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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:51 作者:官方文章 点击:





Cat-Paw Mug  猫爪杯


The limited edition mug has two layers. On the outside layer, pink cherry blossoms are printed onto light pink glass. The inside layer is in the shape of a cat's paw that you can see when the mug is filled up.



英文报道中,这款“猫爪杯”一般被称为cat-paw mug或cat-claw mug,当然也可以用cat paw-shaped mug表示。


On Tuesday when they went on sale, people queued up outside Starbucks stores before dawn. Many stores sold out of the mugs in less than one hour, and videos shared on social media show people getting into fights over who gets to buy the last cups.



Some mugs, which sold for 199 yuan in stores, were being resold online for as much as 1,800 yuan.


很多网友表示,这是星巴克在搞饥饿营销(hunger marketing)。

Hunger marketing is a marketing strategy specially focusing on the emotions of human beings.


It drives people into emotional rather than rational decision making by means of driving up the scarcity of the product. 


This marketing strategy boosts people’s interest, and through word-of-mouth helps businesses have more potential customers.


面对“猫爪杯”一杯难求的情况,26日16点18分,@星巴克中国 官方发博:猫爪杯的补货正在加紧安排,即将登陆天猫星巴克官方旗舰店。

Starbucks says that more mugs are on their way and can be preordered through its online retail platforms from Thursday to Sunday. For the online sale, each customer will be allowed to buy just one cup and sales will be limited to 1,000 cups per day.



Spring Festival Gala  春晚

The 2019 China Central Television (CCTV) Spring Festival Galaattained an aggregate viewership of 1.173 billion across all platforms, up about 42 million over the same period last year.


This year, more than 621.4 million people in China and another 24.8 million overseas watched the show on television, while a surging number of viewers -- 527 million -- watched it on new media platforms: apps, websites, video-streaming sites and social media.


Online approval ratings of the gala hit a whopping 96.98 percent.


央视春晚在除夕夜(Chinese Lunar New Year's eve)播出,是中国收视率最高的电视节目(most-watched television show)。今年央视春晚的收视率创下新纪录(set a new viewership record)。

对很多中国家庭来说,央视春晚(CCTV Spring Festival Gala)已经成为春节庆祝活动不可缺少的一部分(an integral part of the Chinese New Year rituals)。整场晚会通常持续几个小时(run for several hours),直到午夜,很多家庭会“守夜”迎接新年(stay up late to usher in the new year)。


Mount Qomolangma Base Camp  珠峰大本营


Kelsang, deputy director with the reserve's administration, said ordinary tourists are allowed to visit areas around Rongpo Monastery, 5,150 meters above sea level.


As for travelers who have a climbing permit, they can go to the base camp at an altitude of 5,200 meters. 


珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区(Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve)于1988年设立,涉及西藏日喀则市定日、聂拉木、吉隆和定结四县,总面积3.38万平方公里,位于中国境内及中尼边界上的五座海拔8000米以上山峰均在区内。

根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》,自然保护区分为核心区(core zone)、缓冲区(buffer zone)和实验区(experimental zone)。《条例》中表述:核心区“禁止任何单位和个人进入;除依照本条例第二十七条的规定经批准外,也不允许进入从事科学研究活动”。

2018年,珠峰保护区功能分区重新调整并获国务院批准。调整后,属实验区的绒布寺一带依据《条例》可以进入从事科学试验(scientific experiments)、教学实习(teaching and practicing)、参观考察(visit and inspection)、旅游(travel)等活动。绒布寺以上区域为珠峰保护区核心区。


多年来,大批登山者前来挑战极限,以至于山上遗留了大量人体排泄物(human feces)及睡袋(sleeping bags)、氧气瓶(oxygen tanks)等各种非生物降解的登山设备(non-biodegradable climbing equipment)。


The total number of climbers attempting to reach the summit from the north side will be capped at 300 this year, a third fewer than normal, as China begins a large-scale clean-up of the world’s highest peak.


China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down the rubbish; on the Nepalese side, organizers have started sending large waste bags with climbers during the spring climbing season to collect trash that can be winched back to base camp by helicopters.


中国今年还将首次对海拔8000米以上的登山者尸体(the remains of mountaineering victims)进行集中处理。西藏体育局还要求登山者,在下山的时候都必须携带8公斤的垃圾下来。

尼泊尔从2014年开始,向登山队收取4000美元的垃圾保证金(garbage deposit of $4,000),若队内有成员下山时未带回8公斤的垃圾和人类排泄物(bring back 8 kg of trash and human waste),这笔保证金将被没收(the deposit will be forfeited)。


Lantern Festival Night In The Forbidden City  紫禁城上元之夜

The Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the "Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City" will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20.


The event is the first of its kind in the Palace Museum's 94-year history. The main locations open to the public will be the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall, the Gate of Divine Might and other areas of the Palace Museum.


故宫介绍,此次活动不收费(free of charge),将邀请劳动模范(model workers)、北京榜样、快递小哥(deliverymen)、环卫工人(sanitation workers)、解放军和武警官兵(PLA and armed force soldiers)、消防队员(fire fighters)、公安干警(police officers)等各界代表以及观众朋友(预约成功者)数千人,前往观灯赏景,共贺良宵。


Vocational Education Reform  职业教育改革


China has vowed to cultivate more quality laborers and skilled workers by reforming its vocational education systems, according to the plan.


Vocational education and training systems will be reformed to match with science and technology development trends and market demands and to promote economic modernization and higher quality employment, the official documents note.


《方案》提出,从2019年开始,在职业院校、应用型本科高校启动“学历证书+若干职业技能等级证书(diploma plus certificates of vocational skills)”制度试点工作。

到2022年,职业院校教学条件基本达标,一大批普通本科高等学校向应用型转变,建设50所高水平高等职业学校(50 high quality higher vocational schools)和150个骨干专业(群)(150 core specialties)。


一是完善国家职业教育制度体系(improve national systems and policies relating to vocational education)。

二是构建职业教育国家标准(establish national standards for vocational education)。

三是促进产教融合(promote integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities)。

四是建设多元办学格局(diversified operation of vocational schools)。


No. 1 Central Document  中央一号文件

2月19日,新华社受权发布《中共中央 国务院关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好“三农”工作的若干意见》。



This year and the next will mark a decisive period for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and quite a few tough tasks must be fulfilled in the fields relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people.


Unswerving efforts must be made to ensure that addressing the issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people enjoy a central place on the work agenda of the CPC.

中央一号文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2019年连续十六年发布以“三农”(农业、农村、农民)为主题的中央一号文件,强调了“三农”问题(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中国社会主义现代化时期“重中之重”的地位。



The country should consolidate the sound momentum for agricultural and rural development, capitalize on the role of agriculture, rural areas and rural people as the ballast stone, and win the upper hand in effectively handling risks and challenges.


Work must be done to deepen agricultural supply-side structural reform, win the tough battle against poverty, give full play to the key role of rural primary-level Party organizations, and push forward rural vitalization in all respects, according to the document.In doing so, the country will ensure the fulfillment of goals and tasks for rural reform and development by 2020, it added.


Existent policies will be fully implemented to ensure the country's poverty elimination targets being realized - to lift all its rural residents living below current poverty line out of poverty and eliminate poverty in all poor counties and regions by 2020.


Focus will be put on providing assistance to areas of extreme poverty, via favorable policies ranging from major projects, poor resident relocation, finance and nurturing of talent.


The country vowed to solve prominent problems involving poverty reduction, and pledged consistent efforts to crack down on corruption and misconduct, according to the document.


The document noted that the country will strive to ensure effective supply of major agricultural products. Efforts will be made to ensure that grain planting area remains steady at 1.65 billion mu (110 million hectares) and arable land area is kept above 1.8 billion mu, as well as develop 800 million mu of high-standard farmland by 2020.


It said the country will move to optimize agricultural structure, boost production of green agricultural products or those in short supply, and roll out plans to increase soybean planting and support dairy industry.


The country vowed to step up breakthrough in key agricultural core technologies, and promote independent innovation in areas including biological breeding, heavy agricultural machinery, smart agriculture and green agricultural inputs.


The document also noted the country will enhance agricultural cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road, actively expand imports of agricultural products in short supply at home, diversify importing channels, and foster the development of multinational agricultural corporations.


Progress should be made to promote rural development as well as improve rural living environments and public services such as education, health care, social security, elderly care and culture.


The country will take measures to improve rural infrastructure including roads, grids and logistics network, as well as enhance pollution treatment and environmental protection.


According to the document, the country will foster the development of rural industries and diversify channels to increase the income of farmers.


It stressed developing industries with local characteristics, modern agricultural product processing and new rural services. The country will also push forward a digital countryside strategy.


The country should improve employment services and vocational training to promote the employment of the rural labor force and increase their incomes, the document said.


China will encourage rural migrant workers, college graduates, veterans and urban personnel to make innovations and start businesses in rural areas, and support the building of service platforms to encourage business startups.


Efforts will be stepped up to build a new policy system for agricultural subsidies, according to the document, which said the country would formulate and improve agriculture support and protection policies following principles that comply with World Trade Organization rules, protect farmers' interests and support agricultural development.


The document also covered policies to improve the rural governance mechanism to maintain rural harmony and stability, strengthen rural primary-level Party organizations, and enhance Party leadership on agricultural and rural affairs.


Double-Decker Bullet Train  双层动车组

A model of China's future double-decker bullet train was unveiled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Monday, with experts predicting it could reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour.


据介绍,双层动车组(double-decker bullet train)瞄准国际市场,以时速160公里为基础技术平台,车体、转向架等核心部件按照高速动车组的标准设计、验证(core components designed according to the current standards for high-speed trains),可以根据不同需求进行技术升级(technological upgrade),达到时速160公里以上多种速度等级。同时整车采用轻量化设计,复合制动控制(hybrid braking system),安全节能环保。

西南交通大学教授张卫华介绍说,德国、法国的下一代高速列车均提倡用双层动车组技术,其目标是提高旅客乘坐能力,提升运能(improving passenger capacity),提高经济性(economic efficiency)。

列车高速行驶,如果车体加高、荷载加重,高速转弯时会因离心力作用导致失稳(lose stability due to centrifugal forces),这也是双层高铁动车组研制中最关键的问题。

张卫华说:“就速度来说,只要解决了低重心和大容量等设计技术问题(design and technical problems such as the train's high center of gravity and large passenger capacity),单层速度跑时速350公里,双层动车速度也应该没问题。”


Assigning Homework On Mobile Apps  APP布置作业

Zhejiang province is moving to ban teachers from assigning homework on mobile apps as part of an effort to save students' eyesight.


Along with banning app-based homework assignments, the regulation would limit the use of electronic devices to 30 percent of total teaching time and instead encourage homework to be completed by hand on paper.


作业方面,小学一二年级不布置书面家庭作业(no written homework at all should be assigned to children in the first two years of school),三至六年级书面家庭作业完成时间不得超过60分钟,初中不得超过90分钟,高中阶段也要合理安排作业时间。

在考试管理方面,全面推进义务教育学校免试就近入学全覆盖(fully implement the policy ensuring that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams)。小学一二年级每学期不得超过1次,其他年级每学期不得超过2次。严禁以任何形式、方式公布学生考试成绩和排名(no release of test results and ranks in any form);严禁以各类竞赛获奖证书、学科竞赛成绩或考级证明等作为招生入学依据(enrollment based on academic competition results will be banned);严禁以各种名义组织考试选拔学生。

防控儿童青少年近视,浙江省教育厅还要求,强化体育课和课外锻炼(increase the time for sports and extra-curricular activities),大课间、课外体育活动、眼保健操时间均纳入课表(long breaks, extra-curricular sports activities and eye exercises will be included in school schedules),严格按规定时间组织实施。儿童青少年近视防控工作(myopia prevention and control)、总体近视率(overall myopia rate)和体质健康状况(physical health)纳入政府绩效考核的要求。


Teachers will not be allowed to use the WeChat or QQ messaging apps to assign homework or ask parents to grade students' homework.



Breakdancing  霹雳舞

Breakdancing has been proposed for inclusion in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, organizers have announced. It is among four sports that organizers will propose to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as well as surfing, climbing and skateboarding, which will all debut at Tokyo 2020.


霹雳舞(breakdancing)起源于上世纪60年代末、70年代初,最初在非裔和拉丁裔美国年轻人当中兴起,有时也简称为breaking、b-boying或b-girling(跳霹雳舞的人就可以简称为breaker、b-boy或b-girl),属于街舞(street dance)的一种。霹雳舞的动作多为即兴(improvisational),主要强调能量、动作、创意,还有一点点危险的感觉。这里的break指DJ通过混音制造出的连续的舞曲节拍(a continuous dancing beat)。

2018年,霹雳舞作为新增项目首次在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯青奥会(Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires)亮相。

The young participants competed in head-to-head "battles" under nicknames, with Russia's b-boy Bumblebee taking home the men's gold medal, while Japan's Ramu Kawai won the girls' title.

年轻选手们都有自己的昵称,在赛场上捉对“厮杀”,最终俄罗斯选手Bumblebee和日本选手Ramu Kawai分获男女金牌。


"We are pleased to see that Paris 2024's proposal for new sports to the Olympic programme is very much in line with the reforms of Olympic Agenda 2020, which is striving to make the Olympic programme gender-balanced, more youth-focused and more urban."


巴黎奥组委主席托尼·埃斯坦盖(Tony Estanguet)表示:

Breakdancing is a fantastic opportunity to be really in line with the story that Paris 2024 wants to tell. We want those Games in connection with creativity, connected with the youth, more urban, more out of the stadiums.


国际奥委会全会于2014年12月通过了《奥林匹克2020议程》(Olympic Agenda 2020),围绕可持续发展、提高公信力和吸引青少年三大主题(with regard to sustainability, credibility and youth)提出了40条改革建议,其中包括相对灵活地设置奥运会比赛项目、东道主可提议增项(allow the OCOGs to make a proposal for the inclusion of one or more additional events on the Olympic programme for that edition of the Olympic Games)。


China's Education Modernization 2035  中国教育现代化2035

China's Education Modernization 2035 plan sets the direction for the development of the education sector so that its overall capacity and international influence are strengthened.



到2020年,全面实现“十三五”发展目标,教育总体实力和国际影响力显著增强(overall capacity and international influence are strengthened),劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限明显增加,教育现代化取得重要进展,为全面建成小康社会作出重要贡献。

在此基础上,再经过15年努力,到2035年,总体实现教育现代化,迈入教育强国(education power)行列,推动我国成为学习大国、人力资源强国和人才强国(making China a powerhouse in terms of education,human resources and talents),为到本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国(to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the century)奠定坚实基础。


建成服务全民终身学习的现代教育体系(a modern education system of lifelong learning)、普及有质量的学前教育(universal quality preschool education)、实现优质均衡的义务教育(quality and balanced compulsory education)、全面普及高中阶段教育、职业教育服务能力显著提升(enhanced vocational education)、高等教育竞争力明显提升( more competitive higher education)、残疾儿童少年享有适合的教育(special schooling for the disabled)、形成全社会共同参与的教育治理新格局。


一是学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想(following Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。

二是发展中国特色世界先进水平的优质教育(building world-class education sector with Chinese Characteristics)。

三是推动各级教育高水平高质量普及(improving the accessibility of quality education from pre-school to higher education stages)。

四是实现基本公共教育服务均等化(ensuring equal access to basic public education services)。

五是构建服务全民的终身学习体系(establishing a modern education system of lifelong learning)。

六是提升一流人才培养与创新能力(improving cultivation process of first-class talents and their innovation capability)。

七是建设高素质专业化创新型教师队伍(building a highly professional teaching staff with innovative aspirations)。

八是加快信息化时代教育变革(speeding up education reform in the information era)。

九是开创教育对外开放新格局(further opening the education sector to the world)。

十是推进教育治理体系和治理能力现代化(promoting education modernization in terms of management system and capacity)。


Gender Discrimination  性别歧视

A notice jointly released by nine bodies — including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the All-China Women’s Federation, and the Supreme People’s Court — prohibits companies from prioritizing any candidate or rejecting any application based on gender. Employers can face fines of up to 50,000 yuan for publishing job ads with sexist requirements, while recruiting agencies may have their work permits revoked for severe discriminatory practices.


英语中的sexism一词指的是prejudice or discrimination based on sex(基于性别的偏见或歧视),尤其指针对女性的歧视(discrimination against women),抱有这种性别歧视态度的人就称为sexist。“性别歧视”更正式一些的说法是gender discrimination。而提倡性别平等(gender equality),抵制性别歧视的人群则是feminist(女权主义者),他们所倡导的理念就是feminism(女权主义)。

通知提出,各类用人单位、人力资源服务机构在招聘过程中不得询问妇女婚育情况(asking female applicants about their marital or childbearing status),不得将妊娠测试作为入职体检项目(requiring new employees to take pregnancy tests),不得将限制生育作为录用条件(restricting births as a condition of employment),不得差别化地提高对妇女的录用标准。


Gender equality is the basic national policy of our country. Promoting equal employment for women is conducive to promoting women’s wider and deeper participation in social and economic activities and enhancing social productivity and economic vitality.


通知特别提到,要加强监察执法,依法惩处侵害女职工孕期、产期、哺乳期特殊劳动保护权益行为(workplace rights protection during pregnancy, child birth and baby nursing period)。

同时,通知还提出将用人单位、人力资源服务机构因发布含有性别歧视内容的招聘信息接受行政处罚等情况纳入人力资源市场诚信记录(credit record of human resources market),依法实施失信惩戒。


Facial Recognition  人脸识别


The facial recognition system can identify over 2,100 "suspected scalpers" who frequently come to make appointments at registration desks and sell them to others for a profit.



这里的scalper就是我们通常所说的“黄牛”,指“以暴利为目的,转手倒卖车票、戏票、球票或电影票等稀缺票证资源的人”,具体来说就有ticket scalpers(票贩子)和appointment scalpers(医院的号贩子)等。

这个词的词根scalp原指“头皮”。到了17世纪,scalp延伸为“战利品”——北美印第安人与敌人交战时,若取胜,常把对方的头皮剥下来作为“战利品”。再之后,scalp指“转手倒卖并从中获利”,可做动词,如to scalp tickets to the baseball game(倒卖棒球比赛的门票)。

据了解,北京通过开展整治“号贩子”“网络医托”专项行动,去年治安拘留“号贩子”900余人。被人脸识别系统关注的“号贩子”一旦进入医院,系统后台即可发现并进行监控(once these scalpers enter the hospitals, they will be monitored)。


Kim-Trump Summit  金特会


Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump ended their summit, without a deal, on Thursday in Vietnam's capital Hanoi, according to the White House.



Though the two leaders ended their meeting without any agreement, Kim and Trump had "very good and constructive meetings" and discussed various ways to "advance denuclearization and economic driven concepts," the statement from the White House said.



No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future.



A gap remained between what the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United States wanted.


Despite the no-deal meeting, Trump said he would "continue to work on that" with the DPRK leader to narrow the gap between the two countries.



"What we proposed was not the removal of all sanctions, but they are partial removal," said Ri Yong Ho at a press conference, adding the DPRK only asked for those sanctions impeding the livelihood of its people to be removed first.


If the United States agrees to the proposal, the DPRK "will permanently and completely dismantle all the nuclear production facilities in Yongbyon area, including plutonium and uranium in the presence of US experts and by the joint work of technicians of both countries," Ri said.




Over the past year or so, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has witnessed a major turnaround and the Peninsula issue has been brought back onto the right track of political settlement. This outcome is hard-won and should be cherished.


In fact, ups and downs on the Peninsula over the past several decades show that dialogue and consultation is the only way out, and only by meeting each other half way can ensure steady progress on the right course. We hope that the DPRK and the US will continue to engage in dialogue, show sincerity, respect and accommodate each other's legitimate concerns and jointly promote denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula. China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard.


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