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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:28 作者:官方文章 点击:





Four-Strain Flu Vaccine  四价流感疫苗

China's drug regulator has approved the country's first four-strain flu vaccine.


国家药监总局(the National Drug Administration of China)称,这种四价流感疫苗(four-strain flu vaccine)加入能预防上次流感季中的主要病株BY型流感的抗体(protection against the Yamagata lineage of Influenza B),能保护人们不被4种流感病株(virus strain)感染。

国家药监总局相关负责人表示,由于2017-2018年度北半球三价流感疫苗(three-strain vaccine)株组分与我国流感优势毒株(dominant flu strain)不匹配,导致流感疫苗保护效果受到一定影响。为了覆盖近年来全球流感流行的主要亚型(main subtypes),研发使用四价流感疫苗就成为当前疾病防控(disease prevention)的一种迫切需求。

华兰和长春两家国内公司(domestic companies)获准成为这种疫苗的生产商(vaccine producer)。该疫苗或适用于成年人及3岁以上的儿童(be used on adults and children aged three years and above)。甲型H1N1和H3N2流感(H1N1 and H3N2 of Influenza A)、乙型Victoria和Yamagata流感(Victoria and Yamagata lineages of Influenza B)是人流感病毒的常见菌株(common strains of human flu viruses)。目前,接种疫苗被认为是预防流感和流行病最有效的方法(the most effective way to prevent infection and guard against an epidemic)。


The Shanghai Spirit  上海精神


习近平说,当前,世界发展既充满希望,也面临挑战,我们的未来无比光明,但前方的道路不会平坦。我们要进一步弘扬"上海精神(the Shanghai Spirit)",破解时代难题,化解风险挑战(further carry forward the Shanghai Spirit to surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet challenges)。


We should uphold innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development, achieve coordinated social and economic progress of various countries and resolve issues caused by unbalanced development. We should bridge the gap in development and promote shared prosperity.


We should pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between blocks and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the security of other countries, so as to achieve security of all.


We need to promote open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes. We should reject self-centered, short-sighted and closed-door policies. We should uphold WTO rules and support the multilateral trading system so as to build an open world economy.


Equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between cultures should be championed, so that we overcome cultural misunderstanding, clash and supremacy through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence.


We should adhere to extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, steadily reform and improve the global governance system, and push all countries to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.



Central Adjustment System For Basic Pension Funds  养老保险基金中央调剂制度


China will establish a central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees to balance payment burdens of local governments, according to an official document.


《通知》明确,建立养老保险基金中央调剂制度(a central adjustment system for basic pension funds)的主要内容是,在现行企业职工基本养老保险省级统筹基础上,建立养老保险中央调剂基金,对各省份养老保险基金进行适度调剂(a central adjustment fund will be set up to regulate pension funds in various provincial regions),确保基本养老金按时足额发放(help guarantee timely and complete payments to retirees)。

一是中央调剂基金由各省份养老保险基金上解的资金构成(the adjustment fund draws a certain portion from the provincial capital pool),按照各省份职工平均工资的90%和在职应参保人数作为计算上解额的基数,上解比例从3%起步,逐步提高。

二是中央调剂基金实行以收定支(distribution of the adjustment fund will be based on scale of the capital pool),当年筹集的资金按照人均定额拨付的办法全部拨付地方。

三是中央调剂基金纳入中央级社会保障基金财政专户(the adjustment fund is managed by a special account of the central social security fund),实行收支两条线管理,专款专用,不得用于平衡财政预算。

四是现行中央财政补助政策和补助方式不变(the central government will continue supporting local governments in pension distributions),省级政府要切实承担确保基本养老金按时足额发放和弥补养老保险基金缺口的主体责任。


The First-Ever Meeting  首次会晤

Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump had a historic meeting in Singapore Tuesday. It is the first-ever meeting between a DPRK leader and a sitting US president.


两人握手之后进行了40分钟的单独会晤(hold a 40-minute one-on-one meeting),随后与各自的助理人员一起进行了大范围会谈(proceed to an expanded meeting),并共进工作午餐。特朗普表示单独会晤"非常非常好",期间,他还称与金正恩"关系很好(excellent relationship)"。金正恩表示,过去的偏见和惯例(old prejudice and practices)是阻碍两国之间实现会晤的障碍,双方克服了"各种障碍"才走到今天。

特朗普预言此次会晤会很成功(predict a tremendous success of the summit),他表示,很荣幸能够与金正恩进行面对面会晤(it was "an honor" to meet face-to-face with Kim),他会跟朝鲜领导人有"特别好的关系(a terrific relationship)"。在大范围会谈开始时,特朗普表示:"我们会一起努力解决问题(working together, we will get it taken care of)",并预言他和金正恩会解决"重大问题和主要困境"(he and Kim will solve "a big problem and a big dilemma")。金正恩表示,他会"与特朗普总统合作解决即将到来的挑战(cooperate with President Trump to resolve the challenges ahead)",并应对关于此次会晤的质疑和猜测(overcome the skepticism and speculations about their summit)。

当日下午,特朗普和金正恩签署了一份协议,特朗普称这份协议"非常重要、非常全面"。金正恩表示,"全世界将会看到巨大的变化(the world will see a major change)",并表示,他和特朗普"决定放下过去(decide to leave the past behind)"。


Air Pollution Control Inspections  空气污染防控督查

China's top environmental watchdog will dispatch about 18,000 law enforcement officers to conduct air pollution control inspections in three key areas starting on Monday.


生态环境部日前印发《2018—2019年蓝天保卫战重点区域强化督查方案》,于11日启动强化督查,持续到2019年4月28日结束。今年的督查主题为"蓝天保卫战(Blue Sky Protection Campaign)",重点对京津冀地区(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)及周边"2+26"城市、汾谓平原(Fenhe and Weihe plains)11城市,以及长三角地区(the Yangtze River Delta)等重点区域持续开展大气污染防治强化督查。

据了解,这些重点区域虽然当前空气质量继续改善,但个别地区污染仍然较重。京津冀地区仍然是全国环境空气质量最差(the worst air quality)的地区。河北、山西、天津、河南、山东5省(市)优良天气(fairly good air quality)比例仍不到60%,汾渭平原更是近年来大气污染不降反升。

此次强化督查将分三个阶段,围绕产业结构(industrial structure)、能源结构(energy structure)、运输结构(transportation structure)和用地结构(land use structure)4项重点任务,检查"散乱污"企业(poorly managed - and polluting - small enterprises)综合整治情况、工业企业环境问题治理情况、清洁取暖(clean energy heating)及燃煤替代(coal substitution)情况等。


Draft Or Amend A Plan To Adjust Flight Schedules Based On Real-Time Scenario   组织修订或制定本机场航班计划动态调整方案


To provide a better travel experience for passengers during the wet season - including a better on-time rate - the administration laid down requirements for airports, air traffic control facilities and airlines to increase cooperation to ensure safe and smooth operations in extreme weather.




Airports, especially those with an annual capacity of more than 10 million passengers, are required to set up joint management operations with air traffic controllers, airlines and other service providers to respond to major delays and emergencies.


同时,各机场将加快组织修订或制定本机场航班计划动态调整方案(draft or amend a plan to adjust flight schedules based on real-time scenario),确保航班保障需求与空管、机场综合保障能力达到最优匹配。

航空公司方面,雷雨保障期间将注重源头管理,民航局要求在安排航班计划和时刻时,要为运行安全和航班正常留出充足的裕度,认真执行航段时间和过站时间等运行标准,科学合理编排航班(have reasonable flight schedules),留有充足备份运力(sufficient reserve aircraft capacity),进一步提高大面积航班延误的应对和恢复能力(improve the ability to respond to delays)。

空管单位方面,将针对雷雨保障建立大面积航班延误时的空域释放协调机制,促进区域内航班改航、绕飞方案的制定和实施,缓解大面积航班延误时的放行压力(plan detours in the air when extreme weather occurs to lessen pressure on the ground)。

Civil air traffic control departments will coordinate with military air traffic controllers and ask for more airspace for commercial flights in extreme weather.



World Cup  世界杯

This year's Football World Cup has opened in spectacular fashion, with the host Russians routing Saudi Arabia 5-0, recording the biggest win by the host nation in the opening game of a World Cup since 1934.


在此前进行的7场比赛中俄罗斯无一获胜(have not won in their past seven matches)。但在莫斯科卢日尼基体育场(Luzhniki Stadium)约7.8万粉丝的观战下,俄罗斯对阵沙特阿拉伯易如反掌(Russia had little trouble against the Saudis)。

比赛过程中,数位俄罗斯战将颇为勇猛,帮助祖国赢得出线小组赛的机会(help Russia's chances of qualifying from the group stage)。俄罗斯此次获胜也使得世界杯(World Cup)史上的"揭幕战东道主不败(host nation not losing the opening match)"定律得以延续。

接下来,俄罗斯将迎战萨拉赫领衔的埃及队(Russia will play Egypt led by Mohamed Salah next)和实力更强的乌拉圭队。虽然收获开门红(win the first game),但面对更加强大的对手,在14日晚的狂欢过后,俄罗斯还需重新开始。


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