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Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai At the Launch of "Old Friends": The Xi Jinping-Iowa Story



Ambassador Kenneth Quinn,


Mrs. Sarah Lande,


Mr. Bai Runzhang,


Secretary of State Paul Pate,


All the Old and New Friends,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

下午好。很荣幸参加兰蒂女士的《“老朋友”:XI与艾奥瓦的故事》新书发布会。非常高兴与诸位老朋友相聚一堂。感谢你们的盛情邀请。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Good afternoon. It is really a great honor for me to attend the Launch of the book by Mrs. Sarah Lande, "Old Friends": The Xi Jinping-Iowa Story. I am delighted to see so many old friends here. Thank you very much for your kind invitation to me.

我谨对兰蒂女士表示热烈祝贺和诚挚谢意。你的新书忠实记录了XI 和艾奥瓦人民的深情厚谊,它凝聚着你的心血。这不仅仅是一本书,更是你致力于中美人民友好的生动写照。

I would like to extend warm congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Lande. Many thanks for your time and efforts to faithfully record the long lasting friendship between President Xi Jinping and the people in Iowa. Your book is more than a book. It reflects your passion, efforts and contribution to the friendship between our two great peoples.


I also want to express my sincere gratitude to all the other old friends-- Ambassador Terry Branstad, Ambassador Kenneth Quinn, former Governor Robert Ray and Mr. Luca Berrone, for their unremitting efforts in promoting friendship between our two countries and our two peoples. My appreciation also goes to the people of Iowa and Governor Kim Reynolds,Secretary of State Paul Pate. Thank you for taking over the baton and continuing our joint journey of friendship.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

33年前,XI和其他四个中国年轻人来到艾奥瓦州。艾奥瓦人的热情好客、谦逊有礼深深打动了当年的XI 。多年后,他在同艾奥瓦的老朋友重逢时回忆道,“对我来说,你们就是美国。”当年在艾奥瓦和中国之间播下的友谊种子,如今已长成枝繁叶茂的大树。对于我和很多人而言,XI 与艾奥瓦的故事感人肺腑,给人启迪。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Thirty-three years ago, Xi Jinping and four other young Chinese arrived in Iowa. The people of Iowa greeted them with respect, hospitality, humility and smiles. Mr. Xi was so moved that when recounting the memory years later, he said to his old friends in Iowa, and I quote "To me, you are America". A seed of friendship between Iowa and China was planted and has finally grown into a tall stock. To me and to many others, the Xi Jinping-Iowa story is truly touching and inspiring.


This story is about friendship. Mrs. Lande believes friendship is really a big business. The keynote of her book is also friendship, friendship between our farmers, teachers, students, businessmen, scientists and local officials. I am deeply touched by how strong a bond our two peoples could establish. I am also amazed at the power and creativity our two peoples have injected into our relations.

这是一个关于信任的故事。1980年和1985年,当艾奥瓦人欢迎习仲勋和XI父子分别率领的两个代表团时,他们对中国知之甚少,但他们相信这些中国人是为了友谊与合作而来。同时,中国代表团对艾奥瓦也了解不多,但他们相信艾奥瓦人会尊重中国、帮助中国、了解中国。相互信任助力他们克服了重重障碍,并建立起长久的友谊。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

This story is about trust. In 1980 and 1985, people in Iowa knew very little about China when they were about to welcome two Chinese delegations, led respectively by Governor Xi Zhongxun in 1980 and by his son Mr. Xi Jinping in 1985. But people here believed that these Chinese were coming here for friendship and cooperation. At the same time, the two Chinese delegations knew very little about their Iowa hosts. But they trusted that the people here will respect, help and learn about China. It was this mutual trust that helped them to overcome all the barriers and build a long-term friendship from scratch.


This story is about openness. In 1980 and 1985, people in Iowa treated the Chinese visitors with 'Iowa Nice'. You showed them your best farms, businesses, research facilities and technologies. You did not hesitate to ask them many questions about China, either. And the Chinese visitors did nothing to hide their curiosity and surprise about the advanced technologies, management skills and life standards in the United States. It was this kind of openness that quickly brought people together as friends and cooperation partners.

这是一个关于合作的故事。阅读这本书时,给我留下深刻印象的是,一名经理大老远气喘吁吁地赶过来,向中国代表团推介他的公司。先锋种子公司(DuPont Pioneer)、ADM和罗克韦尔柯林斯(ROCKWELL COLLINS)等企业在上世纪80年代初次会见到访的中国代表团后,很快在中国落地生根并逐步取得巨大成功,也令我印象深刻。今天我们所在的世界粮食奖大厅见证了中国和艾奥瓦州农业领域合作所取得的很多成果。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

This story is about cooperation. While reading the book, I am deeply impressed by that out-of-breath manager coming miles away to introduce his business to the Chinese delegation. I am also impressed by the businesses like DuPont Pioneer, ADM and Rockwell Collins, which have gained their significant presence and success in China through their initial meetings with the Chinese delegations in the 1980's. And of course, this World Food Prize Hall has witnessed so many success stories of our cooperation in agriculture.

过去40年来中美关系全面、强劲发展,惠及两国人民。XI 和艾奥瓦的故事正是这段历史的缩影。习 胸怀人民,为人民谋划未来。在他的领导下,中国将继续坚持以人民为中心的发展战略,努力构建新型大国关系和人类命运共同体。一个互信、共赢、健康的中美关系始终是我们的共同目标。

The Xi Jinping-Iowa story is a miniature of the past 40 years of robust and all-round development of China-U.S. relations, which has served the interests of our two peoples. And it is the people that President Xi Jinping always has closest at heart. He is a man of the people with a great vision for them. Under his leadership, China will pursue a people-centered development strategy at home, and will endeavor to build a new model of international relations and a community of shared future for mankind. And in all these efforts a healthy relationship with the United States featuring mutual trust and win-win cooperation will always be our goal.

我们要进一步筑牢友谊。中美友好,根基在民众。正如习 所说,美国人民和中国人民一样淳朴、勤劳、热情、友好,完全能够成为好朋友、好伙伴。中美之间已建立了269对友好省州和姐妹城市关系,在艾奥瓦州就有6对。超过60万中国留学生在美国各类院校学习深造,其中5000多人在艾奥瓦就读。每年有500多万人往来于中美两地。中美友谊永无止境。两国政府应进一步深化双方友谊。如果两国人民相亲相知,中美关系就能够风雨兼程,蓬勃发展。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

We need to further strengthen the friendship between our two peoples. The foundation of the China-U.S. relations has its roots in the people. As President Xi Jinping said, both the Chinese and American people are honest, warm-hearted, hard-working and friendly. They can naturally become good friends and partners. Between our two countries today, we have 269 pairs of Sister States/Provinces and Sister Cities, and of which 6 are here in Iowa. More than 600,000 Chinese students are now on the U.S. campus, among which over 5,000 are here in Iowa. More than five million people are traveling between our two countries every year. Of course there should be no limit to our friendship. Our two governments should invest more time and resources to promote the friendship, because when our two peoples agree, our relationship will withstand any turbulence and enjoy even more robust development.

我们要对彼此更加开放。中国在对外开放的进程中取得了今天的成就。展望未来,中国将坚定不移全面深化改革,不断扩大对外开放。上个月,XI 在博鳌亚洲论坛上明确表示,中国开放的大门只会越开越大。中方还宣布了一系列新举措,并将于年内付诸实施。中国进一步扩大开放,将为世界带来新的机遇。美国人善于抢抓机遇。中美两国应该对彼此更加开放包容,不应让无端的猜疑阻挡我们前进的道路。

We need to be more open to each other. China's opening-up to the world has played an important role in making China what it is today. Going forward, China will remain firmly committed to comprehensive reform and opening-up. In his speech at the Boao Forum for Asia last month, President Xi Jinping made it clear that China's door of opening-up will open even wider. A series of new measures have been announced and will be implemented this year. China's further opening-up will bring new opportunities to the world, and Americans are good at seizing opportunities. China and the United States should be more open and inclusive to each other, rather than allowing groundless suspicions to block our path forward.

我们要深化互利合作。艾奥瓦对华合作是中美经贸合作强劲发展最有说服力的例证。正如兰蒂女士在书中提到的,在2012年之前的十年内,艾奥瓦和中国的贸易增长了13倍。据美中贸易全国委员会统计,2006年以来,艾奥瓦州对华商品和服务出口总额保持三位数增长。双方普遍认同,两国均从日益增长的贸易和双向投资中受益匪浅。今后,我们将进一步深化合作,并使之更加平衡、可持续,更加均衡地惠及两国人民。两国政府正在北京进行经贸磋商。希望磋商富有建设性和成果,为强化两国经贸关系铺平道路。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

We need to deepen our cooperation. Iowa is a very convincing case for stronger economic and trade cooperation between our two countries. As Mrs. Lande noted in her book, by the year 2012 the trade between Iowa and China had increased 1,300 percent over the previous decade. According to the U.S-China Business Council, Iowa's goods and services export to China has registered triple-digit growth since 2006. It is widely accepted that both countries are much better-off with the growing trade and two-way investment between us. Going forward, we are tasked to deepen our cooperation, and make it more balanced and sustainable, with benefits more equitably shared by our two peoples. Now economic and trade talks are going on in Beijing between the two governments. I hope and I believe that the talks will be constructive and productive, and pave the way for stronger economic ties between our two great countries.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

这是我第三次访问艾奥瓦州。2012年我首次到访时,有幸见证了时任XI副 与艾奥瓦老朋友的重聚。习 亲自精心安排细节,确保场面亲切而温馨。大家可以从兰蒂女士的书中找到当时的一张照片。2017年我再次来到这里,向即将就任美国驻华大使的布兰斯塔德州长表示良好祝愿。我认为自己也是艾奥瓦的老朋友。

This is my third visit to Iowa. Back in 2012, I was honored to witness here then Vice President Xi's reunion with his old friends here. I saw how President Xi himself designed the mingling setting of the reunion to make it cozy and intimate. You can find a picture of that setting in Mrs. Lande's book. Then I came here for the second time in 2017 to give my best wishes to then Governor Branstad before he went to China as the U.S. ambassador. So in this sense, I consider myself an old friend of Iowa as well.

1985年,对习 而言,你们就是美国。33年之后的今天,我要说,你们仍然是美国,比华盛顿的那些自以为是的战略家或政客更美国。你们一直是中美关系的见证者、参与者、支持者、贡献者和培育者。你们才是中美友好合作的领军者和最终受益者。相信在你们的支持下,中美关系将拥有更加美好的未来。

In 1985, to President Xi, you are America. And thirty-three years later today, I would say, you are still America, more so than the self-claimed strategists or politicians in Washington, D.C. You have long been the witnesses, participants, supporters, contributors and cultivators of China-U.S. relations. You are the leading heroes and ultimate beneficiary. With your continuous supports, we are confident that China-U.S. relations will have an even better and brighter future.


Mrs. Lande's book is truly a delight to read and an inspiration to act. In this sense, the launch of this book is not the end. It is the beginning of another long journey of friendship – to be written by all of us and our future generations.

预祝这本书取得巨大成功。再次感谢兰蒂女士、出版商和为本书做出贡献的各位朋友。谢谢!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

So let me wish the book a complete success. And again many thanks to Mrs. Lande, to the publisher and to all the friends who have made this possible. Thank you!

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