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Speech at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee (Extract)


Xi Jinping


October 29, 2015

深刻认识全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的形势微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Recognizing the situation during the decisive push to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects


Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the year 2020 represents a solemn promise that our Party has made to the Chinese people and to history. The period of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) overlaps with the deadline we have set for the attainment of this goal, which means that the 13th Five-Year Plan will be the last five-year plan in the push to realize the moderately prosperous society. The tasks of the Party and government over the coming five years therefore boil down to one thing: clinching the final victory in the decisive push to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and realizing the first of our “Two Centenary Goals.”

改革开放之初,邓小平同志首先用小康来诠释中国式现代化,明确提出到20世纪末“在中国建立一个小康社会”的奋斗目标。在全党全国各族人民共同努力下,这个目标在上世纪末如期实现,人民生活总体上达到小康水平。在这个基础上,党的十六大提出本世纪头20年全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会的奋斗目标。党的十六大以来,我们党扭住这个奋斗目标,一茬接着一茬干,一棒接着一棒跑,全面建设小康社会取得了显著成绩。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In the early stages of the reform and opening up drive, Deng Xiaoping first used the term “moderate prosperity” to describe Chinese-style modernization, introducing the goal of “establishing a moderately prosperous society in China” by the end of the 20th century. Thanks to the combined efforts of the whole Party and all Chinese people, this goal was attained on schedule at the end of the last century. The Chinese people had on the whole attained a moderately prosperous standard of living. Building on this foundation, the Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC in 2002 introduced the goal of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society of a higher level for the benefit of more than one billion people in the first 20 years of this century. Since then, with a firm grasp on this goal, our Party has surged forward in relay fashion, making remarkable progress in pursuit of an all-round moderately prosperous society.


Now, with the finishing line in sight, it is time to make one final push in this journey that will traverse the first 20 years of this century. Completing this strategic task is both our historical responsibility and our greatest honor. We must be soberly aware that while we have what it takes to attain the goal of comprehensive moderate prosperity on schedule, the task we face is still enormous and the road ahead will not be easy going. As various problems overlap and risks mount, we are still facing grave and complex challenges. If we fail to respond to these challenges properly, or if we encounter systemic risks or commit disastrous errors, then the process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects will be delayed, and could even cease entirely. Therefore, the entire Party must be fully prepared for what lies ahead, not just mentally but also in our work. We must recognize the situation, strengthen our confidence, and continue to work with strong determination. 

“知其事而不度其时则败”。尽管国际国内环境发生了深刻复杂变化,但我国发展重要战略机遇期的重大判断没有改变。从国际看,世界政治经济形势总体上有利于维护世界和平与发展大局,世界经济在深度调整中曲折复苏,全球治理体系深刻变革,国际力量对比趋向平衡,我国发展具有相对稳定的外部环境。从国内看,我国物质基础雄厚、人力资本丰富、市场空间广阔、发展潜力巨大,经济长期向好基本面没有改变。经济发展进入新常态,在增长速度不可避免换挡的同时,经济发展方式加快转变,经济结构不断优化,发展动力持续转换,改革开放释放出新的发展活力,良好发展态势可以保持。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

There is no use in knowing how to act if we do not understand our present situation. Despite the profound and complex shifts that have taken place in both international and domestic environments, our assessment that China is in the midst of an important period of strategic opportunity for development still stands. Internationally speaking, the current political and economic situation is on the whole conducive to preserving the overall trend of world peace and development. The world economy is making a difficult recovery amidst deep adjustments, the global governance system is undergoing profound changes, and the world balance of power is becoming increasingly equitable. These factors have created a relatively stable external environment for China’s development. Domestically speaking, our considerable material foundations, abundant human resources, vast markets, and enormous potential for development all indicate that our economic fundamentals remain favorable for long-term growth. Though we have experienced an unavoidable change of gear in economic growth upon entering a new normal of economic development, it should be noted that the transformation of our growth model is gaining momentum, the structure of the economy is constantly improving, new growth drivers are replacing old ones, and reform and opening up is unleashing new impetus for development. All this suggests that the sound trend of economic development we are currently seeing can be sustained.


Building on the targets and requirements set forth at the Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC, and in view of new situations and developments, the Recommendations for the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development(hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations) have set forth new goals for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects over the coming five years. These targets and requirements, together with those introduced at the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth national congresses of the CPC in 2002, 2007, and 2012 respectively, constitute a pledge we have made to the people. We must do everything in our power to see that they are realized. As these tasks and requirements have already been covered in the Recommendations, what I would like to talk about here is how to take control of and advance these initiatives.

《建议》提出的目标要求是对全国的要求,各地不可能整齐划一。比如,“两个翻番”意味着“十三五”时期全国年均经济增长要保持在6.5%以上,全国城乡居民人均可支配收入年均增长5.8%以上,力争发展和居民收入增长同步,但各地不可能都保持这样的速度,有些高一点、有些低一点才符合实际。对一些中西部地区,对一些革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区,特别农产品主产区、重点生态功能区,主要目标是保障国家粮食安全、保障国家生态安全的主体功能要得到加强,各项事业有明显进步,特别是人民生活、公共服务水平有明显提高。对贫困人口而言,要实现“两不愁、三保障”,收入达到脱贫标准。不是说各地人均国内生产总值、人均收入等都要达到全国平均水平才是实现了全面小康。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The targets and requirements laid out in the Recommendations are directed towards the entire country, but that does not mean they can be applied uniformly to all localities. For example, to achieve the goals of doubling China’s 2010 GDP and per capita personal income by 2020, we will need to sustain an average economic growth rate of 6.5% and raise the per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents by at least 5.8% per year for the duration of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), which in effect means synchronizing the growth of the economy with the growth of incomes. Apparently, it is not possible for all parts of the country to sustain this rate of growth. A more realistic scenario is that some areas will see higher growth while others will see lower growth. For certain central and western regions, old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and impoverished areas, and particularly agricultural production zones and key ecosystem service zones, our primary goals in these areas will be guaranteeing national food security and ecological security, and achieving notable progress in various social programs, seeking in particular to raise standards of living and improve public services by a notable margin. We must guarantee the basic needs of those living in poverty and ensure that they have adequate access to education, medical care, and housing, whilst working to raise their incomes above the poverty line. It is not the case that GDP per capita and income per capita in all areas throughout the country must reach the national average before moderate prosperity across the board can be achieved.

特别要强调的是,进入全面建成小康社会决胜阶段,不是新一轮大干快上,不能靠粗放型发展方式、靠强力刺激抬高速度实现“两个翻番”,否则势必走到老路上去,那将会带来新的矛盾和问题。我们不仅要全面建成小康社会,而且要考虑更长远时期的发展要求,加快形成适应经济发展新常态的经济发展方式。这样,才能建成高质量的小康社会,才能为实现第二个百年奋斗目标奠定更为牢靠的基础。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

What must be stressed is that to bring about a moderately prosperous society in all respects is not simply another all-out effort to make quick progress. We cannot realize the goal of doubling GDP and income per capita by relying on an extensive mode of development or by turning to strong stimulus measures to boost the pace of growth. That would only take us back down the same old road and create new conflicts and problems. As we are working to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we also need to afford consideration to more long-term development and accelerate our efforts to create a mode of economic development that is suited to the new normal. Only in this way will we be able to build a moderately prosperous society of high quality and lay down a stronger foundation for realizing the second of our “Two Centenary Goals.”


Steering the way with new principles of development


Principles are precursors to actions. All actions in development are guided by principles of development, and it is these principles that ultimately determine the effectiveness of development and its success or failure. Experience tells us that development is a process of constant change, and that the environments and conditions in which development takes place are equally subject to change. Therefore, it is only natural that principles of development should also be subject to change.


When we started drafting the Recommendations, I stressed the need to begin by clarifying the principles of development that we were going to establish. Strategic in nature, principles of development represent a program that provides guidance, and a concrete manifestation of the approach, direction, and focus of development. Once the right principles have been set, it becomes easy to define targets and tasks. Policies and measures can then be set accordingly. In the Recommendations, we have introduced the principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development. These principles have not simply been conjured up; rather, they have been formed on the basis of deep reflection on the experiences and lessons of development in China and abroad, and on the basis of a penetrating analysis of major development trends both domestically and internationally. They reflect our Party’s deepened understanding of the underlying laws that govern economic and social development, and have been introduced in view of pronounced problems in our country’s development. 

创新发展注重的是解决发展动力问题。我国创新能力不强,科技发展水平总体不高,科技对经济社会发展的支撑能力不足,科技对经济增长的贡献率远低于发达国家水平,这是我国这个经济大个头的“阿喀琉斯之踵”。新一轮科技革命带来的是更加激烈的科技竞争,如果科技创新搞不上去,发展动力就不可能实现转换,我们在全球经济竞争中就会处于下风。为此,我们必须把创新作为引领发展的第一动力,把人才作为支撑发展的第一资源,把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,不断推进理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新等各方面创新,让创新贯穿党和国家一切工作,让创新在全社会蔚然成风。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The focus of innovative development is to address the issue of growth drivers. China lacks an adequate capacity for innovation. Our overall level of scientific and technological development is not high, the support that science and technology provide for economic and social development is insufficient, and the contribution of science and technology to economic growth is much lower than that of developed countries. This is the “Achilles heel” of China’s huge economy. As a new technological revolution progresses, competition in science and technology is becoming increasingly intense. Without raising our capacity for innovation, it will be impossible for us to switch to new drivers of economic growth, and we will be at a disadvantage in global economic competition. For this reason, it is essential that we identify innovation as the primary driving force for development; regard talent as the number one resource underpinning development; and place innovation at the very heart of China’s development. Innovation should be promoted in every field, from theory to institutions, and from science and technology to culture. It should permeate the entire work of the Party and government, and become an inherent part of our society.

协调发展注重的是解决发展不平衡问题。我国发展不协调是一个长期存在的问题,突出表现在区域、城乡、经济和社会、物质文明和精神文明、经济建设和国防建设等关系上。在经济发展水平落后的情况下,一段时间的主要任务是要跑得快,但跑过一定路程后,就要注意调整关系,注重发展的整体效能,否则“木桶”效应就会愈加显现,一系列社会矛盾会不断加深。为此,我们必须牢牢把握中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,正确处理发展中的重大关系,不断增强发展整体性。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The focus of coordinated development is to address the issue of unbalanced development, which has long been a problem for China. Imbalances are most pronounced between different regions, between urban and rural areas, between economic and social development, between the material and the non-material, and between economic development and national defense. When our level of economic development lagged behind, our main task was to develop at a rapid pace. But having developed rapidly for a period of time, we now need to direct our attention to the rebalancing of relationships and to the overall effectiveness of development, otherwise the “law of the minimum” will become increasingly apparent and social problems will only worsen. For this reason, with a keen awareness of the overall plan for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is essential that we properly balance major relationships in development and work constantly to make development more rounded.     


The focus of green development is to address the issue of harmony between humankind and nature. Green, circular, and low-carbon development represents the trend of the current technological revolution, and the direction in which industry is shifting. With unparalleled future prospects and considerable potential for development in China, green, circular, and low-carbon development will help us to create a number of new growth points. China currently faces grave problems in the form of tightening resource constraints, serious environmental pollution, and ecological degradation, and the public’s demand for fresh air, clean drinking water, safe food, and beautiful environments is becoming increasingly strong. For this reason, it is essential that we uphold the fundamental national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment; pursue a civilized path of development that consists of developed industry, affluent standards of living, and fine natural environments; and accelerate the establishment of a resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society, with a view to building a beautiful China and contributing further to the protection of global environmental security. 

开放发展注重的是解决发展内外联动问题。国际经济合作和竞争局面正在发生深刻变化,全球经济治理体系和规则正在面临重大调整,引进来、走出去在深度、广度、节奏上都是过去所不可比拟的,应对外部经济风险、维护国家经济安全的压力也是过去所不能比拟的。现在的问题不是要不要对外开放,而是如何提高对外开放的质量和发展的内外联动性。我国对外开放水平总体上还不够高,用好国际国内两个市场、两种资源的能力还不够强,应对国际经贸摩擦、争取国际经济话语权的能力还比较弱,运用国际经贸规则的本领也不够强,需要加快弥补。为此,我们必须坚持对外开放的基本国策,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,深化人文交流,完善对外开放区域布局、对外贸易布局、投资布局,形成对外开放新体制,发展更高层次的开放型经济,以扩大开放带动创新、推动改革、促进发展。“一带一路”建设是扩大开放的重大战略举措和经济外交的顶层设计,要找准突破口,以点带面、串点成线,步步为营、久久为功。要推动全球经济治理体系改革完善,引导全球经济议程,维护多边贸易体制,加快实施自由贸易区战略,积极承担与我国能力和地位相适应的国际责任和义务。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The focus of open development is to address the issue of internal and external coordination in development. As international economic cooperation and competition undergo profound changes, major shifts are expected to occur in the system and rules of global economic governance. The depth, breadth, and pace of China’s “bringing in” and “going global” efforts are now greater than they have ever been, as is the pressure that the country is coming under to address external economic risks and safeguard national economic security. The question now is not whether or not to open up, but rather how we can raise the quality of opening up and the coordination of internal and external development. China’s overall level of openness is not yet high enough. We still lack sufficient capacity to leverage international and domestic markets and resources, to respond to international economic and trade friction and make our voice heard in international economic discourse, and to use international economic and trade rules to our advantage. These shortcomings need to be shored up as soon as possible. For this reason, it is essential that we uphold the fundamental national policy of opening up; pursue a mutually beneficial opening up strategy; deepen people-to-people exchanges; improve the regional layout of our opening up as well as the layout of trade and investment; establish a new framework for opening up; develop an open economy of a higher level; and use opening up as a means of promoting innovation, reform, and development. The Belt and Road Initiative represents a major strategic initiative for expanding China’s opening up and the top-level design for economic diplomacy. In carrying out this initiative, we need to locate breakthrough points, identify successful experiences and apply them to broader areas, and take steady steps forward with strong determination. We need to promote the reform and improvement of the system of global economic governance, steer the global economic agenda, uphold the multilateral trade system, accelerate the implementation of a free trade zone strategy, and actively assume the international responsibilities and obligations in accordance with China’s capacity and status.

共享发展注重的是解决社会公平正义问题。“治天下也,必先公,公则天下平矣。”让广大人民群众共享改革发展成果,是社会主义的本质要求,是社会主义制度优越性的集中体现,是我们党坚持全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨的重要体现。这方面问题解决好了,全体人民推动发展的积极性、主动性、创造性就能充分调动起来,国家发展也才能具有最深厚的伟力。我国经济发展的“蛋糕”不断做大,但分配不公问题比较突出,收入差距、城乡区域公共服务水平差距较大。在共享改革发展成果上,无论是实际情况还是制度设计,都还有不完善的地方。为此,我们必须坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,作出更有效的制度安排,使全体人民朝着共同富裕方向稳步前进,绝不能出现“富者累巨万,而贫者食糟糠”的现象。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The focus of shared development is to address the issue of social equity and justice. The ancients said, “To bring order to the land there must first be fairness. Where there is fairness there is order.” Letting all people benefit from the fruits of reform and development is the essence of socialism. This not only reflects the superiority of the socialist system, it is also an important manifestation of our Party’s wholehearted commitment to serving the people. If the issue of fairness can be properly addressed, the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the people will be at our disposal. Only then can our country reach its maximum potential for development. Though China’s economy is continuing to grow and the “pie” is getting bigger, inequality in the distribution of wealth is highly pronounced, and the urban-rural gap in incomes and public services is considerable. In terms of both actual conditions and institutional design, there is still much that needs to be improved in order to ensure that the fruits of reform and development can be shared by all people. For this reason, it is essential that we remain committed to the principle that development is for the people, reliant on the people, and that its fruits are shared by the people, and make more effective institutional arrangements to lead all people steadily towards common prosperity. Under no circumstances can we tolerate a situation in which the rich have everything and the poor have nothing.


As this plenary session has emphasized, the introduction of the principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development represents a profound change that will have a bearing on our country’s overall development. Interconnected and mutually reinforcing, these five major principles form a whole that requires unified implementation. None of the principles can be emphasized over, or in place of, any of the others. If our implementation of any one of these principles falls short, our entire process of development will be adversely affected. This means that all Party members must raise their capacity to uniformly put these five principles of development into practice, in order to constantly open up new horizons for development.    


Making a vigorous effort to address major and difficult problems preventing us from achieving moderate prosperity on schedule


To attain the targets established at this plenary session, we must engage in a vigorous effort to address major and difficult problems. These are not only tasks we must complete, but barriers we must overcome. As the old saying goes, “Once the principles have been decided at the top, they must be implemented lower down.”


First, we need to transform our growth model to raise the quality and efficacy of development.

Development is a foundation. Without economic development, nothing can be achieved. Since launching the reform and opening up drive more than 30 years ago, we have made remarkable achievements by focusing wholeheartedly on building the economy and pursuing development. To attain our goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we must continue to make development the number one priority and strive to take development to a new level. The notion that development is the absolute principle must be firmly upheld, but we also need to uphold the principle of development in a scientific way. We must step up the intensity of structural reforms and focus on raising the quality and efficacy of development, in order to achieve higher-quality development that is more efficient, equitable, and sustainable. 

当前,我国经济下行压力很大,这其中有全球性、阶段性因素的影响,但根本上是结构性问题。比如,当前经济下行的一个重要原因是工业增长下滑,而工业下滑主要是产业结构不适应需求变化、部分行业产能过剩严重。企业效益不好的主要原因也是如此。提高发展质量和效益,关键是要加快转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构,采取果断措施化解产能过剩,这是唯一正确的选择。“十三五”时期是转方式调结构的重要窗口期。如果不注重转方式调结构,只是为短期经济增长实行刺激政策,必然会继续透支未来增长。面对传统经济发展方式积累的矛盾和问题,如果一直迟疑和等待,不仅会丧失窗口期的宝贵机遇,而且还会耗尽改革开放以来积累下来的宝贵资源。这是不少国家的教训。机遇不会等着我们,问题也不会等待我们。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

China’s economy is currently coming under considerable downward pressure. Despite being partly attributable to global and transitory factors, this is essentially a structural problem. For instance, a major cause of the slowdown at present is sliding industrial growth, primarily due to the mismatch between the structure of industry and demand, as well as serious over-manufacturing capacity in certain industries. This is also the main reason for the poor performance of enterprises. The key to raising the quality and efficacy of development is therefore to accelerate the transformation of the growth model and the restructuring of the economy, and resolutely eliminate excess production capacity. This is our only choice. The period of the 13th Five-Year Plan represents an important window of opportunity for transforming the growth model and restructuring the economy. If we fail to attach sufficient emphasis to this transformation and adjustment, and merely launch stimulus policies for the sake of short-term growth, we will only further eat away at our future growth prospects. If we hesitate to confront the problems that have built up under our traditional mode of economic growth, not only will we squander a precious window of opportunity, but we will also deplete the valuable resources we have accumulated since the launch of reform and opening up. This is a lesson that many countries have learned the hard way. Opportunities will not wait for us, nor will problems simply wait to be solved.  

发展要有一定速度,但这个速度必须有质量、有效益。经济下行压力加大,表面上是有效需求不足,实际上是有效供给不足。总体上我国产能很大,但其中一部分是无效供给,而高质量、高水平的有效供给又不足。我国是制造大国和出口大国,但主要是低端产品和技术,科技含量高、质量高、附加值高的产品并不多。我们既要着力扩大需求,也要注重提高供给质量和水平。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Admittedly, a certain rate of growth has to be maintained, but that development must be high in quality and efficacy. On the surface the downward pressure on the economy appears to be the result of insufficient effective demand, but in reality it is the result of insufficient effective supply. China has a large production capacity on the whole, but part of this supply is ineffective. In contrast there is a shortage of high-quality, high-standard supply. Although China is a major manufacturer and exporter, much of what we produce is low-end, and we do not make enough technologically-advanced products that are of high quality and value-added. Therefore, in addition to increasing demand, we also need to lay emphasis on raising the quality and standard of supply.  


In the past, when China’s productive forces lagged behind, our priority was to increase investment and raise our capacity to produce. But now we have excess manufacturing capacity on the whole, so simply adding investment will do little to increase the pace of economic growth, and the marginal effects of investment will progressively diminish. While investment can be an important driver of economic growth in the short term, it is ultimately consumption that provides lasting impetus for growth. Therefore, as we continue to increase effective investment and make use of the critical role that investment plays, we must make more effective use of consumer demand as a primary driver of growth. The Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration initiative, and Yangtze Economic Belt initiative represent major new avenues for development that should be explored in an energetic yet orderly fashion. Over the past three decades or more, city clusters have taken shape in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta regions, becoming major regional engines behind the development of the entire country. At the same time, northeast China, the Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region are each home to more than 100 million people. These regions enjoy all the necessary conditions to form a complete framework of industries and large markets, and thus have the potential to become new regional drivers of development. Of course, this requires good spatial planning and top-level design. These initiatives should be advanced in an orderly fashion, and rash action must be avoided. 


According to requirements laid out in the Recommendations, the key to transforming the growth model and restructuring the economy lies in achieving development that is high in quality and highly effective.

First, investment needs to be effective. It is true that increasing investment can stimulate economic growth. However, if all this investment is ineffective and does not generate any returns, then investors will be unable to repay the loans and debt they have incurred and we will end up with a mountain of bad debt. For individual companies this spells financial risk, while for the country as a whole it implies fiscal and financial risk. Though the period of return on infrastructure can be prolonged somewhat, especially for infrastructure with a strong public orientation, we cannot attempt to build everything we will need over the coming decades right now. Even for projects we do need right now, we should see whether we have sufficient financial resources first.

Second, products need to have markets. This is a prerequisite that must be satisfied if investments are to yield reasonable returns. Without analyzing market prospects, we will only increase our burden if we let the government allocate resources instead of businesses, or if we entice businesses to increase their investment with preferential policies.

Third, businesses need to have profits. Companies exist to make profit, and that is why we call them companies. But should companies fail to make a profit, or even suffer major losses, being unable to carry on after a few years, the consequences will be worse than just slower economic growth. Not only will employee incomes and fiscal revenue be out of the question, we could even face the onset of financial or social risks. Therefore, the focus of our policies needs to be placed on companies, particularly companies operating in the real economy. We need to attach major significance to the healthy development of the real economy, and boost its ability to generate profits.

Fourth, employees need to have incomes. The reason people seek employment in companies is to acquire income. If salaries fall short of expectations or are lower than the average as decided by the market, then companies will struggle to find employees. Of course, where wages outgrow corporate profits as decided by macroeconomic conditions, it will become more costly for companies to hire employees and their financial burden will increase. In this case some labor-intensive foreign enterprises may choose to relocate to countries where wage costs are lower.

Fifth, the government needs tax revenue. The government has a duty to provide public services and infrastructure with significant externalities. But where does the government get the money it needs to do this? The main source of government revenue is taxation. While the government can also issue debt bonds to raise funds, it must avoid going over the top. Even in a rapidly growing economy, if the government has no tax revenue and no money to do its job, there will be no way for it to improve public wellbeing and services, and social stability will be hard to maintain. The government cannot spend money recklessly, and so expenditure must be controlled. 

转方式调结构是“十三五”时期的关键任务。要以结构深度调整、振兴实体经济为主线调整完善相关政策,构建产业新体系,培育一批战略性产业,构建现代农业产业体系,加快建设制造强国,加快发展现代服务业。转方式调结构的基础动力在创新,要推动新技术、新产业、新业态蓬勃发展,瞄准世界科技前沿,形成一批重大创新成果,推进科技成果产业化,使创新成果变成实实在在的经济活动,形成新的产品群、产业群。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Economic transformation and restructuring is the key task during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan. With a focus on promoting deep structural adjustment and invigorating the real economy, we need to improve relevant policies, establish a new industrial framework, foster strategic industries, build the framework of a modern agricultural sector, accelerate China’s establishment as a leading manufacturing nation, and step up the development of modern service industries. The primary impetus for China’s economic transformation and restructuring must come from innovation. Taking aim at the cutting-edge, we need to promote the robust development of new technologies, industries, and forms of business; secure a series of major achievements in innovation; and facilitate the industrial application of scientific and technological advances, enabling them to evolve into tangible economic activities that give birth to new products and industries.


Second, we need to shore up weak areas to address the problem of unbalanced development.

The moderately prosperous society in all respects we are seeking to build emphasizes not only “moderate prosperity,” but rather moderate prosperity in “all respects,” and it is the latter part that is more important and ultimately more difficult to achieve. “Moderate prosperity” refers to a standard of living, whereas “all respects” refers to balanced, coordinated, and sustainable development. If by the year 2020 the size of our economy and the pace of growth hit the target, but the problem of unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development worsens and weaknesses become more pronounced, then we will not have genuinely attained our goal. Even if we were to declare success, we would have no credibility in the eyes of the Chinese people and the international community.


Moderate prosperity in all respects needs to cover all domains. It needs to involve comprehensive progress in five major domains: economic, political, cultural, social, and environmental. A moderately prosperous society in all respects requires a more developed economy, more refined democracy, more advanced science and education, more vibrant culture, and more harmonious social relations, as well as higher living standards for the people. While continuing to make economic development the central task, we also need to comprehensively advance progress in political, cultural, social, and ecological domains, so that all aspects of modernization can develop in a coordinated fashion and we can avoid a situation whereby major strengths and major weaknesses exist side by side. 

比如,生态文明建设就是突出短板。在30多年持续快速发展中,我国农产品、工业品、服务产品的生产能力迅速扩大,但提供优质生态产品的能力却在减弱,一些地方生态环境还在恶化。这就要求我们尽力补上生态文明建设这块短板,切实把生态文明的理念、原则、目标融入经济社会发展各方面,贯彻落实到各级各类规划和各项工作中。主体功能区是国土空间开发保护的基础制度,也是从源头上保护生态环境的根本举措,虽然提出了多年,但落实不力。我国960多万平方公里的国土,自然条件各不相同,定位错了,之后的一切都不可能正确。要加快完善基于主体功能区的政策和差异化绩效考核,推动各地区依据主体功能定位发展。要坚持保护优先、自然恢复为主,实施山水林田湖生态保护和修复工程,加大环境治理力度,改革环境治理基础制度,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能,筑牢生态安全屏障。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

For example, environmental protection and improvement represents a major area in which we are falling short. During more than 30 years of rapid economic development, our capacity to produce agricultural products, industrial products, and service-based products has grown rapidly. However, our capacity to supply high-quality ecological products remains weak, and in some places natural environments are still deteriorating. This calls for a major effort to make up for shortcomings in environmental protection and improvement. Solid steps are needed to ensure that the philosophy, principles, and goals of environmental protection are integrated into all aspects of economic and social development and manifested in various plans and initiatives at all levels. Functional zoning represents a fundamental system for the development and protection of our country’s land spaces, and a fundamental measure that aims to protect natural environments at the source. However, despite being introduced many years ago, this system has yet to be effectively implemented. China has a land area of more than 9.6 million square kilometers, across which natural conditions vary greatly. If we get the positioning of these areas wrong, everything that follows will also be wrong. We need to improve policies and differentiated performance appraisals that are based on functional zoning, and urge various regions of the country to develop in accordance with their designated functions. Prioritizing protection and emphasizing natural restoration, we need to launch ecological protection and restoration projects for mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, and lakes; raise the intensity of environmental management; and reform basic systems for the management of environments, so as to comprehensively raise the stability and service capacity of ecosystems and erect solid ecological security barriers. 


Moderate prosperity in all respects needs to cover the entire population and benefit all the people. The main areas in which we are falling short are found in the realm of public wellbeing. Uneven development is also predominantly manifested in welfare assurances provided to different groups in society. As an old saying goes, “As vast as the heaven and earth may be, the people must always come first.” In accordance with the principle that everyone participates, everyone contributes, and everyone benefits, we need to engage in a major effort to guarantee basic living standards by ensuring that basic needs are met, focusing on key areas, improving systems, emphasizing equal opportunities, and guiding expectations.

农村贫困人口脱贫是最突出的短板。虽然全面小康不是人人同样的小康,但如果现有的7000多万农村贫困人口生活水平没有明显提高,全面小康也不能让人信服。所以,《建议》把农村贫困人口脱贫作为全面建成小康社会的基本标志,强调实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫,以更大决心、更精准思路、更有力措施,采取超常举措,实施脱贫攻坚工程,确保我国现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽、解决区域性整体贫困。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Rural poverty is where we are falling short the most. Though moderate prosperity in all respects does not imply the same standard of living for all people, few people will be convinced by our moderately prosperous society in all respects unless there is a notable increase in the living standards of the rural impoverished population, which at present stands at 70 million. For this reason, the Recommendations identify lifting the impoverished rural population out of poverty as the fundamental benchmark for determining whether or not a moderately prosperous society in all respects has been achieved. They stress the need for targeted measures to alleviate and overcome poverty. Therefore, with greater resolve, more focused approaches, and more powerful steps, we must take extraordinary measures to win the fight against poverty, ensuring that all rural residents falling below China’s current poverty line are lifted out of poverty, that all poor counties bid farewell to poverty, and that poor regions shake off poverty as a whole.


China still has around 18 million people living on benefits in urban areas, and it is important that we guarantee their basic standards of living by improving various assurance programs. For 130 million senior citizens over the age of 65, we need to increase the supply of elderly care services and raise the accessibility of medical services. For more than 200 million migrant workers in urban areas, we need to gradually provide equal access to local public services. For more than 10 million university graduates and other permanent residents in megacities, we need to provide access to adequate housing conditions. And for more than 9 million people registered as unemployed in urban areas, we need to give them the skills they need to secure steady employment and incomes. In short, we must maintain a people-centered approach to development, and do what we can to assist different groups of people in overcoming the particular difficulties they face.

“十三五”时期,财政收入不可能像原来那样高速增长,要处理好发展经济和保障民生的关系,既要在经济发展的基础上不断加大保障民生力度,也不要脱离财力作难以兑现的承诺。要重点加强基本公共服务,特别是要加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区基本公共服务的支持力度,加强对特定人群特殊困难的帮扶,在此基础上做好教育、就业、收入分配、社会保障、医疗卫生等各领域民生工作。要坚持量入为出,积极调整财政支出结构。前一阶段,根据财政收入增长很快的形势作了一些承诺,现在看来要从可持续性角度研究一下,该适度降低的要下决心降低。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

During the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the fiscal revenue of the government cannot possibly grow as quickly as it has done in the past. It is therefore important that we properly balance the relationship between economic growth and the provision of public welfare assurances. While continuing to increase public welfare assurances in step with the pace of economic growth, we must be careful not to make unrealistic promises that we cannot keep. We need to attach priority to enhancing basic public services, especially in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and impoverished areas. We also need to enhance assistance to people with particular difficulties, taking this as a basis for carrying out sound welfare initiatives in the fields of education, employment, income distribution, social security, and health and medical care. To make sure that we do not spend beyond our means, we need to make active adjustments to the government spending mix. In the past, when our fiscal revenue was growing rapidly, we made certain promises which may now need to be reconsidered on grounds of sustainability. Where certain cutbacks are needed, we need to act decisively.     


Moderate prosperity in all respects needs to cover all parts of the country, and to be shared by urban and rural areas. One of the major tasks in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions. However, this is an issue that must be viewed dialectically. Urban areas, rural areas, and different regions all assume different functions. The main parts of Qinghai and Tibet, for instance, serve as key ecosystem service zones. They are the world’s “third pole,” and the value of the ecological products and services they provide is enormous. Were we to damage these areas through rash development, no amount of money would be able to repair them. However, under our current system for measuring the GDP, i.e., which takes the GDP as the sole measure of economic development, the gap between these areas and developed parts of the country is sure to become increasingly wide. When we speak of narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions, we cannot simply see this as a matter of closing the gap in terms of GDP and the rate of economic growth. Rather, we need to narrow the differences that exist in terms of income levels, infrastructure accessibility, access to basic public services, and standards of living. In addition, we also need to fully understand the income gap between urban and rural areas. Given that costs of living, especially housing costs, vary significantly between urban and rural areas and between different regions, incomes alone are not an accurate indicator of the development gap between these areas.  


Third, we need to strengthen our awareness of risks and capacity to guard against them.

The next five years is likely to be a period in which risks continue to build up and possibly even emerge in concentrated fashion. Major domestic risks include economic, political, ideological, social, and nature-related risks; while major international risks include economic, political, and military risks. If a major risk occurs that we cannot control, China’s national security could be seriously threatened and the process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects could be interrupted. It is therefore essential that we place risk prevention in a prominent position, and be prepared for the worst before it happens, so as to ensure that we can prevent the occurrence of major risks or survive any major risk that might occur. 

过去,我们常常以为,一些矛盾和问题是由于经济发展水平低、老百姓收入少造成的,等经济发展水平提高了、老百姓生活好起来了,社会矛盾和问题就会减少。现在看来,不发展有不发展的问题,发展起来有发展起来的问题,而发展起来后出现的问题并不比发展起来前少,甚至更多更复杂了。新形势下,如果利益关系协调不好、各种矛盾处理不好,就会导致问题激化,严重的就会影响发展进程。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In the past, we used to think that certain problems were the result of China’s low level of economic development and the low incomes of the people, and that these problems would diminish once the economy developed and people’s living standards improved. Now, however, it appears that development has brought its own problems, just as underdevelopment did in the past. What’s more, these problems are no fewer in number than before, and may even be more numerous and complex. Under these new circumstances, if we fail to do a good job of balancing various interests and handling various problems, these problems will only worsen. In severe cases this could even adversely affect our development.


What needs to be noted is that risks tend not to emerge in isolation, and are more likely to appear in intertwined fashion. Facing various potential risks, Party committees and government authorities at all levels must enhance their sense of responsibility and conscientiousness, and prevent and control risks falling within the scope of their duties. It is unacceptable to shift responsibility for preventing risks to a higher level or to leave the responsibility to our successors, nor is it acceptable to irresponsibly create risks during our work. We must step up our efforts to investigate and study various sources of risks, enhance our ability to carry out dynamic monitoring and real-time early warning, raise the sophistication of our risk prevention and control initiatives, and ensure that we are able to identify, locate the remedies to, and take comprehensive measures to resolve various potential risks as well as their causes. We must take swift and powerful action in a bid to ensure that risks are dissipated at the source, thereby preventing small risks from becoming major ones, individual risks from becoming combined ones, local risks from becoming regional or systemic ones, economic risks from becoming social and political ones, and international risks from becoming domestic ones.

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