历年真题 CATTI考试公告栏 CATTI考试报名入口 公司最新活动
公众号:高斋翻译学堂 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
发布时间:2019-06-22 11:22 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


1. 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2. 外交官 diplomat

3. 外交事务 foreign affairs

4. 重大主场外交活动major diplomatic event

5. 经济外交economic diplomacy

6. 世界经济论坛World Economic Forum meeting

7. “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

8. 博鳌亚洲论坛年会the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference

9. 上合组织青岛峰会the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

10. 中非合作论坛北京峰会the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

11. 二十国集团领导人峰会the G20 Leaders Summit

12. 二十国集团领导人杭州峰会 the G20 Hangzhou Summit

13. 核安全峰会 the Nuclear Security Summit

14. 联合国系列峰会United Nations summits

15. 金砖国家领导人会晤the BRICS Leaders Meeting

16. 东亚合作领导人系列会议the East Asian leaders' meetings on cooperation

17. 联大系列高级别会议 high-level meetings of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly

18. 国际和地区热点international and regional hotspot issues

19. 气候变化大会Climate Change Conference

20. 《巴黎协定》 the Paris Agreement

21. 领土主权和海洋权益 territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests

22. 中非关系新纪元a new epoch in China-Africa relations

23. 中非命运共同体 a China-Africa community with a shared future

24. 坦诚相见、民心相亲是中沙友谊历久弥新的不竭源泉openness and amity between our peoples are the inexhaustible source of strength for sustaining China-Saudi Arabia friendship

25. 友谊之旅、合作之旅、共赢之旅a trip of friendship, cooperation and mutual benefit

26. 互派留学生、汉语教学、地方交往、联合考古、互译文学作品方面合作取得新进展have made fresh progress in student exchange programs, Chinese language training, sub-national exchanges, joint archaeological projects and translation of literary works

27. 深化两国政治互信和战略合作to comprehensively deepen the political trust and strategic cooperation between our two countries

28. 第一个同中国建交的阿拉伯国家 the first Arab country to establish diplomatic ties with China

29. 中阿共建“一带一路”的战略构想the strategic vision for China and Arab countries to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

30. 纵观历史,武力从来不是解决问题的良方,零和博弈、赢者通吃的逻辑同这个时代格格不入。A study of history shows that force is never the right solution to problems, and the zero-sum or winner-takes-all logic is inconsistent with the call of the times

31. “1+2+3”合作格局  “1+2+3” cooperation pattern

32. 民心交融要绵绵用力,久久为功。The close ties between our peoples must be nurtured through constant efforts.

33. “和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢” peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.

34. 相互理解,相互信任,患难与共 mutual understanding and mutual trust in good times and bad.

35. 增强政治互信,筑牢合作之基。Enhancing political mutual trust to cement the foundation for cooperation.

36. 坚持上述精神,加强政策沟通,照顾彼此关切,凝聚更多共识,为合作奠定更加坚实的基础build on this positive spirit to step up policy communication, accommodate each other's concerns, build more consensus and lay a more solid foundation for our cooperation

37. 秉持开放包容,鼓励文明交流。Upholding openness and inclusiveness and encouraging inter-civilization exchange.

38. 加强战略沟通,拓展务实合作,妥善管控分歧,努力构建中美新型大国关系step up strategic communication, expand practical cooperation, properly manage differences and work vigorously to build a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States.

39. 零和博弈、冲突对抗zero-sum game and conflicts and confrontation

40. 最大的发展中国家、最大的发达国家the largest developing and developed country

41. 以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系promote a new model of international relations featuring win-win cooperation

42. 第五轮中美人文交流高层磋商the Fifth Round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange

43. 第六轮中美战略与经济对话 the Sixth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue

44. 登高望远,加强合作,坚持合作,避免对抗,既造福两国,又兼济天下 stay committed to cooperation and avoid confrontation, as I believe this benefits not only our two countries but the world as a whole

45. 增进互信,把握方向enhance mutual trust and steer the course forward

46. 相互尊重,聚同化异uphold mutual respect and seek common ground while resolving differences

47. 平等互利,深化合作seek mutual benefit on an equal footing and boost our cooperation

48. 共同打击一切形式的恐怖主义 jointly combat terrorism of all forms

49. 中国尊重塞尔维亚主权和领土完整,理解塞尔维亚致力于加入欧盟的努力。respects Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and understands Serbia’s efforts toward EU membership.

50. 中美建交40周年 the 40th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations

51. 国家统一 national reunification

52. 外长 Foreign Minister

53. 轮值主席国 rotating presidency

54. 维和行动 peacekeeping operations

55. 斡旋调解 mediation

56. 双边渠道  bilateral channels

57. 多边合作 multilateral cooperation

58. 情报工作  intelligence work

59. 情报机构 intelligence department / intelligence agency

60. 全方位、宽领域、高水平  all-round, wide-ranging and high-quality

61. 公共产品 public goods

62. 中国驻英大使 the Chinese Ambassador to the UK

63. 领事服务 consular services

64. 引渡 extradition

65. 免签 visa-free

66. 落地签 visa on arrival

67. 谅解备忘录 Memorandum of Understanding

68. 博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会 the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019

69. 紧缩议程 austerity agendas公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕

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