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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-20 09:13 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


We acted in strict accordance with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on conduct and the rules for its implementation. We took stern action against formalities performed for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance. Activities of various types in violation of laws or regulations were severely punished or prosecuted. Steps were taken to bring the corrupt to justice, and the fight against corruption was a resounding success.


1. eight-point decision 八项规定

2. formality 美 [fɔːrˈmæləti]  n. 正式手续;例行公事;遵守礼节

3. bureaucratism  n. 官僚主义 

hedonism 美 [ˈhedənɪzəm]  n. 享乐主义

extravagance 美 [ɪkˈstrævəɡəns]  n. 奢侈;挥霍;铺张浪费;奢侈品;富丽堂皇;豪华;奢华

4. prosecute 美 [ˈprɑːsɪkjuːt]  v. 起诉;控告;检举;担任控方律师;继续从事(或参与。 这里是v. 控告;检举的意思。

5. resounding 美 [rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ]  adj. 巨大的;令人瞩目的;响亮的;嘹亮的;回响的

v. 回响;回荡;回荡着声音;回响着声音。 这里是adj. 巨大的;令人瞩目的意思。


Over the past year, we attained new achievements in pursuing diplomacy with our own characteristics as a major country. We successfully hosted major diplomatic events such as the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference, the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders visited many countries and attended major international events, including the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the G20 Leaders Summit, the BRICS Leaders Meeting, the Asia-Europe Meeting, and the East Asian leaders' meetings on cooperation.


1. diplomacy with our own characteristics as a major country  特色大国外交

2. the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference 博鳌亚洲论坛年会

3. the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 上合组织青岛峰会

the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 中非合作论坛北京峰会

the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting 亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议

4. the G20 Leaders Summit 二十国集团领导人峰会

the BRICS Leaders Meeting 金砖国家领导人会晤

the Asia-Europe Meeting 亚欧首脑会议

the East Asian leaders' meetings on cooperation 东亚合作领导人系列会议


China's relations with other major countries remained generally stable, our relations with neighboring countries saw all-round growth, and our bond of unity and cooperation with other developing countries grew stronger

We promoted the development of a new type of international relations and a human community with a shared future, and resolutely protected China's sovereignty, security, and development interests. Our pursuit of economic diplomacy and cultural and people-to-people exchanges yielded rich fruit. China endeavored to promote world peace and development and made important contributions recognized around the world.


1. bond 美 [bɑːnd]  n. 纽带;联系;关系;契合;债券;公债;保释金 v.使牢固结合;把…紧紧地连接到;增强(与某人的)信任关系;建立(与某人的)互信关系。这里是n. 纽带;联系;关系的意思。

2. sovereignty 美 [ˈsɑːvrənti]  n. 主权;最高统治权;最高权威;独立自主

3. endeavor 美 [ɪnˈdɛvər]  n./v. 努力,尽力,企图,试图


Fellow Deputies,


We owe our achievements of the past year to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to the concerted efforts of the Party, the military, and the people of all ethnic groups in China.


1. owe... to... 将...归功于...

2. sound 美 [saʊnd]  n. 声音;响声;声;声响;音响v. 听起来好像;让人听着好像;听起来…的;(使)发出声音,响adj. 明智的;合理的;正确的;可靠的;透彻的;完备的;全面的;完好的;健康的;无损伤的;未受伤的adv. 酣(睡);(睡得)沉。 此处做adj.用,意为 合理的;正确的;可靠的。

3. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era  习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想


On behalf of the State Council, I express sincere thanks to the people of all our ethnic groups, and to all other political parties, people's organizations, and public figures from all sectors of society. I express sincere appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, and overseas. I also express our sincere gratitude to the governments of other countries, international organizations, and friends from all over the world who have shown understanding and support for China in its endeavor to achieve modernization.


1. State Council 国务院

2. fellow countrymen and women同胞

3. gratitude 美 [ˈɡrætɪtuːd]  n. 感激之情;感谢


Only alertness to danger will ensure safety. While fully recognizing our achievements, we must also be clear about the problems and challenges our country faces in its development.

Growth in the global economy is slowing, protectionism and unilateralism are mounting, and there are drastic fluctuations in the prices of commodities on the international market. Instability and uncertainty are visibly increasing, and externally-generated risks are on the rise.

Downward pressure on the Chinese economy continues to increase, growth in consumption is slowing, and growth in effective investment lacks momentum. The real economy faces many difficulties. The difficulties that private firms and small and micro businesses face in accessing affordable financing have not yet been effectively solved. The business environment still falls short of market entities' expectations.


1. Only alertness to danger will ensure safety. 思危方能居安。

2. mount  美 [maʊnt]  v. 准备;安排;组织开展;逐步增加;登上;爬上;攀登n. 山;山峰;坐骑;衬纸板;载片;裱褙。此处意为 逐步增加。

3. drastic 美 [ˈdræstɪk]  adj. 极端的;急剧的;严厉的;猛烈的

4. externally-generated risks 外部输入性风险

5. downward pressure 下行压力

6. fall short of 不足以,达不到


Our capacity for innovation is not strong, and our weakness in terms of core technologies for key fields remains a salient problem. Budgetary deficits in some localities are quite large. There are still many risks and hidden dangers in the financial and other sectors. In deeply impoverished areas, we still face many difficulties in the fight against poverty. Ecological conservation and pollution prevention and control continue to be a weighty task.

There is still public dissatisfaction in many areas, such as education, healthcare, elderly care, housing, food and drug safety, and income distribution. Last year saw the occurrence of a number of public safety incidents and major workplace accidents. The lessons these incidents left us with should never be forgotten.


1. salient  美 [ˈseɪliənt]  adj. 最重要的;显著的;突出的

2. impoverish 美 [ɪmˈpɑːvərɪʃt] adj. 赤贫的;不名一文的;贫乏的;贫瘠的;枯竭的

v. 使贫穷;使贫瘠;使枯竭。 这里是adj. 赤贫的意思。

3. ecological conservation 生态保护

4. dissatisfaction 美 [ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃn]  n. 不快;不悦;不满意


There is room for improvement in the work of government. Some measures and policies for reform and development have not been fully implemented. We still have a serious problem with pointless formalities and bureaucratism. Excessive and over-frequent inspections and evaluations and a focus on the superficial to the neglect of the substantive have increased the burden on officials working at the primary level. A small number of government employees lack drive. Instances of corruption still occur frequently in some sectors. We must face the problems and challenges squarely, shoulder our responsibility, fully perform our duties, and do all we can to truly live up to people's expectations.


1. There is room for... 留有......余地

2. superficial 美 [ˌsuːpərˈfɪʃl] adj. 粗略的;肤浅的;粗枝大叶的;浅薄的;表面的;外面的;外表的;表层的;表皮的

3. substantive 美 [ˈsʌbstəntɪv]  adj. 实质性的;本质上的;重大的;严肃认真的 n. 名词。这里是adj. 实质性的;本质上的;重大的意思。

4. squarely 美 [ˈskwerli]  adv. 正对着地;径直地;不偏不倚地;直接了当;明确无误;毫不含糊地。这里是正对着地;径直地的意思。

5. live up to 遵守(诺言);符合,不辜负(期望)

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