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文章来源:国新办 发布时间:2024-05-16 05:39 作者:国新办 点击:



Chen Wenjun:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). This is the 11th press conference in the series "Promoting High-Quality Development." Today, we have invited Mr. Li Lecheng, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Liaoning Provincial Committee and governor of Liaoning province, to brief you on writing a new chapter in Liaoning's full revitalization with greater responsibilities and efforts, and then answer your questions. Also present today are Mr. Wang Jian, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Liaoning province; Mr. Zhang Lilin, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and vice governor of Liaoning province; and Mr. Gao Tao, vice governor of Liaoning province.


Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Li for his introduction.


Li Lecheng:


Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. First, on behalf of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee, the Provincial People's Government and the people of Liaoning province, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your long-term interest in and strong support for the full revitalization of Liaoning.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the revitalization and development of Liaoning. He has visited the province multiple times to inspect progress, and presided over the symposiums on promoting the revitalization of Northeast China three times. This has helped outline a comprehensive revitalization strategy for Northeast China and Liaoning. We remain committed to his guidance, and fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development philosophy. We are focused on high-quality development and establishing a new development pattern as our primary strategic task. We firmly uphold our political responsibilities in safeguarding national defense, food, ecological, energy and industrial security. We are capitalizing on the crucial three-year period following the 14th Five-Year (2021-2025) Plan to vigorously drive the three-year action for full revitalization and new breakthroughs. In 2023, Liaoning's GDP grew by 5.3%, surpassing the national growth rate for the first time in a decade and reaching a total economic output of 3 trillion yuan. In the first quarter of this year, Liaoning's socioeconomic development continued its positive trend from the previous year, with the growth rate increasing to 5.4%, demonstrating enhanced resilience, vitality and creativity in high-quality development.


To thoroughly implement the strategic decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and accelerate the promotion of high-quality development, the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee has set the goal of establishing "six areas" in the new era. Through relentless effort, we aim to transform Liaoning into a major supporting area for national strategies, a key source of technological innovation, a competitive hub for advanced manufacturing industries, a pioneer in the development of modern agriculture, a demonstration area for the integrated development of high-quality culture, sports and tourism, and a core region for opening-up and cooperation in Northeast Asia. Standing at a new historical starting point, we are dedicated to making these plans a practical path to enhance high-quality development, reviving the esteemed legacy of the "eldest son" of the People's Republic of China, and propeling the old industrial base to greater heights.


First, we are courageously leading in the development of new quality productive forces. This year, at the Shenyang sub-venue of the Spring Festival TV Gala, representatives of Liaoning's industrial and technological sectors, including aircraft carriers, fighter jets, industrial robots, and chips, were showcased one by one. They demonstrated Liaoning's industrial strength and technological allure to the nation. Leveraging our scientific and educational resources, we are accelerating the establishment of a regional science and technology innovation center with national influence. We are focused on four trillion-yuan-level industrial bases, in advanced equipment manufacturing, petrochemical and fine chemicals, new metallurgical materials, and high-quality specialty consumer goods industries, and continue making structural adjustments. We have been working on "three major tasks": transforming and upgrading "time-honored brands," deeply developing "original brands" and nurturing and enhancing "new brands," to build a modern industrial system at a high level. We strive to turn sci-tech innovation from the "greatest variable" into the "greatest increase," promoting high-quality development.


Second, we aim to make breakthroughs in deepening reform and opening-up. We regard optimizing the business environment as the primary project to drive high-quality development and comprehensively deepen reforms. With the improving business environment in Liaoning, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises are actively establishing themselves in the province. Last year, the total investment in key central-local cooperation projects in Liaoning was 1.3 trillion yuan. The Huajin Aramco project, witnessed by the heads of state of China and Saudi Arabia, and the accelerated construction of the Xudapu Nuclear Power Plant, jointly witnessed by the heads of state of China and Russia, exemplify our efforts. Today, Liaoning's reform and opening-up will continue unabated. We welcome guests from all corners with more substantial strategies and sincere sentiments, ensuring that all business entities and the general public can truly feel that "Northeast China has immense potential for growth."


Third, we are strengthening our advantages by adhering to green development. We are steadfastly fighting the battle against pollution, defending ecological restoration and engaging in the prolonged battle for low-carbon transformation, while coordinating the management of mountain, water, forest, farmland, grassland and desert ecosystems to make Liaoning's comprehensive ecological landscape even more splendid. The green, low-carbon and intelligent transformation of traditional industries is in full swing. This year, the proportion of installed non-fossil energy capacity will reach 50%. In the near future, clean energy will enter many more households all across Liaoning.


Fourth, we are actively working to enhance people's livelihoods and well-being. Last year, Liaoning ranked first nationally in the scale of old residential compound renovations. In the past three years, the number of pocket parks built in Liaoning ranked first in the country. We ensure that people experience small, tangible joys; we focus closely on the old and the young, and will progressively reduce the costs of education, healthcare and pensions for our citizens, enabling children to grow up healthy and the elderly to live long, healthy lives. Our cities are connected by high-speed rail, and our counties by expressways. On weekends, everyone can explore Liaoning's beauty. With the CBA playoffs underway, basketball fans can also come to Liaoning to experience the excitement of these events. In short, we treat "small matters of people's livelihoods" as "important matters," planning more projects to improve the livelihoods and well-being of the people in Liaoning, laying a solid foundation for their happiness and well-being.


That concludes my introduction. Thank you.


Chen Wenjun:


Thank you, Mr. Li. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please state the name of the media outlet you work for before asking your questions.


Economic Daily:


As Mr. Li just introduced, Liaoning's economy saw a growth rate of 5.3% last year, marking the first time in a decade that it exceeded the national average. What factors do you believe are driving this trend? And do you think Liaoning can sustain this upward trajectory?


Li Lecheng:


Thank you for your questions. Liaoning's achievements are attributed to the strong leadership and guidance of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, as well as the robust participation and support from all sectors of society. The driving force behind the growth is also thanks to the implementation of the new round of comprehensive support policies for the full revitalization of Northeast China by the CPC Central Committee. We have implemented the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, and have precisely implemented a package of supporting policies such as the Guideline on Policies and Measures to Further Promote a New Breakthrough in the Full Revitalization of Northeast China in the New Era issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. We have introduced a series of policies and measures in a timely manner to stabilize the economy and reinforce growth, effectively translating policy dividends into tangible results for Liaoning's revitalization and development. The growth has also benefited from Liaoning's unique comparative advantages. Liaoning has a solid foundation across its primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, particularly excelling in its comprehensive industrial system, which leads the way nationally. Liaoning covers 40 of the 41 major industrial categories in the national economy, 197 of the 207 medium-sized industrial categories, and 519 of the 666 small industrial categories. In Liaoning, a constellation of "major national equipment" has emerged, including the debuts of the first domestically-built aircraft carrier and carrier-based aircraft. Robotics, intelligent equipment and aviation equipment hold crucial positions nationwide. Liaoning has significant advantages in terms of its location, with well-developed transportation facilities, ranking high in terms of railway and road network densities, and possessing six important ports including Dalian Port, Yingkou Port and Jinzhou Port, serving as key nodes for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and as key gateways connecting the Eurasian land bridge. Liaoning boasts rich scientific and educational resources, with 114 higher education institutions. The concentration of talent clusters provides an endless source of momentum for scientific and technological innovation throughout the province. Furthermore, the growth is driven by the increasingly entrepreneurial spirit among both officials and the general public across the province. We adhere to the concepts of having an open mind, staying true to principles while exploring innovations, and prioritizing business environment optimization as a key and critical battle. Starting from addressing the "small issues" that trouble and worry enterprises and the public, we are advancing institutional innovation. We have refunded taxes and fees totaling over 140 billion yuan, benefiting 11 million business entities, and continuously lowering production and operating costs for enterprises. The current situation in Liaoning is characterized by harmonious governance, shared aspirations from all levels, and forward-thinking. Across the province, there has been a noticeable surge in the flow of people, goods and capital. The people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity have been unleashed, fostering enduring confidence and strength for comprehensive revitalization. Liaoning will undoubtedly continue its upward trend, forging a path toward high-quality development. Thank you.


China National Radio:


As we know, Liaoning is an important industrial base for the country. What considerations and arrangements does Liaoning have for developing new quality productive forces in the future?


Li Lecheng:


Thank you for your question. It's an excellent question. As I mentioned in my introduction, Liaoning is striving to take the lead in developing new quality productive forces. I will now elaborate on this aspect.


To foster new quality productive forces, we will reinforce the role of sci-tech innovation in turbocharging growth. This includes advancing the development of key laboratory clusters and basic science centers, establishing Liaoning laboratories, and promoting pre-research projects for major scientific equipment to strengthen the foundation for sci-tech innovation. We are facilitating closer collaboration among tech companies, universities and research institutions, enhancing the integration of research and industry. We are addressing challenging issues in critical areas. For example, Ansteel has developed a novel steel for extreme cold marine equipment, with three products debuting globally and six domestically, providing material support for major marine engineering projects such as the world's first ultra-deep-water drilling platform, "Blue Whale 1." We will continue striving to achieve more original and disruptive sci-tech innovations, and contributing Liaoning's strength to safeguarding the nation's industrial security.


In the pursuit of developing new quality productive forces, we will prioritize the development of the real economy. When discussing Liaoning's industrial landscape, the first thing that comes to mind might be the variety of major national achievements, such as the inaugural domestically built aircraft carrier, carrier-based aircraft, wind tunnel compressors and shield tunneling machines. Additionally, for those of us who use domestically produced smartphones, there is a high likelihood that the motor in your phone's camera originates from Liaoning. Currently, Liaoning holds the top position domestically and ranks second globally for this particular product. Aside from manufacturing numerous major national equipment, Liaoning has also cultivated many "hidden champions." We remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing the high-end upgrading of traditional industries and the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies, with a focus on areas such as digitalization and sustainability, to comprehensively boost our industrial competitiveness.


As part of our efforts to develop new quality productive forces, we will comprehensively deepen reform. Through a reform-oriented approach, we aim to efficiently gather innovative factors and conduct major technological innovation verification and demonstration applications. This will forge a seamless link between innovation and practical application, ensuring that more research outcomes can transition from theoretical concepts to tangible market products. For instance, we support large centrally administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in addressing emission reduction and carbon reduction technologies through open competition. This approach has resulted in a 1.9% reduction in comprehensive energy consumption per metric ton of steel, a 43.6% decrease in labor costs, and savings of millions of yuan in foreign software licensing fees. Furthermore, we will persist in our efforts to adjust and optimize the state-owned economy, empowering more promising entities to play pivotal roles in the economic landscape by confronting challenges head-on and overcoming obstacles effectively.


That is all from me. Thank you.


Beijing Youth Daily:


My question is regarding talent. In 2023, we saw Liaoning reverse the trend of 11 consecutive years of continuous net outflow of its population, achieving a net inflow of 86,000 people. What efforts has Liaoning made in attracting and retaining talent? Could you also please share the initiatives and strategies Liaoning is implementing to further retain talent? Thank you.


Li Lecheng:


Thank you for your question. I would like to invite Mr. Zhang to answer this question.


Zhang Lilin:


Thank you for your keen observation of the full revitalization of Liaoning province, especially the development and changes of Liaoning's talent work. You mentioned the changes last year, which have not been seen in 11 years. The net population inflow was 86,000. Although this is not a huge number of people, it demonstrates a qualitative change. This change signifies our upward economic development and industrial direction. It is a concentrated reflection of our improved environment and stronger economic vitality, which fully demonstrates that the outside world's expectations of Liaoning have undergone major changes.


Talent is the primary resource. Talent is a key element in Liaoning's revitalization. In recent years, we have taken the three-year action plan for comprehensive revitalization aimed at making new breakthroughs as our general guide, fully promoting high-quality development, further stimulating innovation vitality, creating more openings, and expanding the talent pool. We have accelerated the creation of an upgraded business environment as a solid leverage, striving to create a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment to attract more investment, introduce more enterprises, and create a more attractive platform for talents. In terms of practical measures, we continue to promote the optimization of talent introduction policies. We have taken the "creating a province strong in talent" strategy as one of the 10 new breakthroughs and 50 key tasks. We continue to prioritize the development of talents, optimize the talent environment and enhance the attractiveness for talents. Last year, six new academicians to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), were employed in Liaoning, bringing the provincial total to 61. Meanwhile, 4,387 full-time doctoral degree holders and personnel with senior professional titles at home and abroad were introduced, a year-on-year increase of 77%; and 401,000 college graduates were employed, a year-on-year increase of 20.8. This provided solid support in terms of talent for achieving the first phased victory in the three-year action plan of comprehensive revitalization for new breakthroughs.

我们将锚定人才强省建设目标,着力打造面向东北亚的国际化人才高地,倾心引才、精心用才、栓心留才。创新实施 “兴辽英才计划”,持续实施“百万学子留辽来辽”行动,持续深化人才发展体制机制改革,落实奖励补贴、住房安居、子女入学、医疗服务等政策,以可感的辽宁温度,让广大人才安身、安心、安业!

We will set the goal of making Liaoning a popular choice for talent, and strive to create an international talent destination focused on Northeast Asia by attracting talented professionals, retaining them and putting them to good use. We will innovatively implement the Liaoning Talent Initiative, continue efforts to attract graduate students to remain in or come to live and work in Liaoning, and continue to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. We will ensure the implementation of policies such as providing rewards and subsidies, housing, schooling and medical services, to make Liaoning a more affectionate place so that more of talented people can settle down, feel at ease and have a promising career here.


That is all from me. Thank you.


Science and Technology Daily:


As you mentioned, Liaoning province has more than 110 universities and research institutes, as well as 61 academicians, and has abundant sci-tech resources. How will Liaoning next promote the transformation of these premium scientific and educational resources into advantages for innovative development? Thank you.


Gao Tao:


That is a very good question. The key to Liaoning's high-quality development lies in innovation-driven development. We will set the goal of creating a hub for major technological innovation, focus on creating a regional technological innovation center with national reach, and adhere to attaching importance to both sci-tech innovation and institutional innovation. We will develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, strive to open up new areas and new arenas, and build a modern industrial system with Liaoning characteristics, as part of the efforts to transform the advantages of our scientific and educational resources into a winning force for revitalization and development. The focus will be on the following aspects:


First, we will coordinate the construction of the innovation system, and consolidate the "beams and pillars" of sci-tech innovation. We will promote the construction of Shenyang Hunnan Science and Technology City, Yinggeshi Science City in Dalian and Shenyang-Fushun Scientific and Technological Innovation Park to create a regional sci-tech innovation powerhouse. We will systematically deploy strategic sci-tech strength and strive to launch more national-level innovation platforms in Liaoning. The province has received approval to build 11 new national key laboratories. We have also established and operated four Liaoning laboratories with new systems and mechanisms to explore new models for the construction of major innovation platforms. This year, we will focus on key industrial clusters to build 20 provincial key laboratory clusters to further promote the in-depth integration of technological and industrial innovation.


Second, we will promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and strengthen research on core technologies in key fields. We support leading companies to take the lead in establishing innovation consortia and implement major sci-tech projects focusing on high-end computer-numerical-control machine tools, energy storage and hydrogen energy industry. We will make breakthroughs starting from zero in a number of major scientific issues in key areas such as chemistry, materials and energy. We will resolve a number of choke points in the fields of high-end equipment, new energy and integrated circuit equipment. A large number of major equipment such as the CAP1400 (Guohe One) canned motor main pump and the AGT-110 heavy-duty gas turbine were developed in Liaoning.


Third, we will reform and innovate systems and mechanisms, and open up channels for the transformation of sci-tech achievements. We will further improve the service system for the transformation of sci-tech achievements, and promote more achievements to move from laboratory to workshop, integrate into the industrial chain, and gain access to the market. Focusing on key industrial areas, we will promote the construction of 36 pilot test bases and build a public service network for pilot test covering the entire province as an intermediate station for the transformation of sci-tech achievements. We have also actively cultivated over 400 sci-tech service institutions to carry out professional and market-oriented roadshow activities, and promoted the transformation and industrialization of sci-tech achievements. In 2023, Liaoning's technology contract turnover reached 130.83 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.8%.


Fourth, we will cultivate and strengthen sci-tech enterprises, and continue to stimulate innovation vitality. We have vigorously cultivated technology-based enterprises and enterprises that use specialized and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products. We have supported enterprises to take the lead in establishing 600 substantive alliances between industries, universities and research institutes, and bringing together more than 2,000 universities, scientific research institutions and key enterprises to carry out collaborative innovation. We have also organized and carried out special events to introduce technicians into enterprises and rural areas to provide more precise services for industrial development. In 2023, our small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises and new- and high-tech enterprises grew by 55.6% and 16.0%, respectively. There were 1,029 newly added start-up enterprises with strong innovation ability and high growth potential and gazelle enterprises, and 41 "little giant" enterprises with high growth potential, advanced technology and strong market competitive edge in Liaoning province. We also saw the birth of the first unicorn enterprise in the province. As Mr. Li mentioned, the "biggest variable" of technological innovation is being transformed into the "biggest increment" in promoting high-quality development in Liaoning. That is all from me. Thank you.


N Video from Nanfang Metropolis Daily:


Liaoning province is renowned for its abundant energy resources. However, it faces pressure to reduce carbon emissions and tackle environmental pollution, among other pressing issues. What efforts will Liaoning make to accelerate energy mix readjustment and achieve a transition toward green and low-carbon practices? Thank you.


Wang Jian:


I'll answer this question. As the journalist said, as a heavy-industry base, Liaoning province faces the challenge of accelerating the transition to green and low-carbon practices due to its significant and intense energy consumption. In recent years, we have upheld the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and have intensified efforts to coordinately promote carbon emission reduction, pollution reduction, green development expansion and economic growth, so as to make "green" a defining feature of the full revitalization of Liaoning province.


We have made substantial efforts in the following two areas:


First, we intensified our efforts to control and reduce carbon emissions at the source. Recognizing our high proportion of fossil fuel consumption, we have significantly increased the utilization of wind and solar energy in a concentrated and efficient manner, aiming to build up the province's strength in clean energy production. Currently, clean energy accounts for 49.5% of the province's total installed power generation capacity, with this share expected to exceed 50% this year. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the proportion of the installed capacity of clean energy is expected to reach 56.8%. While ensuring energy supply, we are actively promoting the construction of smart power grids to better manage clean energy resources, encompassing grid connection, distribution, and control. Moreover, we have been implementing pilot projects for establishing integrated energy systems, enabling the comprehensive and coordinated arrangement of power sources, grids, loads, and energy storage to ensure effective generation, transmission, and utilization of new energy.


In order to build Liaoning province into a clean energy powerhouse, we will leverage its strengths in energy equipment and scientific research in the energy sector. This includes bolstering specific sectors, such as nuclear energy, power transmission and transformation, hydrogen energy, and energy storage. Additionally, we will implement new-type energy storage pilots for lithium-ion batteries, vanadium redox flow batteries, compressed air technologies, and sodium-ion batteries. Furthermore, we will actively promote the development of industrial chains related to hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, and application. All these efforts will help ensure national energy security in an all-round manner.


Second, we prioritize carbon emission reduction in existing sectors. Liaoning's refining capacity ranks second nationwide, and its steel and iron production capacity ranks fourth. While our petrochemical and metallurgical industries are competitive, they are also top priorities for carbon emission reduction. We will promote large-scale equipment upgrades to accelerate technological transformations in the petrochemical, metallurgical, and other manufacturing industries, advancing toward higher-end, more intelligent, and greener development. Last year, a total of 537 key projects for ultra-low emission transformation were completed in steel and iron enterprises, and the rate of fine chemicals in the province's chemical industry reached 46.2%, an increase of 1.2 percentage points from 2022. Moreover, we have implemented rigorous market access controls and have resolved to halt the blind development of energy-intensive and high-emission projects. We have stepped up efforts to promote energy-saving renovations of buildings and facilitate the transition to green and low-carbon transportation, aiming to ensure a lighter industrial structure, a greener economic model, and higher-quality development.


That's all for my introduction. Thank you.



Industrial revitalization serves as a prerequisite for the revitalization of Liaoning province. However, traditional heavy industries rely highly on resources and cause significant environmental damage. How will Liaoning province build a modern industrial system with its own distinctive advantages to revitalize the old industrial base? Thank you.


Li Lecheng:


Thank you for your question, and I'll provide an answer. It's widely acknowledged that the industrial sector serves as the backbone of Liaoning's economy. Therefore, revitalizing the industrial sector is a top priority for the overall revitalization of the province. In 2023, Liaoning ramped up its efforts in industrial restructuring, transformation, and upgrading, successfully achieving higher-quality growth with appropriate expansion of output. This year, the province aims to establish a modern industrial system with distinctive competitiveness, supporting its full revitalization in the new era through high-quality and new-type industrialization. We will enhance efforts in the following aspects:


We will focus on industrial restructuring. Greater efforts will be made to cultivate key industrial clusters and establish four trillion-yuan-level industrial bases. Additionally, we will advance large-scale equipment renewals and technological transformation, intensifying efforts to upgrade the equipment manufacturing industry to a more advanced and innovative level, expand downstream operations in the petrochemical and fine chemical industries, ensure cutting-edge innovations in the new metallurgical materials industry, and enable the consumer goods industry to produce more high-quality and specialized products. Meanwhile, we will develop emerging industries such as integrated circuit equipment and biomedicine while nurturing future-oriented industries such as artificial intelligence and cell therapy. Moving forward, we will advance technological innovation, making efforts to push forward industrial upgrading through innovation. We will carry out industrial foundation reengineering projects and research projects on major technologies and equipment. We will also implement the high-quality development action plan for key industrial chains in the manufacturing industry, focusing on the development of major fields, such as high-performance membranes and the titanium industry. This year, we will establish four provincial-level manufacturing innovation centers and intensify research efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, facilitating their industrialization and enhancing the resilience and competitiveness of industrial and supply chains. Additionally, we will prioritize industrial transformation and upgrading. Efforts will be made to accelerate the use of intelligent technologies to promote development. This year, we anticipate the establishment of more than 20 5G factories and over 10 "5G+industrial internet" integrated application pilot zones, along with the creation of over 100 provincial-level industrial internet platforms. We will ramp up efforts to hold a successful Global Industrial Internet Conference this year and will execute the special action plan to empower the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through digitalization, promoting their digital and intelligent transformation and network-based connectivity. In addition, we will strive for green development. Efforts will be made to promote the development of the industrial sector in a green, low-carbon and circular manner. We will implement measures to peak carbon dioxide emissions in the industrial sector and facilitate the green and low-carbon transformation of key industries such as petrochemicals, steel and iron, and building materials. These efforts will help improve industrial energy efficiency and facilitate the comprehensive use of resources. We will enhance the green manufacturing system with the goal of reaching 650 provincial-level green manufacturing enterprises by the end of this year. We will intensify efforts to support enterprise development, including boosting major industrial companies' development and improving public service systems for SMEs. This year, we will promote the integrated development of small-, medium- and large-sized enterprises, aiming to establish 1,000 new innovative SMEs, 300 SMEs that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products, and 50 provincial-level single-product champion enterprises in the manufacturing sector.


That's all for my introduction. Thank you.


Liaoning Radio and Television Station:


I would like to ask a question about agriculture. We all know that Liaoning province has a wide variety of agricultural products, such as strawberries from Dandong, cherries from Dalian and river crabs from Panjin. Could you please explain how Liaoning plans to leverage these rich agricultural resources to promote high-quality agricultural development in the future? Thank you.


Wang Jian:


I will answer this question. It is often said that the land shapes its people and fosters unique characteristics. Liaoning is located in the southern part of the Northeast Plain, one of the world's three major black soil regions. The province boasts "mountains accounting for 60%, rivers and lakes accounting for 10% and arable land accounting for 30% of its territory," with a complete ecosystem including mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, wetlands, and more. The unique natural resources and climate conditions have endowed Liaoning with distinct advantages in agriculture. The province produces a wide range of agricultural products with superior quality and has many well-known geographical indication (GI) products. We aim to become a pioneer in the development of large-scale modern agriculture, and to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural province and a leading province in the food industry.


First, we must firmly shoulder the political responsibility of guaranteeing national food security. Liaoning is one of the 13 major grain-producing provinces in China, with its grain yield per unit area ranking among the top. Last year, our total grain output reached 25.64 million metric tons, reaching a new historic high. To increase grain production capacity, we will implement actions to enhance capacity, consolidate the foundations of food security, strictly adhere to the red line for protecting arable land, increase investment, raise standards and strive to become a model province for the construction of high-standard cropland. We will also implement projects for the protection of black soil according to different types, converting more arable land into "stable-yield fields" and "high-yield fields." Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture, and we will fully leverage our advantages in agricultural science and technology to carry out actions for the revitalization of the seed industry, providing a guarantee of seed sources for food security.


Second, we will actively adopt an all-encompassing approach to food and build a diversified food supply system, transforming agriculture into an inclusive industry. The distinctive advantages of Liaoning's agriculture are obvious. As mentioned earlier by the journalist, strawberries in Dandong, cherries in Dalian and river crabs in Panjin are all well-known to everyone. In addition, we have many other specialty agricultural products. For example, our offshore resources are abundant with the Liaodong Bay and Haiyang Island being two major traditional fishing grounds, ranking fourth in the country in terms of marine aquaculture output. Additionally, fruits in southern Liaoning, miscellaneous grains in western Liaoning and the "six treasures of traditional Chinese medicine" in eastern Liaoning are also renowned nationwide. Furthermore, Liaoning's greenhouse vegetables achieve year-round production and sales, ensuring supply throughout the seasons. We will focus on developing superior varieties, improving quality and building brands, further refining quality and expanding the scale of specialty agricultural products, allowing people to taste more Liaoning's specialties and flavors.


We will also strive to extend the industrial chain of agriculture and increase its added value. We will cultivate a group of leading enterprises, accelerate the construction of 100-billion-yuan industrial clusters in livestock and poultry, grains and oils, aquaculture, and fruits and vegetables, forming a development pattern in the food industry with leading enterprises and thriving clusters. We will make good use of Liaoning's unique advantages in agriculture, achieving industrial prosperity, agricultural strength and rural prosperity. Thank you.


People's Daily:


Just now, it was mentioned that Liaoning has carried out a large amount of effective work in areas such as providing services for the elderly and children as well as renovating old communities. Could you please tell us what other efforts Liaoning has made to continuously improve people's well-being? What measures will be taken in the future? Thank you.


Zhang Lilin:


Thank you for your concern toward people's livelihoods. Benefiting the people is an eternal theme for us. In recent years, we have focused on addressing the pressing difficulties and problems that concerned the people most, releasing practical measures, doing practical things and seeking solid outcomes. We have issued the "Implementation of Measures on Further Guaranteeing and Improving People's Livelihoods in the Three-Year Action Plan for Comprehensive Revitalization of Liaoning," and formulated a list of practical matters for the people, striving to ensure that the people feel more fulfilled, have a more sustainable sense of happiness and experience a greater sense of safety. In 2023, the proportion of general public budget expenditures used for people's livelihoods in the province reached 76.5%. In the future, we will further guarantee and improve people's livelihoods in the pursuit of high-quality development, making the lives of Liaoning’s citizens better day by day.


First, we will make people feel more at ease with housing. We will make great efforts to build government-subsidized housing, implement urban renewal actions and create more high-quality living spaces. The province will renovate another 4,600 kilometers of old pipe networks, including 300 kilometers of gas pipelines, 1,500 kilometers of water supply pipelines, 1,500 kilometers of heating pipelines and 1,300 kilometers of drainage pipelines. We will continue to renovate 700 old communities and 4,463 buildings, covering a total construction area of 18 million square meters and benefiting 256,000 households, making life more comfortable for the general public.


Second, we will strive to make people more satisfied with education. We will accelerate the formation of a high-quality and balanced basic public education system. The proportion of public-interest kindergartens and regular senior high schools with high quality and distinctive features in the province have reached 89.9% and 56.4% respectively. We will ensure there are special needs education resource centers in all city-level administrative areas, accelerate the development of high-quality, well-balanced and integrated compulsory education in both urban and rural areas, and expand the scale of regular senior high schools with high quality and distinctive features. Thus, we will make students and parents more satisfied with education.


Third, we will try to make people more satisfied with employment. We will carry out a series of actions to guarantee and promote employment, so as to advance revitalization. In 2024, Liaoning plans to release policy dividends in the field of human resources and social security and issue loans for enterprises to bolster employment totaling more than seven billion yuan, helping companies fill more than 700,000 vacancies. We will shift from "being able to find jobs" and "finding jobs quickly" to "finding good jobs" and "being content with one’s job," helping job hunters attain full employment.


Fourth, we aim to make public health care services more caring. Upholding the principle of medical professionals providing the necessary services for people's health, we are advancing the expansion of high-quality medical resources and striving for a balance in regional distribution. In 2024, we will add 100 key clinical specialties at the provincial, city and county levels. We are creating warmer health care services by optimizing outpatient processes throughout the pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and post-diagnosis stages. We are also promoting multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment models, flexible scheduling of outpatient appointments, and establishing one-stop service centers. Our goal is to ensure that the people have reliable medical support to improve their lives and health.


Fifth, we aim to help the elderly feel greater reassurance. We will steadily increase the level of social insurance benefits and implement a comprehensive social security coverage plan. We will strengthen the construction of urban and rural community elderly care service networks, focusing on providing elderly care services on their doorstep. We are committed to creating "15-minute elderly care service circles" that ensure convenient access to services. Additionally, we will carry out senior-friendly transformations for 15,000 households with elderly people in special difficulties, further enhancing the peace of mind for the elderly.


That concludes my introduction. Thank you.




Earlier, Mr. Li mentioned that optimizing the business environment should be regarded as the "first move" and "key battle" in comprehensive revitalization. What are your considerations for the next steps in building the business environment?


Li Lecheng:


Thank you for your question. This matter is of great concern to various sectors of society. We often say that businesses create wealth, while the government creates the environment. We consider optimizing the business environment as the "first move" and "key battle" in the three-year action plan for comprehensive revitalization. We will continue to deepen reforms in key areas, improve government services, focus on benefiting enterprises and the people, and strive to explore a new path that is in line with the reality of Liaoning province and has its own characteristics.


To improve the business environment, we have started by focusing on the government itself. We firmly believe that integrity and the rule of law are the cornerstones of optimizing the business environment. We have initiated special campaigns to ensure government compliance and commitment, emphasizing that new officials must address old issues. We have made significant efforts to address instances of government misconduct, and we have overseen the resolution of nearly 17,000 issues related to the business environment. As a result, market confidence, industry confidence and social confidence have all significantly improved.


Enabling the public to handle their affairs without relying on personal connections is like giving them a reassuring dose of fairness and justice. We have initiated the reform to eradicate favoritism in handling affairs, promoting a campaign in Liaoning of "No Favoritism, No Personal Gain." Throughout the province, more than 900 beneficial policies have been implemented that can instantly be enjoyed without the need for application, benefiting over 11 million enterprises and allowing business entities to fully reap the benefits of these policy dividends.


We are striving to ensure that good things are done well and done quickly. We are actively promoting a direct reporting system between the provincial authorities and counties for land requisition and modularized approvals, significantly reducing the time required for approval. By reducing the tax and fee burden on enterprises, last year we achieved over 40 billion yuan in additional tax and fee reductions, exemptions, refunds and deferred payments provincewide. We have implemented a "one-stop" approach for 35 high-frequency scenarios, resulting in a reduction of average processing time by 62%. This year, we will further expand this approach to include 48 scenarios.


Telephone calls from ordinary people serve as the best opportunity for us to optimize the business environment. Currently, the 12345 hotline has been developed into the centralized customer service for government affairs across the entire province. By addressing specific small issues, scenarios and initial signs of improvement, we are promoting targeted rectification of persistent problems in the business environment. Last year, the hotline received a total of 12.55 million requests, with a completion rate of 99%, effectively addressing various demands.


How is the business environment in Liaoning? Let me provide you with some data. Last year, the business vitality of enterprises in Liaoning increased to 66.7%, showing year-on-year growth of 3.4 percentage points. The in-place investment increased by 16% compared to the previous year. Both domestic and foreign enterprises have shown their trust in the province's business environment by actively engaging and investing. Entrepreneurs can pursue their dreams with confidence while we stand as their strongest support and best partner.


We sincerely welcome friends from the media to visit Liaoning, explore its wonders, and closely observe the development of our business environment. We also welcome your valuable feedback. Thank you.


Phoenix Satellite Television:


Cities like Shenyang and Dalian have always been popular tourist destinations. Additionally, places like the wetland park in Panjin have also garnered significant attention. How does Liaoning plan to turn this widespread attention into a solid foundation for the long-term development of its cultural tourism industry, attracting people to visit and also return? Thank you.


Gao Tao:


Thank you for your interest in Liaoning's cultural tourism sector. Liaoning province boasts beautiful natural landscape, rich cultural heritage and warm, genuine people. We have a diverse range of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and deserts, each with their own unique beauty. The historical legacies of the Hongshan culture, San-Yan culture, Liao and Jin dynasties culture, and the early Qing dynasty culture have been preserved over time. Moreover, the people of Liaoning province are known for their hospitality and kindness. We are working tirelessly to present the most beautiful aspects of Liaoning to visitors from both home and abroad.


At the end of last year, the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) announced the latest findings in its research project to trace the origins of Chinese civilization, confirming that the Niuheliang Site of the Hongshan culture represents the first stage of ancient Chinese civilization. This discovery has attracted a large number of tourists to visit the city of Chaoyang in Liaoning, seeking to explore its ancient wonders.


During this year's Spring Festival holiday, visitors flocked to Liaoning to revel in ice and snow activities and hot spring relaxation, attracted by its combination of accessibility, moderate temperatures, and affordability. Liaoning's abundance of ski resorts, coupled with its milder winter temperatures, has made the province a consistently sought-after destination for ice and snow tourism. In Shenyang, visitors flocked to the Xiaoheyan morning market to experience the quintessence of affordability and made a stop at the internet-famous Shenyangzhanzhan subway station to partake in the "Listen to Advice Tourism" trend (The Shenyang Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television reverted the station's name back to its original version after heeding the advice of internet users). Additionally, visitors explored the historical relics of the Qing dynasty (1616-1911) at the Shenyang Imperial Palace, one of the nation's two remaining ancient imperial palace complexes. During the Spring Festival holiday, Liaoning received a total of 40.866 million visitors, a year-on-year increase of 299.6%, generating a total revenue of 41.27 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 572.7%.


This trend continues to gain momentum. This spring, Liaoning has witnessed a resurgence in the popularity of flower and bird appreciation tours. Visitors have been flocking to the province to admire the stunning spring blossoms and picturesque landscapes, indulge in distinctive local cuisines, and immerse themselves in folk culture. Currently, Gangdong 5th Street in Dalian has emerged as a bustling new tourist destination.


Moving forward, we will continuously refine our tourism offerings and enrich the cultural depth of ice and snow, oceanic, borderland, and game-based experiences. By incorporating elements of leisure travel, we will vigorously develop ice and snow hot spring tours, eco-friendly residential getaways, marine and island excursions, revolutionary legacy study journeys, and distinctive culinary explorations, among others. Our aim is to introduce a wider range of high-quality cultural, sports, and tourism-integrated products that not only cater to market demand but also embody rich regional characteristics.

我们将借势承办“十五冬”,以“跟着赛事去旅行”为主题,丰富文体旅综合体验,让“山海有情 天辽地宁”更加深入人心,打造更高品质文体旅融合发展示范地。

By capitalizing on the opportunity to host China's 15th National Winter Games and embracing the concept of "traveling with sports events," we will enhance and diversify our cultural and sports tourism experiences. This initiative aims to deeply ingrain Liaoning's tourism slogan, "Mountains and seas bear affection; Liaoning beckons with heart and harmony," within the hearts of visitors and establish the province as a pioneering region for the high-quality, integrated development of cultural and sports tourism.


That's all for my answer. Thank you.


China Daily:


This year's Summer Davos meeting will take place in Dalian, Liaoning. As an important platform for enhancing international exchange and cooperation, what are the unique aspects of this year's event? Positioned as a hub in Northeast Asia, what steps will Liaoning take next to pioneer new opening-up frontiers? Thank you.


Li Lecheng:


Thanks for your interest in this regard. This year's Summer Davos Forum will gather more than 1,500 guests from across the globe in Dalian, marking a historical milestone in both scale and level of attendees. The hosting of this event in Liaoning aligns perfectly with the province's strategy of positioning itself as an opening-up and cooperation hub in Northeast Asia. Meanwhile, the theme of this year's forum, "Next Frontiers for Growth," mirrors Liaoning's aim of pioneering new frontiers for opening-up.


Situated at the core of Northeast Asia, Liaoning boasts both coastal and border regions. With its extensive coastline, favorable port resources, and advantageous location near Japan, South Korea, Russia and Mongolia, the province also enjoys a strong industrial foundation with comprehensive industrial categories and a wealth of innovative resources driven by the concentration of scientific and educational talents. These factors make Liaoning one of the provinces with the richest opening-up traditions, the greatest opening-up potential, and the highest opening-up vitality. We will fully leverage our geographical, industrial, and production factor resources, deeply integrate into Belt and Road cooperation, and advance opening-up to the north and east. We will conduct targeted investment attraction efforts, actively promote the development of foreign trade and economic ties, and deliver higher-quality services to foreign-funded and foreign-trade enterprises. We will also focus on Fortune Global 500 enterprises and prominent domestic and international corporations to secure a range of high-caliber, large-scale projects, as well as ventures that harness cutting-edge technologies to create novel and distinctive products. Additionally, we will endeavor to grow foreign trade and fully leverage domestic and international exhibitions to aid enterprises in expanding their global reach. We will cultivate new business forms and models of foreign trade, and steadily expand the scale and improve the quality in terms of exporting used cars and the "new three," namely photovoltaics, lithium-ion batteries and new energy vehicles. We will fully explore new growth drivers such as cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehousing, transit trade, and bonded trade. Moreover, we will accelerate the construction of a sea-land corridor in northeast China, work to establish the China-Europe Railway Express (Shenyang) Cargo Consolidation Hub, and steadily improve the quality and scale of China-Europe Railway Express operations, thus advancing the quality and effectiveness of sea-rail intermodal transportation. We will continue to enhance various opening-up platforms by implementing four strategies: upgrading the pilot free trade zone, driving innovation and quality improvement in the economic and technological development zone, empowering the special customs regulation zone, and fostering synergistic development among different platforms.


When adopting a global perspective, nothing escapes our sight. By strategically planning our opening-up with a worldwide perspective, synchronously driving the development of investment, consumption, and export, advocating competitive growth among state-owned enterprises, private businesses, and foreign companies, and expediting the attraction of capital, technology, and talent, Liaoning will undoubtedly set forth on a more expansive path towards revitalization and development. In closing, I would like to take this opportunity, through the media in attendance today, to extend an invitation to businesspeople from both China and around the world to come to Liaoning. Let's join hands to build Liaoning into a hub of opening-up and cooperation in Northeast Asia, and share the valuable opportunities presented by northeast China's all-round revitalization. Thank you.


Chen Wenjun:


Thank you, Mr. Li. Thanks to the other speakers and friends from the media. Today's press conference is hereby concluded. Goodbye.‎‎








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