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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:28 作者:官方文章 点击:





DPRK-US Summit  朝美会晤

US President Donald Trump on Thursday sent a letter to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s top leader, Kim Jong-un, to cancel their planned Singapore summit on June 12.


就在特朗普宣布取消与金正恩举行朝美会晤(DPRK-US summit)的几小时前,白宫发布了一封特朗普致金正恩的公开信。特朗普在信中说,他十分期待与金正恩在新加坡会晤(he was very much looking forward to being in Singapore with Kim),但朝方在近日展现出"极大怒气与公开敌意(tremendous anger and open hostility)",他认为当前已不适合举行这次计划已久的会晤(it was inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting)。特朗普还说,他认为朝方此次"错失良机",但仍非常期待未来能与金正恩会面。他感到自己与金正恩已建立起良好的对话(a wonderful dialogue was building up between Kim and him),而最终真正起作用的仍将是对话(it is only that dialogue that matters)。

特朗普宣布上述决定后,朝鲜副外相(vice foreign minister)发表谈话表示,朝美领导人亟需会晤,为了与美国总统特朗普的会晤能成行,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩付出了最大努力(make the utmost effort),但美国依然宣布取消会晤,这与国际社会期盼朝鲜半岛及全世界的和平与稳定的意愿背道而驰(do not conform to the international community's aspiration for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the whole world)——不过,对话的大门依然敞开,朝方愿随时与美方一起解决问题(Pyongyang is open to resolving issues with Washington at any time)。


Xi Meets Merkel   习近平会晤默克尔


President Xi Jinping Thursday told visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel that China will work with Germany to push bilateral ties to a higher level.


He said China and Germany must set an example of win-win cooperation, take the lead in promoting China-Europe ties, advocate the new type of international relations and override the ideological differences for cooperation. "This should be the direction that bilateral ties will move to in the next stage," said Xi.


双方要保持高层密切交往(maintain high-level exchange),加强对双边关系的顶层设计(enhance top-down planning on bilateral ties),鼓励两国各领域交流合作,用好机制性对话(give full play to dialogue mechanisms),我们欢迎德国抓住中国新一轮开放机遇;

要以科技创新为引领,共同做大蛋糕、做大产业、做大市场,双方可以在未来产业领域开展更多合作(expand industrial and market cooperation),共同开拓第三方市场(jointly explore the third-party markets);

要以人文合作为抓手,夯实两国友好的民意基础(enhance cultural and people-to-people exchanges to consolidate the basis of friendship);

要展现中德两国的责任和担当,共同应对各种全球性挑战,我们愿继续同德方在多边框架内一道推进全球治理和多边主义(promote global governance and multilateralism together with Germany within the multilateral frameworks),在推动解决热点难点问题方面加强沟通合作。


Blockchain Technology  区块链技术

According to the white paper recently released by the ministry's Information Center, a complete industrial chain for the blockchain sector has emerged in China, ranging from hardware manufacturing, platform and security services, to application services, investment, media and human resources services. As of March, the number of blockchain tech companies in China reached 456.


《白皮书》显示,2017年是近几年的区块链创业高峰期(the peak year for blockchain development),由于区块链概念的快速普及,以及技术的逐步成熟,很多创业者涌入这个领域,新成立公司数量达到178家。

从公司的地域分布状况来看,地域分布相对集中,产业集聚效应(industrial agglomeration effect)明显。北京、上海、广东、浙江依然是区块链创业的集中地,区块链企业占比超80%。

工信部指导发布的《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书2016》这样解释:广义来讲,区块链技术(blockchain technology)是利用块链式数据结构(blockchain data structure)来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法(distributed consensus algorithm)来生成和更新数据、利用密码学(cryptography)的方式保证数据传输和访问的安全、利用由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约来编程和操作数据的一种全新的分布式基础架构与计算范式。

简单地说,区块链就是一种去中心化的分布式账本数据库(decentralized and distributed ledger database)。去中心化,即与传统中心化的方式不同,这里是没有中心,或者说人人都是中心;分布式账本数据库,意味着记载方式不只是将账本数据存储在每个节点,而且每个节点会同步共享复制整个账本的数据(simultaneously share a copy of the ledger)。

区块链技术支撑的交易模式下,买家和卖家可直接交易,无需通过任何中介平台(intermediary platform)。买卖双方交易后,系统通过广播的形式发布交易信息,所有收到信息的主机在确认信息无误后记录下这笔交易,相当于所有的主机都为这次交易做了数据备份。这种数据存储结构具有透明(transparent)、可追踪(traceble)、不可篡改(unalterable)、数据安全(data security)等特点。


Online Legal Services  线上法律服务

The Ministry of Justice officially launched an online legal services platform on Sunday.


司法部在新闻发布会上表示,群众可以在中国法律服务网上联系司法部委派的律师寻求法律咨询(contact lawyers entrusted by the ministry for legal advice),搜索法律援助信息(search information about legal aid)、调解及其他司法服务方面的信息。据介绍,中国法律服务网汇聚全国公共法律服务资源,整合38万多家法律服务机构(legal service agencies)和139万多名法律服务人员数据,提供法律事务咨询(legal affairs advice)、法律服务指引(legal service consultation)、法律法规与案例查询(search information about laws and regulations and cases)、信用信息公开(disclosure of credit information)等服务功能。

中国法律服务网的总体架构为"一张网络,两级平台(two platforms in one network)",由一张网络覆盖全地域、全业务,纵向由部、省两级平台组成,平台之间通过数据共享交换系统实现联通,横向包括门户网站、"掌上12348"微信公众号、移动客户端。网站的智能法律咨询系统提供24小时在线自助服务,根据公众输入的问题,系统自动生成免费的"法律咨询意见书",目前已实现婚姻问题(marriage issues)、劳动纠纷(labor disputes)、工伤赔偿(work-related injury compensation)等6类案件类型。

下一步司法部将通过法网建设,进一步融合公共法律服务实体、热线和网络(further integrate the platforms of public legal service units, hotline and websites)三大平台,科学配置法律服务资源,全面提升公共法律服务能力和水平(improve capability and quality of public legal service)。


Commemorative Coin  纪念币


Members of the White House Communications Agency, which provides a range of communications support to US presidents, created and issued a commemorative coin featuring Trump and Kim's likeness with the words "PEACE TALKS" above them.


纪念币(commemorative coin)的一面是特朗普与金正恩的侧脸,分别以两国国旗为背景;“和谈(peace talk)”两侧是两国国名,the United States of America以及Democratic People's Republic of Korea;两人侧脸头像的外围印有双方领导人的称谓,特朗普为President Donald J. Trump,金正恩为Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un;另一面是特朗普专机空军一号以及白宫的画面。


The coin -- which members of the White House Communications Agency create for every presidential trip abroad -- was not created or approved by the White House nor was it paid for using government funds.



Automobile Import Tariffs  汽车进口关税

China will slash import tariffs for automobiles and vehicle components starting July 1 as part of its efforts to further open up the world's largest car market, the Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday.


汽车进口关税(automobile import tariffs)主要由关税(tariff)、消费税(consumption tax)、增值税(value-added tax)三部分构成。其中消费税是根据进口汽车排气量(imported automobiles' exhaust)而定的,排气量越大的汽车消费税越高。相对于原本高昂的价格,降低关税可以有效减少进口车一部分的价格。据财政部网站消息称,目前税率为20-25%的汽车整车税率(automobile tariffs)将降至15%;目前税率为8%-25%的汽车零部件税率将降至6%。

中国汽车流通协会有形市场分会常务副理事长苏晖表示,此次下调关税对豪华车市场(luxury car market)的影响最大,而对中端车和经济型轿车(intermediate and economy cars)影响相对较小。由于高档车(premium car)本身价格就很高昂,如果下调10%对价格成本的影响就会很大。行业分析人士称,下调汽车及零部件进口关税将降低进口汽车售价(make imported vehicles less expensive),利好国内广大消费者(benefit the vast number of consumers in China)并鼓励行业竞争(encourage competition in the industry)。


Trade War  贸易战

China and the US issued a joint statement on Saturday on economic and trade consultations, vowing not to launch a trade war against each other.


根据国家主席习近平和美国总统特朗普的指示,17日至18日,中方代表团和美方代表团就贸易问题进行了建设性磋商(conduct constructive consultations on trade issues)。双方同意,将采取有效措施实质性减少美对华货物贸易逆差(take effective measures to substantially decrease the US trade deficit in goods with China)。为满足中国人民的消费需求(meet the consumption needs of the Chinese people)和促进高质量经济发展(propel the high-quality economic development of China),中方将大量增加自美购买商品和服务(significantly increase its purchase of US goods and service)。这也有助于美国经济增长和就业(economic development and employment)。

双方同意有意义地增加美国农产品和能源出口(increase the export of US agriculture and energy products),美方将派团赴华讨论具体事项。双方就扩大制造业产品和服务贸易(the expansion of trade on manufactured goods and service)进行了讨论,就创造有利条件(create favorable conditions)增加上述领域的贸易达成共识(reach consensuses)。双方高度重视知识产权保护(intellectual property protection),同意加强合作(promote cooperation in this regard)。中方将推进包括《专利法》(Patent Law)在内的相关法律法规修订工作(revision of related laws and regulations)。双方同意鼓励双向投资(two-way investment),将努力创造公平竞争营商环境(business environment)。双方同意继续就此保持高层沟通(maintain high-level contacts),积极寻求解决各自关注的经贸问题。


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