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文章来源:高斋翻硕 发布时间:2019-12-17 14:48 作者:高斋翻硕 点击:





1. 教育惩戒 school discipline

2. 直接造成身体痛苦的体罚 corporal punishment/physical punishment

3. 点名批评 name and shame

4. 做口头或者书面检讨 make oral or written apology

5. 增加运动要求 do additional physical exercise

6. 课后留校教导 keep them at school for further discipline

7. 承担校内公共服务任务 perform public service>8. 行为规则教育 isolated for discipline

9. 校园安全 campus safety

10. 校园霸凌 school bullying

11. 纪律处分 disciplinary punishment

12. 留校察看 probation

13. 国家航天局 the China National Space Administration (CNSA)

14. 探月工程 lunar exploration programs

15. 月球背面 the far side of the Moon

16. 太阳辐射 solar radiation

17. 重型运载火箭 a heavy-lift carrier rocket

18. 在轨测试 in-orbit tests

19. 公转周期 the period of revolution

20. 携号转网 mobile number portability/switch telecom networks without changing number

21. 套餐业务尚在运行 ongoing mobile phone plans

22. 亲情号 family plans

23. 视频通话 video calls

24. 靓号 auspicious mobile phone numbers

25. 授权码 authorization code

26. 业务解绑 cancel existing mobile phone plans

27. 移动通信网络 mobile communication network

28. 用户/机主 subscribers

29. 公用电话 a pay phone

30. 话费账单 phone bills

31. 资费套餐 payment scheme

32. 隐性收费 hidden charges

33. 接听免费 free incoming call

34. 流量不清零服务 rollover data service

35. 要素市场化配置 market-based allocation of factors of production

36. 经济体制改革 economic structural reform

37. 供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform

38. 市场化定价 market-oriented pricing

39. 国家医疗保障局 the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA)

40. 国家医保药品目录 the catalog of medicines covered by national medical insurance system

41. 基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance

42. 工伤保险 work-related injury insurance

43. 生育保险 maternity insurance

44. 西药部分 western medicine

45. 中成药部分 Chinese patent medicine

46. 协议期内谈判药品部分 catalogued medicine for renewal

47. 中药饮片部分 prepared ready-for-use traditional Chinese medicine

48. 新增谈判药品  new additions to the negotiation

49. 续约谈判药品  existing>50. 药品采购政策  pharmaceutical procurement policies

51. 药品集中采购  pooled procurement of medicines

52. 医药分开  separate medical treatment and drug sales

53. 仿制药 generic medicines

54. 药品加成 medicine markups

55. 药品流通 medicine distribution

56. 扶贫资金 funds for poverty alleviation

57. 西藏自治区 Tibet autonomous region

58. 新疆维吾尔自治区  Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region

59. 深度贫困地区 areas in deep poverty

60. 消除绝对贫困 eradicate absolute poverty

61. 精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

62. 人口老龄化 population aging

63. 老龄化社会 a aging society

64. 保护老年人合法权 protect the lawful rights and interests of senior citizens

65. 全国人口普 a national census

66. 媒体公信力 credibility of media

67. 世界媒体峰会 The World Media Summit

68. 媒体融合 integrated media

69. 拓展新闻传播广度 expand the breadth of news transmission

70. 提高新闻生产效率 increase the efficiency of news production

71. 强化知识产权保护 intensified protection of intellectual property rights

72. 知识产权使用费 intellectual property royalties

73. 专利侵权 patent infringement

74. 版权保护 copyright protection

75. 中日高级别人文交流磋商机制 China-Japan high-level consultation mechanism on people-to-people exchanges

76. 中日关系 China-Japan relations

77. 人文交流 people-to-people and cultural exchanges

78. 夯实民意基础 consolidate the foundation of public opinion

79. 英国皇家航空学会  the Royal Aeronautical Society,RAeS




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