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发布时间:2019-03-15 18:03 作者:高斋外刊双语精读 点击:


1. 卫冕冠军德国意外出局



The reigning world champions have been knocked out of the World Cup in the first round, finishing bottom of their group.


Germany are the fourth of the past five reigning world champions to be knocked out in the first round of the next tournament.


“Reigning champions Germany laid low by a foot in the past”


And yet Germany went out of the World Cup in the first round for the first time in 80 years on a pleasantly sunny afternoon with barely a flicker of resistance.


Germany are the fourth of the last five world champions to go out in the group phase. 



Ø 卫冕冠军 reigning world champion/defending champion。中文解释:上届此项目的冠军,此次依然参加此项目的角逐。表明此个人或团体处于保卫自己冠军之冕的状态,如果这一届此类比赛的个人或团体夺了冠军,那么在这一届比赛中其就是“成功卫冕”,则其就蝉联冠军了。

Ø 小组赛垫底,小组赛出局,折戟小组赛

finish bottom of their group/be knocked out in the first round/go out in the group phase

相较而言,金融时报用的knock out比卫报的go out更生动

Ø 金融时报的另一句The World Cup in the modern era is a mountain that any generation can climb only once, if it’s very lucky. No country has won two in a row since 1962. 也很值得玩味,将世界杯比作任何一代只能攀登一次的高山,自1962年,没有国家能蝉联世界杯冠军。

win two in a row连续赢两次,连续可以用in a row来表达

2. 美国欧盟关税之战,哈雷举白旗



US president lashes out at planned shift of production facilities to avoid EU tariffs


President Donald Trump accused Harley-Davidson of economic surrender and threatened to “tax them like never before”over the company’s decision to shift US production of EU-bound motorcycles overseas to avoid paying increased EU tariffs.

Trump threatens to “tax”Harley-Davidson over relocation

在另一篇同是FT的报道“Body and Soul, Harley leaves its mark on America”中,

European tariffs provide an unwanted headwind, and the company has responded by saying it would shift more production to facilities in India, Brazil and Thailand.

Harley may not be the last flag-waving American brand to find itself paying a price for its government’s America First trade policies.


Donald Trump reacted angrily to Harley-Davidson’s decision to relocate the production of motorbikes for sale to Europe outside the United Sates.


Ø Lash out:痛斥 speak to someone or about something very angrily or critically

Ø 迁厂 shift production facility overseas/relocate the production outside the United States

Ø 哈雷迁厂的行径被特朗普称为economic surrender, flag-waving

Ø 加征关税以报复impose levies on a range of America imports in retaliation for America’s higher duties on steel and aluminum

3. 欧盟举行峰会讨论难民问题



EU leaders strike deal on migrants


EU leaders struck a hard-fought deal to send migrants rescued at sea to centres across the bloc after pared back a more ambitious plan pitched by France and Italy’s new prime minister on his full summit debut.



Ø 就某事达成协议 strike a deal on sth

Ø 来之不易的  hard-fought 还可以用hard-won。例句:我们要珍惜来之不易的和平we should treasure/cherish the hard-won peace.

Ø Pare back:reduce 削减

Ø 关于移民的争论 battle over migration

Make-or-break negotiation

4. 埃尔多安连任土耳其总统



Turkey’s president,Recep Tayyip Erdogan, defied the pundits by winning an out-right re-election victory in the first round of voting.



“Under the new changes, adopted by a slim majority in a 2017 referendum and now in effect, Mr Erdogan has complete control of the executive, including the power to issue decrees, appoint his own cabinet, draw up the budget, dissolve parliament by calling early elections, and pack the bureaucracy and the courts with political appointees. The office of prime minister will disappear.”


· 可以直接任命包括副总统、部长在内的高官,以及半数以上的司法机关成员;

· 总理职位将被废除;

· 总统将不再接受政党中立限制,可以继续担任政党主席;

· 总统可以计划预算、宣布国家紧急状态;

· 总统有权解散议会;

· 总统可以和议会共同选定法官、检察官高等委员会的4名成员,而该委员会掌控着法官和检察官的任命;

· 总统拥有两次连任5年的机会。由于埃尔多安本届总统任期为2014至2019年,因此,改制以后他最长可以掌权到2029年。


Erdogan claims victory in Turkey elections


Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims victory on Sunday night in pivotal presidential and parliamentary elections, securing five more years in office and triggering a change to a powerful presidential system that places unprecedented powers in his hands.



“This is the exact definition of one-man regime,”“Concentrating the state, the executive, the legislative and the judiciary under one person...will continue to be a great danger to Turkey.”



Ø Out-right:complete and total 完全彻底的

Ø Issue decree颁布法令 decree:an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country

Ø Claim victory宣布获胜

Ø Secure:obtain sth, often after a lot of effort争取到,获得

Ø Place unprecedented powers in his hands:将前所未有的权力置于某人手中,也就是让某人掌握/拥有前所未有的权力

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