞能的举动。

还比如《李子柒:隔离时期的田园“公主” | 纽约时报双语中这段:I think maybe I could be happy living like that, too, soaking in the sheer natural beauty of the countryside. 我想我或许也可以像她那样快乐地生活,沉浸在乡村纯粹的自然之美当中。

今天这里是A层意思,the sheer size of its market就表示中国房市规模巨大。

5. 一词多义:multiplied by有几个意思,总结如下:

A. be multiplied by表示乘以,如牛津词典中这句:6乘以2等于12。6 multiplied by 2 equals 12.

还比如CATTI和MTI翻硕备考政府报告中这句:中国是一个有着14亿人口的超大型国家,再大的经济总量除以14亿,都会变得很小,多么小的问题乘以14亿,都会变得很大。China is a super-large country with over 1.4 billion people. No matter how big the economic aggregate is, when divided by 1.4 billion, it will become very small. On the other hand, any small challenge will become big when multiplied by 1.4 billion.

B. 可以引申为成倍放大、更加严重。如金融时报中这句:Federal seed money is multiplied by inflows of private capital. 联邦政府投下的种子资金因私人资本的流入而被成倍放大。

今天这里考虑搭配,the degree of the divergence in China, multiplied by...翻译为“两极分化更加严重”。

6. 一词多义:get to grips with有几个意思,总结如下:

A.  表示处理、应对,比如金融时报上这个:urge Europe to get to grips with the crisis敦促欧洲有效应对危机。

B. 表示认真对待,如金融时报中这句:But the time may have come to get to grips with personal branding. 不过,现在可能已经到了该认真对待个人品牌的时候。

C. 表示了解、掌握,比如金融时报上这句:Chinese investors approaching the UK or European hotel markets for the first time need to get to grips with a diverse marketplace, a competitive transaction environment and a large pool of highly experienced global investors. 第一次进军英国或欧洲大陆酒店市场的中国投资者,需要了解一个多样化的市场、竞争性的交易环境以及大量极富经验的全球投资者。

常见的表达还有sb has a grip on reality某人了解形势/理解现状,sb loses a grip on reality表示某人对形势失去了判断/没有把握好形势。

今天这里就表示get to grips with what is happening in the economy就是C层意思,表示掌握、了解,同义词是understand。

7. what is happening in the economy:这里有the,表示特指中国经济,即the Chinese economywhat is happening in the economy的字面意思是中国经济发生的情况,可以翻译为中国经济发展状况/动向/形势。



第三句:Every year China starts building about 15m new homes, more than quintuple the amount in America and Europe combined.


1. homes:表示房屋,buy homes表买房。如《年轻人,你愿意背负沉重的房贷吗?| 外刊精读和英语写作中这句:Housing prices in China's first-tier cities are more than 40 times the average income of residents, challenging young people's capability and willingness to buy homes. 中国一线城市房价是居民人均收入的40多倍,严重影响了年轻人的买房意愿和买房能力。

还比如大大说的:“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的。”这句的英语是Homes are for living in, not for speculating.

2. 专业表达:starts building xxx new homes表示新房开工量、房屋开工量,这是专业词汇。名词是housing starts。

3. quintuple美 /kwɪnˈtuːpl/:五倍的,是五倍。

4. 固定句型:more than quintuple the amount in America and Europe combined这个是对about 15m new homes的补充说明。这种常见句型是, more than 倍数+the number/amount...,比如常见的more than double the number,如经济学人中这句:In 2014, about 3.6m couples split up—more than double the number a decade earlier.  2014年,约有360万对夫妻离婚,较十年前翻了一倍多。其中the number指离婚的夫妻人数。

5. 固定句型:“...combined”表示“加在一起的总数,总和”。more than ...combined可以当作一个固定句型来记,意思是“比……的总和还要多”。比如经济学人讲到技术咖迁移时有一句话是这么说的:The city added more tech jobs in 2017 than the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle and Washington, dc, combined. 2017年,该市新增技术岗位数量比旧金山湾区、西雅图和华盛顿特区的总和还要多。

经济学人精读:火遍全球!抖音海外版TikTok引发了争论| 外刊双语》中也有见过,复习一下:The app was downloaded more than 750m times in the past 12 months, more than Facebook plus its sister services, Instagram and WhatsAppcombined. 过去12个月,这款应用已累计下载超过7.5亿次,比Facebook、Instagram和WhatsApp这三款社交应用的总和还多。














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