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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-30 11:42 作者:官方文章 点击:



官方译文:First, film and TV exchanges between China and Britain have become a new highlight of China-UK cooperation.

In film and TV making, the UK has been a pioneer and a world leader. As early as 1894, London opened its own kinetoscope parlour. British engineer John Baird invented the world's first television. Today, British film and television industry has a GVA of 10 billion pounds and an annual export of nearly five billion. It has become the best British brand in the world. Films and television dramas, such as the James Bond series and Downton Abbey, are international blockbusters. They have a large number of fans in China as well.


早在1894年:as early as 1894

活动电影放映厅:kinetoscope parlour [kɪ'ni:təˌskoʊp]  [ˈpɑrlɚ]

It has become the best British brand in the world. 对应的中文为:影视业已经成为英国在世界上一张独特的名片。

英语中习惯使用总-分结构  先总结,后列举实例

007系列: the James Bond series 

唐顿庄园:Downton Abbey

blockbuster [ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)]  N-COUNT 轰动一时的电影;一度热卖的畅销书 

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