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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-21 16:41 作者:官方文章 点击:


Cold War Mentality Should Be Abandoned When It Comes to China-US Military Ties


Zhang Junshe

6月3日至5日,第十五届香格里拉对话会在新加坡召开。约600名各国防务部门和军队领导人及专家学者,就地区安全形势以及共同关心的重大安全议题,坦承发表看法。中美关系特别是两军关系依然是大会代表关注的重点。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The military relationship between China and the U.S. dominated discussion during the 15th Shangri-la Dialogue, which kicked off last Friday in Singapore.

During the three-day summit, about 600 military chiefs and officials, as well as experts and scholars from around 30 different countries, gathered in Singapore to discuss regional security and other related topics.


In a keynote speech delivered on Saturday, U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said China could end up erecting a “Great Wall of self-isolation.” His remarks were received by many people as a nod to the Cold War mentality. As a senior U.S. official, Carter’s mindset is doing no favors for the productive development of China-U.S. relations.

一个健康稳定的两军关系,对中美两国关系的发展具有重要影响。中美两国构建新型大国关系,需要发展与其相适应的新型两军关系。自2013年两国元首安纳伯格庄园会晤后的3年来,中美两军关系总体呈现出良好发展势头。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

A healthy and stable military relationship plays a big role in bilateral ties, so this type of Cold War thinking is not helpful as the two sides strive to improve their relations. Since Chinese and American heads of state met at the Annenberg Estate three years ago, bilateral military relations have had decent momentum.


For example, the two countries established a mutual report mechanism for major military actions, and formulated theRules of Behavior for Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters. These measures represent a historic step forward in the development of mutual trust.

In 2014, the Chinese navy was invited to join the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) naval drill, which is organized by the U.S. navy, for the first time. Five Chinese navy fleets will join RIMPAC again this year. Nevertheless, a lack of mutual trust still hinders the development of a stable military relationship, and the U.S. is the party at fault.

当前,中美两军关系依然处于不稳定的状态中,而影响两军关系健康稳定发展的主要原因是双方缺乏战略互信。而问题主要出在美国方面:一是美方不愿放弃对中国的猜忌与防范,对中国军队正常发展抱有偏见,怀疑中国军力发展的动机与意图。而事实上,中国比任何时候都需要一个和平稳定的外部环境。中国无意挑战美国在世界上的地位,中国的发展对美国是机遇而非挑战;二是美方对中国的核心利益和重大关切没能完全尊重。长期以来困扰中美两军关系发展的三大障碍,即美对台售武、美舰机抵近侦察和美对华歧视性法律,不仅没能解决,个别方面反而在最近一个时期更加突出。美军近期在中国南沙群岛临近海域和西沙群岛领海内进行所谓的“航行自由”行动,严重影响两军互信;三是遏华思维在美国政府、军方、国会和智库内仍有市场,尤其是冷战带给美国的巨大战略红利,令一些人对建立在结盟基础之上的遏制政策情有独钟。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

First of all, the U.S. is still skeptical of routine Chinese military developments. In addition, the U.S. does not respect China's core interests and concerns. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, close monitoring by U.S. aircraft and vessels, and discriminatory laws against China have all long hindered China-U.S. relations.

Instead of solving those problems, the U.S. has taken counterproductive measures. For instance, the recent “freedom of navigation operation” launched by the U.S. near China’s Nansha and Xisha Islands has severely affected mutual military trust. Moreover, some individuals in the U.S. government, military and think tanks are still aiming to contain China. Many of these people are single-mindedly focused on alliance-based containment policies that hark back to the Cold War.

美国和中国分别是世界上最大的发达国家和最大的发展中国家,对世界和平、稳定与繁荣负有共同的责任。落实中美元首达成的共识,延续两军关系良好发展势头,推动两军关系始终沿着健康稳定的轨道向前发展,不仅符合两国人民根本利益,也是地区和世界多数国家的共同期待。在这次历时3天“香会”期间,多数国家军事领导人都表示,不希望看到中美两军在地区发生对抗,也不愿意在中美之间选边站队。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学

As the largest developing and developed countries, China and the U.S. both shoulder responsibility for peace, stability and prosperity around the world. A sound military relationship is not only in the best interest of the two peoples, it is also important to many other countries. During the three-day Shangri-la Dialogue, a number of leaders expressed dissatisfaction with current relations between China and the U.S., and few were willing to take sides.


China and the U.S. should not be blinded by self-interest. Instead, they should seek common ground and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. The Pacific Ocean is large enough to accommodate both China and the U.S. As the heads of state of both nations agreed, China and the U.S. should deal with disputes in the spirit of “respect, mutual trust, equality and reciprocity.”

Doing so will help to build a sound and stable bilateral military relationship, which will greatly benefit regional and global security.

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