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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:33 作者:官方文章 点击:





School Phobia  学校恐惧症


After the end of a semester and before the next, there are a good number of children with “school refusal disorder,” Dr Zhang Yiwen of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center told The Paper.


“学校恐惧症”(school phobia),也称为“拒绝上学症”(school refusal disorder),指一些儿童和青少年对学校产生恐惧和厌恶心理,不愿回到学校,表现出来的症状有:头疼(headache)、恶心(nausea)、胃疼(stomachache)等。

儿童(children)和青少年(teenagers)是开学恐惧症的多发人群。据统计,13.8%的儿童情绪障碍(mental disorder)为学校恐惧症。国内有研究发现,学校恐惧症中女孩比男孩略多见,男女比为3:4。

学校恐惧症多发于几个年龄段。5-7岁为第一高峰期。这一阶段可能与分离焦虑(separation anxiety)相关;11-12岁为第二高峰期,可能与学习压力(school pressure)逐渐加重,难以适应环境,以及与老师、同学间的人际冲突(interpersonal conflicts)有关;14-15岁为第三个高峰期,这可能与学生进入青春期身心发展不平衡(unbalanced physical and mental development)、自我意识冲突等因素有关。

另外,毕业班的学生面临升学的关键学期,沉重的学习任务以及自身和家长的过高期望(overexpectation)、渴望成功但又担心失败的心理(the mentality of longing for success while worrying about failure)都让孩子们深感压力巨大。


First Gold Medal  首金

Wu Dajing won China's first gold medal at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games by breaking world record twice in men's 500 meters short track speed skating on Thursday.


20日,在短道速滑男子500米预赛(men's 500 meters short track speed skating preliminary contest)中,武大靖以40秒264的成绩打破奥运纪录(break Olympic Games record),成功晋级;22日晚,武大靖以39秒800的成绩打破了尘封6年的世界纪录(world record),进入半决赛(semifinal);仅仅一个小时后,武大靖就以39秒584的成绩打破了自己刚创下的世界纪录摘金,为中国代表队夺得了本届冬奥会的首枚金牌(grab the first gold medal at this Olympic Winter Games),实现中国男子冰上竞速项目冬奥会金牌零的突破。

赛后接受采访时,武大靖难掩激动之情。他说:"这块金牌是我们团队集体努力的结果,我们相互鼓励和支持,今天已经做到很好。我想把这枚金牌分享给支持和帮助我们的人。其实如果这枚金牌能掰开的话,我想分给我们团队每个人一块(if the gold can be shared, I hope to share it with all of my teammates from Chinese team)。"


Pay-Per-Ride Mode  刷卡付费


Beijing authorities are installing elevators in old apartment buildings. The residents don't need to pay for the machine or its future maintenance, but they do have to pay a tiny fee every time they take it for a ride, up or down.


电梯采用“公交式”运营模式。3月底前,电梯都可免费试用(free trial),之后居民可以自愿购卡,像乘坐公交车一样按次刷卡付费(pay-per-ride mode),每次仅需0.2元。

The fee is 0.2 yuan per ride. Payment is made by swiping a card like taking a bus, according to the Beijing Daily newspaper.

据介绍,目前大兴区、东城区、朝阳区的老楼加装电梯工程中,都已经试点推出了“垂直公交”(vertical transport)的模式。


English  Couplets  英文春联

English language couplets have become a new and stylish way among Chinese young people to celebrate the Spring Festival.


在中国最大的网络购物平台淘宝网上,有几十家网店在出售多个版本的英文春联(there are dozens of shops selling several kinds of Spring Festival couplets in English)。其中一副英文春联上联是:eat well, sleep well, have fun day by day(吃的好睡的好开心每天),下联是study good, work good, make money more and more(学习好工作好赚钱多多)。

普通英文春联售价约25元,是中文春联价格的近两倍(almost double the price of the Chinese couplets)。大多数英文春联的买家是年轻人,他们觉得这样看起来很酷,也愿意为时尚产品多掏钱(pay extra for fashionable things)。还有人送给外国朋友当礼物(some send the couplets to foreign friends as gifts),此外,住在中国的老外也会买英文春联庆祝春节。

春联是按照平仄规则写成的两句对仗诗句(two complementary poetic lines),是庆祝春节时最常见和最重要的习俗之一(one of the most common and important customs to celebrate Chinese New Year),通常被装饰在门和墙上,表达对来年的期盼和喜悦之情(they are often used to decorate doors and walls to express hope and happiness for the coming year)。

一家春联网店的店主于先生说,卖出更多英文春联的关键是单词要简单(the key to selling more English couplets is that they should consist of really simple words),这样人们就更容易看懂。他说:"语法并不重要,中式英语也可以接受('Chinglish' is also acceptable)。如果句子有语法错误(the sentence is grammatically incorrect),人们反而更喜欢,就像人们用good good study, day day up来表达'好好学习,天天向上'一样。"


Reverse Spring Rush  反向春运

The reverse Spring Rush has not only eased the burden on the railways during the Spring Festival holiday, but also encouraged more people to visit scenic spots in the big cities during the holiday.


如今当春运拉开帷幕,面对瞬间"秒光"的火车票和令人咂舌的飞机票时,一些在外打拼的年轻人,不再执着于抢购回家的火车票,而是将老家的父母接到身边来过年(transport their parents in the hometown to come to them for the holiday),于是,从老家到孩子所在地过团圆年的"反向春运(reverse Spring Rush)"由此诞生。

中国青年报日前对1975名离家常年在外的受访者进行的调查显示,65%的受访者认为接父母"反向过年"的现象变多了。61.2%的受访者认为父母在来到年轻一代人城里家中时,会有机会饱览不同文化和景色(parents can have an opportunity to feast their eyes on different cultures and landscapes while paying a visit to the urban homes of the younger generation),体验更精彩的生活。常住北上广深等一线城市的受访者希望父母"反向过年"的意愿最高,达51.4%。与此同时,52.3%的受访者认为,父母的到来能使他们从长途往返的行程中解放出来(free them from long distance commuting)。24.9%的人指出,这种方式还可以避免夫妻双方为决定和哪方家人过年(decide with which side of the family the holiday should be spent)而争吵。

阖家团圆永远是春节的主题(family reunions are the permanent theme of Spring Festival),反向春运是平衡工作和家庭,传统与现代的一种方式(the reverse Spring Rush is a way to balance work and family, the traditional and the modern)。越来越多的人认为一家人在一起最重要,把父母接到自己身边过年同样可以家庭团圆,共度春节。


10,000 Cars Stranded In Haikou  万车滞留海口

A halt of ferry services across the Qiongzhou Strait due to heavy fog created lengthy traffic jams, leaving more than 10,000 cars stranded in Haikou city, capital of Hainan.


21日是春节假期的最后一天(the last day of the Spring Festival holiday),大量在海南度假的游客(holiday-goers)开始返程,当日海口三港(秀英港、新海港、南港)附近的车辆排起数千米的长队(vehicles lined up for thousands of meters)。琼州海峡连接起广东省和海南省(the Qiongzhou Strait links Guangdong with Hainan),搭乘轮渡是开车往返海南岛的唯一途径(the ferry is the only way to drive to and from the island)。

截至22日晚,海口三港外道路和港内仍有1.3万辆车待渡(be waiting to get on ferryboats),其中许多旅客已经等待超过14个小时。雾锁琼州海峡,上万辆过海车辆积压导致交通瘫痪(traffic tailback),而被返程一族寄予厚望的航班机票却一票难求。海口飞往北京、哈尔滨、郑州、西安等北方城市的机票几乎售罄(almost sold out),只剩少量商务舱余票(only a few business-class tickets are left),售价超过1万元。中转票也分分钟被抢光。

海南省以热带气候和洁净的空气著称(known for its tropical climate and clean air),春节期间极受国内游客欢迎。此次万车滞留海口是春运期间全国旅游高峰的一个缩影(a snapshot of peak tourism nationwide during the Spring Festival travel rush)。海口市政府要求本市公务员和志愿者一起为滞留旅客提供基本服务(ask the city's civil servants to join with volunteers in providing essential services to stranded passengers),确保广大旅客安全顺利出岛。


The Trunk My Mom Packed  妈妈给装的后备箱

"The trunk my mom packed" was a popular topic on social media in China on Wednesday as the week-long Chinese New Year holiday drew to a close.


春节假期结束,许多网友在社交媒体上晒出自己即将离开家乡,返回生活和工作的城市(leave their hometowns for the cities where they live and work)时,妈妈在后备箱(car trunks)里塞的各种食物。可以看出,基本都是家乡的土特产(local products),香肠(sausages)、鸡蛋(eggs)、小米(millet)、水果(fruits)、大白菜(Chinese cabbages),五花八门,整个后备箱被塞得满满的。

装满食物的后备箱(trunks crammed/stuffed with food)满载着亲情与叮咛。网友晒照是为表达对父母的感恩。每到春节,乡愁(homesickness)与亲情(family affection)就成为了社交媒体的主题。有人用晒全家福(family photo)的方式表达对亲情的思念,有媒体发起"牵妈妈的手(hold mom's hands)"的热门话题,也主打亲情牌。中国社科院政策研究中心秘书长唐钧表示,我国的城乡二元国情(urban-rural dualistic situation)将让乡愁刷屏长期存在。


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