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怎么翻译"极权主义" ?|CATTI和MTI
文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-03-15 13:42 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

But it was more than repression and fear that kept him and his totalitarian government in power for so long. He had both admirers and detractors in Cuba and around the world. Some saw him as a ruthless despot who trampled rights and freedoms; many others hailed him as the crowds did that first night, as a revolutionary hero for the ages.


1. totalitarian:[təʊˌtæləˈteəriən]  adj. 极权主义的 n.极权主义;极权主义者

例如:The nation states of Eastern Europe finally sloughed off their totalitarian regimes. 东欧民族国家最终抛弃了极权统治。(《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》)

2. detractor: [dɪˈtræktə(r)  n.贬低者

例如: This performance will silence many of his detractors. 这一表演将会让很多诋毁他的人闭嘴。(《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》)

3. despot: [ˈdespɒt] n.暴君;专制君主,专制者

例如:He was a despot with a heart of granite.  他是个铁石心肠的暴君。

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