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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-07-02 17:23 作者:官方文章 点击:

On 16 May 2019, the Evening Standard and its website published an article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled "China doesn't want a trade war but will fight its corner" with a leading introduction on the front page. The full text is as follows:


China Doesn't Want a Trade War But Will Fight Its Corner


China-US trade talks are again catching the eye of the British media. There are concerns over an escalated trade war harming the world economy as well as claims that China is "backtracking" and "breaking promises". So what is really happening with China-US trade talks and where are they heading?

近来,很多英国媒体关注中美经贸磋商,有的担心中美“贸易战”升级殃及世界经济,也有指责中国在谈判中“违反承诺”、“立场倒退”。到底事实真相如何?中美经贸争端的前景怎样?我愿强调以下三点:微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

First, there has been no change of position as far as China is concerned. China addresses differences through dialogue and consultation, because this is in the interests of not only China and the US but also the international community. In the face of the US threats to raise tariffs, China still sent a high-level delegation to the US for talks as agreed, out of consideration for the bigger picture and showing sincerity and goodwill. At the same time, China takes a firm stance on safeguarding its legitimate interests. As differences emerge in any negotiations, twists and turns are inevitable, but the two sides should respect each other, treat each other as equals and strive for a mutually-beneficial deal. It is obvious that some promises are broken, not by China but by those brandishing the baton of tariffs against China. China does not want a "trade war" but it is not afraid of one and would fight one if necessary. China is always open for talks, but it would fight to the end should a "trade war" break out. The recent announcement on countermeasures is proof that China is fully prepared.

首先,中国立场始终坚定明确。一是坚持通过对话协商解决分歧的立场没变。中方一直希望在相互尊重基础上达成双赢协议。这不仅符合中美两国利益,也是国际社会普遍期待。面对美方关税威胁,中方从大局出发,按照约定派高级别代表团赴美磋商,最大程度体现了中方推动谈判的诚意和善意。二是维护自身合法利益的坚定态度也没变。谈判难免有分歧和曲折,但前提必须相互尊重和平等相待,成果必须互利共赢。中方一贯重信用、守承诺。相反,是谁在违反承诺、动辄挥舞关税大棒,国际社会有目共睹。中国的态度很明确:谈,大门敞开;打,奉陪到底。对于“贸易战”,中方不愿打,但也不怕打,必要时不得不打。中方已宣布反制措施,并做好全面应对准备。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Secondly, China has always believed in responsibility and cooperation as a way to resolve differences in negotiations. Raising tariffs and taking unilateral measures only harms the interests of the people and businesses of the two countries. A sound and stable economic partnership between the US and China is important for not only the two countries but also the world economy. Therefore, what a responsible big country should do is to stop thinking about "us first" at the expense of others. China will continue working with the US to ensure the steady and sound development of their economic partnership.


Thirdly, protectionism is the common enemy of the world. The trade friction between China and the US is a question of openness and connectivity versus exclusion and protectionism. China has followed the ideals of the former. At last month's second Belt and Road Forum for international cooperation, China announced five key measures that will not pose a challenge or a threat but create more opportunities for the world. The real troublemakers in the global economy are those who rely on their superior power and frequently resort to the threat of raising tariffs, and who trigger "trade wars" at will, even against their allies, without hesitation.


As a British saying goes, "The darkest hour is nearest the dawn." It is important that the international community stand firm and stand together at this darkest hour of protectionism so as to avert a looming "trade war" and embrace the dawn of world economy and trade.

英国有句谚语,黎明前的时刻是最黑暗的时刻。我相信,只要国际社会团结一心,坚定信心,顺应开放融通的时代大潮,坚决反对贸易保护主义,就一定能驱散“贸易战”阴云,迎来世界经济和贸易发展的美好曙光。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂


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