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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-21 09:49 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

加快推进养老保险省级统筹改革,继续提高企业职工基本养老保险基金中央调剂比例、划转部分国有资本充实社保基金。我们既要减轻企业缴费负担,又要保障职工社保待遇不变、养老金合理增长并按时足额发放,使社保基金可持续、企业与职工同受益。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will speed up reforms in the provincial-level management of aged-care insurance funds, continue to increase the proportion of enterprise workers' basic pension funds under central government allocation, and replenish social security funds through the injection of state capital. We must reduce burdens on enterprises, but also ensure that employees' social security benefits remain unchanged and aged-care pensions increase as appropriate and are paid on time and in full, so that social security funds are sustainable and both enterprises and employees benefit.


1. aged-care insurance funds 养老保险基金basic pension funds 基本养老保险基金

这里的aged-care insurance和pension都有养老保险的意思。

2. replenish 美 [rɪˈplenɪʃ]  v. 补充;重新装满

3. sustainable 美 [səˈsteɪnəbl]  adj.(对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的,合理利用的;可持续的。 这里是可持续的意思。

确保减税降费落实到位。减税降费直击当前市场主体的痛点和难点,是既公平又有效率的政策。全年减轻企业税收和社保缴费负担近2万亿元。这会给各级财政带来很大压力。为支持企业减负,各级政府要过紧日子,想方设法筹集资金。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will ensure tax and fee cuts are fully implemented.

Tax cuts and fee reductions get right to the spot in tackling the pains and difficulties currently troubling market entities; as a policy option, they are both fair and efficient. This year, we will reduce the tax burdens on and social insurance contributions of enterprises by nearly 2 trillion yuan. This will create big pressure on government budgets at all levels. To support this lightening of the burden on enterprises, governments at all levels must tighten their belts and find workable means of raising funds.


1. get right to the spot in 直击……

2. tackle 美 [ˈtækl]  v. 应付,处理,解决(难题或局面);与某人交涉;向某人提起(问题或困难情况);抢球;抢断;抢截;铲断 n. (足球等)抢断球,阻截铲球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒,阻截;阻截队员;用具;体育器械;(尤指)渔具。 tackle the pains and difficulties这里是直击...的痛点和难点的意思。

3. option 美 [ˈɑːpʃn]  n. 可选择的事物;选择;选择权;选择的自由;选修课;(未来的)买卖选择权。 这里是选择的意思。

4. lighten  美 [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ]  v. 减轻,减少(工作量、债务、担忧等);(使)变明亮,变成淡色;(使)感到不那么悲伤(或担忧、严肃);缓和。 lightening of the burden这里是减负的意思。

5. workable  美 [ˈwɜːrkəbl]  adj. 可行的;行得通的;可成形(或延长、挖掘等)的;可开采的;可开发的。 find workable means这里是想方设法的意思,因此此处的 workable 有可行的;行得通的意思。

6. raise funds筹集资金

中央财政要开源节流,增加特定国有金融机构和央企上缴利润,一般性支出压减5%以上、“三公”经费再压减3%左右,长期沉淀资金一律收回。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

The central government needs to increase revenue and reduce expenditures. Profits turned in by designated state-owned financial institutions and enterprises directly under the central government should be increased; general expenditures should be cut by over 5 percent, spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality should be cut by another 3 percent, and all funds that have long stayed unused will be taken back.


1. turn in  美 [tɜːrn ɪn]  上床睡觉;把(犯罪嫌疑人)交给警方;告发;检举;自首;上交;提交;交付;交还;返还。 这里是上缴的意思。

2. designated 美 [ˈdezɪɡneɪtɪd]   v.命名;指定;选定,指派,委任(某人任某职);标明;标示;指明。 designate的过去分词和过去式。 这里是标明;标示;指明的意思。

3. spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality “三公”经费

4. all funds that have long stayed unused 长期沉淀资金

地方政府也要主动挖潜,大力优化支出结构,多渠道盘活各类资金和资产。我们要切实让市场主体特别是小微企业有明显减税降费感受,坚决兑现对企业和社会的承诺,困难再多也一定要把这件大事办成办好。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

Local governments also need to dig deep, take big steps to improve the mix of spending, and put various funds and assets to good use through multiple avenues.

We will let market entities, especially small and micro businesses, feel the weight of their burden being meaningfully lightened, honoring our promise to enterprises and society, and seeing that no matter the number of difficulties, this important job gets done and gets done well.


1. take steps to do sth. 采取措施做某事。

2. mix 美 [mɪks]  v.(使)混合,掺和,融合;调配;配制;相容;平安相处 n. 混合;混杂;结合;配料,混合料(常为粉状);混录;混音。 the mix of spending这里是各类支出的意思。

3. put various funds and assets to good use 盘活各类资金和资产

4. avenue 美 [ˈævənuː]  n.(城镇的)大街;林荫道(尤指通往大住宅者);选择;途径;手段。 multiple avenues这里是多渠道的意思。

5. honor one’s promise to... 履行诺言/兑现承诺

6. get done 完成;办好。

着力缓解企业融资难融资贵问题。改革完善货币信贷投放机制,适时运用存款准备金率、利率等数量和价格手段,引导金融机构扩大信贷投放、降低贷款成本,精准有效支持实体经济,不能让资金空转或脱实向虚。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will work hard to alleviate the difficulties faced by enterprises in accessing affordable financing.

We will reform and refine monetary and credit supply mechanisms, and employ as needed a combination of quantitative and pricing approaches, like required reserve ratios and interest rates, to guide financial institutions in increasing credit supply and bringing down the cost of borrowing, ensure targeted and efficient support for the real economy, and avoid funds circulating within the financial sector without entering the real economy or being diverted out of the real economy.


1. alleviate  美 [əˈliːvieɪt]  v.减轻;缓和;缓解

2. quantitative 美 [ˈkwɑːntəteɪtɪv]  adj.数量的;量化的;定量性的。这里是数量的意思。 quantitative and pricing approach 数量和价格手段

3. required reserve ratios 美 [rɪˈkwaɪərd rɪˈzɜːrv ˈreɪʃiˌoʊz]  法定准备率

4. bring down 美 [brɪŋ daʊn]  降低;使垮台;击倒,击落

5. divert 美 [daɪˈvɜːrt]  v.使转向;使绕道;转移;改变(资金、材料等)的用途;转移(某人)的注意力;使分心.  avoid funds being diverted out of the real economy这里是不能让资金脱实向虚意思。

加大对中小银行定向降准力度,释放的资金全部用于民营和小微企业贷款。支持大型商业银行多渠道补充资本,增强信贷投放能力,鼓励增加制造业中长期贷款和信用贷款。今年国有大型商业银行小微企业贷款要增长30%以上。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

More targeted cuts will be made to required reserve ratios for medium and small banks; the additional funds thus released will be lent to private enterprises and small and micro businesses.

We will support large commercial banks in replenishing capital through multiple channels, strengthen their capacity to supply credit, and encourage them to increase medium-and long-term loans and credit loans to the manufacturing sector. This year, loans to be granted to small and micro businesses by large state-owned commercial banks will increase by over 30 percent.


1. medium and small banks 中小银行

2. additional 美 [əˈdɪʃənl]  adj.附加的;额外的;外加的。

3. channel 美 [ˈtʃænl]  n.电视台;频道;波段;途径;渠道;系统  v.为……引资;引导;贯注;(利用某途径)输送资金,提供帮助;(经过通道)输送,传送。 这里是途径;渠道的的意思。

4. be granted to... 授予……

清理规范银行及中介服务收费。完善金融机构内部考核机制,激励加强普惠金融服务,切实使中小微企业融资紧张状况有明显改善,综合融资成本必须有明显降低。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

Fees charged for banking and intermediary services will be overhauled.We will improve the internal assessment mechanisms of financial institutions, encourage more inclusive financial services, achieve a marked improvement in providing financing for medium, small, and micro enterprises, and see that there are definite reductions in overall financing costs.


1. intermediary 美 [ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri]  n.中间人;调解人adj.中间人的;调解的;居间的;媒介的。 intermediary service这里是中介服务的意思。

 2. overhaul 美 [ˈoʊvərhɔːl , ˌoʊvərˈhɔːl]  n.检修;大修;改造 v.彻底检修;赶上,超过(赛跑对手)。 这里是清理规范的意思。

3. inclusive 美 [ɪnˈkluːsɪv]  adj.包含全部费用;包括所提到的费用在内;包括提到的所有的天数(或月、数目等)在内;包容广阔的;范围广泛的。 inclusive financial services这里是普惠金融服务的意思。

4. marked 美 [mɑːrkt]  adj.显而易见的;明显的;显著的;有标记成分的(如正式或非正式用语)  v. 做记号;做标记;留下痕迹;弄污;使有污点;标明方位;标示。 这里用作adj. 是明显的;显著的的意思。


definite 美 [ˈdefɪnət]  adj.肯定的;确定的;不会改变的;清楚的;明显的;肯定;有把握n. 肯定的事(或人)。在文章中也表示明显的意思。

5. overall  美 [ˌoʊvərˈɔːl , ˈoʊvərɔːl]  adj.全面的;综合的;总体的 adv.全部;总计;一般来说;大致上;总体上 n.外套;罩衣;工装连衣裤;工装服。 这里用作adj.,是综合的意思。

有效发挥地方政府债券作用。今年拟安排地方政府专项债券2.15万亿元,比去年增加8000亿元,为重点项目建设提供资金支持,也为更好防范化解地方政府债务风险创造条件。合理扩大专项债券使用范围。继续发行一定数量的地方政府置换债券,减轻地方利息负担。鼓励采取市场化方式,妥善解决融资平台到期债务问题,不能搞“半拉子”工程。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will make effective use of local government bonds.

This year, 2.15 trillion yuan of special local government bonds will be issued, an 800 billion yuan increase on last year. This is designed to both provide funding for key projects and create conditions for better forestalling and defusing local governments' debt risks.

The scope of use for special local government bonds will be moderately expanded. We will continue the issuance of some local government bonds to replace outstanding debts in order to reduce the interest payment burdens of local governments. We will encourage the adoption of market approaches to solve the issue of maturing debts on financing platforms and make sure that projects financed by such debts are not stopped half way.


1. make effective use of有效利用

2. issue 美 [ˈɪʃuː]  n. 重要议题;争论的问题;(有关某事的)问题,担忧;一期;期号 v. 宣布;公布;发出;(正式)发给,供给;(尤指通过正式文件)将……诉诸法律。这里是安排的意思。

3. scope 美 [skoʊp]  n.(做或实现某事的)机会,能力;(题目、组织、活动等的)范围;…镜(观察仪器) v.仔细看;彻底检查。这里是(题目、组织、活动等的)范围的意思。

4. maturing debts 到期债务

多管齐下稳定和扩大就业。扎实做好高校毕业生、退役军人、农民工等重点群体就业工作,加强对城镇各类就业困难人员的就业帮扶。对招用农村贫困人口、城镇登记失业半年以上人员的各类企业,三年内给予定额税费减免。加强对灵活就业、新就业形态的支持。坚决防止和纠正就业中的性别和身份歧视。公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

We will use multiple channels to achieve stable and expanding employment.

We will work to ensure employment for key groups such as college graduates, demobilized military personnel, and rural migrant workers; and we should give greater employment support for urban job seekers facing difficulties in securing employment. Enterprises hiring staff from rural poor people or urban residents registered as unemployed for at least six months will be entitled to a fixed amount of tax and fee deductions for three years.

We will strengthen support for flexible employment and new forms of employment.

We will resolutely protect against and stop gender and identity discrimination in employment.


1. seeker 美 [ˈsiːkər]  n.寻找者;寻求者;追求者;谋求者。

2. entitle 美 [ɪnˈtaɪtl]  v.使享有权利;使符合资格;给……命名(或题名)。  be entitled to这里是给予……的意思。

3. fixed amount 定额

4. resolutely 美 [ˈrɛsəˌlutli]  adv. 坚定地;奋力地。 这里是坚定地、坚决地的意思。

5. gender and identity discrimination 性别和身份歧视

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