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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:51 作者:官方文章 点击:



The Far Side of The Moon  月球背面

A new chapter opened in mankind's exploration of the moon as China's Chang'e-4 lunar probe landed on the far side of the moonon Thursday morning after a 26-day journey.


嫦娥4号月球探测器于2018年12月8日凌晨2时23分在西昌卫星发射中心由长征三号乙运载火箭发射升空。2019年1月3日上午10时26分,经过26天的飞行,嫦娥4号月球探测器顺利在月球背面南极-艾特肯盆地的冯·卡门撞击坑内着陆(land on the Von Karman crater in the South Pole-Aitken basin),随后传回一张由自带监视器拍摄的着陆点照片(a picture of the landing site shot by one of the monitor cameras on the probe's lander),这是世界上首张月球背面影像图(the world's first image taken on the moon's far side)。

至此,嫦娥四号任务实现了人类探测器首次月背软着陆(soft landing on the moon's far side)、首次月背与地球的中继通信(relay communication),开启了人类探月新篇章(open new page in lunar exploration)。中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁说:"这是中国空间探索的一个重要里程碑(an important milestone for China's space exploration),为今后开展的探月工作开了个好头(make a good start)。

据悉,月球背面(the far side of the moon)从来没有面对过地球,原因在于"潮汐锁定(tidal locking)"现象,即潮汐力(tidal force)对月球自转的减速作用,使得月球总是以同一面朝向着地球。月球背面电磁环境(electromagnetic environment)非常干净,是天文学家梦寐以求开展低频射电研究(low frequency radio study)的场所。


Master Plan For Xiongan New Area  雄安新区总体规划

The State Council has approved the 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area, stressing that its creation is significant to high-quality development and the building of the modern economic system.


国务院近日批复同意《河北雄安新区总体规划(2018—2035年)》(the 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area)。批复指出,总体规划对于将雄安新区打造成推动高质量发展的全国样板、建设现代化经济体系的新引擎具有重要意义(be significant to build Xiongan into the national model of high-quality development and a new engine for the modern economic system),是雄安新区发展、建设、管理的基本依据,必须严格执行(be strictly implemented)。

批复对紧扣雄安新区战略定位(strategic position)、有序承接北京非首都功能疏解(undertake the noncapital functions of Beijing)、优化国土空间开发保护格局(optimize the framework of territorial space development and protection)、打造优美自然生态环境(create an inviting, ecologically environment)、推进城乡融合发展(integrated urban and rural development)、塑造新区风貌特色、打造宜居宜业环境(an ideal area for living and working)、构建现代综合交通体系(a modern and comprehensive public traffic system)、建设绿色低碳之城(a green and low-carbon city)、建设国际一流的创新型城市(a world-class innovative city)、创建数字智能之城(a digital and smart city)、确保城市安全运行等提出指导性意见。


Hainan Free Trade Account  海南自由贸易账户


The Hainan free trade account system dispenses with the earlier requirement of maintaining two accounts, one for domestic transactions and the other for international transactions, replacing them with a unified domestic and foreign currency account with the renminbi as the base currency.


海南自由贸易账户(Hainan free trade account)是指海南省金融机构根据客户需要在分账核算单元开立的规则统一的本外币账户,按照“一线便利,二线管理”的原则规范账户收支管理,是一套以人民币为本位币(renminbi as its base currency)、账户规则统一(using unified accounting rules)、兼顾本外币风险差别管理(taking into account types of different risk management between the renminbi and foreign currencies)的本外币可兑换账户体系(a convertible accounting system),是海南自由贸易试验区的重要金融基础设施。

The Hainan free trade account system allows market entities to conveniently carry out investment, financing, and cross-border transactions applicable to the Hainan free trade zone.


Negative List For Market Access  市场准入负面清单

China took further steps in opening up its market to domestic and overseas investors Tuesday by announcing a negative list for market access (2018 version), an institutional innovation to be applied across the country.


市场准入负面清单(negative list for market access)制度,是指国务院以清单方式明确列出在中华人民共和国境内禁止和限制投资经营的行业、领域、业务(sectors, fields and businesses off-limits for investors)等,各级政府依法采取相应管理措施的一系列制度安排。

Industries, fields and businesses not on the negative list are open for investment to all market players.



其中,禁止准入类事项4项(4 items that are prohibited for market entry)。对于禁止类事项,市场主体不得进入,行政机关不予审批。许可准入类事项共147项(147 items which require government approval for market entry),对于许可准入类事项,由市场主体提出申请,行政机关依法依规作出是否予以准入的决定,或由市场主体依照政府规定的准入条件和准入方式合规进入。

国家发改委有关负责人表示,这一重大制度创新,有利于发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用(help the market play a decisive role in allocating resources),真正实现“非禁即入”;有利于激发市场主体活力,对各类市场主体一视同仁(enable a level playing field for all market players),实现规则平等、权利平等、机会平等;有利于政府加强事中事后监管(supervision during and after investment);有利于推动相关审批体制、投资体制、监管机制、社会信用体系和激励惩戒机制改革,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化(promote modernization of governance system and capabilities)。


Government Shutdown  政府停摆

Both chambers of the US Congress convened for only a few minutes late on Thursday but took no steps to end a partial federal government shutdown before adjourning until next week.


今天,美国政府部分停摆(partial US government shutdown)的状态已经进入第七天,但参议院和众议院对于尽快结束此局面并未表现出足够的热情,没有采取任何措施为大约20%受影响的政府机构恢复拨款(restore funding for the roughly 20% of the government affected)。总统特朗普要求美国纳税人为修筑美墨边境墙(build a border wall with Mexico)提供50亿美元资金,但遭到民主党和部分共和党议员的反对,结果导致美国政府22日起部分停摆。这已经是美国政府今年第三次停摆。

美国国会众议院和参议院(the House and the Senate)在27日短暂复会后再度宣布休会(adjourn)。由于未能通过任何议案,政府部分停摆的局面预计将持续到2019年1月。27日,众议院民主党议员试图提议表决一项不包含美国总统特朗普建墙费用的议案以维持政府运转(keep the government running),遭共和党议员拒绝。而参议院仅有一名参议员帕特·罗伯茨到场。他在安排完下周日程后宣布休会。

有关该事态的下一个有力行动(firm action)或将出现在1月3日,届时民主党将接管众议院的多数控制权(take over majority control of the House)。民主党代表吉姆·麦戈文称,到那时民主党将提出开支相关的举措。

迄今为止美国政府关门影响有限(have a limited impact),部分原因是受影响的80万名左右联邦政府工作人员正在休假(partly due to holiday vacations being underway for the 800,000 or so federal workers affected),但情况可能很快发生变化。


Sayonara Tax  处境税

Starting next week, all travellers, regardless of nationality, leaving Japan will be required to pay a "sayonara tax" of 1,000 yen, Japanese media reported.


据《日本经济新闻》报道,"出境税(departure tax, sayonara tax)"原则上由离开日本时乘坐的飞机或船舶的运营公司代收。航空和船舶公司将在票价上增加国际观光旅客税。除未满2岁的旅客(passengers below the age of two)以及在24小时内出境的过境旅客(transit passengers leaving Japan within 24 hours)外,每位离境旅客都须通过机票或船票(air or boat tickets)缴纳税金1000日元。


WebQQ  网页版QQ


Tencent QQ, one of China's most influential messaging and social networking softwares, waved goodbye to its byproduct WebQQ on January 1, 2019 due to internal business restructuring.


网页版QQ在2009年9月上线,是腾讯推出的使用网页方式上QQ的服务(QQ login service in a browser window),特点是无需下载和安装QQ软件,只要能打开WebQQ的网站就可以登录QQ与好友保持联系。

之后,网页版QQ又升级为Smart QQ,电子宠物(digital pets)、游戏中心(game center)以及音乐在线播放(music streaming)等功能都从网页版中去除,只保留基本的即时信息服务(instant messaging)。

2014年9月30日,登录腾讯WebQQ的用户会看到“WebQQ告别会相聚有时 后会无期”的公告页面。



Suspended Production  停产

Palace Museum Taobao suspended production of cosmetics including lipsticks, eye shadow and rouge on Saturday, citing quality concerns following their release on the e-marketplace on Dec 11.


这里的“停产”用的是suspend production,也有媒体用halt production,suspend和halt均表示“暂停、中止”,也就是说,这个停产并不是永久停产,而是暂时的。如果说someone is suspended from job/school就表示“某人被停职或停学”。


“感谢所有声音,每一条意见我们都有认真阅读记录。故宫淘宝原创系列彩妆,从外观到内质仍有很多进步空间(Palace Museum Taobao's original makeup line still has much room for improvement from inside out)。所以我们决定,全线停产(halt all production lines),不断完善,直至把最好的推送给大家(keep improving until we can present you with our best products)。已预售出的订单(presale orders)会在年后春季陆续发货(会略有富余数量上架),请勿担心。”


彩妆产品“涉及到膏体配方改良”,口红外观反馈不够高级,膏体顺滑流畅度和颜色都有进步空间(the lipstick was not smooth enough, and the color could be improved)。眼影珠光颗粒不够精细(the eye shadow's particles were insufficiently fine),部分颜色有飞粉现象。腮红粉色挑人(the pinky blush color is not versatile on different skin undertones),橙色尚可,点翠蓝色实用度欠佳(the light blue rouge was impractical)。


State Science and Technology Award  国家科学技术奖

Radar expert Liu Yongtan and defense engineer Major General Qian Qihu were honored with the 2018 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award on Tuesday.


国家科学技术奖(State Science and Technology Award)每年评审一次,根据最新发布的《关于深化科技奖励制度改革的方案》,规定“国家三大奖”每年授奖总数不超过300项。国家科学技术奖包括、国家自然科学奖(the State Natural Science Award)、国家技术发明奖(the State Technological Innovation Award)、国家科技进步奖(the State Science and Technology Advancement Award),即大家常说的“国家三大奖”。还包括授予外籍科学家或外国组织的中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖(the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award),和分量最重的国家最高科学技术奖(State Preeminent Science and Technology Award)。

国家最高科学技术奖是为表彰在基础科学研究领域取得重大突破(achieve important breakthroughs in basic scientific research),并带来深远影响(with far-reaching influence)的科学工作者,以及创造了巨大经济效益(generate enormous economic returns)、促进了社会进步(facilitate social progress)的杰出科学家而设立的。


100-Day Campaign  百日行动

国家市场监管总局、工信部、公安部、卫健委等13个部门召开电视电话会议,决定自2019年1月8日起,在全国范围内集中开展联合整治“保健”市场乱象百日行动(100-day campaign to crack down on illegal practices involving health products)。

Key targets are products and industries closely related to the everyday lives of people, as well as gadgets, clothing and household appliances that claim to have health benefits, a joint action plan said.


该行动将在全国范围内加大对“保健”市场重点行业、重点领域、重点行为的事中事后监管力度(supervision during and after production),依法严厉打击虚假宣传、虚假广告(false advertising)、制售假冒伪劣产品(producing and selling counterfeit products)等扰乱市场秩序(disrupting the market order)、侵害消费者合法权益(violating the rights and interests of consumers)等各类违法行为。

国家市场监管总局局长张茅强调,禁止各地市场监管部门对保健品进行评比、评优等活动(stop reviewing health products or providing seals that certify their quality),违者坚决依法追责。


工信部门表示,建立健全24小时机制,及时处置网络违法活动,严查利用骚扰电话进行保健品推销(establish a 24-hour surveillance system that can catch illegal activity online and curb spam phone calls promoting health products)。

民政部门将重点对养老服务场所和设施进行排查(investigate social service facilities for the elderly),严禁假借养老服务场所进行保健品推销。

商务部门将严格直销行业市场准入(strictly control market access of direct selling industry),整治直销市场秩序。

旅游部门将重点查处利用低价旅游推销保健品的行为(target health products promotion through low-cost tours)。

卫生部门将严厉查处各种假借健康讲座进行免费体检、以中医预防保健名义进行非法诊疗、无证行医等行为(illegal medical practices in the name of TCM healthcare)。


WeChat Big Data  微信大数据


WeChat's 1.08 billion monthly active users last year made 410 million daily video and audio calls.

As of September 2018, over 63 million users were registered as 55 years old or above.



Users born in the 2000s like to stay up late at night and spend the most on cold drinks and sweet treats.


Facepalm is the most popular emoji with this age group.


Those born in the 1990s are late risers and the most frequent users of public transport.


Face with tears of joy is their favorite emoji.


Those born in the 1980s are keen readers and followers of news related to State and public affairs.


The most frequently used emoji in this age group is beaming face with smiling eyes.


Users born in the 1970s are optimists and they use the emoji of smiling face with hand over mouth a lot.


The group aged 55 and above recorded an average length of 11 minute for video calls, topping all age groups.


Thumbs up is the most frequently used emoji among them.



WeChat Wallet has also registered exponential growth, with payments in public transportation and high-speed traffic rising 4.7 times and 6.3 times, respectively. 

Spending in retail stores and dining via WeChat rose by 1.5 times and 1.7 times.

The number of users who use the app for making medical appoints and paying bills almost tripled.


Temporary 5G Licenses  5G临时牌照

The nation will grant temporary 5G licenses this year to promote the application and construction of fifth-generation mobile communication technology, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei, said on Thursday.


5G(5th generation mobile communication technology),即第五代移动通信技术,将提升移动网络的作用,不仅让人与人之间互联,更让机器、物体和终端之间互联互控。

5G是一个全新的通讯技术,具有高速率(high data rate)、大容量(high capacity)、低时延(short latency)的特性,这使得5G技术在物联网(Internet of Things)、智慧家居(smart home)、远程服务(remote service)、外场支援(field support)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、增强现实(augmented reality)等领域有了新的应用。

苗圩表示,将来20%左右的5G设施,用于人和人之间的通讯问题(people-to-people communication),80%用于物和物、物和人,也就是物联网(Internet of Things),像未来的无人驾驶汽车。


The ministry will also accelerate efforts to push forward the development of 5G hardware, including smartphones, Miao said.

As part of its broader push to lead the global race toward commercializing 5G, China will also expedite the use of the superfast technology in education, medical care, elderly care and other sectors, Miao added.


1 Trillion Yuan Club  万亿俱乐部

17 Chinese cities are expected to join the "1 trillion yuan club" with each city's GDP surpassing 1 trillion yuan in 2018, reported on Thursday.


在17个进入"万亿俱乐部"的城市中,3个是新晋成员。2017年,宁波、佛山、郑州的GDP总量分别为9842.1亿元、9549.6亿元、9130.2亿元。三个城市距离"万亿俱乐部"仅一步之遥(knock on the doors of the 1 trillion yuan club)。佛山发布的2018年前三季度经济运行情况(developments in the operation of the economy)显示,GDP同比增长6.2%,按此推测,佛山2018年GDP总量有望超过1万亿元。公开信息显示,宁波和郑州两地2018年GDP也将突破1万亿元大关。

2017年已有14个城市进入GDP"万亿俱乐部"。其中,上海成为首个GDP超过3万亿元的城市,北京、深圳和广州的GDP均超过2万亿元。北京市发展和改革委员会相关负责人近日透露,2018年,北京市地区生产总值预计超过3万亿元,能够实现全年同比增长6.5%左右的预期目标(reach the annual expected growth target of 6.5%),人均地区生产总值将超过2万美元(the per capita GDP will surpass $20,000)。

从地域分布上看,"万亿俱乐部"17城中有12个位于东部地区(located in the eastern region),占比70.6%。3城位于中部地区(in the central region),2城位于西部地区。据报道,东莞、西安、南通、泉州、合肥和济南也有望在未来几年内加入"万亿俱乐部"(enter the club within the coming years)。


Jeff Bezos' divorce  贝佐斯离婚

Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, has announced his divorce from MacKenzie, his wife of 25 years.


贝佐斯和麦肯齐在1993年结婚,婚后一年在西雅图的车库里创建了亚马逊。9日,贝佐斯在推特中宣布了离婚的消息(break the news of the split in a tweet),并附有两人的签名。现年55岁的贝佐斯的个人财富已达1370亿美元。就在离婚消息宣布的前两日,亚马逊成为全球市值最高的公司,股票市值高达7970亿美元(Amazon rose to become the world's most valuable company with a stock market value of $797 billion)。

贝佐斯在推文中说,在经历了长时间的爱情旅程和临时分居之后,两人决定离婚(they had decided to split up after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation)。两人育有三子一女。贝索斯称,他们还是"一个家庭,一对好友"(remain a family and cherished friends)。

如果两人平分财产(split their assets equally),麦肯齐将分得共同财富(combined fortune)的一半,即685亿美元。贝佐斯将不再享有世界首富的头衔,而麦肯齐将在一夜之间成为全球最富有的女性(become the richest woman in the world overnight)。目前,全球最富有的女性是欧莱雅集团的继承人(heiress of the L’Oréal empire)弗朗索瓦丝·贝当古·梅耶。

有着25年婚姻的两人为何突然宣布离婚?外媒爆料称,贝佐斯或婚内出轨,恋上已婚女主播(be having an affair with a married TV anchor)。据福克斯新闻报道,贝佐斯与好莱坞人才大亨(Hollywood talent mogul)帕特里克·怀特塞尔的妻子、电视主持人劳伦·桑切斯有着"秘密"关系("secret" relationship)。外界认为,贝佐斯本周突然发布离婚声明是因为他知道自己和桑切斯的情事将很快曝光(become public)。


Endangering Public Security  危害公共安全


According to the guide, passengers who grab devices such as steering wheel or gear shift lever, and conduct actions that hamper safe driving such as beating or dragging drivers should be punished for crime of endangering public security with dangerous method. The passengers should not be granted probation even if the actions did not result in grave consequences. If passengers attack drivers with instruments, they should be given severe punishment.


乘客针对其他人员实施寻衅滋事行为(causing disturbances),妨害交通运营秩序、影响行车安全的,根据具体情况分别适用寻衅滋事罪或者以危险方法危害公共安全罪定罪处罚(crime of endangering public security with dangerous method)。

《意见》强调,以暴力、威胁方法阻碍国家机关工作人员依法处置妨害安全驾驶违法犯罪行为、维护公共交通秩序的,以妨害公务罪定罪处罚(crime of endangering public affairs);暴力袭击正在依法执行职务的人民警察的,从重处罚。

For drivers who are unable to resolve disputes with passengers in a sensible way and leave their post to clash with passengers, they should be punished for crime of endangering public security with dangerous method.


此外,为鼓励公共交通工具的乘务人员和乘客与妨害安全驾驶违法犯罪行为作斗争(stand up against criminal offenses),及时制止侵害驾驶人和乘客的行为,采取紧急措施避免严重危害后果发生(stop actions that could cause serious consequences),《意见》还就正当防卫(justifiable defense)、紧急避险(emergency measures)作出了原则规定。


Chang'e 5 Probe  嫦娥五号


China plans to send its Chang'e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth, Wu said.


China follows its three-step objectives for lunar exploration, namely "orbiting, landing and sample returning", and the last objective will be realized by Chang'e-5 bringing back samples.


随着今年年底嫦娥五号到月球正面取样回来,后续探月工程(lunar exploration program)还将完成三项任务包括:嫦娥六号、嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号。

嫦娥六号计划在月球南极进行采样返回(sample on the south pole of the Moon);

嫦娥七号计划在月球南极综合探测(conduct a comprehensive exploration on the south pole of the Moon),包括对月球的地形地貌(topography)、物质成分(material composition)、空间(spatial environment)进行一次综合探测;

嫦娥八号计划进行更多关键技术的月面试验(carry out further scientific exploration experiments and test some key technologies on the Moon),包括要不要在月球建立科研基地或科研站、月面如何进行3D打印、能否利用月壤建造房屋等,为共同构建月球科研基地进行探索。

2020年,我国将首次发射火星探测器(first Mars exploration mission)。


China's Standards of English Language Ability  中国英语能力等级

中国教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会15日在京联合发布雅思、普思考试与中国英语能力等级量表对接研究结果(the results of their collaborative research on linking IELTS and Aptis to China's Standards of English Language Ability),标志着中国英语语言能力标准与国际考试接轨,中英在教育领域的合作进入新阶段。

The results display the cut scores of IELTS and Aptis tests mapped to CSE levels, according to a statement issued by the MOE National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) and the British Council.


According to the results, a score of 5 in IELTS listening is equivalent to CSE level 4, a score of 5.5 in IELTS reading is equivalent to CSE level 5, while a score of 45 in Aptis writing is equivalent to CSE level 6.


Yu Han, vice president of NEEA, said the research displayed the CSE's value in practice and would shed light on language learning patterns of English learners in different areas, adding that it also contributed to the "opening up" of China's education.


Barry O'Sullivan, the research's academic team leader from the British side and head of Assessment Research and Development at the British Council, noted that both IELTS and Aptis were communication-based tests, making it possible to link the two tests to the use-oriented CSE scale.

此次对接研究的英方学术负责人、英国文化教育协会测评研发中心主任巴里·奥沙利文(Barry O’Sullivan)表示,雅思及普思考试都是强调沟通为本的英语考试,而中国英语能力等级量表同样也以语言运用为导向,使得此次对接得以实现。

He said the linking results would be of value to policy makers at educational institutions, test-takers as well as test users such as schools and employers.



2.5-Day Weekend  2.5天周末

A proposed 2.5-day weekend has been highlighted in an action plan for Hebei province as the potential key to boosting consumption, with plans also in place to promote more paid-leave and off-peak vacations.


The document, which was aimed at increasing consumption during 2019 and 2020, said employers should adopt more flexible working hours and encourage leave on non-public holidays.


这里所谓的“2.5天周末/2.5天小长假(2.5-day weekend)”指的是“周五下午+周末两天”的周末延长模式(extended weekend)。2015年国务院办公厅下发的《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见(Several Decisions on Further Promoting Tourism-related Investment and Consumption)》,便提出了带薪休假(paid leave)、错峰休假(leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations)、为职工周五下午与周末结合外出休闲度假创造有利条件等举措。


Centralized Procurement/Pooled Procurement  集中采购

The program asks public medical institutions in the pilot cities to purchase 60 to 70 percent of their total annual demand for certain medicines through a pooled procurement mechanism in order to get a lower price.


集中采购(centralized procurement/pooled procurement)指对相同或功能相近的采购项目,尽量集中在一次进行采购,以减少采购次数,提高工作效率,降低采购成本。


经国家药品监督管理部门批准、在中国大陆地区上市的集中采购范围内药品的生产企业(all approved enterprises that can produce drugs on the procurement list in the Chinese mainland),均可参加集中采购。

集中采购入围标准包括质量入围标准和供应入围标准。质量入围标准主要考虑药品临床疗效(clinical effects)、不良反应(adverse reactions)、批次稳定性(batch stability)等。供应入围标准主要考虑企业的生产能力(production capacity)、供应稳定性(consistency of supply)等。


Globalization 4.0  全球化4.0


本届年会主题为“全球化4.0:打造第四次工业革命时代的全球架构(Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution)”。


Electronic Ticket  电子票


The electronic tickets, which can be used on Beijing’s metro network apart from airport lines, will be available on the app Yitongxing, the official online Beijing Subway payment platform.


此次推出的电子定期票票价分别为:一日票(one-day pass)20元/张、二日票(two-day pass)30元/张、三日票(three-day pass)40元/张、五日票(five-day pass)70元/张、七日票(seven-day pass)90元/张。乘客在“易通行App”上激活电子定期票后,可分别在24小时、48小时、72小时、120小时及168小时内一人一码不限次数乘坐北京轨道交通全路网(不含机场线)所有线路(unlimited travel in Beijing's subway network within designated time period)。

值得注意的是,电子定期票不再享受北京轨道交通其他优惠政策(not eligible to other favorable subway fare policies),一经激活不予退票(no refunds can be issued once the tickets are activated online),仅限单人使用。

目前,北京地铁使用的是按里程计价制度(a metered fare system),乘客可以在车站购买单程票或者办理交通一卡通充值使用。学生、老人、军人,以及每月频繁乘坐地铁出行的通勤族可享受一定优惠。

2017年8月,北京地铁开通手机一卡通服务,乘客只需要用手机下载北京一卡通应用,并完成在线开卡(creating account)及充值(topping up)就可使用手机一卡通。

据悉,北京市交通部门在试行轨道交通电子定期票的基础上,后续还将推出公交、地铁联乘的日票(day-calculated tickets for joint bus and subway rides)。


Children's Carriages  儿童车厢



Should trains have children's carriages?


The idea is very creative, and they always welcome new ideas and suggestions being put forward to the rail services.


Whether or not it's necessary to concentrate noisy children in one compartment, all public transport faces a similar situation.


There are people suggesting that those who like to watch films or listen to music should be concentrated in one carriage. These suggestions provide inspiration for the improvement of the public transport sector, but also bring new challenges about how we can further improve and refine the services of public transportation.



Red Envelopes Battle  红包大战

For technology companies, this has been an annual battlefield to entice users to stay glued to their respective services through financial incentives and promotional offers enclosed in virtual red envelopes.




From Jan 25 to Feb 4, an augmented reality-powered game allows people to collect virtual red envelopes by scanning the Chinese character fu, which symbolizes fortune and luck in Chinese and is commonplace ahead of the Chinese New Year.


It also ties into a series of events that promotes Alipay's array of services, from ecological protection scheme Ant Forest to Huabei, a consumer credit service.


Those who have gathered five fu representing different blessings stand to equally split the cash prize, plus extra offerings including paid trips to Europe for football matches and a full-year reimbursement of all loans incurred on Huabei.




Search engine Baidu Inc entered the fray this year by allocating up to 1 billion yuan of digital cash to be disbursed in the lead-up to the Year of the Pig.


The free money is deposited directly in the recipients' accounts with the app operator. The recipient can use the digital cash for future purchases via the app or resend it as a gift to friends and relatives who are using the same app, thus maximizing the level of participation for existing users and drawing in new customers.




Under a promotional campaign that ends on Feb 4, participants who download and use China UnionPay's QuickPass app to scan objects bearing the company logo are eligible for cash prizes of up to 2,019 yuan.


The promotion will also include other cash gifts if people sign onto the app on a daily basis, recommend new users and transfer funds via the tool.



Zero-Waste City  无废城市


According to the document, a zero-waste city refers to an advanced urban development and management model that aims to promote green lifestyles, minimize the amount of waste produced, strengthen recycling programs and ensure that waste released into the environment is harmless.



在全国范围内选择10个左右有条件、有基础、规模适当的城市,在全市域范围内开展“无废城市”建设试点。综合考虑不同地域、不同发展水平及产业特点、地方政府积极性等因素,优先选取国家生态文明试验区(national ecological civilization pilot zone)省份具备条件的城市、循环经济示范城市(national demonstration city for the circular economy)、工业资源综合利用示范基地(demonstration base for comprehensive utilization of industrial resources)、已开展或正在开展各类固体废物回收利用无害化处置试点并取得积极成效的城市。


到2020年,系统构建“无废城市”建设指标体系(an index system for zero-waste cities),探索建立“无废城市”建设综合管理制度和技术体系(an institutional and technical system for the management of no-waste cities),试点城市在固体废物重点领域和关键环节取得明显进展,大宗工业固体废物贮存处置总量趋零增长(with almost zero growth of industrial waste storage)、主要农业废弃物全量利用(full use of agricultural waste)、生活垃圾减量化资源化水平全面提升(a decrease in waste generation and an increase in its utilization)、危险废物全面安全管控(hazardous waste will be well-controlled),非法转移倾倒固体废物事件零发生(no more waste will be dumped illegally),培育一批固体废物资源化利用骨干企业(a group of backbone waste recycling enterprises will be established)。

通过在试点城市深化固体废物综合管理改革,总结试点经验做法,形成一批可复制、可推广的“无废城市”建设示范模式(a model of no-waste cities that is replicable and applicable),为推动建设“无废社会”奠定良好基础。


British Telecom  英国电信


BT Group has secured nationwide licences in China, becoming the first foreign telecommunication company to do so in the Asian economy. The two "value added licenses" will allow the UK telco to directly contract and bill customers in the Chinese market. 


英国电信获得的两个“增值业务牌照(value added licenses)”分别为全国性国内IP-VPN牌照(nationwide Domestic IP-VPN license,虚拟专用网)、全国性互联网服务提供商牌照(Internet Service Provider license)。

这两个“牌照”将允许英电通讯信息咨询(上海)有限责任公司直接与其在中国国内的全球客户签订合约,并以人民币收费(enable BT customers in China to be billed in local currency)。

英国电信全球服务部首席执行官巴斯·伯格(Bas Burger)表示:

Being able to service and bill locally significantly simplifies the process of delivering connectivity and other communication services. It is what our customers expect from us and we are very grateful for the opportunity to do this as of today.


英国国际贸易大臣利亚姆·福克斯(UK's International Trade Secretary Liam Fox)也指出,此次英国电信获得牌照得益于中国政府与英国政府的紧密合作(the close cooperation between the UK and Chinese governments helped secure the licences for BT),使得该公司能够在中国全国范围开展业务。

中国信息通信研究院发布的《外商投资电信企业发展态势(2018年度)》报告显示,目前,我国外商投资经营电信业务主要集中在增值电信业务(value added telecom services)领域。截至2018年底,获得批准的外商投资电信企业共121家,同比增长39%。其中工业和信息化部颁发许可证的86家。

上述报告同时指出,从许可数量上看,在线数据处理与交易处理业务(data online trading and processing business)位居首位,信息服务业务(information services)居第二位,国内呼叫中心业务(domestic call center)仍居第三位,该三项业务许可数量占全部业务许可颁发数量的81%。


Partner-Renting Services  租对象服务

In recent years, renting fake girlfriends or boyfriends to travel home with during the Spring Festival holiday — the Chinese celebration of the Lunar New Year — has grown in popularity. Businesses may charge meager fees or princely sums in exchange for temporary partners intended to appease parents impatiently waiting for their unwed children to settle down.


据《新京报》报道,网络租友(online partner-renting)的起源,最早能查到的是2008年,一名叫“陈潇”的女孩出租自己的闲暇时间(rent out her spare time),此后,越来越多的人有了租友的需求。2011年有一些商家通过电商平台提供租友服务(partner-renting services),以便“在过年时期应付家庭长辈的检查”。此后,一些租友网站和App租友平台也随之诞生。

不过,这种新兴业务也引发了不少人对相应平台管理方面的担忧。比如,平台管理混乱,有些平台根本不提供相应的中介服务,纯粹是打着租友的招牌骗会员费(swindle membership fees out of users);又比如,用户的注册信息也存在极高的泄露风险(highly susceptible to information breach)。

此外,围绕租友的一些诈骗行为(fraud)和非法色情交易(sexual services),几乎都是在钻管理上的漏洞。有用户为租来的对象购买了机票并支付定金(advance payment)以后,对方失联。还有色情犯罪团伙直接利用租友平台招嫖(solicit prostitution)。

从法律上讲,租友实质上是一种劳务雇佣关系(employment relationship),而不是租赁关系。但是因租男女朋友这种人身属性比较特殊,容易违反公序良俗。

Han Xiao, a lawyer at Beijing Kangda Law Firm, said that despite their inherent pitfalls, partner-renting services don’t necessarily violate the law. However, he said people should be aware of the gray areas involved in such contracts. “For example, if two people have agreed to have sex in exchange for money during a designated period, then that constitutes prostitution, and is illegal.”



The Science And Technology Innovation Board  科创板


The science and technology innovation board will focus on companies in high-tech and strategically emerging sectors such as new generation information technology, advanced equipment, new materials, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and biomedicine, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) said in a statement.


《实施意见》明确,在科创板试点注册制(registration-based IPO mechanism),合理制定科创板股票发行条件(IPO qualifications)和更加全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系(comprehensive and explicit framework of rules for information disclosure)。上交所负责科创板发行上市审核(IPO screening),证监会负责科创板股票发行注册(IPO registration)。证监会将加强对上交所审核工作的监督,并强化新股发行上市事前事中事后全过程监管(end-to-end supervision)。


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