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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:29 作者:官方文章 点击:





Iran Nuclear Deal  伊朗核协议

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he will withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal, announcing that economic sanctions against Tehran will be reinstated.


特朗普在白宫发表电视讲话(a televised speech from the White House)时宣布了这一决定。他表示,他不会再签署对伊朗核武器制裁的豁免协议(sign the waiver of nuke-related sanctions against Iran),并且将重新对德黑兰以及与其有商业联系的国家实施制裁(re-impose sanctions against Tehran and nations it has business links with)。

特朗普重申了此前他对伊朗以及"联合全面行动计划(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA)(即伊核协议)"所发表过的言论,认为该协议未能阻止伊朗发展核武器(fail to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons)或支持该地区的恐怖主义(support terrorism in the region)。特朗普认为,伊核协议"允许伊朗继续开展高丰度浓缩铀活动(allow Iran to continue enriching uranium)",且解除了对伊朗的严重经济制裁(lift crippling economic sanctions on Iran),只换来对其核活动的"极小的限制"(in exchange for "very weak limits" on its nuclear activity)。

伊朗对此回应称,会暂时留在协议框架之内,但已做好准备,如有必要,将重新启动核武器(nuclear weapon)的研究。伊朗总统鲁哈尼表示:"我已经命令伊朗原子能组织(the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran)做好准备,如有必要,不设限制地重新开始我们工业级别的铀浓缩(resume our enrichment on an industrial level without any limitations)。"

联合国秘书长古特雷斯对此表示担忧,呼吁其他伊核协议参与方严格遵守协议项下各自的承诺(call on other JCPOA participants to abide fully by their respective commitments under the JCPOA),也希望联合国其他成员国支持该协议。另一方面,特朗普的决定也让美国的欧洲盟友感到手足无措。英、法、德三国领导人共同发布声明,对特朗普的决定表示"遗憾和担忧(regret and concern)",并宣布他们将继续遵守伊核协议。不过,伊朗在中东的劲敌以色列强烈赞同美国的决定。特朗普获得了沙特阿拉伯和以色列的大力支持(win strong backing from Saudi Arabia and Israel)。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡盛赞特朗普做了一个"历史性的举措(historic move)",彰显了"有胆识的领导力(courageous leadership)"。


Xi, Kim Meet Over Peninsula Issue  习金会



"After the first meeting between me and Comrade Chairman, both China-DPRK relations and the Korean Peninsula situation have made positive progress. I feel happy about it," he said. Xi said he was willing to meet Kim again to make joint efforts to push the healthy and stable development of China-DPRK relations, realize long-lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.


习近平强调,今年3月,我同委员长同志在北京实现了历史性首次会晤,进行了长时间深入交流,就发展新时代中朝关系(developing China-DPRK relations in the new era)达成了四方面原则共识。

First, the China-DPRK traditional friendship has been a treasure of both countries. It is an unswerving principle and the only correct choice for both countries to develop the friendly and cooperative China-DPRK relations.


Second, both China and the DPRK are socialist countries, and their bilateral relations are of major strategic significance. Both sides need to enhance unity, cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning.


Third, high-level exchanges between the two parties play an irreplaceably significant role in guiding bilateral relations, Xi said. The two sides should maintain frequent exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen understanding and mutual trust, and safeguard common interests.


Fourth, cementing the people-to-people friendship foundation is an important channel to advance the development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said. The two sides should, by multiple means, enhance people-to-people communication and exchanges to create a sound foundation of popular will for the advancement of China-DPRK relations.


在双方共同努力下,各项共识正在得到良好的贯彻落实(all of these consensuses are being well implemented)。一个多月时间内,我同委员长同志两度会晤,保持着密切沟通。我愿同委员长同志一道,继续指导双方有关部门落实好我们达成的共识,推动中朝关系不断向前发展,造福两国和两国人民,为本地区和平稳定作出积极贡献。

谈到朝鲜半岛形势时,习近平指出,我同委员长同志首次会晤时就此深入交换了意见,达成重要共识。近段时间,委员长同志在推动半岛对话缓和方面作出了积极努力(make active efforts to promote dialogue and easing of tension on the peninsula),取得积极成果。中方支持朝方坚持半岛无核化,支持朝美对话协商解决半岛问题,愿继续同有关各方一道,为全面推进半岛问题和平对话解决进程、实现地区长治久安发挥积极作用。

Kim said comrade-like trust and friendship between the elder generations of leaders of the two parties and countries form the close bond and solid foundation for the traditional friendship between the DPRK and China.


我同总书记同志继承这一良好传统,举行卓有成效的历史性会晤,推动朝中关系迎来了前所未有的活跃发展(promote the unprecedentedly vigorous development of the DPRK-China relations)。

It has been the DPRK's consistent and clear stand to achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Kim said. As long as relevant parties abolish their hostile policies and remove security threats against the DPRK, there is no need for the DPRK to be a nuclear state and denuclearization can be realized, he said.


希望通过朝美对话建立互信,有关各方负责任地采取分阶段、同步性的措施(take phased and synchronous measures in a responsible manner),全面推进半岛问题政治解决进程(comprehensively advance the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue),最终实现半岛无核化和持久和平。


China-Japan-ROK Plus X  中日韩+X

Premier Li Keqiang said China, Japan and the Republic of Korea should work to explore fourth-party markets using the model of "China-Japan-ROK plus X" to quicken regional development.


9日上午,国务院总理李克强在东京迎宾馆同日本首相安倍晋三、韩国总统文在寅共同出席第七次中日韩领导人会议(the seventh China-Japan-ROK leaders' meeting),就中日韩合作以及地区和国际问题交换看法。李克强表示,中日韩作为世界三大经济体(three big economies in the world),互为重要经贸合作伙伴(be each other's key partner in trade and economic cooperation),对促进地区经济发展(boost regional economic development)、引领区域一体化(guide regional integration)进程、维护地区和平稳定(safeguard regional peace and stability)负有重要责任。

面对当前复杂多变的国际政治经济形势(the international political and economic situation),中日韩加强合作不仅是三国自身发展的需要,也是地区国家和国际社会的共同期待(accord with the expectations of the region and the international community at large)。三方应抓住机遇,扩大利益融合,努力推动地区持久和平与共同繁荣。


Build up political mutual trust and create a favorable environment.


Safeguard free trade and promote regional economic integration.


Work to explore cooperation within a "China-Japan-South Korea+X" framework to quicken regional development.

应集聚三方优势,通过"中日韩+X(China-Japan-ROK plus X)"模式,在产能合作(production capacity cooperation)、防灾减灾(disaster prevention and mitigation)、节能环保(energy saving and environmental protection)等领域实施联合项目,带动和促进本地区国家实现更好更快发展。


Enhance people-to-people exchanges and lay a solid popular foundation.


Encourage technological innovation, carry forward projects in poverty reduction, environmental protection and disaster prevention, and enhance inclusive global growth.


Underground Seismic Network For Earthquake Monitoring  地下云图网


According to the plan, 2,000 monitoring stations will be built in two years in Sichuan and Yunnan, two quake-prone provinces in southwest China, said scientists with the Institute of Care-life, a disaster-reduction lab based in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.


地下云图网(underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring)是通过在四川、云南建设2000个地下云图监测站(monitoring stations),实时关注与地震发生直接相关的物理量——地下应力和能量(underground stress and energy),从而形成它们的动态演化图。

新建设的川滇地下云图网的主要科学目标是,解决浅源(深度小于20千米)破坏性地震的临震预报(to predict shallow earthquakes whose epicenters are less than 20 kilometers deep)难题。临震预报(imminent earthquake prediction)是指对某地几天以内,在较小范围内可能发生的破坏性地震做出的预报。

按照科研计划,地震预警四川省重点实验室、成都高新减灾研究所将用1至2年建成川滇地下云图网;再用3年时间,运用新建设的地下云图网采集10个左右破坏性地震的案例(monitor the region for three years and expect to collect data on about 10 earthquakes in this period),进行地震预报的内部技术试验等。目前,首个地下云图网监测站和传感设备,已在汶川县映秀地震台部署完成。

地震之所以可怕,除了其来势迅猛,猝不及防外,还因为它往往破坏力惊人。英语中,描述其破坏力的词,按由轻到重的次序大致有damage,destroy, devastate,shatter,level,flatten等等。


Box Office  电影票房

For the first time ever, China's quarterly box officeperformance outshone its North American counterpart, topping the global film market.


2018年一季度,中国电影市场票房收入达202.17亿元(boast 20.217 billion yuan in box office receipts),超过北美同期的28.9亿美元(约合人民币183亿元),首次成为世界第一。值得注意的是,在一季度最卖座的10部电影中(10 highest-grossing films),国产片(domestic films)入榜7部并占据了前5名,分别是《红海行动》(Operation Red Sea)、《唐人街探案2》(Detective Chinatown 2)、《捉妖记2》(Monster Hunt 2)、《前任3:再见前任》、《无问西东》。而好莱坞大片(Hollywood blockbuster)仅占两席,分别排在第8位和第10位。

此次票房的高歌猛进并非依仗某一类型的影片,国内观众的观影口味可谓五花八门(have diverse tastes),排名前5的国产片从题材到类型均不尽相同(vary from genre to style)。比如首部与中国人民解放军海军合拍的影片(the first movie co-produced with the PLA Navy)《红海行动》讲述了2015年也门内战期间(during the civil war in Yemen),中国海军帮助中国公民和外国民众撤离(evacuation of Chinese citizens and foreign nationals)的故事。而中国版福尔摩斯片《捉妖记2》则在喜剧中混合了神秘元素(combine comedy with mystery elements)。

中国电影市场能这么快超越北美,其身后最大的推动力就是年轻消费者(young consumers)。根据猫眼电影的数据,近80%的观影者为"85后"。同时,生活在二线城市及以下的"小镇青年(small-town youngsters)"正成为电影市场的主角。一部意外火爆的《前任3》(The Ex-File: The Return of the Exes and Forever Young),让人们第一次意识到了"小镇青年"的旺盛消费力(strong consumption power),他们正成为中国电影票房的重要来源。


Windrush Generation  疾风一代

英国首相特蕾莎•梅近日因为所谓的“Windrush generation 疾风一代”卷入更多争议中,因为长期居住在英国加勒比海地区的“英国臣民”面临着被驱逐出境的威胁。

面对第二次世界大战后的劳动短缺,英国曾依赖其加勒比殖民地区,这些地区的居民根据一条1948年法律,而被重新授予公民身份。那一年,政府派出了“帝国疾风号 HMT Empire Windrush”船舰到达牙买加,并带回近500名加勒比海人来英格兰工作,其中许多还是孩子。

这群人连同成千上万的同龄人进入1970年代,并以Windrush命名他们。运载他们的船舰曾叫Monte Rosa(罗莎舰),是一艘德国舰艇,在二战期间用来运输军队。后来在战争结束后被英国使用并重新命名。

Windrush一名意指温德拉什河(River Windrush),它是泰晤士河在科茨沃尔德的一条支流,在那里风会蜿蜒地吹过沼泽禾草。我们从一开始就能看到使用单词Windrush来描述这场加勒比人的迁移。根据《牛津英语辞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)的引文记录,就在1948年疾风号停靠在英格兰的两周后,《金斯顿每日邮报》的一篇文章标题中写道:“Windrush” W. Indians get London jobs.



Toxic Gas  有毒气体

Consulate General of China in Los Angeles issued an alert message Saturday morning, warning Chinese citizens not to stay in dangerous zones in Hawaii's Big Island, which has been suffering strong volcano eruptions and earthquakes since Thursday.


据美国地质勘探局地震信息网消息,夏威夷群岛的最大岛屿比格艾兰岛(Big Island“大岛”)当地时间4日中午发生6.9级地震,震中邻近正处于喷发状态的基拉韦火山(the Kilauea Volcano)。当地政府启动应急响应机制,疏散周围居民,火山所在的夏威夷火山国家公园(the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park)已部分关闭。

中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆在通告中提醒中国公民,关注火山活动情况,遵从当地政府部门指引(follow the directions of the local government),避免进入高危险区域。

据夏威夷州当地应急部门通告,对人们健康最大的威胁来自火山喷发后飘落的灰烬和地质活动在地表形成裂缝后排出的有毒气体(toxic gas)。

The Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory said eight vents, each several hundred meters long, opened in the neighborhood since Thursday. By late Saturday, the fissures had quieted down and were only releasing steam and gas.


Authorities cautioned sulfuric gas pouring out of the vents posed dangers, particularly to elderly and people with respiratory problems.



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