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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
CATTI高频句型 | 旅游话题
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-10-17 14:51 作者:admin 点击:



1. 国内旅游快速增长。

In tourism, domestic trips showed/saw rapid growth.

2. 上半年,社会消费品零售总额同比增长8.4%,教育、健康、养老、体育、旅游等领域服务消费增势喜人。

In the first half of this year, total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 8.4% year-on-year, with consumption of services such as education, health, elderly care, sports, and tourism growing strongly. 

3. 清明节、劳动节假日期间全国旅游人数、旅游收入均保持两位数增长。

The numbers of tourists and revenue from tourism during the Qingming Festival and May 1st Labor Day holiday periods both maintained double-digit growth. 

4. 去年全国休闲农业和乡村旅游收入超过8000亿元。

Last year, the revenue of leisure agriculture and rural tourism exceeded 800 billion yuan.

5. 中东欧国家自然风光秀美,历史文化积淀深厚,旅游资源丰富,是受中国游客青睐的目的地之一。

The beautiful landscapes, profound historical and cultural legacies, and rich tourism resources have made CEE countries popular destinations for Chinese tourists.

6. 创建全域旅游示范区,降低重点国有景区门票价格。

We will create integrated tourism demonstration zones, and lower ticket prices at key state tourist sites.

7. 完善旅游设施和服务,大力发展乡村、休闲、全域旅游。

We will improve tourist facilities and services, and make a big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism, and all-for-one tourism. 

8. 支持澳门发展旅游休闲产业,促进经济适度多元化。

We will support Macao in developing its tourism and leisure industry and appropriately diversifying its economy.





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