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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-19 15:15 作者:官方文章 点击:


Premier Li: China and the US are the world’s largest developing country and largest developed country respectively. Steady growth of China-US relations and expansion of our economic and commercial relations will bring tremendous benefits to people of the two countries and also to world peace, development and cooperation. No matter how the situation in our respective countries may evolve, we are sure about one thing, that is, China-US relations have always kept moving ahead despite ups and downs in the past several decades. Our two-way trade has seen strong growth, in particular, from just about $1 billion before we established diplomatic ties to over $500 billion last year. It would be fair to say that China and the US now have forged a community of inseparable interests.

中国政府着力推进大众创业、万众创新,首先是从就业角度考虑的。中国每年城镇新成长劳动力1500万人,就业压力较大,而大企业要提高效率,会更多应用机械手、机器人,就业容量实际上是在下降的。我们通过放宽市场准入,每天新增1.5万户以上小微企业,提供了大量的就业岗位。现在小微企业提供的就业岗位已经占了全部就业岗位的80%,这是包容性增长的基础。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government’s initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is first and foremost about employment. The government faces quite a big pressure in terms of employment, as we need to generate as many as 15 million new urban jobs each year to accommodate new entrants into the labor force. As big companies enhance efficiency and introduce more robots and manipulators, it is only natural that the total number of jobs they can offer has been somewhat declining. With government efforts to widen market access, as many as 15,000 small and micro businesses are getting registered on an average day in China, and they have been a large source of new jobs. Now in China, small and micro businesses provide 80 percent of all jobs. They are the backbone of inclusive growth.

第二,“双创”是适应创新需要而推动的。因为在新一轮工业革命过程当中,市场发生了巨大变化,个性化市场需求日益增长,甚至是呈倍数或几何级增长,这就需要有比较灵活的经营模式、创新方式和组织结构,而中小企业在这方面有很强的适应性,用中国的俗语说,就是船小好调头。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, this initiative is intended to meet the needs for innovation. The new industrial revolution has brought about a major shift in the marketplace, which is the exponential growth in individualistic customer demands. Meeting these demands requires flexible business models and innovation in management and organizational structures. The SMEs have an edge in adaptability. As a Chinese idiom goes, it is easy for a small boat to shift direction.

第三,“双创”适应了大中小企业融通发展的趋势,因为不仅是小企业在进行创新以适应个性化的需求,现在中国的很多大企业也在进行定制化生产,以满足市场多层次的需要,这样也要对内部组织结构进行改造。我这次考察了大连一家装备制造企业,它的生产线上就产生了诸多个创客空间,每个小团体可以对生产线上的产品进行个性化改造,以适应市场需求。虽然这家企业生产的是大型的产品,但是它的个性化定制已经占到85%。不仅这家企业,中国很多的大企业都在这么做。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

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