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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-03-08 14:16 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


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At ten of five in the morning, Lao Dao crossed the busy pedestrian lane on his way to find Peng Li.


After the end of his shift at the waste processing station, Lao Dao had gone home, first to shower and then to change. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of brown pants—the only decent clothes he owned. The shirt’s cuffs were frayed, so he rolled them up to his elbows. Lao Dao was forty–eight, single, and long past the age when he still took care of his appearance. As he had no one to pester him about the domestic details, he had simply kept this outfit for years. Every time he wore it, he’d come home afterward, take off the shirt and pants, and fold them upneatly to put away. Working at the waste processing station meant there were few occasions that called for the outfit, save a wedding now and then for a friend’s son or daughter.


The Hugo Awards

The Hugo Awards are a set of awards given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year. The awards are named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories, and were officially named the Science Fiction Achievement Awards until 1992. Organized and overseen by the World Science Fiction Society, the awards are given each year at the annual World Science Fiction Convention as the central focus of the event. They were first given in 1953, at the 11th World Science Fiction Convention, and have been awarded every year since 1955. 


Female sci-fi writer wins Hugo accolade


Science-fiction author Hao Jingfang became the first Chinese woman to win a Hugo Award on Sunday, beating best-selling horror and fantasy writer Stephen King in the bestnovelette category.  The 32-year-old from Tianjin received the prize for Folding Beijing, in which she depicts the Chinese capital as a city divided by social class. "My story suggests apossibility for the future and also proposes a solution. ... In my story, the future is brighter than we thought, and I hope it is even better," Hao said when accepting her award at the Kansas City Convention Center Grand Ballroom. 



Personal Statement about Ken Liu——刘宇昆

刘宇昆(Ken Liu,1976年—),男,美籍华裔科幻作家,毕业于哈佛大学,职业是程序设计员与律师,业余从事科幻小说与诗歌的写作。2002年随着《迦太基的玫瑰》一文问世,刘宇昆逐渐受到美国文学界瞩目。在2009年4月的《科幻世界》杂志上,刊载了刘宇昆的两篇小说《爱的算法》(The Algorithms For Love)和《单比特错误》(Single Bit Error)。其中《爱的算法》一文深受读者好评,此后,他的许多科幻小说在中国国内发表,逐渐为国内的科幻迷熟识。

除了创作科幻小说外,刘宇昆还将刘慈欣陈楸帆(英文名:Stanley Chen)、马伯庸(英文名:Marberionius)、夏笳等中国国内科幻名家的作品译成英文在国外发表,起到了沟通中西科幻的桥梁作用。 近两年刘宇昆的创作速度以及质量都迎来了一个高峰,过去两年内他陆续在各大科幻杂志发表了二十多篇短篇科幻小说。2012年9月2日在芝加哥举行的第70届世界科幻大会(WSFC:World Science Fiction Convention)上,刘宇昆的小说《手中纸,心中爱》(The Paper Menagerie),获得了2012年雨果奖(正式名称为“科幻成就奖”,简称Hugo Award,英文全称为The Science Fiction Achievement Award,)的最佳短篇故事奖,而今年五月他即凭借此部作品获得了星云奖(Nebula Award)最佳短篇故事奖,雨果奖和星云奖分别有科幻界的诺贝尔与奥斯卡之称,由此刘宇昆也成为了继姜峰楠(Ted Chiang)之后又一位华裔世界科幻最高双奖获得者。刘宇昆的《终结历史的男人》(The Man Who Ended History)也获得今年星云奖与雨果奖的中篇小说奖提名,但最终未能获奖。

2012年11月7号下午,中国科幻作家领军人物刘慈欣的科幻作品《三体》三部曲译者签约仪式在北京举行,这标志着中国科幻开始进军英文世界。其中三体第一部《三体》由刘宇昆担任翻译。2014年因为把《三体》等优秀中国科幻小说成功译介到西方,被授予第五届华语科幻星云奖特别贡献奖2013年9月,刘宇昆的短篇小说《物哀》(Mono NO Aware)再次获得雨果奖。2015年刘宇昆翻译自中国科幻作家刘慈欣的《三体》三部曲的第一部,英文版的名称被译为《三体问题》(The Three-Body Problem)。获得美国科幻奇幻作家协会(Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.,简称SFWA)2014年度"星云奖"提名。

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