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发布时间:2019-10-11 14:33 作者:高斋外刊双语精读 点击:

9.25 周三「经济学人每日精读」非洲猪瘟继续在韩国蔓延



最新一期经济学人上就有一篇文章叫作Cerebral organoids are becoming more brainlike,神经类器官/脑类器官越来越像人脑。

cerebral organoids即“神经类器官”、“脑类器官”,也就是“迷你大脑”。“cerebral”指“大脑的”,如a cerebral haemorrhage 脑溢血;cerebral palsy 脑瘫。它也可以表示“理智的,理性的,智力的”。如:His poetry is very cerebral. 他的诗富涵理性。


The purpose of the work that Dr Lancaster, Dr Muotri and others involved in the field are engaged in has always been to produce better laboratory models of neurological and psychiatric diseases, so that treatments may be developed.



1. 句子结构分析:句子主干是“The purpose of the work has always been to produce better laboratory models”;“that Dr Lancaster, Dr Muotri and others involved in the field are engaged in”是“work”的定语从句,“involved in the field”又是“others”的后置定语;so that引导的是目的状语从句。

2. and others involved in the field:“involved in the field”意思是“涉足某一领域,从事某一领域,在某一领域工作”。也可以说“involved in the area”。如果是具体的什么领域,就是field/ area of。比如经济学人上的这句:Governments will become far more involved in some areas of the economy, such as macroeconomic management and financial regulation. 政府将更多涉足宏观经济管理、金融监管等经济领域。“involved in the field”即“其他涉足/从事这一领域的人”。

3. engaged in:注意,它的先行词是work,即the work that A, B, and C are engaged in,只不过C后面自己又带了个后置定语。“engaged in”表示“从事,参加”。比如金融时报上这句:These issues arise for any business engaged in the production of a key public service. 任何一家提供关键性公共服务的企业都会出现这些问题。原文指从事这项工作。

4. produce:produce和model搭配,可以表示“制作模型,制成模型,开发模型,建立模型”,如ted上这句,And in so doing, I could produce a model that would fly, stay in the air. 做了这些以后,我就能够做出一个能够在空中飞行的飞机模型。如果是软件,就是开发模型,在这里指“建立实验室模型”。

5. to produce better laboratory models of neurological and psychiatric diseases:to表目的。“neurological and psychiatric diseases”指“神经精神疾病”。

6. treatments:treatment可以表示“对待,待遇”,如“特殊待遇”就可以说“special treatment”;它也可以表示“治理”,“sewage treatment”就是固定表达,“污水治理”;它在这里指“治疗,医疗,疗法”。比如:大病医疗treatment for serious diseases。治疗……的方法,是treatment for。它的同义词是therapy。

7. develop的熟词偏意:develop常用来表示新的……的出现。如:开发新产品 develop new products;研发新技术 develop new technologies;开发新业务 develop new businesses。原文的“treatments may be developed”指的是找出/研究出治疗方法。



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