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刘豫锡:让中非文明交融之花绽放 | 双语
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-07-04 10:21 作者:官方文章 点击:

Chinese and African Civilizations Blossom Better in Togetherness


Ambassador Liu Yuxi, Head of Mission of the People's Republic of China to the African Union

中国驻非盟使团团长 刘豫锡大使

The contemporary world is progressing with each passing day in an era of heightened globalization. Civilizations of different countries, with their unique features, are blooming like colorful flowers in a botanical garden. However, there are still some individuals from certain countries who cling onto the old mentality of the Cold War era, and propagate the vicious doctrines of "Clash of Civilizations" based on the intoxicating ideas of self-acclaimed righteousness and loftiness, which have raised eyebrows in the international community.


History is the best teacher. With thousands of years of history, the Chinese civilization has persevered in the tradition of enriching itself as the sea's vastness is only maintained by taking in all the rivers flowing its way. China is committed to building a colorful world that cherishes harmony in differences, where every country appreciates other forms of beauty with openness. We advocate exchanges between civilizations for mutual respect and learning.

历史是最好的老师。中国作为具有5000年历史的文明古国,始终心怀“海纳百川、有容乃大”的胸怀,致力于构建“和而不同、美美与共”的多彩世界,与世界各国开展互尊互鉴的文明之交。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

It is simply not in the genes of the Chinese people to uplift ourselves at the cost of others or create artificial prejudices between peoples. Nor did China impose colonization, pillage or slavery on others under the banner of civilization. In historical times, Chinese tea, porcelain and silk were transported along the ancient Silk Road to Africa, and African sorghum, watermelon and sesame were introduced to China. Zheng He, the Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, led seven voyages and sailed up to the coast off East Africa, leaving behind him some of the most positive stories of exchanges between Chinese and African civilizations.


China believes that no race or civilization is superior to others. Both China and Africa have colorful civilizations, respectively making indelible contributions to the progress of the world. Chinese and African civilizations embody the people's aspirations for a better life and national rejuvenation. The peoples of China and Africa have made the choice between cooperation or conflict long before the hyped "Clash of Civilizations".

当今世界,没有高人一等的人种和文明。非洲和中国都是世界文明的多彩一极,都为世界发展进步做出不可磨灭的贡献。非中文明凝聚着各自国家和民族的精神追求,承载着对美好生活和民族振兴的期盼。面对“文明冲突”的质疑,是选择冲突还是对话,是对抗还是合作,中非人民早已给出自己的答案。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Equal treatment is the core underlying China-Africa inter-civilizational exchanges. Similar experiences, struggles and development tasks render China and Africa natural partners of common thought and action in the fast-changing international arena. Our differences in complexion and languages presents no impediment to our connection and complementarity as we stick to the principles of equal treatment and seeking common ground while shelving differences. China believes that all countries and civilizations are equal regardless of their size, race or wealth. We promote exchanges of the people to facilitate dialogue and communication, support each other on our respective issues of concern and core interests, and respect African countries to explore and choose social systems and development paths befitting their national conditions. We welcome the African solutions to African problems, and look forward to carving a new path of inter-civilizational exchanges between developing countries.

平等相待是中非文明交往的精神内核。中非人民相似的历史遭遇、相近的奋斗历程、相同的发展任务让双方在国际风云变幻中同心同向、守望相助。中非虽有肤色语言之别,但始终平等相待、求同存异,两大文明相互融通、相得益彰。中国坚持大小国家和不同文明一律平等,推动中非扩大人员往来和对话沟通,在涉及彼此关切和核心利益问题上相互支持,尊重非洲国家探索和选择社会制度和发展道路,欢迎非洲人通过非洲方式解决非洲问题,携手走出一条相互尊重、和谐共处的发展中国家文明交往新路。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Openness and inclusiveness is the cornerstone of China-Africa inter-civilizational exchanges. The Belt and Road Initiative provides a new platform for China and Africa to learn from each other under new circumstances. By joining hands in the BRI, the exchanges, integration and cooperation of civilizations will transcend misunderstandings and the theory of "Clash of Civilizations" to bring about common development and mutual benefits to China and Africa. China upholds the ideas of common consultation, joint construction and shared results, and pursues policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people affinity. China and Africa are striving to synergize development strategies and strengths, broaden cooperation channels and innovate in cooperation models to support Africa's industrialization, agricultural modernization and economic integration, thus creating favorable conditions for the exchanges and integration of Chinese and African civilizations, and facilitating the sharing of the dividends of development and openness.

开放包容是中非文明交往的重要基石。“一带一路”是新时期中非互学互鉴、与时俱进的新纽带,也是传承和发展中非文明之路。中非共建“一带一路”就是要通过文明交流超越文明冲突,通过文明融通跨越文明隔阂,通过文明合作实现共同发展和互利共赢。中方秉持共商共建共享理念,推动中非政策沟通、贸易畅通、设施联通、资金融通和民心相通,将中非发展发展战略和互补优势深入对接,拓宽合作渠道,创新合作模式,支持非洲推进工业化、农业现代化和区域经济融通,共同分享发展与开放红利,为推动中非文明交融创造积极条件。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Common cultural prosperity is the inevitable choice in China-Africa inter-civilizational exchanges. A single flower does not make a spring. Diversity and colorfulness of the world's civilizations is the force powering the development of the human society. China-Africa civilizational exchanges is not a one-way street and sustainable development should keep pace with the times. In recent years, Confucius Institutes and Chinese cultural products are taking roots on the African continent. The Museum of Black Civilizations was opened in Senegal with Chinese aid. Every year, hundreds of African arts groups visit China, events such as Africa Culture in Focus have become an important window for the Chinese people to learn about African arts. The number of annual two-way tourists has risen to around 1.5 million. The pyramids, Lalibela rock-hewn churches, the Great Wall and the Forbidden City have become well-known tourist sites to Chinese and African peoples. China-Africa inter-civilizational exchanges and cooperation serves as a bridge to strengthen understanding between China and Africa, and plays an exemplary role in inter-civilizational and inter-cultural exchanges and cooperation.


The achievements and experiences of China-Africa inter-civilizational exchanges are eloquent testaments to the value of cooperation and exchanges among civilizations. The vicious smearing campaign based on the theory of "Clash of Civilizations" is destined to fail and runs counter to the interests of the people. As long as the 2.6 billion Chinese and African people join their efforts to open a new page of world inter-civilizational exchanges, the counter-current of "Clash of Civilizations" will not be able to disturb dusts in the contemporary world. It is my firm belief that the ancient civilizations of China and Africa, through exchanges and integration, will generate new impetus propelling the two sides to a higher level of common development and win-win cooperation, and contribute to a world of civilizations featuring equality, harmony and prosperity rather than prejudice.

中非文明交往的历程和经验再次证明,当今世界各大文明间合作交往的大势不会因“文明冲突论”的恶意中伤而动摇,以邻为壑的“文明鸿沟”显然不得人心。只要26亿中非人民共同努力,携手谱写跨越时空和地域隔阂的文明交流新篇章,“文明冲突论”的逆流就掀不起惊涛骇浪。我坚信,中非两大古老文明在互通互鉴中共同发展、交相辉映,必将为双方各领域互利合作提供更深厚的精神滋养,书写世界文明共同繁荣的新辉煌!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂



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