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The Development of China's Undertakings for the Aged


Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China


December 2006, Beijing

目 录


前 言



I. State Mechanism of Undertakings for the Aged


II. Old-age Security System


III. Health and Medical Care for the Aged


IV. Social Services for an Ageing Society


V. Cultural Education for the Aged


VI. Participation in Social Development


VII. Safeguarding Elderly People's Legitimate Rights and Interests

  前 言


  二十世纪末,中国60岁以上老年人口占总人口的比例超过10%。按照国际通行标准,中国人口年龄结构已开始进入老龄化阶段。进入新世纪后,中国人口老龄化速度加快。2005年底,中国60岁以上老年人口近1.44亿,占总人口的比例达11%。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

At the end of the 20th century, the proportion of people aged 60 and above in China accounted for over ten percent of the entire population, and thus, according to the generally acknowledged international standard, the age structure of Chinese population has entered the ageing stage. The ageing of China's population accelerated in the first years of the new century. By the end of 2005, there were close to 144 million people over the age of 60 in China, accounting for 11 percent of its entire population.


China is the biggest developing country in the world. As the number of elderly people keeps increasing and ageing of population accelerates, and due to the country's uneven development, one big challenge facing China in its social development is how to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly people and promote the development of undertakings for the aged.

中国政府历来关心和重视老龄事业。多年来,国家大力弘扬中华民族敬老养老的文化传统,采取切实有效措施,积极探索适合中国国情的老龄事业发展模式。特别是近年来,中国政府全面贯彻落实科学发展观,积极应对人口老龄化挑战,把发展老龄事业作为经济社会统筹发展和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,综合运用经济、法律和行政手段,不断推动老龄事业发展。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government has always cared for and paid attention to undertakings for the aged. For years, the state has made great efforts to promote the cultural tradition of the Chinese nation that elderly people are respected and provided for; and taken effective measures to explore a development mode of undertakings for the aged that suits China's conditions. Especially in recent years, the Chinese government has implemented the outlook of scientific development in an all-round way and positively meet the challenge posed by the ageing of the population. It has considered undertakings for the aged an important part of balanced social and economic development as well as of the building of a harmonious society, and has adopted economic, legal and administrative measures to constantly promote the development of undertakings for the aged.


    I. State Mechanism of Undertakings for the Aged


China's goals for the development of undertakings for the aged can be described as follows: All elderly people are to be provided for and enjoy proper medical care. They are to be given opportunities to pass on their experience as well as to learn new things. They should be given the opportunity to do what they can for the society, while enjoying their later years. In recent years, the Chinese government has worked positively toward these goals. It has strengthened formulation of laws, regulations and policies regarding elderly people, worked out development plans for undertakings for the aged, perfected the work system for care of the elderly, encouraged the extensive involvement of the whole society in efforts to care for the aged, and conducted international exchanges and cooperation in this regard.

  中华人民共和国成立以来,国家颁布一系列包括老年社会保障、老年福利与服务、老年卫生、老年文化教育和体育、老年人权益保障以及老龄产业等多方面内容的法律法规和政策。近二十年来,全国人大及其常委会、国务院及其有关部门颁布的老龄法律、法规、规章及有关政策达200余件,初步形成以《中华人民共和国宪法》为基础,《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》为主体,包括有关法律、行政法规、地方性法规、国务院部门规章、地方政府规章和有关政策在内的老龄法律法规政策体系框架。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the state has promulgated a number of laws, regulations and policies with regard to elderly people, covering such areas as social security, welfare, services, hygiene, culture, education and sports, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of elderly people and related industries. Over the past 20 years or so, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the State Council, and departments concerned have promulgated some 200 laws, regulations and policies concerning elderly people. A framework of laws, regulations and policies in this regard has been established with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China as its foundation, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People as its backbone, together with other relevant laws, administrative regulations, local regulations, rules, regulations and related policies formulated by departments of the State Council and local governments.


The Chinese government has promulgated and implemented the Seven-Year Development Outline on Work Concerning Elderly People in China (1994-2000), Outline of the Tenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of China's Undertakings for the Aged (2001-2005) and Eleventh Five-Year Plan for the Development of China's Undertakings for the Aged. Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at all levels have formulated action plans for work concerning elderly people in their departments and plans for the development of undertakings for the aged in their localities. The state has established a supervision and evaluation system to conduct mid-term and final checks on the implementation of these plans, to ensure that they are properly put into practice. It has also established a system of statistical indices for undertakings for the aged and a statistical work system which will provide basic data to help the formulation of plans, supervision and evaluation in this field. Since the 1980s, China has conducted three nationwide surveys on the elderly population, which have provided an important basis for scientific decision-making as regards undertakings for the aged.

  国务院成立全国老龄工作委员会,统筹规划和协调指导全国的老龄工作,研究、制定老龄事业发展战略和重大政策,协调和推动有关部门实施老龄事业发展规划,指导、督促和检查各地老龄工作。全国老龄工作委员会主任由国务院副总理担任,成员单位由国家26个部门组成,委员由各成员单位一位副部长级领导担任。委员会下设办公室,负责日常工作。目前,全国已基本建立起省(自治区、直辖市)、地(市、州、盟)、县(市、区、旗)、乡镇(街道)各级老龄工作委员会及其办事机构,村(居)民委员会有专人负责老龄工作,初步形成从中央到地方的工作网络。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The State Council has established the China National Committee on Ageing to plan, coordinate and guide this work nationwide. It studies and formulates development strategies and major policies for undertakings for the aged; coordinates the relevant departments and guides them to implement the development plans for undertakings for the aged; and leads, supervises and checks the work at local levels. A vice-premier of the State Council serves as the director of the China National Committee on Ageing, which comprises 26 state-level departments, with one senior leader equivalent to a vice-minister from each department as its representative. An office under the committee is responsible for routine work. Committees on ageing and related routine work offices have been established throughout the country at the provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government), prefectural (city, league), county (city, district, banner) and township (urban community) levels. Village and neighborhood committees have special personnel engaged in undertakings for the aged. These committees and offices have formed a complete network all the way from the central government down to the grassroots level.


Through policies and public opinion guidance, the state is actively engaged in creating a social environment for the development of undertakings for the aged, leading the public at large to be concerned with, support and participate in the development of undertakings for the aged. It also uses the market mechanism to guide and assist enterprises and public institutions in providing various products and services for elderly people. It has mobilized all social resources to help national and local ageing-related societies in their fund-raising campaigns, to organize large recreational and sports activities for the aged, to conduct scientific research on ageing and develop education for elderly people. In addition, the state encourages mass organizations and volunteers throughout the country to enrich elderly people's spiritual and cultural lives, and provide various services for them.

  中国政府先后派出高级别代表团参加联合国召开的第一、第二次世界老龄大会以及有关国际性和地区性老龄会议,成功承办联合国第二次世界老龄大会亚太地区后续行动会议以及一系列国际和地区性老龄会议,参与制定并积极履行国际老龄行动计划及亚太地区老龄行动计划。积极开展老龄领域全球性及区域性的多边和双边交流与合作,加入6个国际老龄组织,与90多个国家和地区的老龄组织建立业务联系。与联合国有关组织、欧盟以及一些国家的政府和非政府组织在老龄科研、老年扶贫以及老年教育等领域开展项目合作。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government dispatched high-level delegations to the first and second world conferences on ageing held by the United Nations, and other international and regional conferences on ageing. It hosted the Follow-up Action Conference for the Asia-Pacific Area of the UN's Second World Conference on Ageing, as well as several international and regional conferences on ageing. It took part in formulating and actively implemented international ageing action plans and the Asia-Pacific region's ageing action plans. China actively engages in multilateral and bilateral global and regional exchanges and cooperation in the field of ageing. It has joined six international organizations engaged in this work, and has established business contacts with related organizations in more than 90 countries and regions. It has worked on cooperative projects with relevant agencies of the United Nations, the European Union, and governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of some countries in scientific research on ageing, helping elderly people out of poverty and education for elderly people.


   II. Old-age Security System


China regards the establishment of an old-age security system corresponding to the level of the country's socio-economic development and ageing population as an important task and a priority area in its undertakings for the aged. In recent years, China has gradually established and improved an old-age security system involving the government, society in general, the family and individuals in its efforts to guarantee the basic life of elderly people.


Establishing an Old-age Insurance System in Urban Areas

  近年来,中国政府逐步建立覆盖城镇各类企业职工、个体工商户和灵活就业人员的统一的城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度。截至2005年底,全国基本养老保险参保人数达1.75亿人,其中4367万离退休人员享受养老保险待遇,当年养老保险基金支出达4040亿元人民币。国家建立基本养老金正常调整机制,根据职工工资增长和物价变动情况适时调整企业退休人员基本养老金水平。建立国家机关和事业单位工作人员离退休制度,由国家财政或单位按国家规定标准支付离退休费。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In recent years, the Chinese government has gradually established a uniform basic old-age insurance system in urban areas that covers all the employees of different types of enterprises, persons engaged in individual businesses of industry or commerce, and people who are employed in a flexible manner. By the end of 2005, the number of people participating in the basic old-age insurance scheme across China had reached 175 million, 43.67 million of whom were retirees. The disbursement of the old-age insurance fund was 404 billion yuan. The state has also set up an adjustment mechanism of the basic pension, by which the state adjusts the level of the basic pension of enterprise retirees in light of price fluctuations and wage raises of enterprise employees. A retirement system for staff members of government agencies and public institutions has been established; these people get their pension either directly from the central government finances or from their former employers at the rate stipulated by the state.


The state raises funds for the basic old-age insurance through multiple channels so as to increase the fund reserve needed for the increasingly larger gray population and ensure that enterprises' employees get their basic pension in full and on time. The state has made greater efforts to ensure that payments are made to the funds for the basic old-age insurance. By the end of 2005, the balance of China's basic old-age insurance funds was 404.1 billion yuan, and the total payment to the funds that year was 431.2 billion yuan. The government has also increased its financial input into the fund. In 2005 some 65.1 billion yuan of the basic old-age insurance fund came from government finances at different levels. Besides, a nationwide social security fund has been established, and by the end of 2005 the accumulated total was 201 billion yuan.

  国家积极发展补充性养老保险,引导和扶持有条件的企业为职工建立企业年金,由企业和职工共同缴费,实行基金完全积累,个人账户管理。2005年底,全国已有2.4万家企业建立企业年金,参加职工达924万人。国家还鼓励开展个人储蓄性养老保险,多渠道加强老年人的生活保障。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The state is actively developing supplementary old-age insurance. It guides and helps enterprises with adequate capacity to set up annuities for employees. Both enterprises and employees pay toward the annuity, so that funds are accumulated and managed under individual accounts. By the end of 2005, a total of 24,000 enterprises all over China had set up enterprise annuities, with 9.24 million employees participating. The state also encourages the development of old-age insurance attached to personal savings deposits; and guarantees the livelihood of elderly people through multiple channels.


Probing the Establishment of an Old-age Security System in Rural Areas

  中国老年人口近60%分布在农村。中国政府立足农村经济社会发展水平,积极发挥土地保障和家庭赡养功能,探索建立农村社会养老保障制度,努力保障广大农村老年人的基本生活。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

About 60 percent of the elderly people in China live in rural areas. Based on the socio-economic development level in rural areas, the Chinese government emphasizes the role of the land and the family in providing for people advanced in age. It has begun to study the establishment of an old-age social security system in rural areas in order to guarantee the basic livelihood of the elderly people there.


Giving full play to the role of the land in ensuring elderly people's livelihood and protecting farmers', including the elderly people's, right to operate land contracted to them. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People stipulates that an elderly person's guardian is obligated to till the land contracted to the elderly person he/she supports, and also to tend forestry and livestock under the elderly person's charge. The revenue from these will go to the elderly person as a guaranteed source for his/her basic livelihood. The state encourages people to sign a "family support agreement," which stipulates how the elderly person is to be provided for and what level of livelihood he/she will have. Village (neighborhood) committees or other relevant organizations will supervise the implementation of the agreement in order to make sure that elderly people receive the support they are entitled to. At present, all families in rural areas are encouraged to sign a "family support agreement." By the end of 2005, some 13 million "family support agreements" had been signed.


Probing the establishment of an old-age social insurance system in rural areas. By the end of 2005, about 1,900 counties in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the central government had established their own old-age social insurance systems. More than 54 million farmers were involved, with the accumulated insurance funds reaching some 31 billion yuan. And more than three million farmers now receive pensions. The total disbursement of old-age insurance payments in 2005 was 2.13 billion yuan.

  积极发展多种形式的保障制度,把农村特殊老年群体优先纳入社会保障范围。对无劳动能力、无生活来源、无法定赡养人、扶养人,或者其法定赡养人、扶养人确无赡养、扶养能力的农村老年人,由国家实施在吃、穿、住、医、葬方面给予生活照顾和物质帮助的“五保”供养制度。目前,全国享受“五保”供养的老年人达460多万人。对执行计划生育政策的农村独生子女或两女户夫妇,在年满60周岁以后,由中央或地方财政安排专项资金,实施计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度。2005年底,享受该奖励扶助的人群达到135万人。中国政府重视城镇化过程中被征地农民的养老问题,确保被征地农民基本生活和长远生计,逐步将被征地农民纳入社会保障体系。目前已有15个省(自治区、直辖市)出台了被征地农民社会保障办法,约600万人被纳入社会保障范围,筹集资金约500亿元人民币。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

China actively develops social security systems of various forms, and priority is given to a special group of elderly people to be covered in the social security system in rural areas. These are elderly people who have lost the ability to work, who have no source of income, and who have no legal guardians whatsoever to support them, or their legal guardians do not have the ability to support them. They enjoy the state's "five guarantees" system, which means that their food, clothing, housing, medical care and burial expenses are taken care of and subsidized by the government.

At present, more than 4.6 million elderly people across the country are benefiting from this government policy. For rural couples who have followed the state family planning policy and given birth to only one child (or two daughters), when they turn 60 they receive a bonus from a special fund made available by the central and local governments. By the end of 2005, some 1.35 million people had received such a bonus.

The Chinese government pays attention to taking care of elderly farmers whose land has been requisitioned in the process of urbanization. By gradually including those farmers in the social security system, the government makes sure that their basic livelihood is permanently guaranteed. So far, 15 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government have drawn up social security policies regarding farmers whose land has been requisitioned. About six million farmers are now covered by social security schemes, and some 50 billion yuan has been raised for this purpose.


Establishing Aid System for Impoverished Elderly People

  中国政府把缓解和消除老年贫困纳入国家反贫困战略和老龄事业发展规划。国家建立城市居民最低生活保障制度,对人均收入低于当地最低生活保障标准的家庭按标准给予补助。2005年,包括贫困老年人在内的2233万城市贫困人口领取了最低生活保障金,基本实现应保尽保。在农村,国家实施特困户定期定量救助和临时性生活救助制度,在有条件的地区积极探索建立农村最低生活保障制度。目前已有865万农村人口被纳入农村特困户定期定量救助,985万农村人口被纳入农村最低生活保障,其中包括不符合“五保”条件的贫困老年人。国家鼓励有条件的地方建立养老基地,发放养老补贴和高龄津贴,积极改善老年人的生活。地方政府积极组织实施开发式扶贫,扶持低龄、健康、有劳动能力的贫困老年人从事种植、养殖和加工等项目,增强贫困老年人的生产自助能力。积极发挥社会力量在老年贫困救助中的作用,推动各地老年基金会等社会团体、企事业单位和个人开展慈善救助和社会互助,创造结对帮扶、认养助养、志愿服务、走访慰问等多种救助形式,普遍为贫困老年人提供多样化扶助。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government has included the alleviation and elimination of poverty among elderly people in its anti-poverty strategy and the plan for the development of undertakings for the aged. The state has established a system that guarantees a minimum standard of living for urban residents. Families with per-capita income lower than what is needed to ensure the minimum standard of living in their area are entitled to a special allowance according to the standard.

In 2005, some 22.33 million impoverished urban residents (including impoverished elderly people) received such allowances, including almost all the people eligible for receiving the minimum living allowance. In the rural areas, the state practices an aid system by which families in most straitened circumstances receive a fixed amount of aid regularly or other livelihood assistance when the need arises. In regions where conditions are appropriate, the state is actively probing the establishment of a system that guarantees the minimum standard of living for rural residents.

At present, 8.65 million rural residents have been designated as people in the most serious financial difficulties, and they receive fixed aid from the government regularly. Some 9.85 million rural residents are entitled to receive the minimum living allowance, including poor elderly people who do not meet the requirements of the "five guarantees" system. The state encourages areas with adequate capacity to build homes for the aged, grant old-age subsidies and, for those over the age of 80, a special allowance in order to improve the lives of elderly people.

Meanwhile, local governments are actively organizing "helping the poor through production" schemes. They are doing their best to help poor people in their 60s who are generally healthy and strong enough to work to engage in farming, aquaculture and processing business, so that they can support themselves. China should give full play to the role of all social sectors in helping poor elderly people, encouraging NGOs like the old-age foundations to be found all over the country, as well as enterprises, public institutions and individuals to provide charitable and other assistance.

Various other forms of assistance are officially encouraged, such as pairing up between a well-off family and a poor elderly person so that the former may give more help to the latter, making commitments to support poor elderly people, doing volunteer work for them or paying visits to convey greetings to them. Therefore, various types of assistance are provided to the poor elderly people.


III. Health and Medical Care for the Aged


Improving medical care and service for the aged and enhancing their health are an important part of the efforts for the overall improvement of the people's health and quality of life in an ageing society. The Chinese government pays great attention to medical care for senior citizens in both urban and rural areas by improving medical and health services for them so as to meet their basic medical needs and improve their mental and physical health.


   Strengthening Medical Care for the Aged in Urban and Rural Areas


The state has established a basic medical insurance system which combines the unified planning program with individual accounts for urban employees. Under this system, retirees do not have to pay the basic insurance premiums, and they are given appropriate consideration in the ratio of medical costs paid between what is put into their individual accounts by their former employers and the part they have to pay personally. The general practice now is that large amounts for the medical costs for elderly people's common and chronic diseases are covered by the funds under the unified planning program, thus reducing the percentage paid by the individual retirees. By the end of 2005, retirees covered by the basic medical insurance in China had reached 37.61 million.


The state has taken supplementary medical care measures to reduce the burden of medical costs for the elderly. The state has set up a medical subsidy program for civil servants, and such expenditure, including the part for retirees, is covered by the state revenue. The government encourages the establishment of a subsidy system to cover hefty medical costs throughout the country. The fund collected from individual or enterprise payments will be used to cover medical costs in excess of the maximum coverage under the unified planning program for employees and retirees who suffer from major, serious or chronic diseases.

  从2003年起,国家开始进行个人缴费、集体扶持和政府资助相结合的新型农村合作医疗制度试点工作。到2006年6月底,全国新型农村合作医疗试点县(市、区、旗)扩大到1399个,覆盖农业人口4.95亿,3.96亿农民参加新型农村合作医疗,试点地区老年人参加新型农村合作医疗的比例超过73%;全国共补偿参加新型合作医疗的农民2.82亿人次,补偿资金支出144.12亿元人民币。国家要求各地为70岁以上农村老年人参加新型合作医疗给予适当政策优惠,照顾老年人的特殊需求。积极建立农村医疗救助制度,采取政府拨款和社会捐助相结合筹集救助资金,资助农村“五保”老年人和困难群众参加新型农村合作医疗,对因患大病个人医疗费负担过高、影响家庭基本生活的贫困农民给予适当补助,在一定程度上缓解了老年人基本医疗困难。目前31个省(自治区、直辖市)全部建立了农村医疗救助制度,2005年农村实施医疗救助达1112万人次,救助资金总支出10.8亿元人民币。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Where conditions permit, enterprises have set up a supplementary medical insurance system to cover medical costs in excess of the maximum coverage under the basic medical insurance. The Chinese government is exploring ways to set up a social medical aid system in cities by pooling medical-aid funds from many channels, such as state revenue allocations, public lottery welfare funds and public donations, to subsidize the medical costs of people in dire need. By the end of 2005, experimental work had been conducted in 1,119 counties (cities, districts, banners), providing medical aid in 1.633 million cases.

Experimental work began in 2003 to set up a new type of rural cooperative medical system by pooling funds from individual payments, collective support and government subsidies. By the end of June 2006, such experimental work had been extended to 1,399 counties (cities, districts, banners), covering 495 million rural dwellers. Up to 396 million farmers, and over 73 percent of the elderly people in the experimental areas, had participated in this new type of rural cooperative medical system. A total of 14.412 billion yuan had been paid in 282 million cases as subsidies to farmers covered by the new type of rural cooperative medical system.

The central government requires local governments to give appropriate preferential treatment to people over the age of 70 participating in the new type of rural cooperative medical system to meet their special needs. A rural medical aid system has been established, with funds from government appropriations and public donations to help the elderly covered by the "five guarantees" system and poor farmers to join the new type of rural cooperative medical system. The medical aid system provides certain subsidies to poor farmers whose high medical costs for serious diseases have affected their basic family life, and has to a certain degree alleviated the basic medical burdens on the aged. So far the rural medical aid system has been set up in all of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. In 2005, a total of 1.08 billion yuan of medical aid subsidy was given to farmers in 11.12 million cases.

  中国积极开展针对老年人的专项医疗救助和康复救助活动。通过实施国家残疾人事业发展纲要,开展以西部地区为重点的“让老年人重见光明行动”项目等,为约600万名老年白内障患者实施复明手术,并为边远贫困地区的老年缺肢者、听力障碍者免费装配假肢、验配助听器,帮助贫困、残疾老年人恢复或补偿功能。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Special activities to provide the aged with dedicated medical aid and healing aid are going full steam ahead in China. The National Development Outline for the Disabled and the Action for Helping Seniors to Regain Their Eyesight, conducted mostly in the western areas, have given operations to about six million elderly people in remote areas suffering from cataracts, and helped poor and disabled seniors to recover or regain physical functions by providing artificial limbs or hearing aids for free.


Developing Medical and Health Services for the Aged


The state has strengthened the planning and leadership of medical and health work for seniors. The Chinese government has formulated and implemented the Plan for Medical and Health Work for Seniors in the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period (1991-1995), issued policy documents twice on improving medical and health work for seniors, including work in a series of health development plans such as the Outline for National Health Education and Health Improvement Work (2005-2010), Outline for the Development of China's Nursing Work (2005-2010) and Plan for China's Mental Health Work (2002-2010). The National Health Work for Seniors Leading Group and the Experts Consultative Committee for Health Work for Seniors have been set up to strengthen the guidance, coordination and scientific decision-making in this regard.

  国家鼓励有条件的大中型医疗机构开设老年病专科或老年病门诊,积极为老年人提供专项服务。根据区域卫生规划,建立能够提供老年病防治、老年康复和临终关怀等服务的医疗卫生服务机构。各地医疗机构普遍为70岁以上老年人提供了挂号、就诊、取药、住院等方面的优先优惠服务。2006年,国家颁布实施《国民经济和社会发展“十一五”规划纲要》,把实施爱心护理工程,加快发展面向高龄病残老年人的护理服务设施纳入规划重点。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The state encourages large- and medium-sized medical institutions, where conditions permit, to open special departments or outpatient departments for senile diseases to provide specialized services to seniors. The establishment of medical service institutions according to regional health plans is also encouraged to help prevent and treat senile diseases, provide healing service for the aged and hospice care. Priority and preferential treatment for people over the age of 70 are generally provided in Chinese medical institutions in terms of registration, treatment, obtaining medicine and hospitalization. The Outline for National Economic and Social Development in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period issued by the government in 2006 included the Nursing with Care Project and speeding up the development of nursing facilities for elderly patients and the disabled as key tasks.


The establishment of an urban community health service system has been speeded up nationwide, with emphasis on medical and health work for the aged, so as to provide safe, efficient, convenient and economical health services to the elderly. Grassroots medical institutions all over the country are encouraged to convert into community health service institutions, and to provide health care, medical treatment, nursing and healing services for the aged.

By the end of 2005, over 15,000 community health service centers had been set up in Chinese cities, and urban community health services were available in 95 percent of the cities at or above the prefectural level, and in 86 percent of the districts under municipal jurisdiction and the county-level cities. With visiting and taking care of patients at home, daily care and hospice care provided by grassroots medical institutions according to the special needs of the elderly, their health problems can be basically solved within the community.

  国家针对老年人健康特点,积极开展卫生保健宣传。利用广播、电视、报刊、社区宣传栏等多种形式宣传普及老年期养生和保健常识。各级医院常年面向所在社区开办健康讲座,为慢性病患者开健康处方。国家制定健康老年人标准,开展全国健康老年人评选活动,积极推广科学、健康的生活方式。加强心脑血管病、糖尿病等慢性疾病的三级预防工作,制定高血压、糖尿病的防治指南和管理方案并逐步推广,促进老年慢性疾病的早期发现、早期诊断和早期治疗。从1991年起,中国政府开始把老年病防治研究工作纳入国家科技计划。目前,全国从事老年病防治研究的机构达50多家。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In consideration of health and physical characteristics of the aged, the Chinese government has made positive efforts in organizing hygiene and health care publicity work. Radio, TV, newspapers and community bulletin boards are all used to publicize common knowledge of how to keep fit and healthy in old age. Hospitals at various levels provide regular health lectures throughout the year to local communities, providing health advice to those suffering from chronic diseases.

The state has set the standard for healthy seniors, and organized national public appraisals of healthy seniors as a way to promote a scientific and healthy lifestyle. The "three-level prevention and treatment work" (of heart, brain and blood diseases as well as diabetes and other chronic diseases) is being stressed, and the prevention and treatment guidance and management plan for high blood pressure and diabetes has been formulated and gradually promoted to facilitate the early discovery, diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases related to old age. Starting in 1991, the Chinese government began to include the prevention and treatment of senile diseases in the state scientific and technological plan. So far, more than 50 institutions in the country are engaged in research to prevent and treat senile diseases.


Promoting Mass Sports and Fitness Exercises among Elderly People

  中国政府大力推动老年群众性体育健身活动,努力增强老年人体质,提高健康水平。2005年底,全国县以上各级行政区划、70%的城市社区和50%的农村乡镇建立了老年人体育协会,加强对老年群众体育活动的组织和指导。近年来,国家实施“全民健身工程”,加强公益性体育健身场地和设施建设,为老年人开展体育健身活动提供场所。目前,全民健身工程(点)已建成3万多个。从2001年起,中国组织实施了“亿万老年人健身活动”,吸引更多老年人参加到体育健身行列中来。目前,全国参加经常性体育健身活动的老年人达5800多万人。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government promotes mass sports and fitness exercises among elderly people with an aim to improve their physique and health. By the end of 2005, all counties and higher administrative units, 70 percent of urban communities and 50 percent of townships in rural areas had established sports associations for seniors, which are strengthening organization work and guidance for the mass sports activities of the aged. In recent years, the state initiated the National Fitness Project, which helps to set up public sports and fitness grounds and facilities, and to provide space for elderly people to do physical exercises.

At present, there are over 30,000 such sports grounds throughout the country. Since 2001, the "Millions of Seniors' Fitness Exercise Activities" organized in China have attracted more and more senior participants, so it is estimated that there are now more than 58 million elderly people doing regular sports and fitness exercises in China.


IV. Social Services for an Ageing Society

加快为老社会服务体系建设,是保障老年人不断增长的社会服务需求的重要举措。近年来,中国政府大力发展社区为老服务,不断改善老年人居家养老的支持环境。同时,积极推进机构养老服务,努力满足老年人多样化的为老社会服务需求,初步形成以居家养老为基础、社区服务为依托、机构养老为补充的为老社会服务体系。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

To speed up the building of a social service system suitable for an ageing society is an important measure to meet elderly people's growing needs for social services. In recent years, the Chinese government has made great efforts to develop community services for the aged and to continually improve elderly people's living environment. Meanwhile, social service institutions for the aged are being encouraged to meet seniors' needs for diversified social services. So far, a social service system for the elderly has taken initial shape, based on family care for the aged, and supported by community services and supplemented by institutional services for seniors.


The state has promulgated a series of policies and documents, such as Opinions on Promoting Urban Community Construction Nationwide and Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Community Services, and has taken active measures, increased its input, strengthened community construction and service work, so as to provide diversified and more convenient services to community residents, including the aged, and to constantly improve the social service environment for them.

By the end of 2005, there were 195,000 urban community service amenities and 8,479 comprehensive social service centers in China. Family visits, regular service provided at fixed venues, and mobile service are available in most places, providing care and housekeeping services, emergency aid, and other free or reduced-payment services for the aged.

In the period 2001-2004, the Chinese government invested a total of 13.4 billion yuan in the "Starlight Program" to build community welfare service facilities for seniors. The program helped to set up 32,000 "Starlight Centers for Seniors," which provide family visit, emergency aid, day care, health and healing services, and organize recreational activities, benefiting over 30 million elderly people. In 2005, there was an average of 1.32 urban welfare institutions for seniors in every community committee, and one such institution for every 9.8 neighborhood committees.

  近年来,国家加大资金投入,在城镇建立面向“三无”老人(无劳动能力、无生活来源、无法定赡养人、扶养人,或者其法定赡养人、扶养人确无赡养、扶养能力的城市老年人)的社会福利院,大力发展老年公寓、养老院和老年护理院,为不同经济状况和生活能力的老年人,特别是高龄病残人群提供机构养老服务;在农村加强敬老院建设,为“五保”老人提供集中供养场所和生活服务。颁布《关于加快实现社会福利社会化的意见》、《关于加快发展养老服务业的意见》等政策文件,鼓励和调动社会力量,采取公建民营、民办公助、政府补贴、购买服务等多种形式,推动养老机构较快发展。2005年底,全国城乡有社会福利院、敬老院、养老院、老年公寓和老年护理院等养老服务机构39546个,总床位149.7万张,其中农村乡镇敬老院29681个,总床位89.5万张。国家加强对养老服务机构的规范化管理,先后颁布了《国家级福利院评定标准》、《社会福利机构基本规范》等规范性文件,努力提高机构养老服务质量和水平。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In recent years, the state has increased its investment in the building of social welfare institutions, targeting elderly people who have lost the ability to work, who have no source of income, and who have no legal guardians whatsoever to support them, or their guardians do not have the ability to support them. The government actively promotes the construction of senior citizens' lodging houses, elderly people's homes and nursing homes for the aged, to provide institutional services for seniors with different financial and physical conditions, especially those over 80, sick and disabled.

The building of elderly people's homes is also promoted in rural areas for people in the "five guarantees" category. The government has issued policy documents including Opinions on Accelerating Socialized Welfare Services and Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Social Services for the Aged to speed up the development of institutional social services for the aged. Various modes are encouraged to mobilize social resources for this purpose: state built and privately run, privately operated with government support, government subsidy, and services purchased by government.

By the end of 2005, there were 39,546 institutions providing services for seniors, such as social welfare institutions for the aged, elderly people's homes, senior citizens' lodging houses, and nursing homes for the aged, with a total of 1,497 million beds, including 29,681 rural elderly people's homes with 895,000 beds. The state has intensified its administration of standardized social institutional services for the aged by issuing the Assessment Standard for State-level Social Welfare Institutions for the Aged and the Basic Norms for Social Welfare Institutions for the Aged, to improve the quality and level of such services.

  国家通过学校教育、在职教育和岗位培训等形式,培养为老服务需要的管理和服务人才。国家颁布《社会工作者职业水平评价制度暂行规定》和《社会工作者职业水平考试实施办法》,鼓励和吸引专业社会工作者和高等院校社工专业毕业生到福利服务机构工作。政府发布养老护理员职业目录,颁布实施国家职业标准,加强养老服务队伍的专业化和规范化建设。2005年底,取得养老护理员资格的为老服务人员近2万人。发展志愿者组织,在全国范围开展志愿者为老服务“金晖行动”,组织动员广大青少年和其他社会公众加入为老服务志愿者行列,通过与养老机构和居家老年人结对帮扶等形式,为老年人提供生活照料、医疗保健、法律援助等多方面服务。截至目前,全国共有1300万人次的志愿者为280多万名老人提供了超过6.3亿小时的志愿服务,建立志愿者为老服务站6万多个。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government is endeavoring to train management and service personnel to provide services for the aged through educational course in school, work-and-learning programs and on-the-job training. The Provisional Regulations on the System of Assessing the Professional Level of Social Workers and the Methods for Implementing Professional Proficiency Tests for Social Workers, both promulgated by the state, encourage professional social workers and college graduates majoring in social work to work in social welfare institutions.

The government has also laid down the standards and qualifications for the occupation of professional nurses for the aged, in order to strengthen the building of professionalism and standardization of this contingent. By the end of 2005, nearly 20,000 people had obtained such qualifications.

The government encourages establishment of volunteer organizations to carry out the program known as Golden Sunshine Action throughout the country, has mobilized many teenagers and people of all walks of life to join volunteers to take care of the aged. Their services cover many areas including taking care of seniors' everyday lives and providing medical and health care as well as legal aid by serving in social service institutions for the aged and forming one-on-one relationships with the aged at home. So far, more than 630 million hours of volunteer service have been provided in 13 million cases for over 2.8 million elderly people, and volunteers have set up over 60,000 service centers for the aged.


V. Cultural Education for the Aged


The promotion of cultural education for elderly people is a requirement for enhancing the level of their spiritual and cultural life. China pays much attention to the development of cultural education for the aged in order to enrich their cultural life and satisfy their needs in this regard.


The Chinese government has set up comprehensive activity centers with adequate multi-functional facilities for seniors in large- and medium-sized cities; cultural activity centers for seniors in counties (cities, districts and banners); activity stations (sites) for seniors in townships, towns and communities; and activity rooms for seniors in grassroots villages and neighborhoods.

By the end of 2005, there were over 670,000 amenities for seniors' recreational activities in Chinese urban and rural areas. Governments at all levels have designated special activity venues for seniors in both old and new public-welfare cultural establishments, and cultural activity venues under the administration of government institutions have also been opened to the elderly. Public cultural service establishments such as libraries, cultural centers, art galleries, museums, and science and technology centers supported by state funds, as well as public recreation places, including parks, gardens and tourist sites, are open to seniors free or at a discount. As a result, the social and cultural life of the elderly is continuously improving.

  国家积极提供符合老年人特点的精神文化产品。中央和省级广播电台、电视台开办老年节目或老年栏目。2005年底,全国共出版老年类报纸24种,期发行量280万份;老年类期刊23种,期发行量305.8万册。文艺、影视、戏剧和出版界创作了大量老年人喜闻乐见的文艺作品。各级文化部门积极组织文艺团体深入基层,创作和表演深受老年人欢迎的文艺节目。大力提倡和扶持各种有益于老年人身心健康的文化娱乐活动,国家财政每年拨专款支持举办全国老年文艺演出、中国老年合唱节等大型活动,开展国际间老年文化艺术交流。各地经常组织开展形式多样、健康向上的社区老年文化活动。群艺馆、文化馆、文化站等公共文化机构加强对老年文化活动的指导,培养了大批老年业余文艺骨干,在活跃和丰富广大老年人精神文化生活中发挥了重要作用。城乡老年群众文艺活动组织迅速发展,成为老年群众性文化活动的中坚力量。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The state has made positive efforts to provide spiritual and cultural products suitable for senior citizens. Central and provincial radio and TV stations broadcast programs and special features for elderly people. By the end of 2005, China had published 24 newspapers for seniors, with a total circulation of 2.8 million copies, and 23 magazines and periodicals, selling some 3.058 million copies.

Large quantities of literary and artistic works popular among elderly people have been created in literary, movie and television, theatrical and publication circles. Cultural departments and institutions at various levels organize art troupes to create and give performances warmly welcomed by elderly people at grassroots units.

The Chinese government positively promotes and supports all kinds of cultural and recreational activities beneficial to the mental and physical health of seniors, and allocates special funds every year for such large-scale activities as national performances by elderly people and the Chinese Elderly People's Chorus Festival, and for international cultural and artistic exchanges for the elderly. Diversified and healthy cultural activities for the elderly are frequently organized in communities throughout the country.

Public cultural institutions such as art centers, cultural centers and cultural stations make it a point to give guidance to elderly people's cultural activities, and meanwhile, have cultivated a contingent of amateur art and literary activists among seniors, who play an important role in enlivening and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly. Mass recreational organizations of elderly people in both urban and rural areas are growing rapidly, forming the backbone of elderly people's cultural activities.

  国家重视保障老年人受教育权利,加大投入,积极扶持,推动老年教育事业迅速发展。各级政府、有关部门和企事业单位创办了一批示范性老年大学,同时依托省、市、县各级现有群众文化设施多渠道、多层次发展老年教育,努力实现“县县有老年大学”的目标,并逐步向社区、乡镇延伸。一些地方充分运用现代传媒手段,开办面向老年人的电视和网络学校,扩大老年教育覆盖面。目前已初步形成多层次、多形式、多学制、多学科的老年教育体系。老年人通过学习达到了增长知识、丰富生活、陶冶情操、增进健康、服务社会的目的。2005年底,中国的老年大学(学校)已发展到2.6万多所,在校学员230多万人。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The state attaches importance to protecting elderly people's right to education, and has increased financial support for such endeavors. Governments of different levels, departments concerned, enterprises and public institutions have established model institutions of higher learning for the elderly.

On the basis of existing provincial, municipal and county-level mass cultural facilities, education for seniors has been developing through different channels and at various levels, aiming to achieve the goal of making higher education available for elderly people in every county, and extending to townships and communities.

In some places, modern means of telecommunications have been fully utilized to open TV and online schools for the elderly to expand coverage of education for the aged. Today, an educational system for elderly people that is multi-level, multi-form and multi-disciplinary with different lengths of schooling has taken initial shape. Studying in elderly people's schools helps seniors to broaden their knowledge, enrich their lives, refine their sentiment, improve their health and serve society. By the end of 2005, there were over 26,000 such schools in China, with a total enrollment of 2.3 million elderly students.


VI. Participation in Social Development


The state values and cherishes senior citizens for their knowledge, experience and skills, and respects them for their good ethical values. It thus makes vigorous efforts to create conditions for senior citizens to bring into full play their expertise and capability, and gives them encouragement and support to integrate into society and continue to make contributions to the social development of China.


The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People has a special chapter on protecting the rights and interests of elderly people to participate in social development. China has issued a development plan for elderly people that includes, as an important component, the encouragement of elderly people to participate in social development, and has made special policies to bring into full play the expertise of retired scholars and professionals.

In urban areas, governments at all levels guide senior citizens to participate in the fields of education and training, technological consultation, medical and health work, scientific and technological development and application, and care for the younger generation, in accordance with the demands of economic, social, scientific and technological development.

In rural areas, governments encourage people in their 60s to engage in farming, aquaculture and processing activities. Statistics show that among the elderly people of China, in urban areas 38.7 percent participate in public welfare activities, and 5.2 percent still have paid work; in rural areas, 36.4 percent are engaged in farming.

In 2003, the Chinese government started to organize the Silver Hair Action program, aimed at enabling senior intellectuals to apply their scientific and technological knowledge and expertise to aid the western regions and other under-developed areas in their localities. So far, senior citizens involved in the Action program have treated over 200,000 patients and trained 38,000 medical personnel and primary and middle school teachers in 24 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

And a volunteer program named Loving Care for Helping the Growth of the Young is being carried out around the country. Volunteers from among healthy people in their 60s, through the Moral Education Action, Publicity Action, Inspection Action, Protecting Children Action and Caring Action programs, are helping teenagers to solve study, life and psychological problems. These programs have already been launched in over 100 cities nationwide.

  在政府的引导和扶持下,中国老教授协会、老科技工作者协会、老年法律工作者协会等全国性老年社会团体已发展到13家,分会遍及全国各地。中国老教授协会和老科技工作者协会的个体会员数量超过65万人。各地成立了退休工程师协会、老教育工作者协会、离退休医务工作者协会等一批以老年知识分子为主体的社会团体,组织老年知识分子继续为社会经济发展作贡献。各地重视城乡基层老年群众组织建设,2005年底,城市社区和农村老年人协会发展到31.7万个,在组织广大老年人参与基层社区建设、社会公益活动和维护老年人自身权益等方面发挥了积极作用。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Under the guidance and with the support of the government, 13 national associations for senior citizens have sprung up, including the China Senior Professors Association, Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians and Association of Senior Lawyers, branches of which have appeared all over China. The membership of China Senior Professors Association and Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians together exceed 650,000.

In local areas, societies with senior intellectuals as the mainstay have been founded, such as the Association of Retired Engineers, Association of Senior Teaching Staff and Association of Retired Medical Workers, which help their members to continue to make contributions to the social and economic development of China. Local governments attach importance to the building of grassroots senior organizations in urban and rural areas.

By the end of 2005, China had 317,000 such associations in both urban and rural areas, playing an active role in organizing large numbers of elderly people to take part in grassroots community construction and public welfare activities, and safeguarding the rights and interests of elderly people.

  近年来,国家颁布《城市道路和建筑物无障碍设计规范》,制定《无障碍设施建设工作“十五”实施方案》以及《民用机场旅客航站区无障碍设施设备配置标准》、《铁路车站及枢纽设计规范》、《铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范》、《铁路站场客货运设备设计规范》等一系列标准规范,大中城市道路、车站、机场、商场、公交站点、住宅居住区和其他公共建筑的无障碍设施建设发展较快,老年人安居和参与社会生活的设施环境不断改善。开展了创建全国无障碍设施建设示范城(区)活动,北京、上海、天津等12个城市被确定为首批全国无障碍设施建设示范城(区)创建城市。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In recent years, the state has promulgated the Design Codes for Accessibility of Urban Roads and Buildings, and formulated the Tenth Five-Year Plan on Constructing Barrier-Free Facilities, and a number of similar regulations such as Standards for Barrier-Free Facilities and Equipment in Civil Airport Passenger Terminal Areas, Design Codes for Accessibility of Railway Stations and Junctions, Design Codes for Construction of Railway Stations for Passengers, Design Codes for Equipment Used for Passenger and Freight Transport at Railway Stations and Premises.

Construction of barrier-free facilities on roads, in stations, airports, shops, at bus stops, in residential areas and other public buildings in large and medium cities have been developing rapidly, creating convenience for senior citizens in their daily lives and enabling them to engage more fully in social activities. A campaign to build demonstration cities/districts of barrier-free facilities is being carried out around the country, and 12 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, have been listed among the first to build such bases.


VII. Safeguarding Elderly People's Legitimate Rights and Interests


The Chinese government respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of elderly people, and employs legal and ethical means to strengthen this work so as to promote realization of legitimate rights and interests of the aged.


The Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that "Chinese citizens have the right to material assistance from the state and society when old, sick or unable to work;" "Citizens above the age of 18 are obliged to support their parents;" and "There must be no mistreatment of senior citizens, women or children." The basic laws of China, including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People, General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of Succession of the People's Republic of China, Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, all clarify the rights of senior citizens and stipulate the legal punishments for acts infringing on their rights.

So far, 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government have promulgated and enforced local regulations on the protection of the rights and interests of senior citizens. The state fully respects and cares for senior citizens in social life. In 2005, the government issued Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Care for Senior Citizens, requiring the departments concerned to give preference to senior citizens regarding economic support, medical care, everyday services, cultural recreation and exercise, and rights protection. Similar policies on special treatment for senior citizens have been promulgated in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, enabling seniors to fully enjoy social respect and care.


The People's Court takes very seriously the handling of cases of mistreating, abandoning and harming seniors, punishing in accordance with the law crimes infringing on senior citizens' rights of person and property, and gives priority to lawsuits concerning seniors' support and medical care in putting on file, adjudicating and executing these cases. Some grassroots people's courts have set up "seniors tribunal" to handle civil cases concerning senior citizens, and established the jury system for cases involving seniors.

The Supreme People's Court of China has formulated regulations on judicial assistance, and on postponing, reducing or exempting court costs for poor senior citizens. In 2005, more than 30,000 seniors received judicial assistance. Public security agencies severely crack down on illegal acts or crimes infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of senior citizens in accordance with the law, so as to protect the safety of their persons and property.

Judicial and administrative departments make vigorous efforts to provide legal assistance and services to senior citizens. And local legal assistance and service agencies give top priority and preferential treatment to seniors. Grassroots people's mediation organizations in both urban and rural areas are playing a significant role in settling disputes concerning senior citizens and protecting their rights and interests. From 2001 to 2005, each year legal service agencies provided assistance to seniors involved in over 40,000 cases, served as agents and provided services in over 400,000 similar lawsuits and non-lawsuits, and settled over 400,000 senior-concerned disputes.

  各级人大常委会定期或不定期开展执法检查,推动政府有关部门依法履行职责,落实老年人的各项合法权益。2001年至2005年,全国县级以上人大常委会开展老龄法律法规的执法检查达3000余次。各级人民政协履行民主监督职能,为政府改进老年人权益保障工作建言献策。2001年至2005年,全国政协委员提出涉老提案近1000件。各级政府部门加强信访工作,畅通群众监督的渠道。老年人通过信访主张自己的权利,反映意见和建议。2005年,全国老龄工作机构共受理老年人来信来访近40万件(次)。新闻媒体围绕老年人权益保障问题开展多种形式的舆论监督。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The standing committees of the people's congresses at all levels conduct regular or irregular inspections on law enforcement in this regard, ensuring that government departments are fulfilling their responsibility to protect the legitimate rights and interests of senior citizens. From 2001 to 2005, standing committees of people's congresses above the county level made altogether more than 3,000 inspections on the enforcement of laws and regulations relating to senior citizens.

Meanwhile, people's political consultative conferences at all levels fulfill the function of democratic supervision, offering advice to governments on how to improve the work of protecting the rights and interests of senior citizens. From 2001 to 2005, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference made nearly 1,000 proposals concerning senior citizens. Government departments at all levels are improving the work of handling petitions and visits, in order to make sure that the channel for the people's supervision is unimpeded.

By letters and visits, senior citizens protect their rights and air their opinions and advice. In 2005, agencies on ageing around China handled altogether nearly 400,000 letters and visits from senior citizens. The news media too has carried out different forms of supervision by public opinion centering on the issue of protecting the rights and interests of senior citizens.

  中国政府重视老龄法律法规政策的宣传普及工作,把《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》纳入“三五”(1996—2000年)、“四五”(2001—2005年)和“五五”(2006—2010年)普法计划,开展了形式多样的宣传学习活动,强化全社会维护老年人合法权益的法律意识和老年人的自我保护意识。各级政府采取多种形式,大力弘扬中华民族敬老养老的优良传统,提高社会的敬老意识和水平。各地普遍设立老人节或敬老日,在每年中国传统节日重阳节和本地敬老节日期间,政府有关部门积极组织大型宣传教育活动和敬老活动。各地把青少年作为宣传教育的重点,将敬老教育内容纳入中小学教学课程,在青少年中开展“敬老爱老助老主题教育活动”,弘扬敬老养老的社会风尚。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government attaches importance to publicizing and popularizing laws, regulations and policies concerning senior citizens. It has included the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People in the Third Five-Year (1996-2000), Fourth Five-Year (2001-2005) and Fifth Five-Year (2006-2010) plans on spreading general knowledge of the law, and launched educational activities in varied forms, strengthening the people's awareness of the importance of protecting seniors' legitimate rights and interests, as well as seniors' self-protection awareness. Governments at all levels have adopted a variety of methods to invigorate the tradition of the Chinese nation of respect and support for elderly people, and improve people's awareness of the importance of respecting seniors. Senior Citizens' Day is celebrated nationwide.

On the Double Ninth Festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month) and local Senior Citizens' Day, government departments concerned actively organize large-scale educational activities and activities for respecting senior citizens. Local governments target teenagers for education in respect for senior citizens, include relevant content in primary and middle school courses, and conduct the Educational Activity of Respecting, Loving and Helping Senior Citizens among teenagers, and boost a sound social environment for giving respect to and providing for the aged.


China has made obvious achievements in its undertakings for the aged. However, as a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, China still has problems and shortcomings in the work concerning elderly people. For example, laws and regulations concerning senior citizens need further improvement, and there are still acts infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of elderly people; the social security system is yet to be perfected; elderly people with difficulties in their everyday lives in some urban areas do not have adequate social security; the problem of impoverished elderly people in some rural areas is still conspicuous; and a social atmosphere of respecting elderly people needs to be further developed.

In China, the task of solving problems concerning elderly people and continuously promoting the development of undertakings for the aged remains an arduous one. At present, the population of senior citizens in China is growing by three percent every year. Facing the growing challenge of the ageing population, the Chinese government will adopt more effective strategies to promote the undertakings for the aged in coordination with economic and social development, in order to enable senior citizens to share the fruits of economic and social development.

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