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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-21 18:09 作者:官方文章 点击:


Joint Efforts Needed to Counter Terrorism Globally


Zhong Sheng

12月19日,土耳其和德国相继发生恐怖袭击事件,引发国际社会对暴力恐怖行为的一致谴责,也再度引发人们关于全球合力反恐必要性的深层思考。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The successive terrorist attacks in Turkey and Germany on Monday have spurred worldwide condemnation of the violent acts of terrorism. Once again, people have realized the necessity to join hands to fight terrorism.


So far, the motivations behind the incidents are not quite clear, but the occurrence of such cases does reflect the changed situation in international anti-terrorism work.

With 2016 coming to an end, terrorism has shown signs of globalization, localization, fragmentation and online operation. The two major terrorist groups, ISIS and Al Quaeda, compete with each other in terrorist attacks, resulting in an increase in worldwide terrorist attacks.

Meanwhile, the international anti-terrorism work is held back by power politics by major countries, especially the disagreement between the US and Russia, thus preventing the formation of a joint force to crack down on terrorism.


The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey reminded people of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, which caused the death of the US ambassador.

The US and Russia have huge differences on several regional agendas since the turmoil broke out in West Asia and North Africa, but both of them have had to deal with this common challenge. It was regrettable that over the past years, the common challenge didn’t encourage their anti-terrorism cooperation.


Not long ago, the Middle East witnessed two major battles: One was the Mosul attack started by Iraqi government, and the other was the Aleppo battle participated by Syrian government forces with the support of Russia. Both of them have something to do with counter-terrorism.

Both ISIS in Mosul and al-Nusra Front occupying Aleppo are terrorist groups listed by the UN, but the Western countries have adopted different attitudes toward the two wars. On the one hand, they supported the Mosul battle and sent reinforcements to crack down on terrorism in a hope to make up for their “reputation damage” caused by the Iraq war; on the other hand, they tried to stop Aleppo battle by defending the al-Nusra Front. They even accused Russia and Syria of undermining humanitarianism.

俄驻土大使遇袭身亡后,尽管西方各国政府也多在第一时间对袭击行为表达了谴责,但多家美欧媒体的相关报道,却依旧不乏再“黑一把”俄罗斯的色彩,叙述中刻意强调袭击事件“与俄罗斯支持巴沙尔·阿萨德政权、对叙利亚平民狂轰滥炸有关”。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Though many Western governments condemned the attack soon after the assassination of the Russian Ambassador, some media still showed their bias against Russia by emphasizing in their reports that “the incident was related to Russia’s support for Assad government and bombing of Syrian civilians.”


Terrorism is a common threat to all human beings, which means it is the common task for each country to fight against terrorism. But in fact, some countries have adopted double-standards toward anti-terrorism, or even mixed their hidden agendas in the process. They sometimes even pocketed “extra benefits” by using “counter-terrorism” as a tool.

It will lead to catastrophic consequences if each country only focuses on their petty schemes in facing this global threat. Both Russia and Western countries are victims of the two attacks.

The Western countries and Russia have divergences on a series of issues in Syria and Middle East, but the terrorists have launched “indiscriminate attacks” on them. It proves that no one alone can win against extremism and terrorism. It is imperative and necessary for all the stakeholders to put aside their differences and join hands to maintain world stability.

历史学家尼尔·弗格森曾就当今世界面临的恐怖主义威胁写道:“在整个短期和平期间,我一直隐隐约约地怀疑陀思妥耶夫斯基笔下的群魔还会回来。”放眼下一阶段国际反恐合作,焦点离不开叙利亚和伊拉克形势,不让恐怖主义重新在此建成基地是关键。同时,也必须加大努力防止恐怖主义意识形态传播,提高对“独狼式”袭击的警惕,并且以更大力气解决容易被恐怖组织利用的宗教冲突、地缘政治博弈。为了挡住“群魔”,各国只有合力反恐这一条路可以走。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Historian Niall Ferguson, when talking about the fear of terrorism, wrote that the “demons” described by Dostoevsky would return to the world after the short peace. Looking into the future, the key to global counter-terrorism cooperation lies in the Syrian and Iraqi crisis since one priority is to stop the terrorists from rebuilding bases in the two states.

At the same time, the world has to curb the spread of terrorism mindset, stay alert against the “lonely wolf” attacks, and increase efforts to solve religious confrontations and geopolitical competition that tend to be manipulated by terrorist groups. In order to prevent “demons”, all of the nations should come together to fight against terrorism.

On the evening of 20 September local time, Premier Li Keqiang attended a welcoming dinner

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