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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-02 16:54 作者:官方文章 点击:

Sandra Wu, Chairperson and President of Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd: My question is about tax reform. During the "Two Sessions" in March, you mentioned further tax relief. And in early July, we witnessed the merge of state and local taxation bureaus, which strongly indicated smooth progress of China's tax reform to promote free competition. And so in the future, what other measures will the Chinese government take to make sure this reform will move forward and lessen the burden on enterprises?

日本国际航业集团董事长兼总裁吴文绣:我的问题是,今年3月您在“两会”上谈到要进一步减轻企业税负。7月初,全国各市级国税局、地税局合并,标志着国税地税征管体制改革顺利向纵深推进,这一举措能够促进自由竞争。未来中国政府还将出台哪些措施来持续推进税收改革,切实降低企业负担?微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Premier Li: You seem to know quite a lot about what is happening in China. A few years ago, faced with considerable downward pressure on the economy and declining fiscal revenues, the Chinese government made the decision to substantially cut taxes. We abolished the business tax that had been in place for sixty years and adjusted the value added tax (VAT) rate to reduce tax burdens on small and medium-sized enterprises and encourage corporate R&D spending. These measures have paid off.

李克强:你对中国的情况比较了解。的确,在前几年经济下行压力比较大、而且财政收入下行的情况下,我们下决心实施了大规模的减税,主要是取消了实施60年的营业税,对增值税的税率也进行了调整,同时减轻中小企业的税负,鼓励企业研发,这些措施可以说取得了效果。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

From the second half of last year to the first half of this year, tax revenues have increased notably and grown faster than GDP. This is mainly because of China's steady economic performance, which has contributed to an over 15% increase in the profits of industrial companies in the first half of this year. What's more, thanks to our reform of transforming government functions, our tax source has been expanding at a rate of 200,000 newly registered market entities every month. These factors have largely contributed to the fast increase in fiscal revenue. Given all this, our priority remains to ensure the effective delivery of tax reduction measures on the ground.


In the second half of this year, we are seeing significant decreases in both central and local government revenues as a result of further cuts in VAT and other taxes which became effective on 1 May.

进入下半年以来,中国从中央到地方的税收都有比较大幅度的下行,其主要原因在于5月1日我们进一步推出了增值税和有关方面的减税措施。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In view of the complicated international situation and internal challenges facing China's development, we will enact more significant cuts in taxes and fees, including further lowering the VAT rate and implementing the personal income tax deduction scheme in a fair and expeditious way to boost household spending. As a further step of institutional reform, we will transfer the responsibility for collecting social security contributions to the taxation authorities. As taxes and contributions are two different levies, existing policies on the collection of contributions will remain unchanged for the time being, and forced payments of contributions arrears will not be allowed.


Given that the aforementioned institutional reform may lead to more efficient collection of social security contributions, we will consider meaningfully lowering the contribution rate, so that this reform will not add to business burdens, as this would be just the opposite of our intentions. The government should tighten its belt rather than shift the burdens onto businesses. Only in this way can we deliver a better life for our people.

实行新的征管体制以后,收费效率可能会增加,那与此同时,就必须明显降低社保费的费率,其目的就是不但不能增加企业的负担,还要减轻企业的负担。政府要过紧日子,不能去为难企业,这样才能让人民过上好日子。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Let me stress that all enterprises registered in China, be they foreign-invested, privately-invested or of any ownership types, will receive fair treatment in benefiting from administrative rollback and tax and fee cuts. If you encounter any case of unfair treatment, please feel free to file complaints.


Elisabet de los Pinos, Founder and CEO of Aura Biosciences: The Chinese government has set out the guidelines for innovation and entrepreneurship, which lay out the importance of innovation in the development strategy. So we are interested to know what is the progress in these programs, and more importantly, how the international business community can better address and participate in this process.

美国Aura Biosciences首席执行官伊丽莎白·德洛斯·皮诺斯·蓬特:近年来,中国政府陆续出台了若干推动创新创业的指导意见,这表明了中国政府对创新驱动发展战略的高度重视。请问有关推动创新创业工作的最新进展如何?国际工商界应如何更好地参与中国的创新趋势,并为中国经济发展和转型提供新动能?微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Premier Li: Innovation lies at the center of our efforts to promote economic development and foster new growth drivers. Over recent years, we have made enormous efforts in this area with effective results. For example, we have promoted the mass entrepreneurship and innovation campaign and introduced reform of government functions. These efforts have resulted in a surge of new market entities, with the number of companies registered on an average day increasing from over 1,000 to 18,000 in August this year. And the number of business entities in China has exceeded 100 million.


The nationwide entrepreneurship and innovation drive in China originated from the belief that everyone has the capability and opportunity to make innovations. If each of the 1.3 billion Chinese and every member of our 900-million-strong labor force can be incentivized to innovate, we can well imagine how powerful this wave of innovation will be. To quote the theme of this year's Annual Meeting, "Shaping Innovative Societies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", I believe an innovative society is one which taps into the creativity of every individual.


Second, in promoting innovation, we need to create equal opportunities for every individual. We are advancing the reform to streamline administration, delegate powers, strengthen compliance oversight and improve government services. All these are aimed to allow every individual an equal opportunity to make innovations, which will help to make a big difference in the lives of many and to better achieve efficiency and fairness.

第二,创新就应该给每个人以创新的平等机会。我们采取一系列“放管服”的措施,就是要让每个人都有平等的机会去创新,这会改变许许多多人的命运。我们说的效率和公平,在这个方面就可以比较充分地体现出来。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Third, innovation is taking place against the backdrop of globalization. As China embraces the world with open arms, we also welcome entrepreneurs, scientists and people in other sectors around the world to participate in China's development with an open mind, so that together, we can make joint contributions to the progress of humanity. Let me reassure you that China is firmly committed to protecting IPR, as we know that innovation is supported by ideas, which generates property rights.

第三,创新是全球性的,它是在全球化大背景下的创新。中国愿意以开放的心态去面向世界,也希望在座的各位,希望外国的企业家、科学家,各方面的人士以开放的心态来参与中国的发展,这实际上是共同推进人类的发展和进步。我再次重申,我们一定会严格地保护知识产权,创新是要有创新思维的,是有知识产权的。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Here in China, you will see that hundreds of millions of people have pooled their wisdom and strengths to engage in innovation empowered by the Internet Plus model. I believe that your interactions with innovators in China will give rise to brilliant new inspirations. As entrepreneurs, you need to make profits, but I trust you also have your own career goals to pursue. I hope that your participation in China's innovation drive will help realize your goals.

你们来到中国,中国会有大量的、甚至亿万的创新者和你们同行。我们的“互联网+”集众智、汇众力已经成为一个普遍的现象。也相信你们的创新火花会和中国的创新者们碰撞。你们作为企业家,可以获得经济效益,相信也都有事业的追求。欢迎你们在中国创新竞争当中实现你们事业追求的目标。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂


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