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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-30 11:41 作者:官方文章 点击:




Second, the rich cultural resources of China and Britain could be leveraged to step up the development of our creative industries.

Both China and Britain have a rich culture heritage. Both are cultural giants. Our respective strengths in the creative industries have much to offer to each other and our cooperation has a solid foundation.

Britain is the first to put forward the concept of creative industries. Now creative industries have become the second largest sector in this country only after the financial industry. Recent years have seen the combination of British strengths in creation, production, professional trainingand international marketing with the creative sector boom, strong financing capability and huge market potential in China.

The match up of these strengths has yielded fruitful outcomes. In 2014 and 2016, China and Britain signed film and televisionco-production treaties respectively. The UK is the first major western country to sign both treaties with China. Last year, China and Britain co-produced six films. I would say that our cooperation on film and television has become a new growth point in our cooperation on creative industries.


中英都是文化大国:Both China and Britain have a rich culture heritage. Both are cultural giants.

创意产业:creative industries

仅次于金融业的第二大产业:the second largest sector in this country only after the financial industry

Recent years have seen/  witnessed 

可以说: I would say that 

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