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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-19 15:15 作者:官方文章 点击:

李克强:“互联网+”产生的新业态可以说是层出不穷。大数据的发展已经成为一个潮流,我们只有顺应这个潮流,才能够抓住新的机遇。但与此同时,传统产业确实在经受挑战,我曾经举例说过网购和实体店就有过冲突,或者说是不协调的痛苦经历,但是现在实体店也在进行网上销售,反而增强了它的实力。所以,挑战是巨大的,但是应对挑战的办法更多。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Premier Li: The introduction of the internet has given rise to a mushrooming of new forms of business. And big data application has become a trend. We must adapt to this trend in order to seize as many opportunities as possible. Traditional industries did come under challenges. I once cited the example of physical stores going through the painful experience of confronting or even conflicting with online shops. Now, many physical stores have also opened their own online stores, which has made them more competitive. As we can see, notwithstanding the numerous challenges, we have more ways and means to overcome them.


The Internet Plus strategy the Chinese government has been advancing is inherently open to the world. We have in China a large number of cloud platforms that are attractive to foreign businesses or individuals. Foreign companies are getting registered on such platforms in large numbers. In sectors of basic telecommunications and value-added services in China, many business areas are now open to foreign investors, which represents the highest level of openness so far among all developing countries. This means tremendous opportunities for foreign firms.


Furthermore, China has over 900 million mobile broadband users and over 730 million Internet users. We are also actively advancing cross-border e-commerce. Foreign companies can sell their products and services on the e-commerce platforms. Nothing is impossible as long as you act on your ideas. In this process, the Chinese government will exercise prudent yet accommodating regulation to make sure that foreign companies can grow together with Chinese companies and join in our efforts to boost the Chinese economy and deliver greater convenience to the Chinese people. For the online economy to attract more consumers, security is the precondition. We must work together to crack down on fraud, sales of fake and shoddy products online, and theft of trade secrets.

最后,我想强调一下,刚才几位企业家做了提问,也都介绍了他们自己的企业。希望在座的各位和媒体,不仅关注他们的提问和我的回答,也要关注他们企业所取得的业绩,以及对中国现代化建设的支持。谢谢你们。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

To conclude, let me emphasize one point. Just now a few business leaders have asked questions and introduced their businesses. I hope all the delegates here and the media will pay attention not just to the questions they asked and the answers I gave, but also to what their businesses have achieved in the Chinese market and their support for China’s modernization. Thank you.

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