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文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-03-16 11:11 作者:高斋CATTI 点击:


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1. 中国共产党国有企业基层组织 the primary-level Party organizations of SOEs

2. 新时代党的组织路线 the Party's organizational line for the new era

3. 中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics

4. 从严治党 exercise strict Party discipline

5. 党的先进性和纯洁性  the Party's advanced nature and purity

6. 党的创造力、凝聚力、战斗力 the Party's ability to innovate, power to unite, and energy to fight

7. 党群关系 the Party's engagement with the people

8. 拖欠工资(名词词组) wage arrears

9. 欠薪(动词词组)withhold /delay salary

10. 无理克扣工资 unreasonable deductions from paychecks

11. 加班费  overtime pay

12. 讨薪  demand unpaid salary

13. 补发工资 pay backdated salary

14. 年终奖  year-end bonus

15. 加班费  overtime pay

16. 工资集体协商  collective wage negotiation

17. 实得工资 take-home income

18. 实验室初步检测结果 Preliminary lab results

19. 严重急性呼吸综合征  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

20. 中东呼吸综合征  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

21. 冠状病毒 coronavirus

22. 呼吸道、肠道疾病 respiratory and intestinal diseases

23. 规则排列的突起 a fringe of bulbous surface projections

24. 皇冠 royal crown

25. 哺乳动物以及鸟类 mammals and birds

26. 人类冠状病毒 human coronavirus

27. 人际传播  human-to-human transmission/interpersonal transmission

28. 感染源  source of infection

29. 呼吸系统疾病 respiratory diseases

30. 致死率 fatality rate

31. 安全使用年限要求 standard life span

32. 正常使用条件  standard operating conditions

33. 消费提醒信息 alert notification

34. 家用电冰箱 refrigerators

35. 葡萄酒柜 wine cabinets

36. 房间空调器  air conditioners

37. 家用洗衣机  washing machines

38. 干衣机  dryers

39. 吸油烟机  range hoods

40. 家用燃气灶  gas cookers

41. 春运  the Spring Festival travel rush

42. 反向春运  the reverse Spring Festival travel

43. 民航总局  The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)

44. 列车时刻表 train schedules

45. 实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing

46. 车票改签  ticket changing

47. 候补购票服务 waitlist function

48. 文化和旅游扶贫  poverty relief through culture and tourism

49. 精准扶贫  targeted poverty alleviation

50. 阻断贫困代际传递 stop poverty from being passed on to the next generation

51. 国家最高科学技术奖 the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award

52. 自主创新  independent innovation

53. 科技体制改革  reforms of scientific and technological system

54. 中国特色科技创新事业  the cause of scientific innovation with Chinese characteristics

55. 贷款市场报价利率  The loan prime rate (LPR)

56. 注入流动性  inject liquidity

57. 货币政策工具  monetary policy tools

58. 存款准备金率  reserve requirement ratio (RRR)

59. 央企兼并重组  mergers and restructurings of central SOEs

60. 国之重器  advanced equipment for the country

61. 自主创新能力  independent innovation capacity

62. 国有资本  state capital

63. 汇率操纵国  a currency manipulator

64. 观察名单  the monitoring list

65. 国际储备货币 global reserve currency

66. 结算货币 settlement currency

67. 汇率微调  rate fine-tuning

68. 估值偏低货币  undervalued currency

69. 知识产权高质量发展  high-quality intellectual property development

70. 科技成果转化  commercialization of scientific and research findings

71. 知识产权管理服务体系 the management and service system of intellectual property rights



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