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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-24 15:15 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

Give full play to the China-EU Ministerial Dialogue on Environmental Policy, discuss the establishment of a green development partnership, strengthen policy exchanges and cooperation on pollution prevention and control, environmental governance, biodiversity conservation and green growth, and encourage enterprises from both sides to engage in joint research and development and business cooperation on environmental protection. Maintain communication and coordination on major global environmental issues, and implement international environmental conventions.



1. the China-EU Ministerial Dialogue on Environmental Policy 中欧环境政策部长对话会

2. biodiversity conservation 生物多样性保护

3. green growth 绿色增长

Increase China-EU policy dialogue and practical cooperation in climate change-related fields, strengthen cooperation on carbon emission trading, enhance exchanges and cooperation on climate change and low-carbon development at the city level. Adhere to the principles and provisions in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, jointly advance follow-up negotiations and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, and actively develop and improve the global climate governance system to promote green, low-carbon, and sustainable development.



1. climate change-related fields 气候变化相关领域

2. the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  《联合国气候变化框架公约》

3. the Paris Agreement  《巴黎协定》

The MOU on China-EU Circular Economy Cooperation will serve as guidance for efforts to enhance cooperation on the circular economy and increase exchanges on the management system, policy tools, investment and financing, and policy research of the circular economy.


Implement the Joint Declaration on the China-EU Partnership on Urbanization, and work to deepen such a partnership. Enhance dialogue and cooperation on regional policies, deepen sub-national cooperation, support exchanges and collaboration on policies related to megalopolises, metropolitan areas and small and medium-sized cities. Deepen practical cooperation among Chinese and European provinces and municipalities, between cities and industrial parks, and between cities and enterprises. Various sectors from the EU are welcome to actively participate in the integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Xiong'an New Area and the Hainan pilot free trade zone and free trade port.



1. MOU abbr. 谅解备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding);流动小队。

2. the Joint Declaration on the China-EU Partnership on Urbanization 《中欧城镇化伙伴关系共同宣言》

3. megalopolises 城市群

Jointly implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, respect each other's national conditions and development paths, promote economic, social and environmental development in a balanced manner, give priority to livelihood issues including poverty alleviation, education and health, follow the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", improve global partnership for development, and achieve common development and prosperity.

共同落实2030年可持续发展议程,尊重各自国情和发展道路,平衡推进经济、社会、环境发展,优先关注减贫、教育、卫生等民生事业,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”等原则,完善全球发展伙伴关系,实现共同发展繁荣。Part Five


1. the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development  2030年可持续发展议程

2. respect each other's national conditions and development paths 尊重各自国情和发展道路

3. follow the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities"  坚持“共同但有区别的责任”等原则


Social and People-to-People Cooperation


Fully leverage the coordinating role of the High-level People-to-People Dialogue and continue to explore new fields, models and approaches of exchanges and cooperation. Facilitate personnel flows, and actively work toward the goals in the second phase of the roadmap of the China-EU Mobility and Migration Dialogue.微信公众号:高斋翻译学堂@微博:高斋翻硕



1. the High-level People-to-People Dialogue 高级别人文交流对话

2. personnel flow 人员往来

3. the China-EU Mobility and Migration Dialogue 中欧人员往来和移民领域对话

Carry out China-EU Employment and Social Security Policy Dialogue. Strengthen and improve the high-level dialogue platform on human resources and social security under the framework of the MOU on Employment and Social Affairs Dialogue. Continue to implement the technical cooperation projects on social security, promote social security and unity, work for higher quality and fuller employment, narrow income gaps, pursue greater social integration, ensure occupational safety and health, promote decent work, address challenges including youth employment, aging, migration and mobility, and advance exchanges and cooperation on social welfare, social assistance, social affairs, social work and community governance.



1. China-EU Employment and Social Security Policy Dialogue 中欧就业和社会保障政策对话

2. the MOU on Employment and Social Affairs Dialogue  《中欧就业与社会事务对话合作谅解备忘录》;MOU 备忘录,谅解备忘录

3. decent 美 [ˈdiːsnt]  adj. 像样的;相当不错的;尚好的;正派的;公平的;合乎礼节的;得体的;合宜的;适当的。decent work 体面劳动

Strengthen China-EU dialogues and exchanges on health policy, carry out practical cooperation in health promotion, antimicrobial resistance and IT application in medical care, and enhance food safety. Continue to conduct the China-EU Dialogue on Work Safety, and push forward cooperation in emergency management, earthquake technology, disaster preparedness and relief, and work safety.


1. antimicrobial n. 抗菌剂;杀菌剂adj.抗菌的。antimicrobial resistance 抗菌药物耐药

2. IT application in medical care  医疗信息化

3. disaster preparedness and relief  减灾救灾

Continue to increase exchanges between students and scholars, strengthen communication and exchanges on education policies, and explore mutual recognition of quality and standards of higher education and vocational education. Make use of the platforms such as the China-EU Education Policy Dialogue, the China-EU Higher Education Platform for Cooperation and Exchange and the China-EU University Presidents Forum, facilitate exchanges and cooperation between education think tanks. Encourage universities from both sides to carry out high-quality cooperation in running schools and joint education programs.



1. vocational education 职业教育

2. the China-EU University Presidents Forum 中欧大学校长论坛

3. education think tanks 教育智库

Jointly protect and promote cultural diversity. Enhance the China-EU dialogue on cultural policies, upgrade cooperation between cultural industries, work toward long-term and stable cooperative relations between major cultural institutions, and support cultural exchanges and cooperation with distinct features between cities. Facilitate efforts by China and EU member states to set up cultural centers in each other's countries. Further explore each other's tourism markets and boost cooperation between tourism industries based on the success of the China-EU Tourism Year of 2018.微信公众号:高斋翻译学堂@微博:高斋翻硕


Strengthen sports exchanges and cooperation between China and EU member states, encourage mutual participation in sports events and international conferences. Expand cooperation in winter sports by seizing opportunities presented by the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.



1. cultural diversity  文化多样性

2. the China-EU Tourism Year of 2018 2018“中国-欧盟旅游年”

3. the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics  2022年冬奥会

Encourage media cooperation in various forms, welcome the participation of media organizations from EU member states in the Belt and Road News Network, expand press and publishing cooperation, facilitate exchanges of broadcasting and television organizations, and support cooperation in the production of film and TV programs, book translation and joint interviews. It is believed that media professionals should observe their professional ethics, and oppose and combat fake news and illegal online content. China will continue to provide facilitation for EU correspondents in China in accordance with laws and regulations and hopes that the EU will play a positive role in facilitating objective, impartial and accurate coverage of China by media in EU member states.


Make good use of the China-EU Legal Affairs Dialogue, carry out legal policy exchange, mutual learning and cooperation to better understand each other's legal systems and promote China-EU cooperation.微信公众号:高斋翻译学堂@微博:高斋翻硕



1. fake news and illegal online content 假新闻和网上非法内容

2. professional ethics  美 [prəˈfeʃənl ˈeθɪks]  专业道德;职业道德;专业伦理。

3. the China-EU Legal Affairs Dialogue 中欧法律事务对话

Continue to conduct constructive exchanges on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect in the hope that these exchanges play a positive role in promoting China-EU relations and common progress on human rights. The European side should view China's human rights conditions in an objective and fair manner and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs and judicial sovereignty in the name of human rights.


Encourage think tanks from both sides to increase intellectual exchanges to play their positive and constructive role in facilitating mutual understanding and proper perception between people of the two sides, and make recommendations for growing China-EU relations. China welcomes lawful activities by NGOs from other countries, including EU member states, supports their positive role in promoting friendly exchanges between China and their home countries, and will continue to provide necessary facilitation and services.



1. constructive exchanges 建设性交流

2. refrain  美 [rɪˈfreɪn]  v. 克制;节制;避免n. 经常重复的评价(或抱怨);副歌;迭歌;迭句。 refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs and judicial sovereignty in the name of human rights 不应借人权之名干涉中国内政和司法主权 这里隐含了避免的意思。

3. NGOs 美 [ɛŋˈgoʊz]  非官方组织;非政府组织;国际非政府组织;社会组织;非政府间国际组织。

Build a wide-ranging and multi-tiered network for China-EU youth exchanges and continue to hold the China-EU Youth Policy Dialogue and Expert Seminar as well as themed exchanges between youth organizations.


China hopes that the EU side will earnestly protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals in its member states. Chinese nationals are encouraged to integrate into local communities, actively play the role of a bridge, and contribute to mutual understanding and cooperation between the two sides.



1. a wide-ranging and multi-tiered network for China-EU youth exchanges 广覆盖、多层次的中欧青年交流网

2. Expert Seminar 美 [ˈekspɜːrt ˈsemɪnɑːr]  专家讨论会

3. earnestly  美 [ˈɜːrnɪstli]  adv. (说话)认真地,郑重其事地;(做事)认真地,全心全意地;热切地;真诚地;强烈地。这里是切实地意思。

Support continued efforts by the China Economic and Social Council and the European Economic and Social Committee in hosting the China-EU Roundtable, and support NGOs from both sides in carrying out cooperation in accordance with laws and regulations and playing their positive role in promoting China-EU people-to-people dialogue and exchanges.



1. the China Economic and Social Council 中国经济社会理事会

2. the China-EU Roundtable 中欧圆桌会议

3. China-EU people-to-people dialogue and exchanges 中欧民间对话交流

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