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Chinese Modernization: The Way Forward





第一章 中国式现代化的发展历程

Chapter One The Evolution of Chinese Modernization


Achievements on a Hundred-Year Journey


Chinese Modernization Has Changed China

第二章 中国式现代化的实践路径

Chapter Two Practical Approaches to Chinese Modernization


Leadership by the CPC Is the Fundamental Underpinning of Chinese Modernization


Upholding a People-Centered Development Philosophy


Independence and Self-Reliance Are the Only Way


Reform and Opening Up Is a Crucial Move


Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productive Forces


Advancing Chinese Modernization as a Systematic Endeavor

第三章 中国式现代化的鲜明特色

Chapter Three Defining Features of the Chinese Modernization


Modernization of a Large Population


Modernization for the Common Prosperity of All


Modernization of Material and Cultural-ethical Advancement


Modernization of Harmony Between Humanity and Nature


Modernization of Peaceful Development

第四章 中国式现代化创造人类文明新形态

Chapter Four Chinese Modernization: A New Form of Human Advancement


A New Form of Values: Putting the People First


A New Form of System: Constant Improvement and Reform


A New Form of Development: Becoming More Comprehensive and Coordinated


A New Form of Democracy: Whole-process People’s Democracy


A New Form of Culture: Continually Learning from the Past to Make Innovations


A New Form of Global Governance: Building a Human Community with a Shared Future






With the Spinning Jenny kicking off the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century, Western countries started their journey to modernization.


Today, after more than 250 years, the tide of modernization is still surging forward. China, once languishing in untold suffering and turmoil, is now embarking on a glorious and promising new journey toward modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).


Chinese modernization is socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the CPC. It shares features common to the modernization processes of all other countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. It is the modernization of a huge population, of common prosperity for all, of the coordinated pursuit of material and cultural-ethical advancement, of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature, and of peaceful development.


Is there only one model of modernization in the world? Is there only one set of standards of modernization that applies to all countries? Based on an analysis of Chinese modernization’s theory and practice, the answer is no.


This report reviews and analyzes the CPC’s century-long dedicated efforts of leading the Chinese people in exploring a path to modernization. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and particularly since the CPC’s 18th National Congress, China has made tremendous achievements lauded by the world in science and technology, economic development, ecological advancement, and many other fields.


This report outlines practical approaches to Chinese modernization. Under the leadership of the CPC, China will firmly adhere to a people-centered development philosophy, follow its own path, advance reform and opening up as a crucial move, develop new quality productive forces at a faster pace, achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology, and advance modernization in all respects in a systematic way. Under the leadership of the CPC, the largest Marxist governing party in the world, China will be a pioneer in exploring green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, strive to build a human community with a shared future, and respond with composure and solid action to global changes of a magnitude unseen in a century.


Based on an in-depth analysis, this report asserts that Chinese modernization has given rise to a new form of human advancement. Chinese modernization is different from Western modernization in the following ways: it puts people, not capital, first; it debunks the idea of “the end of history” and pursues the constant improvement and innovation of systems and institutions; it pursues a model of comprehensive and coordinated development, not one-dimensionality and alienation; it ensures that the people run their country and that democracy is not practiced for the few; it strives to both preserve cultural heritage and enrich it; and it rejects unilateralism in global governance and advances the building of a human community with a shared future.


This report notes that modernization is not only about the economy, it is also about the well-rounded development of the people. Chinese modernization has set an example for developing countries to independently pursue a path to modernization. Its theory and practice offer a viable alternative for countries and nations that seek to develop themselves both rapidly and independently and give inspiration, hope, and confidence to other developing countries as they explore a path to modernization suitable to their national conditions.


The road ahead may be long and arduous, but with sustained efforts, we will reach our destination. The sun rising in the east will light up the road ahead.

第一章 中国式现代化的发展历程

Chapter One The Evolution of Chinese Modernization


Since the very day of its founding, the Communist Party of China has made seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation its aspiration and mission. All the struggle, sacrifice, and creation through which the Party has united and led the Chinese people over the past hundred years has been tied together by one ultimate theme – bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


– Xi Jinping


In 1921, on a boat at Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, the first CPC National Congress was concluded, launching China on its hundred-year journey of modernization. The founding of the CPC, inconspicuous in its beginnings, was a silent clap of thunder that marked the beginning of glorious and epic endeavors. In the one hundred years that followed, generation after generation of Chinese Communists have led the Chinese people in exploring and pursuing a path to modernization, scoring remarkable achievements along the way and making outstanding contributions to human advancement.


1. Achievements on a Hundred-Year Journey


Over the course of human progress, the Chinese nation has created an enduring and splendid civilization, long ranked among the great nations of the world, and made indelible contributions to the advancement of human civilization. After the mid-17th century, bourgeois revolutions erupted in a series of Western countries, which soon entered the Industrial Revolution. Driven by new models of production, they quickly grew in strength. The bourgeoisie of these countries, through blood and fire, started its early accumulation of capital and colonial plundering.


China, a country with vast territories, abundant resources, and a large population, however, gradually fell behind other countries in the global wave of advancement, industrialization, and modernization. As a result, it became a market coveted and fought over by Western powers. Starting in 1840, Western powers repeatedly invaded China and compelled it to cede territory and pay indemnities, grabbing all sorts of privileges. They thus gravely set back China’s economic development and modernization process.


“Our country endured intense humiliation, our people groaned in misery, and our civilization was plunged into darkness.” – This observation fully captures what happened to China when it was dragged into a West-dominated wave of modernization. Countless dedicated patriots made every effort to learn advanced systems and technologies from Western countries, hoping to move China along a path to strength and prosperity. Undeterred by setbacks, they explored all possible ways to save China. A group of Qing government officials represented by Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang and Zhang Zhidong called for drawing from the techniques of Western countries; scholars like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao advocated reform; and Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing believed that the solution lied in revolution. However, despite their unyielding efforts, their plans ended in failure, and they failed to lift the old China out of weakness and poverty.


With the salvoes of Russia’s October Revolution in 1917, Marxism-Leninism was introduced to China. From then on, Chinese Communists have shouldered the historic task of realizing China’s modernization. Led by generation after generation of Chinese Communists, the Chinese people have ushered in a great transformation from standing up to growing prosperous and strong. By embarking on a Chinese path to modernization, China has made a historic transition from being dragged into Western modernization to leading the new wave of global modernization.


1) 1921-1949: Early explorations of modernization in the period of the new-democratic revolution


In 1921, when China was torn apart and bullied by foreign powers, the Communist Party of China was founded, and the Chinese people were granted the hope to free themselves from miseries and humiliations.


In exploring ways to save China, the early Chinese Communists soon realized that imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism could not possibly give birth to new productive forces and that China first had to carry out a profound social revolution. China’s modernization would be possible only with the independence of the Chinese nation and the liberation of the Chinese people.


During this period, the CPC rallied the Chinese people and led them in carrying out the new-democratic revolution, establishing a new China in which the people run the country and thus realizing China’s independence and the people’s liberation. This put an end to China’s history as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, to the rule of a small number of exploiters over the working people, and to disunity that had plagued the old China. All the unequal treaties imposed on China by foreign powers and all the privileges they held in the country were abolished. China achieved a great transformation from a millennia-old feudal autocracy to a people’s democracy. This created the fundamental social conditions for China to realize modernization.


2) 1949-1978: Explorations of modernization in the period of socialist revolution and construction


The founding of the People’s Republic of China marked a historic turning point in China’s transformation from a country in decline into a strong and prosperous one. This made it possible for China to build socialism and pursue modernization.


At its founding, the People’s Republic was poor and weak, with a complete lack of heavy machinery manufacturing or other modern technology and equipment. As Mao Zedong pointed out, “What can we make at present? We can make tables and chairs, teacups and teapots, we can grow grain and grind it into flour, and we can make paper. But we can’t make a single motor car, plane, tank, or tractor.”


In December 1953, Mao Zedong proposed that China should develop “modernized industry,” “modernized agriculture and transportation,” and “modernized national defense.” The proposition of “the four modernizations” thus began to take shape. In September 1954, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Zhou Enlai declared for the first time that China should develop modernized industry, agriculture, transportation, and national defense. At the First Session of the Third National People’s Congress, held from the end of 1964 to the beginning of 1965, Zhou Enlai officially announced to the nation the strategic goal of achieving modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology.


To achieve the strategic goal of “the four modernizations,” the CPC Central Committee put forward a two-step development plan in 1964. The first step was to establish an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. The second step was to fully realize the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology so that China could rank among the world’s leading economies.


Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Chinese people, by the end of the 1970s, China had established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and economic system, accomplishing the first-step task of “the four modernizations” strategy. The creative theoretical achievements and great progress made in this period provided valuable experience, theoretical underpinnings, and material foundations for China’s modernization.


3) 1978-2012: Advances in modernization in the new period of reform and opening up


In the late 1970s, as a new scientific and technological revolution unfolded, global modernization gathered pace. Facing new developments both at home and abroad, the CPC urgently needed to make political and strategic decisions regarding fundamental policies that would determine the future of the Party and the country.

At the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee convened in December 1978, a historic decision was made to shift the priority of the Party and the country’s work agenda onto economic development and to launch reform and opening up. In March 1979, based on an assessment of the conditions in China, Deng Xiaoping creatively set the goal of achieving “Chinese-style modernization.” In December of the same year, Deng Xiaoping used the term xiaokang (moderate prosperity), a distinctive term of traditional Chinese culture, to define Chinese modernization, setting forth well-defined parameters for the level of modernization China would achieve by the end of the 20th century. Xiaokang thus became a standard to be met in China’s drive for modernization. In 1987, the CPC Central Committee adopted a three-step development strategy for achieving modernization. The first step was to meet the basic living needs of the Chinese people by the end of the 1980s. The second step was to achieve a moderately prosperous standard of living by the end of the 20th century. The third step was to generally achieve modernization and reach the level of a moderately developed country by the middle of the 21st century.


To advance China’s modernization, Chinese Communists made bold explorations. They successfully integrated the socialist system with the market economy and made building a socialist market economy a goal of reform, thus ushering in a new stage of reform, opening up, and modernization. On December 11, 2001, China acceded to the World Trade Organization, becoming an integral part of globalization. This was a milestone in China’s modernization drive. China aligned itself with WTO rules and promoted trade liberalization and investment facilitation. As it became more open, China added strong impetus to economic globalization and injected new vigor into world economy.


In this period, China achieved a historic transformation, changing from a country with a relatively low level of productivity to the world’s second largest economy. It also made historic strides in raising the living standards of its people from bare subsistence to moderate prosperity on the whole, and then toward moderate prosperity in all respects. These achievements fueled China’s modernization by providing new and dynamic systemic underpinnings and creating material conditions necessary for achieving rapid development.


4) 2012-present: Chinese modernization on all fronts in the new era


After the 18th National Congress of the CPC in November 2012, socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, and Chinese modernization advanced on all fronts. By fully reviewing and drawing on the practices of China’s modernization, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has continued to advance the cause and enrich the theory of Chinese modernization, thus opening up new horizons for rejuvenating the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.


In terms of theory, with a deeper understanding of the substance and essence of Chinese modernization, a sound summary of its distinctive Chinese features, fundamental goals, and underlying principles, and the establishment of a preliminary theoretical framework, the concept of Chinese modernization has become better articulated and easier to understand and carry out. The new era is an irreversible historical process toward the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Against this backdrop, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, rising to the occasion, represents a new breakthrough in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times, and provides fundamental guidance for Chinese modernization.


In terms of strategy, a two-step strategy has been drawn up for building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. The timeline is as follows: in the period from 2020 to 2035, generally achieve socialist modernization; in the period from 2035 to the middle of the century, develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful. To lay solid foundations for achieving modernization, steps have been taken to implement the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy to make comprehensive moves to build a modern socialist country, deepen reform, advance law-based governance, and strengthen the Party’s self-governance. In addition, a series of major strategies have also been developed, such as the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the strategy on developing a quality workforce, and the rural revitalization strategy.


In terms of practice, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has rallied the entire Party and Chinese people and led them in working tirelessly and making historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country in the new era. In particular, China has put an end to absolute poverty that had plagued it for thousands of years, accomplished the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects on schedule, and created a miracle in the history of poverty reduction. These represent a solid step toward the goal of delivering prosperity for all.


Advancing Chinese modernization is an unprecedented and groundbreaking endeavor. In the new era, China has adopted transformative practices, made new breakthroughs, and scored landmark accomplishments. All of this has provided more solid systemic underpinnings, laid stronger material foundations, and created a reliable source of inspiration for pursuing Chinese modernization.


Thanks to ceaseless efforts made over the past century and more, China has opened new ground and achieved initial success in pursuing modernization. The theory and practice of Chinese modernization are based on China’s specific conditions. They add new modern substance to Marxist theory on development, integrate and draw on fine traditional Chinese culture, and present a theoretical framework different from that of Western modernization. Chinese modernization has disproved the claim that “modernization equals westernization” and has enriched and developed the intellectual landscape of global modernization.


“The more daunting a task, the more admirable the efforts to accomplish it.” On the new journey to continue the pursuit of Chinese modernization, the Communist Party of China will surely be able to rally the Chinese people and lead them in delivering a performance that stands up to the scrutiny of history.‎‎









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