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发布时间:2019-09-23 18:01 作者:高斋外刊双语精读 点击:




最近Netflix的原创纪录片《美国工厂》持续刷屏社交网站,掀起了一场关于“中美两国工厂模式”的多方讨论。该片由史蒂文·博格纳尔(Bognar)、朱莉娅·赖克特(Julia Reichert)执导,也是奥巴马夫妇投资、制片的首部纪录片。





原文:Netflix’s new documentary “American Factory”, the maiden project of Barack and Michelle Obamas’ production company Higher Ground, has opened to rave reviews in Sundance festiva.

高斋Joy参考译文:(时间有限,仅供参考,本文所使用例句均取自词典,仅供参考):网飞新纪录片《美国工厂》(American Factory)是奥巴马夫妇成立的高地影片制作公司的处女作,在圣丹斯国际电影节上首映,获评论界盛赞。

1. Netflix,美国流媒体巨头网飞(Netflix),也有翻译为“奈飞”。其用户数量超过美国全部有线电视用户的总和,成为全球最大的娱乐供应商;

Higher Ground:奥巴马夫妇的影视制作公司,译为“高地影片制作公司”(Higher Ground Productions),为流媒体巨头网飞制作影视节目;

Sundance festiva:圣丹斯国际电影节。它专门为独立电影人而设,是全世界首屈一指的独立制片电影节,鼓励低成本、独立制作的影片。

2. the maiden project指(电影)处女作”。“处女作”指一个人公开发表的第一部作品,这里指第一部投资制片的电影。原文的“the maiden project of Barack and Michelle Obamas’ production company Higher Ground”即“奥巴马夫妇成立的高地影片制作公司的处女作”;

“maiden”也可以说“first”,of是介词,表示所属,也可以同义替换为backed/endorsed by,所以原文的这句话也可以写为:the first project/work/film backed/endorsed by Michelle and Barack Obama’s new production company Higher Ground

3. has opened to rave reviews“获评论界盛赞”:从这个里面我们可以学到两个精彩表达。

A. open to sth.:表示“获得”之意,可以用来表示“票房大卖,大获成功,获得盛赞”。如《好莱坞报道》在描述《哪吒》票房时是这么说的:

'Nezha' opened to a historic $91.5 million at China's box office over the weekend.


可见,“上映首周末票房达”可以说“open to (a remarkable)+数字+over the weekend”。

与此类似的表达还有“opened with a bang”也可以表示“一上映就大获成功”,比如在报道《西红柿首富》时的这句话:

Hello Mr Billionaire opened with a bang at the box office, but it has ignited debate in China. 


B. “rave reviews”表示“盛赞,一致好评,口碑炸裂”。“获得好评、口碑炸裂、口碑爆棚”我们同义替换也可以说“receive/draw rave reviews”。如

Apart from an outstanding box-office performance, "Ne Zha" is also receiving rave reviews.


当然,如果是“品牌树立好口碑”,我们可以说build/generate positive word of mouth,因为我们知道word of mouth就是口口相传,口碑营销的意思。比如金融时报上有这句话:

Brand leaders tended to generate most positive word of mouth, giving    them a powerful advantage over potential competitors. 



the well-received film 备受好评的电影;with many calling it the "best domestic animation of all time." 有史以来最好的国产动画电影;

Strikingly, it has drawn praise. 出人意料的是它颇受褒扬;A Netflix documentary provokes reflection in China 一部关于劳工权利的美国纪录片在中国引起了共鸣。


原文:The comments came in thick and fast on Douban, a social network popular with film buffs and bookworms. More appeared on Weibo, a microblogging website, where the hashtag #American Factory has gained more than 16m views.


1. “评论铺天盖地”:The comments came in thick and fast。“The comments came in thick and fast on Douban”即“豆瓣评论铺天盖地”。

这句里面的came in thick and fast很形象,是个很精彩的表达。我们经常会使用到,比如:


Distress calls were pouring in thick and fast from all over the area. 


Whether or not brains fried by constant interruption are slowing growth, the digital deluge takes a toll.


其中,digital deluge专有名词,表示“数字洪流”,它包括各种各样的数字信息,比如电脑,手机,宽带、网站,app、网络信息等等。

“deluge”这个词本身恶意表示“暴雨,大雨。洪水”,也可以表示“大量涌来,蜂拥而至的事物”,如a deluge of letters 纷至沓来的信件;相应地,它作动词即可以表示“淹没,泛滥”,也可以表示“涌现,充满”。如:We have been deluged with applications for the job. 申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇。

所以,The comments came in thick and fast也可以说a deluge of comments came on Douban;

拓展:“在社交媒体上引起巨大反响/引起轰动”:take social media by storm/make the rounds on social media/caused a great stir on social media。如:


The 45-second clip caused a great stir on social media.

2. a social network popular with film buffs and bookworms电影爱好者和书虫聚集的社交网站豆瓣。“film buffs”指“电影爱好者,电影迷”,或“movie buffs”;“bookworm”指“书虫,书迷”。

popular with也可以说popular among,表示受……欢迎,谁聚集的地方。


its score from Douban's notoriously picky but influential users is 8.7/10. 


3. hashtag :“#”,推文话题,推特网上用前带#号的字词表示推文的话题,但是微博上我们习惯使用两个#……#。所以,翻译的时候需要注意哈。

4. has gained more than 16m views:我们经常说话题阅读量或话题浏览量,英语该怎么说呢?其实有很多种说法,最常见的就是view当动词,即be viewed ...times。

View也可以当名词,views”表示浏览量,常见搭配是accumulate / log / attract+数字+views”“也可以说


"Ne Zha" fever quickly spread on social media following its release, with the film's title soon becoming one of the hottest hashtags on China's Twitter-like Weibo on the opening day, accumulating/logging more than 1.5 billion views and around a million posts. 



“话题阅读量/浏览量达多少”可以说accumulate / log / attract/gain+数字+views”“也可以说



原文:“American Factory” is set in the industrial heartland of the US. Hard done by The Great Recession in 2008, General Motors shut down their truck plant in Ohio, putting around 2,000 employees out of work. Cut to 2015, the founder of Fuyao Glass, Cao Dewang, took over the plant.


1. be set in“以……为背景”。后面往往跟的是some place。例如:

American author Pearl S. Buck wrote The Good Earth (1932), a novel set in China that won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932.


“is set in the industrial heartland of the US.”即“以美国工业中心地带为背景”。


Ms. Lum’s early fascination with Chinese history set her apart from the other grandchildren.


Instead, it is set to bring about a wide-scale decimation of jobs — mostly lower-paying jobs, but some higher-paying ones, too.


2. the industrial heartland of the US:美国工业中心地带。“heartland”指“(从事某活动的)中心区域,核心区域”,“the industrial heartland”即“工业中心地带”。

3. hard done by“受冲击/遭受重创/受……影响”。“Hard done by The Great Recession in 2008”即“受2008年金融危机影响”。“hard done by”可以替换为hard hit by/rocked by。如rocked by revolution 受革命的冲击;rocked by scandal 丑闻缠身。

4. 这里翻译The Great Recession的时候大家需注意。这里我们需要注意The Great Recession和The Great Depression 的区别。The Great Depression 一般是指1929年至1933年之间全球性的经济大衰退The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States,即经济大萧条;

而The Great Recession指经济衰退推,指The Great Recession (see "Terminology" for other names) was a period of general economic decline observed in world markets during the late 2000s and early 2010s.

所以,这里The Great Recession不用翻译为大萧条,而是具体翻译为2008年金融危机。

5.  shut down their truck plant in Ohio这个在翻译的时候同样需要注意,如果翻译为通用汽车关闭了俄亥俄州的汽车工厂,是错误的,因为这里的plant是单数,我们在前面已经讲了,其实关闭的是通用汽车俄亥俄州代顿市的工厂,而不是整个俄亥俄州的工厂。


6. shut down也可以说close,plant也可以说complex。如经济学人上是这么报道的:

Much of the documentary was shot inside a plant in Dayton, Ohio, which was taken over in 2014 by Fuyao, a Chinese glass-making giant that supplies the global car industry. In 2008 General Motors had closed its complex there, so for jobless local people Fuyao’s arrival was a miracle.


7. put out of work使失业。putting around 2,000 employees out of work即“导致近2000名员工失业”,也可以翻译为“造成近2000名员工失业”。

所以,这句话也可以写为General Motors closed their truck plant in Ohio, causing/leading around 2,000 employees/workers to lose jobs.

当然,工厂倒闭,造成的失业是大范围的,人数很多,如果我们提到裁员,我们可以说cut/reduce+数字+jobs;“失业”还可以说sb. lose jobs或job losses,比如announced 940 job losses宣布裁员940人;

8. cut to …“镜头切换到……”。“Cut to 2015”即“镜头切换到2015年”。比如“镜头切换到走廊”就可以说“cut to the hallway”。



Bognar and Julia Reichert said they were initially interested in exploring a culture clash, but the film deepened into a story about the rights of workers, globalization and automation.


1. deepened into a story about:表示“升华为一个……的故事”。deepen into表示“深化,深入,沉淀”。比如the reform deepened into the education field 改革深入到教育领域。原文的“deepened into”指的是意义内涵上的深化。

2. a culture clash“文化冲突/文化碰撞”。文化冲突,文明冲突一般用的都是clash这个词,比如美国著名学者塞缪尔·亨廷顿的“文明冲突论”(The Clash of Civilizations),也可以说collision。例如经济学人上这句:

“American Factory” depicts a collision between two working cultures.



Their gripes were poor working conditions and firings after some had tried to unionise—something that in America Fuyao fought tooth and nail, and successfully, to block.  



A. At one point, a Chinese worker explains that Americans are slow because they have fat fingers. Many Chinese at the plant consider the Americans lazy. The Americans at the plant question what they see as Chinese workers unquestioned devotion to a company that robs them of time to enjoy life.


B. Cao’s attempt to replicate the labor-intensive China model at the factory was met with shock and surprise from the American workers, who were frequently described as inefficient. The Chinese, on the other hand, were scolded for their lax attitudes towards worker welfare.


C. American managers are taken to be trained in Chinese factory-floor culture (they are alarmed to see workers crouched on mountains of shards, sorting them for recycling, and bewildered by the militaristic morning roll-calls and 12-hour shifts).






1. 美联社新闻一分钟:The film gives a close-up look at how the cultures adjust to one another

文化冲突不可避免,如何实现跨文化适应(how the cultures adjust to one another);

2. 奥巴马:they want people to look outside of their own experiences to understand the lives of others

他们希望人们跳出自身经历去理解他人的生活(look outside of their own experiences to understand the lives of others);

3. 米歇尔·奥巴马:“One of the many things I love about this film … is that you let people tell their own story,” the former first lady said. “‘American Factory’ doesn’t come in with a perspective. It’s not an editorial. I mean, you truly let people speak for themselves, and that is a powerful thing that you don’t always see happen.”

《美国工厂》并不是一篇社论,它允许多种视角的存在,允许每个人为自己发言(truly let people speak for themselves)。

4. 博格纳尔:“We hope that people realize that without empathy for people who are different from you, you’re not going to solve the political divide,” Bognar said. “We’re not going to solve gaping problems in this world. You have to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to help see and feel other people’s points of view.”

没有同理心难以解决分歧。你必须换位思考(put yourself in someone else’s shoes),学会尊重他人的不同意愿。

“换位思考”也可以说“empathic thinking”。还比如金融时报上这句话:We will treat others as we expect to be treated: with respect for different views. 我们要推己及人、将心比心:尊重各种不同的观点。


高斋CATTI和MTI翻译班讲经济学人精读与翻译的时候学过一篇《数字干扰,分心劳神》,其中有一句Mr Nixon reckons that distracted workers become less empathetic容易分心的员工更缺乏同理心。





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