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Statement by Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu at the General Debate of the 80th Session of ESCAP


Bangkok, April 22, 2024



Mr. Chair,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend congratulations on the convening of the 80th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and thank the Thai government and the ESCAP secretariat for the thoughtful arrangements.


At present, the Asia-Pacific region is, on the whole, peaceful and stable. Good progress has been made in regional cooperation. And the region is playing a more prominent role as an engine of global economic growth. Meanwhile, the region is seeing challenges such as escalating geopolitical tensions and weak external demand. Facing the complex situation, ESCAP, as the most influential body of the U.N. for regional economic and social development, needs to act with a sense of responsibility, remain a force for peace, stability and progress in the region, play a greater role in promoting development and prosperity, and work toward an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.


First, practicing multilateralism and upholding the U.N.-centered international system. The U.N. is the core mechanism for achieving world peace and development. We should firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, practice true multilateralism, and advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a mutually beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It is important that affairs of the Asia-Pacific are handled through extensive consultation, its future is decided by all regional countries working together, countries enjoy equal rights, rules and opportunities, and efforts be made for a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, equality, justice and win-win cooperation.


Second, upholding openness and cooperation and advancing regional economic integration. The Asia-Pacific’s development is achieved through openness, inclusiveness, exchanges and complementarity, not the beggar-thy-neighbor approach, decoupling, severing supply chains or erecting high fences around a small yard. ESCAP needs to leverage its strength as an intergovernmental cooperation platform, uphold open regionalism, further liberalize and facilitate trade and investment, and keep industrial and supply chains stable and unimpeded. We should make good use of existing free trade arrangements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, strengthen synergy between relevant free trade agreements and development strategies, continue to seek a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, and pursue higher-standard opening up. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is aimed at promoting global connectivity and common development. Its outcomes have benefited more than 150 countries. China looks forward to further connecting the BRI with ESCAP’s connectivity initiatives to create greater synergy for growth.


Third, pursuing innovation-driven development and unlocking the potential of economic growth. Digital innovation is a trend of global development, and the Asia-Pacific is an international hub in this area. The theme of this session, “Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific,” is most opportune. We should take this as an opportunity to boost innovation and market application of scientific and technological advances, and deepen cooperation in Al, digital infrastructure, digital inclusion and digital technology-enabled poverty alleviation, which will create more opportunities for global growth. President Xi Jinping has put forward the Global Initiative for AI Governance, laying out China’s proposal concerning the development, security and governance of Al. It is a major milestone in the historical process of global AI governance. China has also put forward the Global Initiative on Data Security. We hope that ESCAP will enhance information sharing, capacity building and policy coordination, help its members strengthen capacity for innovation-driven development, and build an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for innovation.


Fourth, promoting inclusive and sustainable development and accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. At present, global development is facing severe challenges, and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is woefully lagging behind. The Global Development Initiative (GDI) proposed by President Xi Jinping is compatible with the 2030 Agenda in both the goals and pathways, and is an important accelerator for global sustainable development. So far, more than 80 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI, and relevant projects are being launched one after another, adding strong momentum to global development. As the regional coordinator for the 2030 Agenda, ESCAP has formulated and is actively implementing the Regional Road Map for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific. China is ready to enhance synergy between the GDI and the Road Map for more outcomes in such areas as poverty reduction, food security, green and low-carbon development, and climate change, so as to inject strong impetus into sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.


Mr. Chair,


As an important member of the Asia-Pacific region, China cannot develop in isolation from the region, and the Asia-Pacific needs China to prosper. China has been actively practicing the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and upholding the guidelines of developing friendship and partnership with its neighbors and fostering an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood. China is firmly committed to safeguarding peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, advancing regional economic integration and deepening regional connectivity, with a view to building a dynamic, harmonious and prosperous Asia-Pacific community.


China, with its development, has always been a source of impetus for the Asia-Pacific and world economy. Over the years, China has accounted for around 30 percent of global growth and over 50 percent of the growth of the Asia-Pacific region. Last year, China registered a growth rate of 5.2 percent, the highest among the major economies of the world. It remained the biggest engine of economic growth in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese economy has continued to rebound, with progress made in high-quality development. In the first quarter, China’s GDP grew 5.3 percent, making us confident in achieving the growth target of around five percent for the whole year. We will move faster to develop new quality productive forces, take the lead in developing strategic emerging industries and industries of the future, speed up coordinated digital and green development, foster new growth drivers, and open up greater space for development. President Xi Jinping has stressed on multiple occasions that China’s door will never be closed, but will only open still wider. China will continue to advance high-standard opening up, foster a market-oriented, world-class and law-based business environment, and bring more new opportunities to the Asia-Pacific region with new accomplishments in Chinese modernization.


Mr. Chair,


China attaches great importance to the role of ESCAP and will continue to provide financial support through the China-ESCAP Cooperation Program and other channels to help elevate Asia-Pacific cooperation to a new level. China is ready to work with all parties to promote development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


Thank you.‎‎

本文来源:  外交部








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