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发布时间:2019-03-15 18:03 作者:高斋外刊双语精读 点击:


1福建暴雨  Fujian rains




“The aftermath of Typhoon Maria, a day after it hit Fujian province in mainland’s southeast. Power and transport were disrupted across the province by the storm, the first typhoon of the summer, which inflicted damage and losses estimated at HK$643 million(547 million yuan). There were no reports of casualties, although about 226,600 people were told to leave their homes. More than 40 homes collapsed in the storm, which brought wind speeds in excess of 50 meters per second.”



Ø 对....造成损失、伤害 inflict damage on.....

Ø 中断 disrupt, interrupt,sever

Ø 解除警报   lift alert for...

Ø 山体滑坡 landfall

Ø 席卷 the storm slammed into...

Ø 暴雨漫过膝盖 knee-deep flooding

Ø 积水区域waterlogged areas

2特朗普访英 Trump’s visit to UK

【7月13日,美国总统特朗普访问英国,早在访问之前,英国的议会不仅就此进行了激烈的争论,一方觉得鉴于特朗普诸多损害英国利益及零容忍对待移民等行为,英国不应邀请接待其访问,而梅姨认为要想解决问题,就必须见面坐下来商量。最后,特朗普如期访问,当然英国民众也用了花式方法来接待他,一只巨大的六米高的Trump Baby气球放飞进行和平抗议。当然除了气球,当天也是有很多人模仿(chou hua)特朗普的形象,加入了抗议队伍。当然,除了这些趣闻,访英期间他与梅姨进行了会谈,还与女王会面茶叙】


“As he reflected on his trip, a highlight had been tea with the Queen, Trump told ITV’s Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan. She was a “fantastic woman” and he thought of his Hebridean-born mother as he received a ceremonial welcome at Windsor Castle on Friday.”

“Theresa May had laid on a welcome of high calibre, shuttered away from the tens of thousands of placard waving protesters and the Trump baby blimp balloon. As host, she delivered a banquet at Blenheim Palace, lunch at Chequers and tea with the Queen. ”



“Earlier in the day, the two leaders viewed a joint military demonstration by U.S. and U.K. forces and met at Chequers, the U.K. prime minister’s official country house, for a working lunch. Mr. Trump and first lady Melania Trump later traveled to  Windsor Castle to meet Queen Elizabeth II,then left for Scotland to stay at one of Mr. Trump’s golf courses for the weekend, before his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday.”

“Mr. Trump largely traveled by helicopter on his visit, avoiding central London where protesters on Friday inflated a balloon depicting Mr. Trump as an orange baby outside the Houses of Parliament. Tens of thousands of protesters marched against the president in London in the afternoon, and others held demonstrations outside Chequers and Windsor Castle and in other parts of the U.K. ”


Ø 高规格的 high calibre   calibre可以形容能力,高素质人才就可以用high calibre talent

Ø 标语牌,布告 placard['plækɑrd] :a large notice that is carried in a march or displayed in a public place

Ø 游行抗议 march against...


【7月8日,《她曾以为自己能逃开教授的手》一文热传。该网文中,五名女性举报中山大学社会学与人类学学院教授、青年长江学者张鹏从2011年至2017年持续性骚扰女学生及女教师。根据报道,五名女性已于两个月前向学校纪委实名举报。引起广泛热议。在舆论监督下,7月10日中山大学发布关于此事处理的公报。中大校方表示,根据校长办公会议的决定,学校有关职能部门启动相关程序,对张鹏作出停课处理,停止其任教资格,取消其硕士生、博士生指导教师资格,终止与其的“长江学者奖励计划”工作合同,并报请主管部门,取消其“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者称号。 】

Sixth Tone:

“A Sun Yat-sen University professor is facing allegations of sexual harassment from at least six women.” 


Ø 中山大学 Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU)

Ø 性骚扰 sexual harassment

Ø 性侵犯 sexual assault

Ø 指控 allege, accuse...of...

Ø 党纪处分 disciplinary punishment within the Party

Ø 行为不当 misconduct

Ø 开除 dismiss

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