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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:32 作者:官方文章 点击:





Big Science  大科学

China's State Council has issued a set of guidelines to encourage the launch of more international "big science" projects.


The guidelines, which were distributed to provincial-level governments as well as ministries and institutions of the State Council, called on them to take the lead in launching international big science research plans and projects, using domestic and overseas scientific resources.


《方案》指出,国际大科学计划和大科学工程(international big science research plans and projects)是人类开拓知识前沿、探索未知世界和解决重大全球性问题的重要手段,是一个国家综合实力(comprehensive strength)和科技创新竞争力(competitiveness in science and innovation)的重要体现。大科学计划以实现重大科学问题的原创性突破(original breakthroughs in major scientific problems)为目标,是基础研究在科学前沿领域的全方位拓展,对于推动世界科技创新与进步、应对人类社会面临的共同挑战具有重要支撑作用。


近期目标:到2020年,培育3-5个项目,研究遴选并启动1-2个我国牵头组织的大科学计划,初步形成牵头组织大科学计划的机制做法(form a mechanism of launching big science projects),为后续工作探索积累有益经验。

中期目标:到2035年,培育6-10个项目,启动培育成熟项目,形成我国牵头组织的大科学计划初期布局(build a preliminary framework of launching big science projects),提升在全球若干科技领域的影响力(enhance China's influence in several scientific and technological fields around the world)。

远期目标:到本世纪中叶,培育若干项目,启动培育成熟项目,我国原始科技创新能力显著提高,在国际科技创新治理体系中发挥重要作用(play significant role in international scientific innovation and governance),持续为全球重大科技议题作出贡献(contribute to major global scientific and technological issues)。


Genetic Test  基因检测

According to reports, the US Food and Drug Administration is allowing 23andMe, a US company, to sell genetic tests to people without doctor's prescription, indicating the FDA is further easing its regulation of the genetic test industry in the US.


对我国大多数消费者而言,基因检测(genetic test)仍然是一个新鲜事物。但前瞻产业研究院预计,未来五年我国基因检测市场的复合增长率在35%左右,2020年我国基因检测市场份额(the market share of China's genetic test industry)有望突破300亿,更长远的潜在市场(longterm potential market)过千亿。  

但基因检测服务的市场化(the marketization of genetic test services)也带来了隐私泄露的巨大风险(huge risks of privacy leaks)。人们向基因检测公司提供唾液样本(saliva sample)时根本无法得知该基因样本(gene sample)会被如何处置或使用,个人基因信息(individual genetic information),尤其是致病基因(disease-causing genes)有泄露的风险,而这可能导致歧视或侵权行为的发生。


Three Tough Battles  三大攻坚战


三大攻坚战(three tough battles)是:防范化解金融风险(preventing and defusing financial risks)、精准脱贫(targeted poverty alleviation)、污染防治(pollution control)。



Preventing and defusing financial risks is relevant to national security, overall development, and the security of people's property, and is a key threshold that the country must cross to achieve high-quality growth.


The country has made progress in its fight against poverty, a battle that must be won.


Environmental issues are a major concern for the public, and are decisive to Chinese people's judgment of the success of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, this is a battle we must win.

会议指出,打好防范化解金融风险攻坚战,要坚持底线思维,坚持稳中求进,抓住主要矛盾。地方政府和企业特别是国有企业要尽快把杠杆降下来(China should reduce the leverage ratio of local governments and companies, especially State-owned enterprises),努力实现宏观杠杆率稳定和逐步下降。要分类施策,根据不同领域、不同市场金融风险情况,采取差异化、有针对性的办法(tailored policies should be used to control risks in different financial markets)。

会议强调,打好精准脱贫攻坚战,要咬定总攻目标,严格坚持现行扶贫标准(authorities should stick to the current poverty relief standards),不能擅自拔高标准,也不能降低标准(should not make arbitrary decisions to raise or lower the standards)。

会议指出,打好污染防治攻坚战,要明确目标任务,到2020年使主要污染物排放总量大幅减少(significant reduction of the release of major pollutants),生态环境质量总体改善。

要坚持源头防治,调整"四个结构",做到"四减四增"。一是要调整产业结构(adjust industrial structure),减少过剩和落后产业(phasing out surplus and backward industries),增加新的增长动能(fostering new growth drivers)。二是要调整能源结构(adjust energy structure),减少煤炭消费(cutting coal consumption),增加清洁能源使用(increasing the use of clean energy)。三是要调整运输结构(adjust structure of transport),减少公路运输量(lowering percentage of road transport),增加铁路运输量(increasing percentage of rail freight)。四是要调整农业投入结构(adjust input structure of agriculture),减少化肥农药使用量(cutting the use of pesticides),增加有机肥使用量(encouraging the use of organic fertilizers)。


Tariff List  征税清单

China announced on Wednesday a list of US products valued at $50 billion annually that are subject to additional tariffs as a reciprocal trade measure to safeguard its legitimate interests. Earlier, the US government rolled out a massive list of tariffs for $50 billion worth of Chinese products.


3日,美国贸易代表办公室依据"301调查(Section 301 investigation)"结果,公布了对华征税清单(tariff list)。清单涉及航空航天(aerospace)、信息和通信技术(information and communication technology)、机器人(robotics)和机械(machinery)等行业,包含大约1300个独立关税项目,涉及我国500亿美元出口,建议税率为25%。多家美国媒体表示此次加征关税直指中国的高科技制造业产品。

我国商务部新闻发言人第一时间表示,美方不顾中方的严正交涉(disregard strong representations by China),毫无事实依据,公布征税建议(tariff proposals),是典型的单边主义和贸易保护主义做法(a typical unilateralist and protectionist practice),中方强烈谴责,坚决反对。中方拟立即将美方有关做法诉诸世贸组织争端解决机制(the WTO dispute settlement system)。发言人还表示,中方准备对美产品采取同等力度、同等规模的对等措施(take counter measures on US products with equal force and scale)。



Talent Scramble Battle  人才争夺战

The favorable policies offered by second- and third-tier cities to attract more talents have put pressure on first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai to take similar measures.

今年以来,全国多个城市陆续发布"引才新政"(new favorable policies to attract more talents),符合条件的人才将获得包括落户(permanent household registration, or hukou)、租房补贴(subsidy for rental housing)、安家费(settling-in allowance)、创业贷款(loans for startups)等多方面的政策激励。

3月下旬,北京、上海等一线城市接连发布人才新政,从全球引进各领域高端人才(high-end talents)。北京提出建立优秀人才引进的"绿色通道"(a "green channel" for outstanding talents),可在聘用单位的集体户落户,配偶及未成年子女随调随迁。上海同样为高端人才及其家属在户口、住房等方面给予优待(special treatment for high-end talents and their families)。

中国人民大学劳动与人事学院副教授鲁全认为,京沪等一线城市(first-tier cities)从全球引进高端人才,标志着人才争夺战(talent scramble battle)已经覆盖全国主要城市。对人才的渴求实则是城市转型的需求,也是整个国家进入高质量发展(high-quality development)阶段的必然选择。




Administrative organs in the areas of cyberspace management, public security, culture, media, and publications were ordered to step up efforts to combat illegal publications, pornography, copyright infringement, and other cultural wrongdoings.


“净网2018”将集中力量专项整治问题多发的五个领域:严厉打击利用云盘、App应用商店传播有害信息活动(spreading harmful content on mobile applications);查处违法违规网络直播平台(illegal livestreaming platforms);规范整治违法违规网络游戏(unlawful online games);大力整顿非法网络群组(unlawful online chat groups);深入清理非法弹窗广告(illegal pop-up ads)。

“护苗2018”专项行动,重在构建集政府监管、企业自律、基层参与为一体的“护苗”综合安全体系(a comprehensive security system that integrates government supervision, enterprise self-discipline with general participation)。组织开展中小学校园周边文化市场环境、涉未成年人网络有害信息两个专项整治,引导青少年绿色阅读、文明上网,自觉远离和抵制有害出版物和信息(distance themselves from harmful publications and contents)。

“秋风2018”专项行动,重在规范新闻出版广播影视传播秩序。严厉打击假媒体、假记者站、假记者及新闻敲诈勒索行为(fake news organization, journalists and news extortion);坚决查处各类侵权盗版活动(copyright infringement);规范整治电子商务平台销售出版物行为;整治非法编辑出版图书报刊问题(publication piracy)。


Theyby  腹中性别不明的婴儿

上周,来自The Cut的一篇文章中讨论到,越来越多的父母正在用没有性别指定的代词来称呼自己的孩子,于是将性别不明的they与baby结合,成为theyby。




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