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2018热词回顾(12.10—12. 17)|中国日报
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:14 作者:官方文章 点击:

每周热词回顾(12.10—12. 17)




Person of the Year  年度人物

Time magazine has chosen "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted for their work, as Person of the Year.


《时代》周刊11日将2018年度人物(Person of the Year)授予被称为"守护者(Guardians)"的一群记者,他们分别是沙特记者贾马尔·卡舒吉、菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨、路透社记者瓦隆和吴觉梭以及美国马里兰州《首府公报》的员工。这是自《时代》周刊开始评选年度人物以来记者首次获得该称号,也是该杂志首次将这一荣誉授予逝者(this is the first time Time has given the accolade to someone no longer alive)。

《华盛顿邮报》沙特籍记者卡舒吉因报道沙特政府负面信息,于10月2日进入沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆后被害,此后卡舒吉案细节的不断公布受到全球瞩目;今年6月,美国马里兰州《首府新闻报》五名员工在枪击案中遇害(five members of the Capital Gazette staff were killed in a shooting);菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨因对当地政府进行批判性报道,被以逃税罪名逮捕(be arrested on tax evasion charges);路透社记者瓦龙和吴觉梭因报道罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀(report on a massacre of Rohingya Muslims),被判处7年监禁。

《时代》周刊总编爱德华·费尔森塔尔(editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal)表示,因为他们敢于冒巨大的风险追求更伟大的真理,他们对事实进行虽不完美但至关重要的探寻——这些事实是公民话语的核心,他们敢于直言不讳、大声疾呼,所以这些"守护者"当选年度人物(for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts that are central to civil discourse, for speaking up and for speaking out, the "Guardians" are the Person of the Year)。


Braking At Perilune  近月制动

China's Chang'e 4 robotic probe completed its braking at perilune and entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, marking a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moon's far side. 


据国防科工局、国家航天局消息,12日16时45分,嫦娥四号在经过近110个小时的飞行后,精准完成首次近月制动(complete its first braking at perilune),进入距月面约100公里的椭圆形环月轨道(enter an elliptical lunar orbit about 100 km above the surface)。所谓近月制动,就是给高速飞行在地月转移轨道(Earth-Moon transfer orbit)的航天器减速(decelerate),使其被月球的引力捕获,建立正常姿态,进行绕月飞行(orbit around the moon)。

嫦娥四号于8日凌晨发射升空(lift/blast off),9日实施了一次轨道修正(the trajectory of the spacecraft was adjusted),确保其不偏离前往月球的正确轨道(make sure it remains on the right track toward the silver sphere)。后续,嫦娥四号将在环月轨道运行数天,调整环月轨道高度和倾角(altitude and angle),开展与中继星的中继链路(data links with the relay satellite)在轨测试和导航敏感器(navigation sensors)在轨测试,确保探测器最终能进入预定的着陆区,择机实施月球背面软着陆(make a soft landing on the moon's far side)。


National Economic Census  全国经济普查


China's fourth national economic census will officially begin on the first day of 2019. The survey, which will last three months, will cover all businesses involved in secondary and tertiary industries.


全国经济普查(national economic census)是国家为全面详细了解我国二、三产业(secondary and tertiary industries)发展状况而统一组织的一项重大国情国力调查,是国家为摸清“家底”、掌握国情国力而采取的有效方法。

第四次全国经济普查的对象是在我国境内从事第二产业和第三产业的全部法人单位(impersonal entities)、产业活动单位(industrial activity units)和个体经营户(self-employed entrepreneurs)。这次普查的主要内容包括普查对象的基本情况、组织结构( the enterprises' structure)、人员工资(staff wages)、生产能力(production capacity)、财务状况(financial status)、生产经营和服务活动、能源消费(energy consumption)、研发活动( research and development activities)、信息化建设和电子商务交易情况(e-commerce trading)等。


After-School Training Institutions  校外培训机构

China has been carrying out comprehensive inspections of allafter-school training institutions to ensure that those not meeting government standards make corrections by the end of this year, the Ministry of Education said on Thursday.


教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚表示,截至12日,全国共排查校外培训机构40万余所(more than 400,000 after-school training institutions from across the country had been inspected),发现其中有27.3万所校外培训机构不符合标准(be not up to the standards),已整改24.8万所,整改完成率达到90%。

教育部副部长朱之文指出,解决校外培训火爆的问题必须标本兼治(address both its symptoms and root causes)、内外联动、堵疏结合。一方面,对现有的培训予以规范,该整治的整治,该取缔的取缔,合法合规地办培训。另一方面,要完善治理(improve governance),加强监管,建立长效机制(build long-term mechanism)。同时还要在教育教学改革(education reform)、学校管理等方面共同发力,让中小学的功能充分发挥,减少学生校外培训的需求,最大限度挤压校外培训的空间。

据介绍,教育部等四部门今年年初联合印发通知,开展中小学校外培训机构专项治理(special rectification),针对中小学各类竞赛进行清理,禁止中小学生招生与培训结果挂钩(the training results from these institutions are banned from using as criteria for enrollment in primary and middle schools)。教育部还出台了关于规范校外培训机构发展的意见,加强制度建设。同时支持各地中小学结合实际开展形式多样的课后服务,着力让广大中小学生在校内就能基本满足学习需求(meet their learning needs)。


No-Confidence Vote, Vote of No Confidence  不信任投票

Theresa May is to continue as British prime minister after surviving a vote of no confidence in her leadership from members of her own Conservative Party.


不信任投票(no-confidence vote, vote of no confidence)是指议会制国家(countries with a parliamentary system)的议会为表决对政府(内阁)的不信任案而进行的投票。这种投票源于1841年英国议会,后为许多国家所采用。为避免政局动荡不安(political upheaval),许多国家都对不信任投票作了种种限制,一般情况下,不信任案(no-confidence motion)只有获得议员过半数票才能通过。

这次不记名投票(secret ballot)由英国首相特蕾莎·梅所在的保守党的48位议员(Member of Parliament, MP)发起,原因是他们对梅与欧盟达成的脱欧协议不满(be dissatisfied with the Brexit deal May has struck with the EU),称这份协议背离了2016年公投的结果(betray the 2016 referendum result)。如果半数以上保守党议员对首相表示不信任,梅就要辞职。


The Sustainable Development of Countryside Tourism  乡村旅游可持续发展


The document emphasizes adhering to the principles of putting the ecology first, being people-oriented as well as development based on actual local conditions.


意见明确了促进乡村旅游可持续发展(the sustainable development of countryside tourism)的五项措施,包括:

加强规划引领,优化区域布局,促进乡村旅游区域协同发展(promoting regional coordinated development);

完善基础设施,提升公共服务(improving infrastructure and public service),改善乡村旅游环境,促进乡村旅游便利化(promoting the environment and convenience of countryside tourism);

丰富文化内涵,提升产品品质,丰富乡村旅游产品类型(providing more tourism products),提高乡村旅游服务管理水平;

创建旅游品牌,加大市场营销,培育构建乡村旅游品牌体系(building countryside tourism brands),创新乡村旅游营销模式;

注重农民受益,助力脱贫攻坚(helping improve the livelihoods and well-being of rural residents),探索推广发展模式,完善利益联结机制。


Lipstick Collection  口红系列

On Sunday, the Palace Museum released its new series of product - limited edition of a lipstick collection in six colors on T-mall, provoking excitement among netizens and fashion lovers. 


据报道,这个口红系列(lipstick collection)由故宫博物院文化创意馆联合国产美妆品牌润百颜发布。六款口红颜色分别为郎窑红(Lang Yao glaze red)、玫紫色(rose-purple)、豆沙红(bean paste red)、碧玺色(tourmaline purple)、枫叶红(maple red)和变色人鱼姬(mermaid pink)。这些口红膏体颜色均来自故宫博物院所藏的红色国宝器物,口红管外观设计则从清宫后妃服饰的颜色和图案上汲取灵感(be inspired by colors and patterns of clothes belonging to empresses and imperial concubines of the Qing Dynasty),一个外观设计对应一款膏体色。比如,最受青睐的郎窑红(the most favored Lang Yao glaze red)色号,灵感源自郎窑红釉观音尊,外观设计灵感源自洋红色缎绣百花文夹氅衣。口红膏体颜色和外管色调十分协调、搭调。


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