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怎么翻译“ reignite”?|CATTI和MTI
文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-03-15 13:35 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

When he started floating large balloons in 2005, with others following suit, he received credit — and blame — for reigniting the leaflet battle the two Korean armies had waged until it petered out with the end of the Cold War.


1. reignite:  [ˌri:ɪgˈnaɪt] v. 再点火,再点燃,重新激起

例如:A correction in property could reignite interest in stocks, especially if combined with a fall in inflation. 房地产价格的调整,可能会重新点燃投资者对股市的兴趣&尤其是在通胀回落的情况下。 

2. wage: [weɪdʒ]  n.工资;报应 vt.& vi. 实行,进行,作(战等);〈方〉雇佣;〈古〉打赌,抵押,担保

例如:They waged a price war.  他们打起了价格战。 (《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》) 

3. peter:  [ˈpi:tə(r)]  vi.渐渐枯竭[消失];逐渐减少;逐渐减弱;慢慢消失 vt. 使…精疲力竭 n. 麻醉品;保险箱

例如:The campaign petered out for lack of support. 那场运动因缺乏支持者而最终烟消云散。 (《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)


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