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Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of 15th East Asia Forum

外交部副部长  刘振民

H.E. Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Vice Foreign Minister of China


Changsha, June 30, 2017





Your Excellency Mr. Du Jiahao, Secretary of Hunan Provincial Committee of the CPC,

Dear colleagues from 10+3 countries and ASEAN Secretariat,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



Good morning!

很高兴与各位同事相聚在“东亚文化之都”湖南长沙,共同出席第15届东亚论坛。我谨代表中国外交部,对来自东亚国家的同事和朋友表示热烈欢迎!感谢外交学院和中国贸促会对论坛相关筹备工作的大力投入。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

It’s my great pleasure to join you in Changsha, a Cultural City of East Asia, for the 15th East Asia Forum.

On behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, I warmly welcome all colleagues and friends from East Asian countries. I would also like to thank China Foreign Affairs University and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for your good job in putting this Forum together.


Hunan is a cradle of the Chinese culture. It’s famous for its rich cultural heritage and talented people. The ancient Chu Kingdom, of which Hunan was a part, had a reputation for nurturing top-level Chinese scholars. Today, Hunan is known for its broad vision and pioneering spirit. It has played a leading role in the rise of Central China and been an important window for cooperation between China and other East Asian countries. I wish to thank Hunan and Changsha for their hard work for this Forum.


East Asia Forum is the only platform for exchanges among government, business and academia under the ASEAN Plus Three (10+3) framework. Since its launch 15 years ago, the forum has become an important platform for strengthening communication, building consensus, enhancing mutual trust and deepening cooperation, and promoted exchange and cooperation among regional countries and East Asian integration.


Six years ago, China hosted the 9th Forum in Chengdu, which was my first time at the East Asia Forum. The in-depth discussion on regional integration during that forum left me with a deep impression. Six years later, China is again hosting the East Asia Forum and I am again honored to lead the Chinese delegation. I look forward to discussing with you matters of vital importance to East Asia cooperation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


今年恰逢10+3合作启动20周年。20年前,在全球化、区域一体化和多极化深入发展的时代潮流下,在共同抗击亚洲金融风暴中,东亚国家开启了10+3合作进程。20年来,10+3合作历经两次大规模金融危机洗礼,开辟了20多个合作领域,建立起60多个对话合作机制,被公认为东亚合作的主渠道,成为亚洲地区机制最完善、成果最显著的合作机制之一,为推动各国对话合作、促进地区发展繁荣作出了重要贡献。地区合作取得积极进展。在此过程中,地区国家逐渐形成了具有鲜明东亚特色的10+3合作文化,可用三个关键词来归纳:微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

This year marks the 20th anniversary of 10+3 cooperation. 20 years ago, with the strong momentum of globalization, regional integration and multi-polarity, countries in East Asia launched the 10+3 cooperation process in a joint fight against the Asian financial crisis. Since then, this framework has weathered two large financial crises, opened more than 20 cooperation areas and established over 60 dialogue and cooperation mechanisms. It is regarded as the main channel of East Asia cooperation and one of the most comprehensive and effective cooperation frameworks in Asia, making important contribution to dialogue and cooperation among regional countries and to regional development and prosperity. The regional cooperation has made positive progress.

In the process of 10+3 cooperation, regional countries have cultivated an East Asian cooperation culture, featuring three words that start with the letter C:

一是共识(Consensus)。各成员国支持东盟在东亚合作中的中心地位,坚持相互尊重、平等互利、协商一致、照顾各方舒适度等原则,推动10+3合作领域不断拓展,合作程度不断加深。各方在加快自身发展同时积极推动共同、可持续发展,在寻求自身安全同时积极促进共同、合作安全,在地区共同挑战面前共商对策、携手应对,推动各领域对话合作不断取得进展,进一步巩固了10+3的主渠道地位。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The first word is Consensus.

All member states support the centrality of ASEAN in East Asia cooperation, adhere to the principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit and consensus, accommodating the comfort levels of all parties, and keep broadening areas and deepening levels of cooperation. All sides have actively boosted common and sustainable development while speeding up their own development, actively promoted common and cooperative security while seeking their own security, discussed and took joint actions in response to common challenges while pushing forward dialogues and cooperation in various areas. All this has further enhanced the status of 10+3 cooperation.


The second word is Connectivity, which is crucial for deepening cooperation.

We have been pushing forward physical connectivity, supporting ASEAN in the implementation of the MPAC 2025, encouraging regional countries to speed up the building of infrastructures, including airports, ports, roads, bridges and facilities on energy and tele-communication.

We have been pushing forward economic and financial connectivity, speeding up the negotiations on RCEP and China-Japan-ROK FTA, and working on the building of a regional financial safety net with CMIM at its core.

We have been pushing forward people-to-people connectivity by establishing East Asia Forum, East Asia Business Council, NEAT and other dialogue mechanisms, and conducting programs such as exchanges of cultural cities, official visits and exchanges of universities.

We have been pushing forward connectivity of cooperation frameworks, increasing the complementarity and collaboration among the 10+3, other ASEAN-led frameworks and China-Japan-ROK cooperation.


Promoting connectivity is an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative. All 10+3 members sent high-level representatives to the Belt and Road forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing in May. The parties held in-depth discussions on regional connectivity and signed a great many cooperation agreements, injecting new vigor to East Asian connectivity.

三是全面(Comprehensiveness)。我们以财金、粮食、能源、灾害管理、减贫等优先合作领域为先导,将对话合作拓展到政治安全、经济金融、可持续发展、社会文化等24个领域,建立起较完善的合作机制。近年来,清迈倡议多边化区域外汇储备库扩大到2400亿美元,10+3宏观经济研究办公室升级为国际组织,亚洲债券市场倡议下的区域信用担保与投资基金运行良好,10+3大米紧急储备机制启动对受灾地区的援助,RCEP谈判加速推进。10+3亦加大对非传统安全的关注,在救灾、防治传染病等领域积极开展对话合作项目。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The third word is Comprehensiveness.

We have expanded the scope of cooperation from traditional priorities of finance, food, energy, disaster management and poverty reduction to 24 areas of political and security, economy and finance, sustainable development and social and culture, and established a highly comprehensive cooperation mechanism.

In recent years, regional foreign exchange reserve pool of CMIM has been expanded to US$240 billion. AMRO has been upgraded to an international organization. Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility(CGIF) under Asia Bond Market Initiative has operated soundly. The 10+3 Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) has started aid to disaster-affected area. Negotiation on RCEP is accelerating. The 10+3 has also increased attention to non-traditional security issues and actively conducted dialogue and cooperation in areas including disaster relief and control of infectious diseases.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


二十载,10+3砥砺奋进,成就斐然。在毛泽东主席的故乡湖南,我想引用他的名句:“世上无难事,只要肯登攀”。这句诗磅礴大气,充满正能量,更坚定了我们加强10+3合作的信心。站在新起点,我们宜登高望远,阔步前行,推动10+3合作迈上新台阶,开创更加美好的东亚发展前景。为此,我想就新形势下加强10+3合作同各位分享几点想法:微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

10+3 cooperation has come a long way and made great achievements in the past 20 years. Since we are now in Chairman Mao Zedong’s hometown, I want to quote one of his famous lines, that is, “Nothing is impossible if you work hard enough”. This is a bold statement full of positive energy and enhanced our confidence in strengthening the 10+3 cooperation. Standing at a new starting point, we should aim high and make big strides to bring 10+3 cooperation to a higher level and open a better future for East Asia cooperation.

To this end, I want to share with you some of my thoughts:


First, strengthen overall planning and institution building. 10+3 cooperation should be tailored to the regional situation and the needs of regional countries, which should guide the formulation of the work plans in a systematic way. We should exert the role of CPR+3, make full use of the 10+3 cooperation fund, encourage East Asia Forum and NEAT to provide constructive suggestions, and facilitate the setting-up of a 10+3 Unit in the ASEAN Secretariat. We should promote balance, coordination and synergy between 10+3 and other ASEAN-led frameworks to jointly contribute to East Asia integration. We should push forward a healthy, stable and sustainable China-Japan-ROK cooperation to reinforce 10+3 cooperation.

第二,明确目标路径,开启共同愿景。建设东亚经济共同体是10+3合作的重要阶段性目标,也是建设亚洲命运共同体的必由之路。要继续加强务实经贸合作,以互联互通、自由贸易、金融合作等为抓手,为东亚经济共同体建设添砖加瓦。充分考虑地区国家发展水平差异和不同诉求,本着先易后难原则,设定合理指标和路径,走有东亚特色的经济共同体建设之路。欧盟和东盟经验都表明,制订路线图是推进经济共同体建设必不可少的步骤。在去年10+3领导人会议上,李克强总理倡议探讨制订“东亚经济共同体蓝图”。期待本届论坛借10+3合作启动20周年契机,为尽早启动蓝图制订工作做好铺垫。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, set specific goals and approaches and work towards a shared vision. The East Asia Economic Community is an important target of 10+3 cooperation. It is also the only way towards the establishment of an East Asia Community and Asia community with a shared future. We should keep enhancing economic and trade cooperation, and move towards the EAEC by focusing on connectivity, free trade and financial cooperation.

We should take into account the different development levels and needs of regional countries, and pursue an economic community with East Asian features by tackling easier tasks first and setting reasonable goals. The experiences of the EU and ASEAN show that drawing a road map is an essential step for establishing an economic community. During the 10+3 Leaders’ Meeting last year, Premier Li Keqiang of China proposed dialogues on the drafting of an EAEC blueprint. I hope that this forum could help an early drafting of the blueprint.

第三,深化务实合作,提供持久动力。在财金领域,加强清迈倡议多边化(CMIM)有效性,做好协议阶段性评估,探讨本币出资的可能性。支持10+3宏观经济研究办公室加强机制建设和申请成为联合国大会永久观察员,打造区域经济的权威监测平台。在粮食安全领域,支持加强10+3大米紧急储备机制建设,为稳定大米市场价格、平衡供需发挥更大作用。在自贸领域,力争早日就RCEP和中日韩自贸协定达成一致,助力亚太自贸区建设。在可持续发展领域,按照《10+3关于促进可持续发展合作的声明》精神,加强减贫、中小微企业发展、旅游、文化交流等方面合作,推动联合国2030可持续发展议程在东亚得到更有效的落实。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Third, deepen practical cooperation and provide enduring driving force. In the financial area, we should enhance the effectiveness of CMIM, conduct periodical evaluation, and explore the possibility of local currency contribution. We should support AMRO’s bid to become a permanent observer of the UN General Assembly and build an authoritative monitoring platform of the regional economy.

In the area of food security, we should support enhancing the 10+3 APTERR for it to play a bigger role in stabilizing rice market and balancing supply and demand. In the area of free trade, we should endeavor to bring about early conclusion of RCEP and CJK FTA negotiations to contribute to the building of an Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area. In the area of sustainable development, we should enhance cooperation in poverty reduction, SME development, tourism and cultural exchanges in line with the spirit of “10+3 Statement on Promoting Sustainable Development” and push forward more effective implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in East Asia.

第四,打造合作亮点,注入新鲜动力。目前10+3合作“低垂的果实”所剩无几,需要积极探索新方向。东亚国家产业结构互补性强,中日韩应发挥装备制造等领域所长,在东盟国家开展国际产能合作,创新产业合作模式,推动东亚经济升级转型。中小企业对促进地区经济增长潜力巨大,有必要加强各国中小企业交流合作,促进创新,拉动就业。东亚地区基础设施建设需求巨大,相关国家应充分发挥资金、技术、经验等优势,帮助有需求的国家加快基础设施规划和建设,促进互联互通和经济一体化进程。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Fourth, create highlights of cooperation and inject new vitality. Since the low-hanging fruits are almost gone, we need to explore new directions for 10+3 cooperation. Given the complementarity of industrial structures of East Asian countries, China, Japan and ROK should leverage their strength in equipment manufacturing to conduct industrial capacity cooperation with ASEAN countries. The goal should be to innovate industrial cooperation model and push forward the upgrading of the East Asia economy.

SMEs have great potential in promoting regional economic development. Exchange and cooperation among them should be encouraged to push forward innovation and create employment. There is a great demand for infrastructure construction in East Asia. Relevant countries should make full use of finance, technology and expertise to help countries speed up infrastructure development and promote regional connectivity and integration.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



As distinguished members of government, business and academia, I hope you could make full use of the forum to contribute more wisdom, propose more initiative, build more consensus to raise 10+3 and East Asia cooperation to a higher level.


In conclusion, I wish the forum a complete success. Thank you!

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