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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:26 作者:官方文章 点击:





Fees Authenticate Their Graduation And Degree Certificates  学历学位认证费

Starting on Monday, Chinese university students will no longer need to pay for fees authenticate their graduation and degree certificates, saving them almost 400 yuan.


我国对学历学位进行认证(authenticate graduation and degree certificates)始于2001年。针对上世纪90年代后期社会上出现的滥办学、乱发文凭、伪造学历证书等现象,自2001年起,教育部决定实施高等教育学历证书电子注册制度(electronic registration system),授权全国高校学生信息咨询与就业指导中心展开学历认证服务(authentication service)。

目前,中国高等教育学生信息与职业中心(the China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center)出具的学历认证报告(verification report on a graduation certificate)需要收取95元,而中国学术学位和研究生教育发展中心(the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center)对学位认证的收费是260元。主管这两个中心的教育部27日表示,自7月1日起这两笔收费将正式取消(the fees will be scrapped from July 1)。


International Commercial Courts  国际商事法庭

China's Supreme People's Court (SPC) will launch twointernational commercial courts this month.


近日,在介绍新型国际商事争端解决机制和机构(the introduction of a new international commercial disputes resolution mechanism and institutions)的发布会上,最高法审判委员会(SPC Judicial Committee)专职委员刘贵祥表示,最高人民法院将在深圳和西安分别设立国际商事法庭(international commercial courts),6月底正式挂牌,受理当事人之间的跨境商事纠纷案件(cases of international commercial disputes)。

据刘贵祥介绍,"一带一路"倡议(Belt and Road Initiative)提出五年来,已得到140多个国家和地区的积极响应。"一带一路"建设涉及大量的跨国商事活动,为其营造稳定的、可预期的法治营商环境(legal business environments)十分重要。日前,由最高法起草、中央全面深化改革领导小组(the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Continuing Reform)会议审议通过的《关于建立"一带一路"国际商事争端解决机制和机构的意见》公布,确立了建立"一带一路"国际商事争端解决机制和机构的基本原则(basic principles)、具体方案和组织保障,其中包括成立国际商事法庭。

最高法还将牵头组建国际商事专家委员会(call for the establishment of an International Commercial Expert Committee),包括中国及"一带一路"沿线国家等国内外的专家学者,来自不同法系(different legal systems)、不同国家、不同地区的专家委员组成国际商事专家委员会。目前最高法正在起草国际商事专家委员会成员选拔的标准和流程(draft the standards and procedures for selecting the members),明确该委员会的运行机制(clarify the operational mechanisms of the ICEC)。刘贵祥称,新机制和机构与现有的并不冲突(the new mechanism and institutions will not conflict with the existing ones),而是提供了更多的选择方案。


Dual Contract  阴阳合同


Regulators will tighten scrutiny over contracts signed by television show production companies and the participating celebrities to ensure the stars' pay is reasonable, the notice said.



“阴阳合同”不是娱乐圈的专利,更不是中国人的专利。在中外房地产圈,“阴阳合同”很常见,其对应的英文是:dual contract。

我们来看看英文法律在线词典对dual contract的释义:

Dual contract refers to a contract between parties who have made two contracts for the same transaction. Sometimes one contract may be used to defraud another (such as a lender) as to the terms of the parties' actual agreement. This is an illegal or unethical practice of providing two different contracts for the same transaction. Most often, the contract for larger amount is used to apply for a loan and the real contract is for a lower amount.(www.


很显然,上述解释针对的是地产圈的“阴阳合同”,“阳合同”成交数额高于“阴合同”,这样可以用“阳合同”到银行申请到更多贷款。而娱乐圈的“阴阳合同”恰好相反,“阳合同”数额较低,用于报税(tax declaration),而“阴合同”中实际拿到手的片酬更高。除了dual contract以外,我们也可以用double contract来表示“阴阳合同”。


It reiterated a guideline released in September requiring all performers or celebrities of a production, which could be a movie, TV show, or an audiovisual production tailored for video-streaming sites to not be paid more than 40 percent of the production's total cost. In addition, the leading cast members' pay must not exceed 70 percent of the total payment to the cast.



Aside from the effort to fight unhealthy competition of inflating salaries to recruit celebrities, the authorities also will step up punishment against tax cheating and evasion.


Government funds and tax-free, nonprofit foundations are forbidden to invest in movies, TV shows or online productions which feature strong entertainment and commercial characteristics, the notice said.



Sightseeing Ban  禁游令

Since April, several national scenic areas have issuedsightseeing bans in order to better protect their fragile ecological environments.


可可西里、昆仑山、三江源、柴达木盆地、青海湖、年保玉则等自然景观(natural attractions)资源珍贵而稀缺。每年夏天,青海高原对中外游客来说都是热门的旅游目的地(a popular sightseeing destination for tourists from home and aboard)。但数量日益增多的游客(the ever-growing number of visitors)正给景区的生态环境带来越来越大的压力(put increasing pressure on the scenic areas' ecosystems)。

今年4月,青海湖景区保护利用管理局发布通告,青海湖景区(Qinghai Lake Scenic Area)暂时关闭二郎剑和鸟岛等景区(temporarily close areas such as Erlangjian and Bird Island)。当月,青海还发布通告,年保玉则国家公园无限期关闭(Nianbaoyuze National Park closed indefinitely)。5月24日以来,三江源国家公园发布黄河源头(the Yellow River source region)景区禁游令(sightseeing bans of scenic areas),禁止一切单位和个人进入扎陵湖、鄂陵湖等源头保护地观光或开展探险活动(all the institutions and individuals are prohibited from entering the source region, including Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake for sightseeing or expeditions),禁游面积(the forbidden area)达1.91万平方公里。

上述发布禁游令的旅游景区均地处青海高原生态系统极为敏感的区域(be all located in the regions with extremely sensitive ecological environments)。禁游令是保护生态环境和自然资源,维护青藏高原生物多样(maintenance of biodiversity in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau),保障珍稀物种栖息地(protect the habitat of rare species)不受威胁的必然之举,是保护重于开发(protection takes precedence over development)的郑重宣示。


Millimeter Wave Imaging  毫米波人体成像技术


Using a technology known as millimeter wave imaging, the security scanner can detect objects hidden under clothing, including nonmetallic objects, and can show their shape, size and position, the administration said.


毫米波人体成像技术(millimeter wave imaging)是目前全球安防领域的先进技术,已在美国、英国、荷兰、澳大利亚、日本等国机场用于旅客人身安检。这是安检中常用的一种全身扫描(full body scanner)设备,具有对人体无害、穿透力强的特点,其发射功率不及手机电磁波辐射的千分之一(an emission strength less than 1-thousandth the electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone),能准确识别人体携带物品,有效提高检查的客观性、准确性、针对性,降低安检员的劳动强度,提升安检效率。

民航局称,未来,毫米波人体成像设备将逐步取代民用机场沿用26年的金属探测门(walk-through metal detectors),旅客也将体验到更加安全、高效的人身安检服务。


Fans Of Online Celebrities  网红粉丝

Both the number of online celebrities and their fans have seen rapid growth in the past year, according to a report by Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo and consulting firm iResearch.


该报告称,过去一年里,网红经济(online celebrity economy)基础继续扩大。报告的数据显示,截至2018年5月,中国网红粉丝(fans of online celebrities, followers of internet celebrities)总人数达到5.88亿人,同比增长25%,且网红粉丝数量仍呈上升趋势(maintain an upward trend)。25岁以下粉丝占比53.9%,61%的新浪微博用户属于同样的年龄层(61% of Sina Weibo users were also of the same age group)。报告还显示,31%的网红粉丝来自小城市,20%来自一二线城市(first and second-tier cities)。

粉丝规模的增长推动了网红数量的快速提升。截至2018年5月,粉丝规模在10万人以上的网红(online celebrities who had more than 100,000 followers)数量较去年增长51%,粉丝规模超过100万的头部网红增长了23%。同时,网红群体结构和综合实力均不断优化。数据显示,更多网红拥有更高的学历(have a higher education background),其中14.6%拥有硕士及以上学历(have master's degrees or above)。虽然时尚和泛娱乐行业(fashion and pan-entertainment sectors)依旧占据网红所在领域的主导位置,但他们中越来越多的人也在教育、食品、健康、育儿和儿童保育这些领域中越来越具有影响力(build a growing influence in areas of education, food, fitness, parenting and child care)。


Crayfish Peeler  小龙虾剥虾师

A restaurant in Shanghai recently made headlines for employing two young crayfish peelers who do the dirty work right at the customers' tables, while they check social media or play mobile video games.


如今,小龙虾在国内很受欢迎(crayfish are popular in China these days),不过,小龙虾虽美味,但剥虾却是令许多食客头疼的一件事,其中最大的"缺点"就是:不能边吃边玩手机。如果有人能处理麻烦的小龙虾壳(handle the nasty crayfish shells),然后把美味的虾肉送到你面前(hand you the succulent flesh),岂不是很好吗?在上海黄浦区一家特别的餐厅里,就真的可以点一名小龙虾剥虾师(crayfish peeler),当你看手机、和朋友发消息或者玩手机时,他们会很乐意为你代劳(be glad to take care of the dirty work)。

餐厅经理表示:"剥小龙虾确实是件很烦人的事(peeling crayfish is actually quite an annoying thing),还会弄脏手,所以我们这里引进了专业小龙虾剥虾师(introduce professional crayfish peelers here)。顾客不需要停下来,就可以吃到小龙虾。"据悉,两位年轻的剥虾师通常每天会处理约100只虾,每个月可获得上万元的可观收入(earn a nice monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan)。

餐厅两名剥虾师之一的何南新是服装设计专业的大四学生(a fourth-year university student majoring in fashion design)。她和同事收取15%的剥虾服务费,这份工作似乎能帮他们赚到五位数的月薪(earn five-figure salaries every month)。何南新很中意这份工作的另一个原因是她可以获得和各种各样的人交流(interact with all kinds of people)的机会。


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