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第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People's Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开幕。

Dine With Student  陪餐

日前,教育部等三部委共同发布《学校食品安全与营养健康管理规定》("Regulations on the Administration of Food Safety and Nutritional Health in Schools",以下简称《规定》),中小学、幼儿园应当建立集中用餐陪餐制度。该规定从4月1日开始执行。

School officials, from senior executives to headmasters, will be required todine with students in canteens in China's middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, according to a notice jointly issued Tuesday by the Education Ministry, State Administration for Market Regulation, and National Health Commission.



实行学校食品安全校长(园长)负责制(accountability system),校长(园长)是第一责任人。

严格落实原材料采购(raw material procurement)、加工制作(processing)、食品留样(keeping retention samples)、清洗消毒(cleaning and disinfection)等环节管理,建立大宗物资和主食入库登记查验制度。

引入社会经营的学校食堂应建立准入和退出机制(entry and exit mechanism),不能“以包代管”,严禁层层转包(no subcontracting is allowed),严禁贴牌代包。

中小学、幼儿园应建立集中用餐陪餐制度,每餐均应有学校行政管理负责人陪餐(school officials are required to dine with students at every meal)。


Modern Metropolitan Area  现代化都市圈

The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued guidelines on cultivating and developing modern metropolitan areas, with the aim of building mature modern metropolitan areas with international influence by 2035.


城市群(city cluster)是新型城镇化主体形态(a main part of the new type of urbanization),是支撑全国经济增长、促进区域协调发展、参与国际竞争合作的重要平台(the important platform for supporting national economic growth, promoting regional coordinated development and participating in international competition and cooperation)。

都市圈(metropolitan area)是城市群内部以超大特大城市或辐射带动功能强的大城市为中心、以1小时通勤圈为基本范围的城镇化空间形态(the urban spatial form comprising a one-hour commuting circle centered on a megacity within a city cluster)。

《意见》认为,都市圈既能优化人口和经济格局(optimize population and economic landscape),又有利于激活有效投资和潜在消费需求(boost effective investment and potential consumption demand),增强内生动力。

《意见》明确,在有条件地区编制都市圈轨道交通规划(rail transportation plan in metropolitan areas),推动干线铁路、城际铁路、市域(郊)铁路、城市轨道交通“四网融合”(an integrated network of mainline railways, intercity railways, urban/suburban railways and urban railway transit projects)。

此外,《意见》还支持毗邻城市(镇)开行城际公交,加快推动近郊班线公交化,并要求加快推进都市圈内城市间公交一卡互通(one pass for all public transport services in metropolitan areas)、票制资费标准一致(unified ticket policies for public transport services)。

《意见》在促进人口要素向都市圈流动方面也提出了举措,明确要放开放宽除个别超大城市外的城市落户限制(relax restrictions on household registration in non-megacities)。

《意见》要求促进优质公共资源共享(encourage sharing of quality public resources),支持有条件的中小学和三级医院推进集团化办学办医,支持中心城市三级医院异地设置分支机构。


Foreign Investment Law  外商投资法

The foreign investment law, once adopted, will become a new and fundamental law for China's foreign investment, says the explanation delivered by Wang Chen, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, to deputies attending an NPC plenary session.



外商投资(foreign investment)即外国的自然人、企业或者其他组织直接或者间接在中国境内进行的投资活动(investment activities directly or indirectly conducted by foreign natural persons, enterprises and other organizations),包括以下四类具体情形:

一是外国投资者单独或者与其他投资者共同在中国境内设立外商投资企业(a foreign investor establishes a foreign-funded enterprise independently or together with any other investor);

二是外国投资者取得中国境内企业的股份、股权、财产份额或者其他类似权益(a foreign investor acquires shares, equities, property shares or any other similar rights and interests of an enterprise within the territory of China);

三是外国投资者单独或者与其他投资者共同在中国境内投资新建项目(a foreign investor invests in any new construction project independently or together with any other investor);

四是法律、行政法规或者国务院规定的其他方式的投资(investments stipulated in laws, administrative regulations, or defined by the State Council)。


The foreign investment law is a comprehensive and fundamental set of legal standards for foreign investment activities in China under new circumstances, and shall play a leading role as an overarching law in this field.


It is a full testament to China's determination and confidence in opening wider to the outside world and promoting foreign investment in the new era.




The state shall guarantee that foreign-invested enterprises are able to participate in standard-setting work on an equal footing in accordance with law, and mandatory state standards shall apply equally to them, according to the document.


The state shall guarantee that foreign-invested enterprises can take part in government procurement activities through fair competition in accordance with law, and government procurement shall afford, in accordance with law, equal treatment to products of foreign-invested enterprises produced in China, it says.


The conditions for technological cooperation in an investment project shall be negotiated in a fair and equal manner and agreed upon by all parties to the investment, and government bodies and their employees shall be prohibited from using administrative measures to force technology transfer.


Sectors not on the entry negative list for foreign investment will be managed in accordance with the principle of equal treatment for domestic and foreign capital.


Competent authorities shall review foreign investors' license applications with the same conditions and procedures as those for domestic investors, unless otherwise stipulated in other laws or administrative regulations, according to the document. 


The draft also makes it clear that the state shall manage foreign investment according to the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list.



Ban The Sale of Gasoline-Fueled Automobiles  禁售燃油车

China's southern island province of Hainan will ban the sale of gasoline-fueled automobiles by 2030, in a bid to safeguard its environment and develop a modern economy, the provincial government said on Tuesday.


According to the Hainan New Energy Vehicles Development Plan, Hainan will speed up the promotion of clean energy vehicles, and has set specific targets and outlined a road map, becoming the first province to unveil such a timeline.


清洁能源汽车(clean energy vehicles),又称为新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEV),是以清洁燃料取代传统汽油的环保型汽车的统称,具有能耗低(low energy consumption)、污染物排放少(low pollutant emission)等特点。新能源汽车包括纯电动汽车(blade electric vehicles ,简称BEV),混合动力汽车(hybrid electric vehicles,简称HEV),氢发动机汽车(hydrogen-powered vehicles),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)等类型。



力争通过3-5年时间,建成覆盖全省、满足各类型清洁能源汽车应用基本需求的充电网络(more electric charging networks will be built in the next three to five years to meet the needs of clean energy vehicles)。


到2020年,包括政府公务用车和公交车在内的所有公共领域新增和置换车辆全部使用清洁能源(all vehicles added or replaced in the public service sector, including government vehicles and buses, will use clean energy)。

增加私家车清洁能源化比例(a greater proportion of newly licensed private passenger cars will be new energy vehicles),每年递增10%,到2025年,清洁能源车比例达到80%。到2030年,全省禁售燃油车。


加快研究清洁能源物流车、出租车(含巡游出租车和网约出租车)、公交车、班线车、旅游车、货运车等运营补贴政策(subsidy policy for clean energy logistic vehicles, taxis, buses, urban-rural passenger buses, tourist buses and freight vehicles),助推营运车辆清洁能源化。

四是构建清洁能源车辆为载体的绿色、智慧交通体系(green intelligent transport system)。

鼓励绿色出行(green commuting)促进清洁能源汽车应用,探索绿色出行减碳积分机制(point collection system for carbon emission reduction)。


在汽车行业外商投资准入(foreign investment accessibility)、新建项目审批(new project approval)、兼并重组(merger and reorganization)、金融贸易(finance and trade)、商业模式(business model)等领域,实行更大力度的全面深化改革和对外开放。


推动清洁能源示范省建设,创新打造清洁能源汽车、绿色交通和智慧能源联动范例(example of linking clean energy vehicles, green transport and intelligent energy in a network),实现能源供应全生命周期清洁化。


Immovable Property Registration  不动产登记

China will simplify the process of and reduce the time required forimmovable property registration to better serve individuals and businesses, according to a circular issued by the State Council.


通知提出,2019年底前,流程精简优化到位,全国所有市县一般登记(general registration)、抵押登记(mortgage registration)业务办理时间力争分别压缩至10个、5个工作日以内;2020年底前,力争全部压缩至5个工作日以内。


一是推动信息共享集成。建立部门间信息共享集成机制(establish a mechanism for information sharing among governmental departments),打破“信息孤岛(information silos)”。

推行“互联网+不动产登记(Internet Plus Immovable Property Registration)”,建立不动产“网上(掌上)登记中心”,构建“外网申请、内网审核”模式,实现服务企业和群众零距离。

二是推动流程集成。通过信息化手段整合集成业务流程(process integration),在政务服务大厅或不动产登记大厅设立综合受理窗口,统一受理各相关办理事项,实现信息化技术支撑的“一窗受理、并行办理(single-window inter-agency services)”。

三是推动人员集成。不能马上实现信息共享集成和流程集成的,可通过集中办公(service integration)实现便民快捷。


Praising Group  夸夸群

Kuakuaqun, or praising groups, on WeChat, where members shower you with over-the-top compliments and positive messages are gaining popularity among college students in China.




Chen Kan, an associate professor in Fudan University’s psychology department, said that the praising chat groups have gone viral because they “meet a lot of psychological needs” for students seeking company, self-confidence, or flattery.



Users can purchase memberships to such groups on e-commerce platforms like Taobao for anywhere from 0.6 yuan to 188 yuan. Once admitted, members can receive flattering comments from each other and even request to be complimented on specific things.



Chen also warned that anyone giving or receiving praise in such groups should be cautious. “The biggest risk is the constant emphasis on the ‘false self,’ [which] makes it harder to see the ‘true self,’” she said.



Reduce Burdens On Community-Level Officials  基层减负

The Communist Party of China Central Committee is requiring that more efforts be made to solve problems arising from the practice of formalities for formalities' sake to reduce burdens on community-level officials.



一是层层大幅度精简文件和会议(the number of official documents and meetings should be drastically cut down by authorities of various levels);

二是明确中央印发的政策性文件原则上不超过10页(policy documents issued by the central government should be no more than 10 pages),地方和部门也要按此从严掌握;

三是提出地方各级、基层单位贯彻落实中央和上级文件,可结合实际制定务实管用的举措(practical measures should be taken to carry out the central leadership's instructions),除有明确规定外,不再制定贯彻落实意见和实施细则;

四是强调少开会、开短会(the number and length of meetings should be cut reduced),开管用的会,对防止层层开会作出规定。

针对有的地方和部门搞“责任甩锅”,把问责作为推卸责任的“挡箭牌”,《通知》要求严格控制“一票否决”事项(proceedings under the veto clause should be limited),不能动辄签“责任状”。

《通知》还要求对涉及城市评选评比表彰的各类创建活动(role model selecting campaigns)进行集中清理,优化改进各种督查检查考核和调研活动,不干扰基层正常工作。


Juvenile Delinquencies  罪错未成年人


China will continue to strengthen its juvenile justice system, classifyjuvenile delinquencies on different levels and form a joint force with society to better protect the underage and prevent juvenile crimes, said Tong Jianming, deputy procurator-general, on Tuesday.



Chinese prosecutors will clarify offense levels in crimes committed by juveniles to properly align punishments with the severity of the criminal acts, the nation's top prosecuting authority said on Tuesday.


The work plan of the Supreme People's Procuratorate for 2018-22, which it posted on its website, also vowed to take innovative steps to prevent such crimes.


The plan said the levels of offenses by juveniles will be classified, and offenders will be punished in line with the prescribed levels.


童建明表示,中国有3亿多未成年人,加强对未成年人的司法保护工作,关乎亿万家庭幸福。过去一年,检察机关把未成年人司法保护工作摆到了更加突出位置(have made juvenile protection a priority)。

In October, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a proposal to the Ministry of Education, suggesting the ministry reinforce the management of school safety and formulate more concrete measures to prevent sexual assault against students.



"For their judicial protection, we should focus on educating them first with punishment as a supporting approach," he said, adding that they should be tolerated but not spoilt, strictly disciplined but treated with deep love.



Explosion At Chemical Plant  化工厂爆炸



Xi said all-out efforts must be made to search those trapped, and the injured must be timely treated and relief work must be well done to maintain social stability. Meanwhile, environment monitoring and early warning should be strengthened to prevent environmental pollution as well as secondary disasters.


The Tianjiayi chemical plant, which was established in 2007, is a producer of over 30 organic chemical compounds, including anisole, m-Phenylenediamine and para-Phenylenediamine, many of which are flammable and toxic, according to its website.


According to the city's environmental protection authority, the explosion had a negative influence on the air quality in the chemical park and its surrounding areas within a 500-meter radius. 


No residents are living in the chemical park, while all people nearby have been evacuated. And there are no drinking water sources downstream of the accident site, it added.


The company had been ordered by State Administration of Work Safety Ministry, the predecessor of Ministry of Emergency Management, to rectify its 13 hidden safety hazards in 2018, including leaking valve on its storage tank.



And earlier in 2016, the company was fined by the county's ecological and environmental protection bureau for violating the solid waste management and environmental impact assessment regulations. It was punished again a year later for disobeying air pollution and solid waste management regulations in 2017, according to Qichacha, a data bank that tracks business registration information in China.



Trip To Three European Countries  欧洲三国之行

President Xi Jinping arrived in Beijing on Wednesday after wrapping up his state visits to Italy, Monaco and France. It was his first overseas trip this year. During the six-day visit, Xi traveled to five cities and attended more than 40 events.


国家主席习近平3月21日至26日应邀对意大利、摩纳哥、法国进行国事访问(state visit)。行程结束之际,国务委员兼外交部长王毅向记者介绍此访情况。王毅说,习近平主席此访致力于深化伙伴合作(deepen partnership for cooperation),致力于完善全球治理(improve global governance),致力于捍卫多边主义(uphold multilateralism),体现了中国作为负责任大国的境界和担当(China's sense of responsibility as a major country),受到国内外舆论高度评价。

王毅说,习近平主席走到哪里,"一带一路"的东风就吹向哪里,务实合作的果实就收获在哪里(wherever President Xi went, he took the Belt and Road and produced a harvest of practical cooperation there)。此访欧洲,习近平主席来到了古丝绸之路的另一端(the trip took Xi to the other end of the ancient Silk Road),用"一带一路"接续新时代的亚欧大陆互联互通(boost Eurasian interconnectivity through joint building of the Belt and Road)。

王毅表示,意大利政府作出参与共建"一带一路"的战略决定,体现出求真务实和远见卓识(the Italian government's strategic decision to join the Belt and Road is pragmatic and visionary)。中意签署共建"一带一路"合作谅解备忘录(sign a memorandum of understanding on jointly building the Belt and Road),为亚欧互联互通建设、为拓展"一带一路"全球合作增添新的动力。

王毅表示,习近平访问期间,中法签署第三方市场合作第三轮示范项目清单(sign agreements on the third round of the BRI-related demonstration projects in third-party markets),并启动了第三方市场合作基金(kick off a third-party market fund),合力打造两国"一带一路"合作支点。中法决定在传统战略性合作领域推进现有大项目合作(push the building of major projects in traditional areas),在科技创新、农业、金融等新兴领域(new areas including scientific innovation, agriculture and finance)加快战略对接和全方位合作,进一步深化两国产业利益融合。

王毅表示,中、法、德及欧盟领导人在巴黎会晤时也就共建"一带一路"进行了富有建设性的讨论(constructive discussions on jointly building the Belt and Road),各方都显示了积极姿态(all the parties responded positively)。马克龙总统在全球治理论坛闭幕式上表示,中方提出的"一带一路"倡议具有重大意义,将为世界和平与发展发挥重要作用(the BRI is of great significance and will play an important role in promoting global peace and development),欧盟愿将欧亚互联互通战略与"一带一路"深度对接,开展创新性合作。

王毅说,中摩经贸合作具有务实、高效、灵活的特点。习近平主席在与阿尔贝二世亲王会谈中,认真探讨了摩方结合自身区位和产业优势,积极参与到共建"一带一路"国际合作中来(actively participate in the joint development of the Belt and Road),同中方开展包括开拓第三方市场在内的多种形式合作。


New Rules On Sharing Bikes Deposits  共享单车押金新规

The regulation, if enacted, would require that companies charge users a deposit based on their service capability. The total prepaid funds in a user's account on a bike-sharing platform, for example, would be capped at 100 yuan ($15), while the money for other new transportation business would be less than 8,000 yuan.


The draft regulation makes it clear that users' prepaid funds can only be used for a company's main business, and may not be used for investment-such as real estate, equity, securities and bonds-or for debt service.


新规要求,运营企业原则上不收取用户押金,确有必要收取的,应当基于协议(any deposits should be based on agreements),提供运营企业专用存款账户(special deposit account)和用户个人银行结算账户(personal settlement account)两种资金存管方式,供用户选择。用户押金归用户所有,运营企业不得挪用(companies may not misappropriate deposit funds)。

此外,新规还明确提出,运营企业应当建立用户预付资金备付金制度(provisions system for user deposits),备付金不得低于用户预付资金余额的40%。

根据新规,用户申请退还押金(apply for deposit refund)时,存管银行和其他支付服务机构核对相关信息后,应当于当日(至迟次日)基于原路退还原则退还用户。用户原账户发生变化的,运营企业需提供用户身份信息、押金支付信息和退款账户信息,存管银行和其他支付服务机构核对认定后再行退还(refund customers' deposits after verifying the user's information)。


Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch  2020年东京奥运会火炬


The torch to be used for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay has been designed with a cherry blossom motif – a flower close to the hearts of all Japanese people.


火炬整体长度为71厘米,总重量约1.2公斤。火炬主要材质为铝材,采用了使用在新干线制造中的铝挤压工艺(the aluminium extrusion manufacturing technology used in the production of the shinkansen bullet train)。

制造火炬的铝材有30%来源于回收利用的铝材(recycled aluminium),此前用于建造2011年日本东部大地震后的预制房屋(originally used in the construction of prefabricated housing units)。

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch has been designed in the form of the Olympic flame. Five separate flames emerge from flower petals and come together as one at the centre of the torch to give off a more brilliant light – the 'Path of Hope'.

2020年东京奥运会火炬传递的主题正是 "Hope Lights Our Way" (希望照亮我们的道路)。

To coincide with the cherry blossom season in Japan, in March 2020 the Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch relay will begin and will be held over 121 days.

Tokyo 2020 also announced the Olympic Torch Relay Ambassadors, who will promote the Relay to people all over the world. The list of Ambassadors includes three-time judo Olympic gold medallist Tadahiro Nomura, three-time Paralympian Aki Taguchi, actress Satomi Ishihara and comedy duo Sandwich Man.



the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference  博鳌亚洲论坛年会

3月26日-29日,博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会(the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019)在中国海南博鳌举行,主题是“共同命运 共同行动 共同发展(Shared Future, Concerted Action, Common Development)”。

The BFA AC2019 will feature approximately 50 official sessions, including the opening plenum, themed sessions, CEO dialogues, and roundtable meetings. They are formatted under five modules—open world economy; multilateralism, regional cooperation and global governance; innovation-driven development; high-quality development; and critical issues.



Globalization and free trade are inevitable trends of economic development; that multilateralism, dialogue and cooperation are the shared aspiration of most countries; and that openness and innovation are natural choices to sustain economic progress and globalization. 


The BFA AC2019 will provide an open, inclusive dialogue platform for stakeholders and send a clear message to build consensus regarding global governance.


在开放型世界经济版块,年会将突出“开放”这一关键词,下设世界经济展望(global economic outlook)、服务业开放(opening of the service sector)、WTO改革(WTO reform)、跨境电商(cross-border e-commerce)、自贸区与自由港(free trade zone versus free port)等议题;

在多边主义、区域合作与全球治理版块,年会将突出“多边合作”这一关键词,下设全球治理(global governance)、“一带一路”(the Belt and Road initiative)、岛屿经济(island economy)、亚洲区域合作组织对话(Asian regional organizations dialogues)等议题;

在创新驱动版块,年会将突出“科技创新”这一关键词,下设可持续发展(sustainable development)、5G与物联网(5G and the Internet of Things)、“AI+”时代(AI plus)、大数据(big data)、分享经济(shared economy)、海洋经济(blue economy)等议题。

在高质量发展版块,年会将突出“质量发展”这一关键词,下设城乡发展(rural and urban development)、制造业(manufacturing)、金融(finance)、消费(consumption)、跨境投资(cross-border investment)、房市及证券市场(housing and securities markets)、国企民企对话(the relationship between SOEs and the private sector)、中小企业(SMEs)、能源资源(energy)等议题。



Nationwide Access  全国通办

"Taking effect on April 1, residents in the Chinese mainland can apply for passports and travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at every exit and entry management department across the country. Tourist group visas for all three places can be obtained from self-service machines." Yin Chengji, Vice Director of the National Immigration Administration said at the press conference Tuesday.



全国各地都能办,即内地居民可在全国任一出入境管理窗口(every exit and entry management department across the country)申办出入境证件;

内地居民都能办,即不受户籍地、居住地等条件限制(no restrictions on household registration or residence),内地居民均可在异地申办出入境证件;

出国出境证件都能办(applicable to both passports and travel permits),即中华人民共和国普通护照、往来港澳通行证、往来台湾通行证等都可在异地申办。

据悉,国家移民管理局政务服务平台将于4月1日起正式上线启用。国家移民管理局政务服务平台综合运用网站、移民局App、第三方平台多种网上服务方式,目前主要有六大功能:往来港澳台旅游签注申办(apply for travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)、证件办理进度查询(application status enquiry)、证件预约申请(passport and travel permit appointment)、证件信息查询(passport and travel permits details)、出入境记录查询(records of exit and entry)、办事指引查询(instructions)。



Streaming Service  苹果流媒体产品

苹果公司在发布会上推出了苹果电视Apple TV+、苹果新闻Apple News+以及苹果信用卡等一系列服务业务。

流媒体视频服务Apple TV+:可在竞争对手设备下载

The Apple TV+ app was unveiled by Steven Spielberg and will launch in the autumn. The platform will include shows from existing services like Hulu and HBO.

苹果电视Apple TV+由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格介绍,将于今年秋季正式发布。该平台可以收看Hulu、HBO等现有流媒体平台的节目。

The app will be made available on rival devices for the first time, coming to Samsung, LG, Sony and Vizio smart TVs as well as Amazon's Firestick and Roku.

同时,苹果还将首次与三星、LG、索尼、Vizio等电视机厂商以及电视机顶盒提供商Roku和亚马逊Firestick合作,这些终端也将能够下载Apple TV+的应用。


The Apple Card credit card will launch in the US this summer.


There will be both an iPhone and physical version of the card, with a cashback incentive on every purchase.


The credit card will have no late fees, annual fees or international fees, said Apple Pay VP Jennifer Bailey.


It has been created with the help of Goldman Sachs and MasterCard.


苹果新闻Apple News+:每月9.99美元纵览300多种报刊杂志

The firm also revealed a news service, Apple News+, which will include more than 300 magazine titles including Marie Claire, Vogue, New Yorker, Esquire, National Geographic and Rolling Stone.

苹果公司还推出了新闻服务Apple News+,里面包含《嘉人》、《时尚》、《纽约客》、《时尚先生》、《国家地理》、《滚石》等300多种杂志。

The LA Times and the Wall Street Journal will also be part of the platform, the firm said.


Apple News+ will cost $9.99 per month and is available immediately in the US and Canada. It will come to Europe later in the year.

新闻服务Apple News+将立即在美国和加拿大推出,月订阅费9.99美元,今年下半年将在欧洲推出。

Unlike TV+, the news platform will only be available on Apple devices.

不过,与苹果电视Apple TV+不同的是,Apple News+只能在苹果设备上下载使用。

游戏服务Apple Arcade:可离线玩100多个独家游戏

Apple Arcade will offer 100 games not available elsewhere.
A new games platform, Apple Arcade, will offer over 100 exclusive games from the app store which will all be playable offline.

新的游戏平台Apple Arcade将提供100多个在苹果设备上独家发行的游戏,支持离线玩游戏。

It will be rolled out across 150 countries in the autumn but no subscription prices were given.



Teen Mode  青少年模式


On a daily basis, when users open these short-video apps for the first time, they will be greeted by a pop-up message asking if they’d like to activate “teen mode,” which sets restrictions on content, features, and view time.


系统还将试点通过地理位置判定(location data)、用户行为分析(behavioral analysis)等技术手段筛选甄别农村地区留守儿童(left-behind children)用户,并自动切换到“青少年模式”(turn on teen mode automatically)。

目前,快手、火山小视频、抖音等平台已经上线了“青少年防沉迷系统(anti-addiction system)”,用户进入“青少年模式”后,将会有如下限制:

无法进行打赏(tipping)、充值(top up)、提现(cash out)、直播(livestreaming)等行为;

每日累计使用时长不能超过40分钟(no more than 40 minutes of view time each day),晚上10点至早上6点禁止使用,只有监护人输入密码才能开启。


国家网信办表示,将在总结试点经验、完善管理制度的基础上,于今年6月在全国主要网络短视频平台全面推广上线“青少年防沉迷系统”(expand the anti-addiction system to major video-streaming sites in China),并形成统一的行业规范。


Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields  非电离电磁场



The scientists have raised serious concerns about the risks to people exposed to non-ionizing radiation including extremely low frequency fields (ELF) used for electricity and radio frequency radiation (RFR) used in wireless communications.


This includes Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and cellular data.


联署的学者均从事“非电离电磁场”(non-ionizing electromagnetic fields)生物学及健康影响研究。

他们基于“同业评论”(peer-review)及已发表的研究严重担忧人们正暴露在电子产品和无线设备产生的“无处不在并日益增长”(everywhere and growing)的电磁场中。

他们指出,“国际癌症研究局”(International Agency for Research on Cancer)分别于2002年和2011年提出关于极低频电磁场(extremely low frequency magnetic fields)和射频辐射的分类,当中界定电磁场是疑似人类致癌源。


"You are putting a microwave-emitting device next to your brain."



'Although we don’t know the long-term risks from using Bluetooth devices, why would anyone insert microwave-emitting devices in their ears near their brain when there are safer ways to use a cell phone?


Essentially I recommend using corded headsets or hands-free use of cell phones, not wireless ear buds.


威斯康辛医学院退休教授、放射生物学家莫德( John E. Moulder)表示,的确是有实验得出了“在移动设备等高水平辐射下的雄性大鼠患脑癌和心脏病的风险更大”的结论,但这个实验本身就遭到了严厉的批评(that study met with widespread criticism)。

The electromagnetic radiation exposure received by rats in the U.S. National Toxicology Program study "was 50 to 100 times what you would get from using a mobile phone, and they were exposed 18 hours a day for two years" — essentially their whole lives, starting before birth.


By comparison, the additional exposure to electromagnetic radiation delivered by a wireless headphone device was "probably about a thousand times lower" .



You can damage your hearing by listening to music too loudly or get injured by walking inattentively into traffic, just as you could while wearing traditional earbuds.


But using a cordless headset will not increase your risk of developing cancer, experts say.



the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area  粤港澳大湾区



Stays on the mainland of less than 24 hours will not be regarded as part of the 183-day threshold for paying individual income tax on the mainland.


Highly-skilled talents and those in urgent need from Hong Kong, Macao and overseas will benefit from tax concessions.


Residents of Hong Kong and Macao will be permitted to apply for jobs at public institutions in nine cities in Guangdong province within the Bay Area.


Efforts will be made to encourage young people from Hong Kong and Macao to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship programs in the nine cities.


Support will be provided to enable higher education establishments and scientific research institutes in Hong Kong and Macao to participate in Guangdong's scientific and technological programs.


Border clearance procedures will be simplified within the Bay Area.


The entry and exit of vehicles from Hong Kong and Macao to the mainland will see greater facilitation.


The scope of rapid customs clearance for goods across the three customs territories within the Greater Bay Area will be expanded.



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