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MTI英译汉:巴勒斯坦美食 你准备好享用了吗?
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-07-09 09:46 作者:官方文章 点击:

纽约时报:19.5.27巴勒斯坦美食 你准备好享用了吗?


Palestinian cuisine is having a moment. There’s a wave of new cookbooks, such as Zaitoun: Recipes and Stories from the Palestinian Kitchen by Yasmin Khan and Joudie Kalla’s Baladi: A Celebration of Food from Land and Sea, documenting the diversity of flavours and techniques. Palestinian foodies on Instagram are going back to their roots, collecting lost and marginalised recipes, and holding pop-up dinners and food tours. And upscale restaurants are bringing a taste of the Palestinian plate to a wider clientele around the world, as detailed by Eater.But food businessman Ala Tamam doesn't think the world is quite ready yet for his favourite Palestinian gem: qizha, also pronounced with a silent ‘q’ as izha, a richly bitter and pungent shiny black paste of roasted nigella seeds with just a hint of sweet creaminess that surprises all the senses.

巴勒斯坦美食正风靡一时。市面上涌现出一批新的烹饪书,比如雅思敏·汗(Yasmin Khan)的《巴勒斯坦厨房的食谱和故事》(Zaitoun:Recipes and Stories from the Palestinian Kitchen),及朱迪·卡拉(Joudie Kalla)的《原味:陆海食物集锦》(Baladi: A Celebration of Food from Land and Sea),记载了巴勒斯坦的各种食物风味和烹饪技巧。Instagram 上的巴勒斯坦美食爱好者也在追根溯源,搜集失传的、被忽视的食谱,举办快闪晚餐和美食之旅活动。据《食客》(Eater)杂志介绍,一些高档餐厅也开始把巴勒斯坦菜肴的味道带给全世界更多的食客们。但食品商塔玛姆(Ala Tamam)并不认为世界已经完全准备好接受他的最爱,有巴勒斯坦瑰宝之称的依扎酱(qizha,q不发音)。这是一种用烤过的黑种草籽(nigella seeds)研磨制作而成,黑得发亮的酱,有浓郁的苦味和辛辣味,并带有一丝丝甜味的奶油口感,给人视觉和味觉上很大的冲击。

1. cuisine   英 [kwɪˈziːn]   美 [kwɪˈziːn]  


复数: cuisines

2. document   英 [ˈdɒkjumənt , ˈdɒkjument]  美 [ˈdɑːkjumənt , ˈdɑːkjument]  



第三人称单数: documents 复数: documents 现在分词: documenting 过去式: documented 过去分词: documented

3. flavour   英 [ˈfleɪvə(r)]   美 [ˈfleɪvər]  



第三人称单数: flavours 复数: flavours 现在分词: flavouring 过去式: flavoured 过去分词: flavoured

4. technique   英 [tekˈniːk]   美 [tekˈniːk]  


复数: techniques

5. clientele   英 [ˌkliːənˈtel]   美 [ˌklaɪənˈtel]  



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