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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-07-02 17:54 作者:官方文章 点击:

On 28 May 2019, the Daily Telegraph and China Daily joint column "China Watch" carried an article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled "The new journey for BRI means new opportunities for China-UK 'Golden Era'". The full text is as follows:


The New Journey for BRI Means New Opportunities for China-UK "Golden Era"


The second Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation in late April brought nearly 5,000 people from more than 150 countries and more than 90 international organisations to Beijing for discussions on deepening international collaboration and creating a brighter future for the Belt and Road Initiative. A total of 283 business outcomes were reached and more than $64 billion (49.2 billion pounds) worth of agreements were signed before the forum and during it.

4月下旬,第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京成功举行。150多个国家和90多个国际组织近5000名外宾齐聚北京,共商“一带一路”国际合作大计,共议“一带一路”美好未来。在论坛筹备和举办期间,各方共达成283项务实成果,签署了总额640多亿美元的项目合作协议。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

At the forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, "We should focus on priorities and project execution, move forward with results-oriented implementation, just like an architect refining the blueprint, and jointly promote high-quality Belt and Road co-operation." These words mark the beginning of a new journey for BRI development characterised by high-quality international collaboration.


Such collaboration will be more transparent and open. The BRI always advocate transparency as a way to eliminate the breeding ground of conspiracy or corruption. This is demonstrated in the launch of the Beijing Initiative for Clean Silk Road and the multilateral co-operation between BRI partners on customs, taxation and audit supervision as well as anti-corruption training courses. The BRI is not an exclusive club. It is open to financial institutions from all countries, including multilateral ones, and it encourages third-market co-operation so that the benefits of BRI development are shared by many. The idea of sharing is further illustrated in China's decision to host the second China International Import Expo later this year.

一是合作方式更加开放透明。共建“一带一路”不搞封闭排他的小圈子,坚持一切合作都在阳光下运作,让“阴谋论”和腐败无处生存。我们倡导多边主义,发起了《廉洁丝绸之路北京倡议》,与更多国家加强海关、税收、审计监管等领域合作,联合开展更多反腐败培训项目。我们欢迎多边和各国金融机构参与共建“一带一路”投融资、开展第三方市场合作,通过更高水平的多方参与实现更大范围的共同受益。今年我们还将举办第二届中国国际进口博览会,为各方共享中国市场红利搭建更广阔平台。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

High-quality BRI co-operation places people first, encourages deeper collaboration on cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and focuses on eradicating poverty, increasing employment and improving people's lives. To achieve these goals, China will implement the Belt and Road Initiative Talents Exchange Programme and will, over the next five years, sponsor 5,000 people for exchanges, training and joint research on innovation, and host seminars for 10,000 people from political parties, think-tanks and NGOs of countries involved in the BRI. Moreover, China intends to work with the United Nations on development issues, implement the Belt and Road South-South Co-operation Initiative on Climate Change and deepen co-operation on agriculture, health care, disaster mitigation and water resources, so that more developing countries will get the help needed in their poverty alleviation efforts and the general public of these countries will feel engaged and have a greater sense of individual achievement and happiness.

二是合作成果更加惠及民生。 “一带一路”高质量发展将坚持以人民为中心的理念,更加深入开展人文合作,更加聚焦消除贫困、增加就业、改善民生。我们将实施创新人才交流项目,未来5年支持5000人次中外方创新人才开展交流、培训、合作研究,邀请共建“一带一路”国家的政党、智库、民间组织等1万名代表来华交流。我们将同联合国加强发展合作,实施“一带一路”应对气候变化南南合作,深化农业、卫生、减灾、水资源等领域合作,帮助更多发展中国家摆脱贫困,增加普通民众的参与感、获得感、幸福感。

High quality also means higher standards on green and sustainable development. The BRI aims to promote green development. China and BRI partners have formulated the Green Investment Principles for Belt and Road Development, continue to implement the Green Silk Road Envoys Programme, and set up the Belt and Road Sustainable Cities Alliance and the BRI International Green Development Coalition. To enhance business and fiscal sustainability, the Debt Sustainability Framework for Participating Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative has been adopted and companies taking part are encouraged to follow general international rules and standards in project development, operation, procurement and tendering and bidding.

三是合作标准更加绿色可持续。我们将坚持把绿色作为“一带一路”合作的底色,把可持续发展理念融入“一带一路”合作全过程。我们制定了《“一带一路”绿色投资原则》,继续实施绿色丝路使者计划,同各方共建“一带一路”可持续城市联盟、绿色发展国际联盟。我们发布了《“一带一路”债务可持续性分析框架》,推动企业在项目建设、运营、采购、招投标等环节对接普遍接受的国际规则标准,确保商业和财政上的可持续性。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Inclusive global economic growth calls for high-quality BRI development, and so does the shift in the growth model in China. In the recent Belt and Road Forum, President Xi announced a number of important measures of deeper reform and wider opening up, including expanding market access for foreign investment, enhancing collaboration on protection of intellectual property rights, importing more goods and services, engaging in more effective macro-economic policy co-ordination with international partners and ensuring the implementation of opening-up policies. China means what it says. These measures will provide new impetus for high-quality BRI development and create new opportunities for better interaction between China and the rest of the world.


In my nearly ten years as ambassador to the United Kingdom, I have witnessed with my own eyes the growth of China-UK co-operation on the BRI, which is not least reflected in the presence of Chancellor Philip Hammond at the Belt and Road Forum twice as the special representative of Prime Minister Theresa May.

我出使英国近十年,亲眼见证了中英“一带一路”合作从无到有,从小到大。英国财政大臣哈蒙德作为梅首相特别代表,两次参加“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

At the first Belt and Road Forum, Mr. Hammond called the UK a "natural partner" of China in advancing the BRI. This time, he described the BRI as "a project of truly epic ambition" and proposed to combine the best of Chinese manufacturing, engineering and construction with the best of British project design and legal, technical and financial services expertise as the two countries harness the "Golden Era" of their relationship. As the BRI starts a new journey, its high-quality development will create more opportunities for deeper China-UK collaboration on international standard-setting, green finance, risk management and in third markets and this would ensure wider, higher and deeper development of the China-UK Golden-Era.


Things of true worth attract admiration. The BRI is receiving more and more votes of confidence and approval from the international community because it is a platform for working together, rather than a game of thrones. In promoting steady, sustained, high-quality BRI development, China opens its arms to all countries including the UK and stands ready to enhance policy synergy, so as to build better relations with the UK and other countries and deliver more benefits to the people of both our two countries and beyond.

桃李不言,下自成蹊。世界上越来越多的国际伙伴对“一带一路”投出了信任票、赞成票。我想强调的是,共建“一带一路”不是“权力的游戏”,而是“合作的盛宴”。中国愿敞开怀抱,与包括英国在内的世界各国加强对接,推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展走实走深、行稳致远,为中英关系及中国同世界关系发展创造更加美好未来,为中英两国人民乃至全世界人民带来更多福祉!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂


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