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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-21 16:44 作者:官方文章 点击:


Duplicity of US in Relations with China Hurts Bilateral Ties


Zhong Sheng

日前,美国国防部发表2016年度《中国军事与安全发展态势报告》,再次毫无根据地渲染“中国军事威胁”“中国军力不透明”,对中国国防政策以及中国在东海、南海的合法行动肆意歪曲。这样一份充斥傲慢与偏见的报告,遭到中方坚决反对,中方按照自身需求和规划进行国防建设的步伐更不可能因此受到丝毫影响。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The U.S. Department of Defense recently issued a report on China-related military and security developments for 2016. The report once again fans the theory of the “China Threat,” complete with accusations of insufficient transparency in military power. It also twists China’s defense policies in the South China Sea.

China has voiced strong opposition to such a prejudiced report. Regardless of the report’s content, China’s national defense will not be affected by any of the accusations.

“通过阅读史书可以发现,比起没有自己的军队且未做好准备的国家,拥有自己的军队且时刻准备着的国家要成功得多。”美军方高层人士不久前接受《纽约时报》采访时曾这样为手下部队时刻准备“今夜就开战”做辩护。美国拥有当今世界最强大军事实力,尚且这般“居安思危”。中国为维护国家独立、主权和领土完整开展正当国防建设,有什么不对之处?五角大楼又凭什么随意散布中国“军事威胁”?微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

“In reading history, it is those countries with militaries who are prepared and ready that fare much better than countries that have no militaries and aren’t,” said a U.S. senior military official in a recent interview with the New York Times, claiming that his forces must be ready “to fight tonight.”

As the strongest military power in the world, the U.S. has always been extremely cautious. For the same reason, China’s national defense, the purpose of which is to safeguard China’s independence, sovereignty and territories, is totally reasonable. The so-called China Threat is a lie.


Contributing to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and beyond, China has always followed the path of peaceful development and pragmatic national defense. The report issued by the Pentagon does nothing more than reflect the U.S. government’s two-facedness when dealing with China.

“美方愿同中方一道,以建设性方式妥善处理好两国之间的问题”“美国无意破坏中国的稳定,无意遏制中国,支持中国改革进程”“美国欢迎中国和平崛起。一个稳定、繁荣的中国,不仅符合中国人民利益,也符合美国和国际社会利益”……这都是近年来美国作出的郑重承诺。华盛顿近来的种种言行,包括拿“人权牌”干涉中国内政、在南海问题上频频挑起事端、无端攻击中国国防建设等,显然和上述承诺对不上号,携带着十足的负能量。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In recent years, the U.S. has made solemn commitments to manage differences and sensitive issues in a constructive manner. U.S. President Barack Obama once said that the U.S. welcomes China’s peaceful rise, and a strong and prosperous China can help bring stability and prosperity to the region and the world.

However, Washington has since then done a great deal of interfering with China’s internal affairs under the banner of “human rights,” provoking conflicts in the South China Sea and defaming China’s national defense.


What the U.S. has done, no matter if it was out of anxiety or due to a miscalculation in its domestic politics, has damaged the mutual trust between China and the U.S.

“China and the U.S. need to expand cooperation and healthy competition…[avoiding] high risk and cost,” said a senior official in Washington early this year. This statement represents the overall belief of most U.S. politicians, but such a vision requires strong willpower. It seems that the conceit of the U.S. comes from its confidence in its own power, but behind that veneer is obvious insecurity.

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