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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋翻硕 发布时间:2019-12-13 14:34 作者:高斋翻硕 点击:




1. 外商投资促进服务平台 foreign investment promotion service platforms

2. 外商投资准入foreign investment accessibility

3. 营商环境 the business environment

4. 贸易便利化 trade facilitation

5. 两岸经济文化交流合作 economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Taiwan Straits

6. 深化两岸融合发展deepen the integrated development across the Taiwan Strait

7. 夯实和平统一基础 consolidate the foundation of peaceful reunification

8. 打造两岸共同市场 forge a cross-Straits common market

9. 经贸合作畅通  free flow of trade

10. 基础设施联通、能源资源互通、行业标准共通 connectivity in infrastructure, exchange of energy and resources, and shared industrial standards

11. 九二共识 the 1992 Consensus

12. 和平统一 peaceful reunification

13. 一个中国原则 the one-China principle

14. 文化遗产保护合作 cooperation in cultural heritage protection

15. 促进文明交流互鉴 promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

16. 2021年中法文化旅游年 the 2021 China-France Year of Culture and Tourism

17. 文化遗产 cultural heritage

18. 文化多样性 cultural diversity

19. 世界遗产名录 the World Heritage List

20. 非物质文化遗产  intangible cultural heritage

21. 传统文化教育 traditional culture education

22. 国家级非物质文化遗产继承人 inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage

23. 申遗 bid for the World Heritage List

24. 文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources

25. 保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage

26. 全国人口普查 a national census

27. 公民身份号码 an ID number

28. 受教育程度 education background

29. 迁移流动 migration

30. 婚姻生育 marriage and childbearing status

31. 住房情况 housing situation

32. 全国经济普查 a national economic census

33. 全国农业普查 a national agricultural census

34. 常住人口 the population of long-term residents/permanent residents population

35. 户籍人口 the household registered population

36. 现有人口 current population

37. 积分落户制 a points-based household registration system

38. 居住证 a residential permit

39. 流动人口 the migrant population

40. 开放型世界经济 an open global economy

41. 互利共赢的开放战略 a win-win strategy of opening-up

42. 投资自由化便利化政策 policies to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation

43. 放宽市场准入 broaden market access

44. 世界一流空军 world-class air forces

45. “空天一体、攻防兼备”战略空军架构 a strategic air force that integrates aviation and space power, and strike and defense capabilities

46. 空降作战 airborne operations

47. 战略投送 strategic projection

48. 军队基层建设 military development at primary level

49. 战斗力 combat capability

50. 听党指挥 obey the Party's command

51. 党员教育培训 education and training of Party members

52. 政治生态 the political ecology

53. 全面从严治党 comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

54. 新时代军事战略方针 the military strategic guideline for a new era

55. 中希务实合作 China-Greece practical cooperation

56. 友好互信互利共赢的典范 an example of friendship, mutual trust, mutual benefits and win-win results

57. 开放务实促进中欧合作的典范 an example that promotes China-Europe cooperation in an open and practical manner

58. 文化交流文明互鉴的典范 an example of cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

59. 协调配合维护多边主义的典范 an example of coordination and cooperation in safeguarding multilateralism

60. 正当防卫 a justifiable defense

61. 紧急避险 emergency measures

62. 公共秩序 public order

63. 社会治安 social security

64. 熊猫外交 the panda diplomacy

65. 濒危物种 endangered species

66. 极危物种 critically endangered species

67. 易危物种 vulnerable species




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