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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋外刊双语精读 发布时间:2021-07-12 18:08 作者:雒老师Joy 点击:

俗话说,爱美之心人皆有之。其实,现在不少人有外貌焦虑,总觉得自己长得不好看,其中有一部分人就希望通过整容让自己变得更年轻(stay young)、更好看,从而提升自信。


2021年5月8日经济学人上有一篇文章,Nipping and tucking这篇文章大概框架是先引出整容手术,再提到了整容市场有多大,还提到了整容风险。文章最后一段指出尽管有风险,但是整容行业前景乐观。


原文:Hannah tang, a company manager in Beijing, first went under the knife when she was 18. The surgeon made an incision across each of her eyelids, then stitched folds of skin back to transform her monolids into “double eyelids”. The result was eyes that look bigger, rounder, and in Ms Tang’s opinion, more beautiful. Now 35, Ms Tang (not her real name) has since had two more eyelid surgeries, as well as botox injections in her neck and monthly non-invasive “skin booster” treatments. “Pretty much everyone I know around me has had fillers or surgery,” she says.




第一句:Hannah tang, a company manager in Beijing, first went under the knife when she was 18.


1. 人名的翻译:后面提到 (not her real name),所以我们需要加上(化名)”。

2. 固定表达:go under the knife的意思是“动手术;开刀”,很形象吧。比如我们经常看见新闻报道说一些人为了整容千里迢迢跑到国外,就可以像经济学人这样表达:More people are going under the knife abroad. 越来越多的人在海外开刀。

“动手术“还可以说undergo surgery,have surgery,have an operation,比如柯林斯词典例句:他去年动过大手术。He underwent major surgery last year.

为了让他断裂的韧带愈合,他的膝盖必须动一次大手术。He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments.

今天这篇文章中提到了几个关于具体整容手术的表达,大家可以积累一下。首先是have eyelid surgeries割双眼皮手术。

“have/start botox injections (in +身体部位)”表示在某个身体部位注射肉毒杆菌,注意介词用的是in。

nose job指鼻子整形手术。如柯林斯词典例句:I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job. 我从没整过容,虽然人们一直以为我做过鼻子整形术。常见的还有a boob job隆胸,当然隆胸手术还可以说breast augmentations。如经济学人例句:

In February Gao Liu, an actress, shared shocking pictures on social media of her botched nose job. It resulted in the tissue on the tip of her nose dying and turning black. 今年2月,女演员高溜在社交媒体上分享了其鼻子整形失败的照片,令人震惊。整形失败的后果是她的鼻尖组织坏死变黑。

In America breast augmentations are the most popular procedure, although in 2020, the year of Zoom, more Americans fixed their noses than their breasts. 隆胸是美国最受欢迎的整形手术,尽管在广泛使用Zoom的2020年,更多美国人选择去整鼻子而不是去隆胸。



第二、三句:The surgeon made an incision across each of her eyelids, then stitched folds of skin back to transform her monolids into “double eyelids”. The result was eyes that look bigger, rounder, and in Ms Tang’s opinion, more beautiful.


1. surgeon 美 ['sɜrdʒən] 作为名词意思是“外科医生”,比如《牛津词典》例句:He is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country. 他号称是这个国家最好的心脏外科医生。

surgery表示“外科手术”,比如“整形手术”就是plastic surgery,用于矫正视力的激光手术就是laser surgery。还有医院设立的外科就是surgery department。


2. 固定表达:incision 美 [ɪn'sɪʒ(ə)n] 作为名词意思是“切开;割口;(尤指手术的)切口”。make an incision表示“划下一刀;切开”,比如纽约时报在描述一个手术场景时就用到了这个表达:

The next thing she knew, she felt the blade of his knife against her belly as he made his first incision, leading to excruciating pain. 接着,她感觉到医生划下第一刀,刀刃抵住了她的肚子,然后是一阵剧疼。

3. stitch 美 [stɪtʃ] 作为名词可以表示“缝;针脚;缝法;针法”,比如“十字绣”就是cross stitch。

还可以表示“肋部突然的疼痛(多由奔跑或笑引起);岔气”,比如我们和朋友一起跑步的时候岔气了,就可以说Can we slow down? I've got a stitch. 我们慢一点好不好?我岔气了。

stitch作为动词可以表示“缝;缝补;缝合(伤口)”,比如柯林斯词典例句:The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair, and stitch up again. 外科医生会拿起器械进行探查、修复,然后再缝合。

这个单词还可以引申为拉近,stitch sb closer together也可以说bring sb closer together比如纽约时报在报道两国通过访问拉近彼此之间的关系时是这样说的:During his two-day visit, the governments agreed to 33 projects designed to stitch the two countries closer together. 为期两天的访问期间,两国政府商定了33个旨在进一步拉近两国距离的项目。

顺便再复习一下这个例句中agree to表示“同意;接受;商定”的用法,如我在《双语完整版:《小舍得》火爆!补习班、虎妈、教育改革 | 经济学人精读这篇文章中讲过的句子:They must also agree to spot inspections. 辅导机构还必须同意接受现场检查。

Stitch还可以引申为“修复”,比如金融时报描述威尼斯恢复城市生机时就用到了这个词:These pint-sized projects stitch Venice back into a living city. 这些小项目将威尼斯重新修复为一个生机勃勃的城市。

4. transform sth into sth表示“将……转换为……”,比如我们提倡把废弃的塑料“变废为宝”,就是transform the environmental nuisance into something useful。

transform her monolids into “double eyelids”也可以说turn her monolids into “double eyelids”。

5. monolid的意思是“单眼皮”。mono-前缀表示“单个的”,lid表示“眼睑”。

以mono-为前缀的常见词汇有:monologue“独白”,monogamy“一夫一妻制”,monopoly“垄断”,比如《牛津词典》例句:The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade. 这家公司实质上已经垄断了这种贸易。


人工智能和机器人技术将提高生产率,刺激经济增长,并把人们从最单调的工作中解放出来。AI and robotics would boost productivity and economic growth, and free/liberate people from the most monotonous tasks.

“单调的工作”既可以说monotonous tasks,也可以用humdrum tasks或tedious tasks。

6. 注意时态:The result was eyes that look bigger, rounder, and in Ms Tang’s opinion, more beautiful:也可以说The result was that eyes look bigger, rounder, and in Ms Tang’s opinion, more beautiful. 大家发现没?The result was是过去时,表示当时手术的结果。但是look bigger是一般现在时,而不是过去时,因为35岁的唐女士现在的眼睛还是这样的。

7. bigger, rounder:逗号连接两个形容词。我在《经济学人精读:沙尘暴来袭,天空变成了橘黄色中讲过逗号可以连接两个形容词,一起来回顾下金融时报这句:

Counterfeiters refill the old bottles with new, inferior moutai for resale at exorbitant prices. 造假者在旧瓶中装入新的次等茅台酒,以高价重新销售。

还比如《H&M越级碰瓷,新疆棉花不吃这套!| 外媒报道中的这句:The spotless white Xinjiang cotton brooks no slander. The region is well known for its premium, long-fiber cotton, which is popular in domestic and global markets.



第四、五句:Now 35, Ms Tang (not her real name) has since had two more eyelid surgeries, as well as botox injections in her neck and monthly non-invasive “skin booster” treatments. “Pretty much everyone I know around me has had fillers or surgery,” she says.


1. 句子结构分析:Now 35, Ms Tang (not her real name) has since had two more eyelid surgeries, as well as botox injections in her neck and monthly non-invasive “skin booster” treatments:Now 35是状语,有时候也见放在主语后。has since had是完成时,因为since是完成时的标志词。

two more eyelid surgeries,botox injections in her neck和monthly non-invasive “skin booster” treatments并列,都是had的宾语。

2. non-invasive是形容词invasive加上了否定前缀non-,表示“非侵害的;非创伤的;无创的”,比如纽约时报的这句:Her practice, in New York, focuses on noninvasive treatments for natural anti-aging results. 她在纽约开设的诊所专注于无创治疗,以达到自然抗衰老的效果。

invasive可以表示“侵入的;侵袭的”,比如入侵物种就是invasive species;也可以表示“有创的;切入的;开刀的”,比如柯林斯词典例句:Many people find the idea of any kind of invasive surgery unbearable. 许多人觉得任何一种开刀手术都是难以忍受的。

invasive对应的动词是invade,可以表示“侵略”,比如我们回顾历史会发出提问:When did the Romans invade Britain? 古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?

还可以表示“侵犯”,invade one's privacy和violate one’s privacy就表示侵犯隐私,如果想描述媒体侵犯个人隐私,就可以这样说:The press invade people's privacy unfairly and unjustifiably every day. 媒体每天都在不公平也没有正当理由地侵犯人们的隐私。

3. 专业表达skin booster是专业表达,指水光针。水光针是专门帮助恢复皮肤水份的柔软型玻尿酸针剂。它可以微妙地改善皮肤状况,减少细纹和毛孔;水光针还可以用来改善凹凸不平的痘坑。

因为这篇文章讲的是整容,所以skin booster翻译为水光针。如果是作为化妆品名词,skin booster可以翻译为爽肤水。

4. 固定表达:Pretty much everyone表示几乎所有人,如浙江高考真题中这个:Pretty much everyone you know acts differently. 几乎每个你认识的人的行为都变得不一样了。


我胆子小,任何手术的东西都不敢尝试,皮肤差就差点吧,脸大就大点吧!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~不过,body positivity(the fact of feeling good about your body and the way it looks)很重要,同时我们拒绝body shame(to criticize someone based on the shape, size, or appearance of their body)!













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