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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:未知 发布时间:2021-10-28 15:14 作者:admin 点击:





The Taliban said they would declare the restoration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan—the name they gave their regime established in the 1990s, which was swept away by America in 2001, following the September 11th attacks by al-Qaeda, the jihadist group harboured by the Taliban.


1. 长难句分析:The Taliban said是主谓,they would declare the restoration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan是said的宾语从句,the name是the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan的补充说明成分,算同位语,they gave their regime established in the 1990s是name的定语从句,可以还原为they gave their regime established in the 1990s the name(给……起名字,翻译的时候按专业背景知识翻译更好),其中established in the 1990s是过去分词作regime的后置定语。

which was swept away by America in 2001是regime的定语从句,following the September 11th attacks by al-Qaeda是which was swept away by America in 2001的时间状语,the jihadist group是al-Qaed的同位语,harboured by the Taliban是group的的后置定语。

2. Taliban:“塔利班”(Taliban)是普什图语“塔里布”(Talib)的复数形式,意为伊斯兰宗教学校学生。因此,“塔利班”一词原本不具有政治含义,直到1994年阿富汗塔利班运动兴起并于1996年夺取喀布尔政权后,“塔利班”这个词汇才具有了特殊的政治内涵,成为了一种伊斯兰原教旨主义运动组织的代称。(百度百科)

3. Islamic:美 /ɪzˈlæmɪk/伊斯兰教的,如the Islamic world伊斯兰世界,Islamic fundamentalism伊斯兰教原教旨主义。

4. Emirate:美 /ˈemərət/ 酋长国,近义词sheikhdom。

5. 一词多义:regime美 /reɪˈʒiːm/有多个意思,总结如下:

A. 统治、政权。如the collapse of the Fascist regime at the end of the war. 战争结束时法西斯统治的崩溃。The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. 英国已拒绝承认这个新的政权。

B. 制度、管理方式a method or system of organizing or managing sth组织方法;Mr Trump’s tariff regime特朗普关税制度。还比如牛津词典上这句:Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe. 我们的税收管理体制是欧洲最受欢迎的税收体制之一。

还如《经济学人精读:996工作,还是“努力工作,尽情玩乐”?| 外刊双语上这句:Their beef is the “996” regime, which refers to a work schedule of 9am to 9pm, six days a week, often without extra pay. 他们抱怨的是“996工作制”,即朝九晚九,一周工作六天,通常无加班费。

C. 养生法,如柯林斯词典中这句:He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back. 他有一套新的健康养生法来加强他的背部力量。

今天这里是A层意思,表示政权。我们看看背景知识:阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国(英语:The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan),阿富汗曾用国名,使用时间为1997年10月至2001年。2021年8月19日,塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”,并公布“国旗”样式。(百度百科)

6. 一词多义:sweep away有多个意思,总结如下:

A. 表示扫除,如扫除垃圾sweep away the rubbish。

B. 表示清除,破除,相当于remove,如sweep away/remove tariff barriers清除关税壁垒。

还比如金融时报上这句:If you ever needed a good reason to sweep away planning restrictions and engineer a housing crash, this is it. 如果你真的曾经需要一个好理由来破除规划限制,制造房市崩盘,这就是了。


7. following:这个在《经济学人:诺贝尔文学奖得主,有何特别之处?| 外刊双语中详细讲过:

Following一般跟时间或事件表示“随着”,“自...以来”,“……后”,具体要根据语境来翻译。比如2016年高斋翻译班讲过的这个2015年11月CATTI三级笔译真题:Following the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. 爱尔兰独立战争结束,随后签署了《英爱条约》,于1922年脱离联合王国获得了独立。

还比如经济学人中这两句:Following the suspension of the award last year in the wake of a sexual-abuse scandal, on October 10th the Swedish Academy announced the winners of both the 2018 and 2019 medals. 去年因性侵丑闻,瑞典文学院暂停颁发诺贝尔文学奖。今年10月10日,文学院宣布了2018年和2019年诺贝尔文学奖得主。

Google and Facebook both weathered notable bumps following their stock-market debuts. 谷歌和Facebook上市后都经历过大风大浪

还如这段对《哪吒》的介绍:"Ne Zha" fever quickly spread on social media following its release, with the film's title soon becoming one of the hottest hashtags on China's Twitter-like Weibo on the opening day, accumulating/logging more than 1.5 billion views and around a million posts. 《哪吒》上映后迅速在社交媒体上走红,上映当天很快成为微博热门话题,话题阅读量超15亿,相关帖子约100万。

8. jihadist:圣战主义者。jihad是圣战的意思,wage jihad 就是进行圣战

9. 一词多义:harbour有很多意思,总结如下:

A. 名词的意思大家都是熟悉,如珍珠港Pearl Harbor。

B. 动词表示怀有(尤指反面想法或感情);如MTI翻硕和专八翻译备考资料张培基散文中这句:我想不到一个小孩的仇恨会是这样地深!I was surprised that the hatred he harbored against his father should be so deep-seated.

还比如这句:Americans harbor mixed feelings about their own government. 美国人对自己的政府怀有复杂的情感。

C. 动词表示为……提供住所(或动物栖息地),如经济学人上这句:Nowhere are the stakes higher than in the Amazon basin—and not just because it contains 40% of Earth’s rainforests and harbours 10-15% of the world’s terrestrial species. 亚马孙流域热带雨林面临的风险最高,不仅是因为它占地球雨林面积的40%,还为世界上10%-15%的陆地物种提供栖息地。

D. 为……提供庇护,今天the jihadist group harboured by the Taliban中刚好就是这个意思。



环球时报——据今日俄罗斯电视台(RT)15日报道,塔利班发言人苏海尔·沙欣(Suhail Shaheen)承诺,在塔利班掌权后,阿富汗女性不会被剥夺工作机会或受教育机会,条件是她们在公共场合要继续佩戴遮面头巾。但事实呢?我们不好断定,我们看看经济学人上的报道吧(下面部分比较简单,大概讲解下):

The militants have already stopped women from working in other provinces and ordered families to hand over their daughters to be “married” to fighters.


1. hand over:移交,让出。如《钢铁之躯》中这句:I've been given orders to hand you over to him. 

2. be “married” to sb:注意介词是to,不是with。这里使用了引号,说明是不自愿的。如果是主动,直接是sb marry sb else,如牛津词典中这句:You'll never marry her ─ she's much too good for you. 你永远娶不到她——她对你来说高不可攀。


In Herat, where 60% of the students at the university were women, they have reportedly already been ordered back to their homes. Female employees have been told to give up their jobs to male relatives. On the education of girls one Taliban commander, interviewed by the BBC, was crystal clear. “Not a single girl has gone to school in our village and our district… the facilities do not exist and we wouldn’t allow it anyway.”


1. give up their jobs to:是give up sth to sb的用法。give up很常见,如MTI备考资料张培基散文中胡适的《不要抛弃学问》:不要抛弃学问Never Give up the Pursuit of Learning。趁现在年富力强的时候,努力做一种专门学问。少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。While you are in the prime of life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.

2. crystal clear:表示十分清楚,如电影《国王的演讲》中这句:Prime Minister Baldwin may deny this, but Hitler’s intent is crystal clear.


When the Taliban withdrew from Kandahar in 2001, one of the most visible signs of change was the sight of girls in school uniform traipsing through the streets. Sahar was one of them: she went on to become a doctor, getting a job at the local hospital. Now in her late 20s, she used to go to work each day in jeans and a long black coat, her fingernails brightly painted.


1. the sight of girls in school uniform traipsing through the streets:朱自清写的《背影》翻译为The Sight of Father’s Back。the sight of sb/sth很常见,表示看见……,如《背影》中这句:到徐州见着父亲,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。When I met father in Xuzhou, the sight of the disorderly mess in his courtyard and the thought of grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. 

今天这里是the sight of sb doing sth,表示看到某人干某事,如牛津词典中这句:The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride. 看到儿子毕业她充满了自豪。

2. in school uniform:其中in加颜色或衣服,可以表示穿着,如后面的in jeans and a long black coat.

3. traipsing through:美 [treɪps] 转悠,闲逛。如词典中这句:She doesn't want security men traipsing round with her every minute of the day. 她不希望保安人员每时每刻都在她身边转来转去。

4. getting a job at the local hospital:是主干的状语。

5. 语法分析:her fingernails brightly painted是主干的独立主格,起到补充说明的作用。为了使句式紧凑,没有单独使用句子,而是使用了独立主格,这种大家要学会使用。比如《经济学人精读 | 洪水肆虐,防汛形势严峻!中这句:On a spit of land near the riverbank stood a cluster of trees, their trunks half-submerged. 河岸附近的岬角上树木丛生,树干的一半淹没在水中。其中their trunks half-submerged是独立主格。

高斋翻译班也讲过很多类似句型,如这句:A staff dormitory just beyond its gates is empty, its entrance sealed with barbed wire. 距离厂门仅一步之遥的员工宿舍已是人去楼空,带刺铁丝网封住了入口。


When she visited her colleagues last week, she felt she had to cover up to avoid drawing attention to herself, borrowing her mother’s old white burqa. She struggled to see properly through its mesh panel and the tight fit gave her a headache. “I feel very little and worthless in it when I wear it,” says Sahar. “It is really hard for me to accept what others choose for me to wear. But we have no choice other than to obey whoever rules us.”


1. borrowing her mother’s old white burqa:是状语,不是avoid后面的成分。

2. burqa:美 /ˈbɜːrkə/布卡(伊斯兰国家妇女穿的全身式罩袍)。布卡罩袍是一种显示宗教极端思想派别的服饰,主要为长袍、头巾加面罩,把女性从头到脚严严实实地包裹起来,只露出眼睛。

3. the tight fit:表示贴身的,如The new sweater was a tight fit. 这件新毛衣很贴身。

4. sb have no choice other than to do sth:相当于sb have no choice but to do sth。

5. rule:名词是规则,动词是统治,ruling表示统治的、执政的。




many people are assessing which of their possessions could land them in trouble: hiding tvs and deleting music and videos from phones. Some men have started to grow their beards.


land them in trouble:land sb in trouble表示让某人陷入困境。land还可以表示“成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)”,同义词是get,find,如:The son of an acquaintance of mine has recently landed a good job on a national newspaper. 我一位熟人的儿子最近在一家全国性报社找到了一份好工作。













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